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View Full Version : average age of private tracker members and staff

09-20-2007, 09:17 AM
what do you think the average age on each private tracker is?

are there "younger" or "older" tracker communities if it comes to members?

what's the average age of staff and admins on certain tracker?
-i was quite suprised when i learned that some staff and admins are "very" young.

how does user age correlate with content?

could some tracker be described as "kindergarten" and some "for old farts"?

something to discuss, i guess

for a start: most users on oink are 20-24.
don't know about staff there.

p.s. hey staff members: if you don't think that this information is to personal, tell us your age :yup:

09-20-2007, 09:51 AM
what do you think the average age on each private tracker is?
I guess it's 20.:)

are there "younger" or "older" tracker communities if it comes to members?
I don't think so. It is pretty mixed up.

what's the average age of staff and admins on certain tracker?
I guess they are pretty young...

how does user age correlate with content?
Linear correlation.:) The younger the more game and XXX. The older - the more sophisticated the content should be...

could some tracker be described as "kindergarten" and some "for old farts"?
I don't think so. It's hard to tell. But for. e.g. sites like KG, TheSpleen, BitMe, Elbitz are definitely no kindergarten.

09-20-2007, 10:12 AM
what's the average age of staff and admins on certain tracker?

i guess about 22

09-20-2007, 10:16 AM
I'd say that Demonoid would probably have the youngest users and the oldest users.

09-20-2007, 10:19 AM
"for old farts"?

U*-T ? :P

09-20-2007, 10:28 AM
I know mods who are 15-16

09-20-2007, 10:30 AM
I'd add TheVault, BTMusic and E as the sites with more older users.

09-20-2007, 10:34 AM
Average age of revolt staff, probably somewhere around 40 - 45.
Average age of the members, was somewhere around 25 - 30 until recently.

09-20-2007, 10:37 AM
About 20-25

09-20-2007, 10:42 AM
filezone has a mod that was 13 when the tracker started, one mod is nearly 16, 2 of them 18 and one of the sysops is 17 . What a kickass staff that is

09-20-2007, 10:59 AM
When you're receiving multiple mass mailings to your tracker inbox asking you to ignore the other mailings and listen to THIS one, the age range of the staff is very apparent.

09-20-2007, 11:01 AM
Average age of revolt staff, probably somewhere around 40 - 45.
Average age of the members, was somewhere around 25 - 30 until recently.

That makes me wonder why kids want the invite so badly.

09-20-2007, 11:06 AM
When you're receiving multiple mass mailings to your tracker inbox asking you to ignore the other mailings and listen to THIS one, the age range of the staff is very apparent.

:lol: mhmm

09-20-2007, 11:13 AM
when i was 13 i was into computers as well. playing with my c64 and a datasette :)

let's assume nowadays a 13yo runs a tracker with 100.000 members, moderates forums and handles donations. would that be ok with you?

for me personally it wouldn't be a problem as long as the job is done in a proper way.

BUT: if it comes to content, i sort of doubt that my taste will match the taste of those kids. especially when it comes to music and movies. so i would probably prefer a tracker for more mature audience.

09-20-2007, 11:28 AM
I don't know of any sites that are actually run by 13 year olds. Think of the practicalities....how do they pay for the servers....how do they set up a paypal account for donations. Is it possible to have a bunch of 13 year olds running a tracker....I think not.

And what AugustoP said about revolt is very true. Whilst there is a good range of ages there, those that are still kids will find no common ground there and it is not the place for them.

09-20-2007, 12:23 PM

09-20-2007, 01:39 PM
The staff on my site at the moment ranges between 16 (I Beleive is the youngest... he was 14 however when he first became a staff member.) and the oldest that I can think of is about 39-40ish I think. I beleive the average age of our staff runs between 20 - 30 yrs old..
I dont really pick staff members based on age/gender its more based on their activity/knowledge and experience.

I myself just turned 26 recently. Ive been running trackers in general since I was about 21 (If I recall correctly) I was running stuff on irc/other methods of filesharing prior to that as well.

I beleive the average age of users in general on my site is between 20 - 30 as well.
But thats just a guess I dont really ask many people for their age.

09-20-2007, 01:54 PM
I think the physical age of someone is irrelevant, it is their maturity online that matters.

You can have a 17yr old who handles situations with a coolhead, and you can have a 40yr old who gets hot headed everytime someone insults his wife/gf/kids.

I think staff members have to be able to handle criticism and difficult situations well, it's a person's online persona that defines how well they can do that, although some would say physical age helps due to past experience.

09-20-2007, 01:54 PM
i think mostly that active users ranges from 15-17 to about 35. under 15 and over 35 is kinda rare. if a poll on a tracker was made about this then that would be good. at least its more interesting to know than "did you enjoy our pokemon week" wtf

09-20-2007, 02:16 PM
from my exp ive seen staff that range from 16-21 with some floating around 25-28.

09-20-2007, 03:59 PM
From the recent discussions I have been seeing and from chats on most of the top trackers IRC networks I estimate that the average age is around 15 years old and the maturity level certainly isn't there.

Just my two cents.

09-20-2007, 04:36 PM
From the recent discussions I have been seeing and from chats on most of the top trackers IRC networks I estimate that the average age is around 15 years old and the maturity level certainly isn't there.

Just my two cents.

Yeah thats known fact about IRC chats

09-20-2007, 04:55 PM
I was actually quite surprised when I qlued onto the fact that many tracker admins are pretty young. I had always imagined they where in my age group (19-30) when in fact some are much younger than my younger brother :lol: But I think you can tell on a tracker the age of the staff by the maturity of the forums and the general feel of the site. For example FSC seems to have a more mature feel to it than some other sites.

I don't think age matters much though as long as the code is secure and the staff can be trusted with your information than imo it's all good.

09-20-2007, 05:43 PM
Well, i have been filesharing for quite some time. I guess longer then a lot of staff has been walking.

Back in the day of 2400 bps modems and bbs's

09-20-2007, 05:58 PM
Well, i have been filesharing for quite some time. I guess longer then a lot of staff has been walking.

Back in the day of 2400 bps modems and bbs's

Ah, the days of C64 & Amiga releases and actually downloading intros! :lol:

09-20-2007, 10:17 PM
Ah, the days of C64 & Amiga releases and actually downloading intros! :lol:

memories :rolleyes: - we had our own cracking service. how cool was it to finally have an intro with text scrolling on the whole screen on the c64.

i'm like old :(

filesharing in those days was bringing two huge boxes of 5.25 floppy disks to your friends house.

09-21-2007, 04:58 AM
But I think you can tell on a tracker the age of the staff by the maturity of the forums and the general feel of the site. For example FSC seems to have a more mature feel to it than some other sites.

I think this is so true abotu FSC ... I think the staff is older and most of the members are in mid-twenties too ...

09-21-2007, 05:29 AM
FTN's staff ranges from 18-old.. I say old because Zlo is too ancient for me to embarrass :innocent:

I'm 22, guess you could say thats the average age of our staff (excluding z-dog)

edit: true about FSC's staff being old :P Although some are around my age, but the founders and thus general attitude there is very mature because of it. Just thought I'd share that from my staffing experience there. If you want a tracker that you can feel secure in the attitude area, I would give FSC 5/5 stars. Only person I've seen act a bit immature was Retro, but I would probably pin that to being stressed which he seemed to be at the time due to working conditions.

09-21-2007, 10:00 AM
I'm 18, SCC's staff are around 18 - 25.

09-21-2007, 12:59 PM
The average rate on staffers @ NB is 24.6 I belive. I am 23 myself, but I've seen lots of really young staffers being high up, and the worst part is that some sceners are -really- young.. :/ Damn kids ^^


09-21-2007, 11:34 PM
and the worst part is that some sceners are -really- young.. :/ Damn kids

More like "most sceners"
Makes sense though, kids at that younger age tend to have more free time and daddy's credit card.

09-21-2007, 11:53 PM
I'm 18, SCC's staff are around 18 - 25.

Worst is staff who lie about their age ;)

09-22-2007, 04:56 AM
and daddy's credit card.

Most sceners should be girls then :P

09-22-2007, 12:39 PM
Avarage age for users on most trackers is about 20 years,ofcourse there are users whose older then 30,and nearby 40. But a lot of users are younger than 18.

09-22-2007, 02:51 PM
I was really suprised how young are some staffers and members but then I saw the average age is between 16-20.
The exception are old communities that have good ammount of ol school guys.

09-22-2007, 03:47 PM
The First tracker I staffed at 3+ years ago, was run by 2 14 year olds. Of course, they acted like 14 year olds and the site did not last very long!

09-22-2007, 04:09 PM
was i staff on there seppypom? :unsure:

09-22-2007, 04:41 PM
was i staff on there seppypom? :unsure:

No, you where staff on the next one i was on :lol:

That one the owner was 17 and but acted like he was 12

09-22-2007, 05:43 PM
I must be regarded as a Fossil in the torrenting world:D

09-22-2007, 09:40 PM
From the recent discussions I have been seeing and from chats on most of the top trackers IRC networks I estimate that the average age is around 15 years old and the maturity level certainly isn't there.

Just my two cents.

Yeah thats known fact about IRC chats

I thought irc was just a bunch of pricks who idle all the time?? What an eye-opener!

09-23-2007, 12:34 AM
I personally think staff should be at least 18.

Patriot foreve
09-23-2007, 05:39 AM
kinda wondering how old is oink staff

09-26-2007, 03:36 AM
I'd add TheVault, BTMusic and E as the sites with more older users.

BTMusic's staff are quite mature. :)