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View Full Version : What Do You Think Of The New Tombraider

07-06-2003, 04:27 PM
Everybody says it sucks but I think its awsome! it keeps getting better and better!
I like it just way it is and I love the controls I dont know why everybody hates them! what do you think?

07-06-2003, 04:42 PM
I'd love to let u know but have'nt quite finished d/l it yet maybe tomo!!
by the way do u have to unrar anything and did you burn it to disc's ok??


07-06-2003, 09:00 PM
I think the controls suck personally, the movement sucks where you have to be in a precise spot to activate/open something. So tedious when you want a fast action shooting game (which it is meant to be ) and finding out that she wont move when shes even at the slightest angle running into a wall. Most other games you 'glide' over the walls to stop gamers getting pissed off as you dont have to maneover PRECISELY like Tomb raider insists. And frankly graphics wise, for a game coming out now....the graphics are shite and Ive got a good comp with details maxed, shit game in my opinon.

07-06-2003, 09:24 PM
I say horrible. Why? The other ones weren't that good anyways.

07-06-2003, 09:33 PM
The other ones were shit aswell. We all know why they got so much media praise though ............ She was one of the first major female heroines in a game kicking butt. Waste o time.

07-07-2003, 02:02 AM
Alright this game is not a shooter! It's a game where a game where you have to use your head I honestly never had problems with the controls I think this is an awsome game you just need to be more paticient whith this game.

You can get the version that works at www.suprnova.org you'll get two .rar files
extract them and you'll get files like .001,.002,.003etc open the first file with win zip and you'll get a .bin file :D

07-07-2003, 07:08 AM
Uh we already have the game hence our explanations on how shite it is, we dont need your explanation on how to install a downloaded game, jeez your trying to act as you knoweverything, no one here cares.

P.S. Oh and not a shooter? I wonder what those funny devices she holds and when she activates them something comes out of them and kills another NPC........

07-07-2003, 12:25 PM
This game is very good! I'm now halfway the game (HALL OF SEASONS).
I only played TR 1 before this game, so I don't know the improvements of the last games.
But I don't like the controls (maybe because I compare them with the GTA:VC controls).

here is an UPDATE patch (http://games.softnews.ro/public/cat/6/6-45.shtml)

07-07-2003, 04:18 PM
wats it like cause i havnt seen it yet, is it worth buying??? :unsure:

07-07-2003, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by TNTIcemanTNT@7 July 2003 - 02:08
Uh we already have the game hence our explanations on how shite it is, we dont need your explanation on how to install a downloaded game, jeez your trying to act as you knoweverything, no one here cares.

P.S. Oh and not a shooter? I wonder what those funny devices she holds and when she activates them something comes out of them and kills another NPC........
Ok look somebodie asked for what to do to to istall it! Besides just because there are some shooting elements in the game doesent necessarily make a shooter dumb ass. I may not know everything but I know enough that you are a fag ass bastart with stupid comments!

Jeez Silent hill 2 has guns in it and you dont see everyone calling it a shooter.

07-07-2003, 06:26 PM
God I thought you were more inteligent than you portray, ....well not after your appauling spelling. If you actully had any information of genres, you will find that Angel of Darkness is classified as a Shooter/Platform game. The element of shooting coming from the weaponry and the element of platform due to the jumping/various physical tasks with a slight RPG touch. So dumbass "fag ass bastart" as you so call call it :lol: look again you spasticated fool.

07-07-2003, 06:33 PM
Iceman, you are an idiot. All Tomb Raider games are classified as Action & Adventure. The action being using guns and that to fight stuff and adventure being the solving puzzles/platforming/exploring part. Damn, if your going to try to act like you know it all, maybe you should actually take the time and look to see exactly what it is before you post and make yourself look like a dumbass.

07-07-2003, 07:54 PM
Ah glad someone else is getting a tad touchy. Lol, I just cant stop laughing at you though, as youve said exactly what I have. it has the platform elements......and if you actully knew shooters are not classified to just FPS, but 3rd person aswell, and the guns and .shooting tend to suggest........hey guess what! SHOOTER. I didnt say it was just a shooter but you are one dumb shit if you cant see that elemt, as I had already mentioned the Platform and Slight RPG touch of choosing your own dialogue. So reverse the accusation and say to your self: " Do I know what I'm talking about?"

07-07-2003, 08:22 PM
No shit moron it has shooting elements. But the action is not all just shooting. It has hand to hand combat. You can't just classify it as a Shooter/Platform. God, people like you who insist on trying to bring others down and cause arguments disgust me.

07-07-2003, 09:14 PM
Lol can you read, you truly are stupid. Im sorry but where do I say "it is just a shooter". I didnt you faggot, I said it had a 'element' of shooting. Now if you knew how to read you could pick up a dictionary and see that the word means a part of in this context. So why dont you read the areas where i mention the other aspects of the game, and if you can sucessfully do that, and raise your IQ and awareness, then you might just even have the relevance to come back whining to me.

07-07-2003, 09:24 PM
Aw shut up nobodie cares about your smart ass crap!

07-07-2003, 09:28 PM
i like AOD, better graphics! gameplay is pretty much the same as in the previous raider titles; explore, solve puzzles, fight the occasional enemy.... :)

if you liked the previous tomb raider games, you'll like this one. and if you have never liked the tomb raider series, then you'll hate this game too! :P

07-07-2003, 09:29 PM
it sucks :angry:

07-07-2003, 09:30 PM
I have never really liked any of the tombradier games and they get worse as they go on.

07-07-2003, 09:52 PM
the lord has spoken

07-07-2003, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by TNTIcemanTNT@7 July 2003 - 21:52
the lord has spoken
you got it B)