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View Full Version : Windows Update's Perception Problem

09-14-2007, 12:31 PM
http://www.neowin.net/images/news/logos/ms_updaten.gif"The Web site Windows Secrets.com identified the odd updating behavior, which eWEEK Labs independently confirmed, in a newsletter published today. Windows Update changed nine files on Windows XP or Vista systems without asking permission. Besides asking why this was done, is the question of "What?," as in what was updated.

Microsoft PR responded with three paragraphs attributed to an unidentified spokesperson. Since receiving the response, we have made a more explicit request to talk to someone on the phone. In response to that request, we were asked to submit questions via e-mail because the people who could comment "are busy trouble-shooting" the situation."

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:source: Source: eWeek's MS-Watch (http://www.microsoft-watch.com/content/operating_systems/windows_updates_perception_problem.html)
:view: Windows Sercrets: Microsoft updates Windows without users' consent