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View Full Version : Keyweb RootDS & Seedbox

09-19-2007, 05:47 PM
hail to all fst community :)

i am planning to have a seedbox to improve my ratios and etc but i am completely confused about all this seedbox stuff. after searching and reading threads about seedboxes i think keyweb is good for seedboxes but i am not clear about which server & option to choose. i don't have too much linux experience and i dont wanna struggle on remote connection with lots of shell coomands and etc, one thing i am sure of is i want a windows box but i am not sure about will i be able to use it like using my own computer with uTorrent via remoteCon. to shorten this post i ll list my issues here and i'll be really happy if you could give some advice and express ur experiences with ur seedboxes.

1) is keyweb really right choice ?
2) if i choose keyweb should i select RootDS or VRS or Dedicated ?
3) if RootDS which packet should i choose ? i am planning to seed max 5-10 torrents max at a time.
4) what's the max up speed i can get with RootDS ? there is something on the site like "dFlat Datatransfer mtl. inklusive" what does this mean ? is it 10Mbit or 100Mbit line and whats the total bandwidth i can use per month or is it unmetered.
5) and i could not understand if this RootDS servers in a pool or not
6) and finally can i have ur advices and experiences with keyweb company.

lotsa thanks in advance :)

09-19-2007, 10:36 PM
You didn't specify the most important thing: your budget! :)

09-19-2007, 11:00 PM
I'll try to answer ur questions. Iam not very into seedboxes and stuff, so just simple facts:

1) Iam using keyweb, i think its pretty good for not so high price
2) RootDS
3) Start should be good for 5-10 torrents, but if u have no problem to add few euros, go for Profi
4) you have no bandwidth limitations, i think i reached something like 5-6MB on single torrent, for single peer 1-2MB
5) i dont really know, or better - i dont understand what you mean :P
6) I think its way better than leeware for exapmle and its just few euros to add. Speeds are fine, support quite fast (1 day to reply to my mail). Only bad thing i was experiencing is occasionall servers Timing Out. If you dont use vncviewer/sftp, it may be problem to recover from server overload (since you cant access webui and delete torrents). So you cant really cross the line of 10 torrents max @ time. Else than that, iam pretty happy with KeyWeb. I heard some rumours about security, but noone confirmed that so far.


I am sure there are other ppl who can tell u more&better than me.. iam not an expert :P

Hope it helps you a bit atleast.

09-20-2007, 02:09 AM
or you can get the windows version and use utorrent. Its 5 euros more but I think it is definitely worth it. Support is good Ive had trouble tickets worked on when they said they were closed (yes I took the time difference into account). I love keyweb thus far and plan on staying with them for a while!

09-20-2007, 08:47 AM
stroj thanks for the info mate, i think i am going to get RootDS-Premium for 44.90. By the way do you limit ur total upload per month to not to get attention from admins ? and what was ur maximum monthly upload until now ? :)


09-20-2007, 08:48 AM
double post_

09-20-2007, 09:19 AM
stroj thanks for the info mate, i think i am going to get RootDS-Premium for 44.90. By the way do you limit ur total upload per month to not to get attention from admins ? and what was ur maximum monthly upload until now ? :)


no, i dont limit my upload, but i believe you can drag their attention if u upload TB's in one week, which is quite difficult (but actually everywhere, where you get unlimited bw is the same). I dont know what is my monthly upload, but for the picture, this night i uploaded 28gb from 2 torrents.

09-20-2007, 12:27 PM
in fact i really need to learn how much i can upload per month without getting attention, thats a crucial point :(