View Full Version : leaseweb vs hosting ie

09-12-2007, 09:03 AM
well after a lot of people said leeware is shit i decided not to rent it and it will be one of leaseweb or hosting ie

so please if someone have them tell me what speed do u get with them ?

on leaseweb : Express Server 1 that costs 49 EU

on hosting ie : Dedic Raptor Pro Lin 571 ( i don't get the setup fee though does they mean i will pay 39 + 78 ??? hell no - or that is something different ? )

so help please

09-12-2007, 02:45 PM
i would take leaseweb imo b\c hosting ie support is shit but unmetered is good if worth the bad support

09-12-2007, 02:53 PM
Also on leaseweb you'll get better speeds.

09-12-2007, 03:25 PM
Leaseweb is the best!

09-12-2007, 03:26 PM
hosting.ie if unlimited BW is important, and is the only thing of importance to you, and you are planning on using a seedbox for 3 months or more.

Other than that, LW all the way if a short term lease is required and you can manage within the BW allocated.

09-12-2007, 05:46 PM
thanks for all the answers i guess i will get leaseweb

09-12-2007, 07:38 PM
You can get alot of more troughput with a hosting-ie box. But the leaseweb will get the BW you have there out faster :P