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09-22-2007, 03:17 PM
I just got "scribble" banned from here on allegedly selling my account on ebay. (I think my bitmetv account because it got banned i think for that, and my inviter told Corey). ANyway I DONT EVEN FUCKING HAVE AN EBAY ACCOUNT!!! HOW THE FUCK CAN I SELL IT ON EBAY WITHOUT AN ACCOUNT?
THis is pure bullshit.... I am on bitmetv IRC help, and no one is there cause i need to talk to them.

Also, WHAT THE FUCK!!! I WOULD NEVER SELL MY ACCOUNT!!!! I DON'T HAVE EBAY EITHER WHICH IS HILARIOUS. I really love this community, and you guys know that i wouldn't ever do this. I just need some support from people who believe me :cry:

09-22-2007, 03:20 PM
You should be banned too.

The less idiots, the better.

09-22-2007, 03:24 PM
no, after you realize i haven't ever traded or sold my account or w/e, you'll be like "oh, oopsies"

I want Corey and tequilavip to apologize later. this is pure bullshit.

09-22-2007, 03:26 PM
what type of proof do u have?

09-22-2007, 03:28 PM
umm... ip scan me, and ip scan the ebay seller, that's the only thing i can say :(

ADELA, i guess you only have my word for it... ask me questions or anything.

09-22-2007, 09:33 PM
out of curiosity...... what do they have stating that you did?? ... in anycase doesn't make sense to me.. lol

09-22-2007, 09:54 PM
umm... ip scan me, and ip scan the ebay seller, that's the only thing i can say :(

ADELA, i guess you only have my word for it... ask me questions or anything.

how am i or anybody going to get ebay to give us the sellers ip? come on!

09-22-2007, 09:56 PM
You should be banned too.

The less idiots, the better.

gota handed to the major hes got a point there ..

09-22-2007, 10:13 PM
i'm not an idiot fridash... you're the idiot if you ever think that i would do that.

by the way, i think i'm getting unbanned soon :)
Its just so funny. funny mods.

09-22-2007, 11:16 PM
well scribble
i alwayes liked you
but there are facts we can't ignore
we all banned from bitmetv because of you
the whole tree got banned and our inviter too i guess
and they told us you are an account seller
now b4 that and in the same day
your danishbits account got banned too
so you think this is only a mere bad luck or what?
and don't talk about ban non danish ips cause many of us have accounts there and none got banned from there but you
so in the same day , you got banned from two sites and you got many others banned with you.

09-22-2007, 11:25 PM
Guilty or not... you're kind of a jerk.

Best of luck.

09-22-2007, 11:32 PM
well scribble
i alwayes liked you
but there are facts we can't ignore
we all banned from bitmetv because of you
the whole tree got banned and our inviter too i guess
and they told us you are an account seller
now b4 that and in the same day
your danishbits account got banned too
so you think this is only a mere bad luck or what?
and don't talk about ban non danish ips cause many of us have accounts there and none got banned from there but you
so in the same day , you got banned from two sites and you got many others banned with you.

i know it looks bad sam :(
but i am undisabled on BitMeTV, and i will talk to tequilavip when he gets on. i will clear this up with him and get everyone unbanned.
and that danishbits account... i really don't know why that's banned :( i'm still puzzled. I had 0 upload 0 download on that account. But i think SgtMajor said that it bans 50% of them, so that could be why. :mellow:

09-22-2007, 11:36 PM
Guilty or not... you're kind of a jerk.

Best of luck.

good point :dabs:

also breaking the rules by creating another account to get around the ban is a great way to rebuild some trust.

09-22-2007, 11:45 PM
no, corey's fine with it :\

09-22-2007, 11:46 PM
i wish they are wrong scribble
but usually they ain't
any way scribble
i can't blame them for banning the whole tree
they have to protect their site :(

09-22-2007, 11:46 PM
well scribble
i alwayes liked you
but there are facts we can't ignore
we all banned from bitmetv because of you
the whole tree got banned and our inviter too i guess
and they told us you are an account seller
now b4 that and in the same day
your danishbits account got banned too
so you think this is only a mere bad luck or what?
and don't talk about ban non danish ips cause many of us have accounts there and none got banned from there but you
so in the same day , you got banned from two sites and you got many others banned with you.

the detective has spoken

09-22-2007, 11:49 PM
you don't think they're wrong SAM? I thought you'd be one of the people to back me up.... and i showed how it can't be me. look at when the email address was created. Corey sorta believes me, he said he'll reverse the account, but BMTV is still looking into it deeper. I don't even understand on what terms they banned me for. If they looked at the seller's IP and my IP, they'd know it wasn't me... what criteria are they looking at?


09-23-2007, 12:12 AM
as i said i wish they are wrong
but usually they ain't
and i can't back you up in this cause i don't know what happens and where the truth

09-23-2007, 12:26 AM
yeah i know. :(
well, i'm hoping after i show them they are wrong, they will post a thread that apologizes to me. do you think that they would?

09-23-2007, 12:35 AM
just hope they unban the whole tree :D

09-23-2007, 12:51 AM
Oh please....their not going to apologize...they may unban you but that will be it

What kind of ego do you have?

09-23-2007, 12:52 AM
I still think it sucks big time that they ban everyone just for a person's mistake.

09-23-2007, 12:56 AM
iam1337... look who's talking? Look at your fucking username... what kind of ego do you have? btw, i want them to apologize because they made my reputation just go plop.

and briand5379: yeah it does suck, but luckily i didn't do anything, so maybe they will give the people who got banned a little consolation?

09-23-2007, 01:16 AM
poor little scribbly

hehe http://www.dvdclassik.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_hehe.gif

09-23-2007, 01:22 AM
there is nothing funny here bro
we all got our accounts disabled
and we didn't do anything
even if scribble was wrong she already got banned here and on bitmetv
and as he/she said they still looking in her case so maybe they are wrong
we have to wait and see

09-23-2007, 01:29 AM
i got undisabled for now... which means i guess they sorta believe me.

wow... SAM i'm not even sorry about your accounts getting disabled. i mean... i am, but it's just not even my fault. the mods at BMTV should definitely consider more carefully on who the are banning...

09-23-2007, 01:33 AM
you got undisabled where ?

09-23-2007, 01:37 AM
on BMTV. they just have to look into it further. but i can't talk to the mod who disabled me because he is unavailable. i'm going to get you guys unbanned. i didn't even do anything, so maybe they'll give you 50gb bonus upload credit? :)

hmm, is this like... on of the first time BMTV is wrong? 2 years and only one mistake... i'd say that's impressive.
edit: I'm just guessing that thing, but still... i'm fairly upset. i thought i got banned for like, inactivity, but nope, banned for "selling an account on ebay" I have to say, i actually felt relieved, because i knew that i never have done that, and i'd be unbanned, rather if i was banned for inactivity, theres no way i can get the account back ;)

09-23-2007, 01:40 AM
are you serious
they'll get us unbanned
really ?

09-23-2007, 01:41 AM
simply put I think your lying, who would put together an elaborate scam to try to get you. Its not you can make any money of selling accounts anyway

09-23-2007, 01:43 AM
take care about bitmetv
bad stuff
get ban bec nothing
good luck

09-23-2007, 01:51 AM
thanks kokoo :)

and lapistola, i don't give a shit if you think i'm lying. I have proof that it's not me. (the fact that i have that g-mail account from like... sept 9th.)
also i forgot to tell them to IP scan me. They should do that to see i haven't made any other accounts ever before. i don't know what else to say...

09-23-2007, 02:07 AM
Well, it's Page 4 already and you've yet to display any proof to confirm you didn't sell those invites. While this thread continues to get longer, we'll all be waiting.

09-23-2007, 02:21 AM
page 1 for me, i view 100 at a time!

09-23-2007, 02:23 AM
1) i have 9 gb upload, how can i even have invites....
2) I showed my gmail account being made on Sept 9th 2007, but just in case you missed it here you go: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/7353/untitledly5.jpg
3) My IP will not match with any other IPs on BitMeTV because i have never had any other account. (Unless my brother made an account, which is 100% unlikely, because he doesn't even know how to use torrents).

what else do you want from me guys?

09-23-2007, 02:57 AM
Maybe i havnt been here long enough to be suspicious of everyone, but you seemed like an honest person in the posts ive seen you make. so if u are infact not guilty best of luck to you :)

09-23-2007, 03:02 AM
thanks for your good wishes rin :)
now to wait for tequilavip... i don't think i will have any problem.
If there is a BMTV mod here, i'd like to know why i was banned. Did my ip match the seller? did my email match the seller? what?

09-23-2007, 04:31 AM
Several people have mentioned that tequilaavip is by far one of the hardest people on banning. I suppose if you can sell him ice in Alaska then there could be some truth to what your saying. Only time will reveal this though.

09-23-2007, 05:43 AM
So this is the thanks we get for giving your account a chance? You're enabled on bitmetv ffs, couldn't you have just waited for tvip to reply to your pm before demanding an apology and also for us to unban all the traders in your tree and on top of that give free credit to all of you- wtf!??
You should have really been a bit more patient dude.

09-23-2007, 08:23 AM
good job on sct >.<

09-23-2007, 08:47 AM
Scribble your acc is enabled at BitmeTV, what's going on ? Mods won't tell what's it all about ?

09-23-2007, 09:40 AM
So this is the thanks we get for giving your account a chance? You're enabled on bitmetv ffs, couldn't you have just waited for tvip to reply to your pm before demanding an apology and also for us to unban all the traders in your tree and on top of that give free credit to all of you- wtf!??
You should have really been a bit more patient dude.
who you call traders ?
as a matter of fact you should apologise to me and to many of people in that tree
you enabled scribble 's account which who gets us banned in the first place.
yet you didn't unban our accounts
we who did nothing ,my account was parked and i was out of town when you disabled it and i didn't use it yet.
but you come here and had the nerve to call us traders .
has the nerve to say you won't apologise yet you enable scribble's account who you told us he/she is an account seller.

09-23-2007, 09:42 AM
But his account on SCT is disabled, wonder what that is/was about. :dry:

09-23-2007, 11:02 AM
BitMeTV will disable my account since I am SAM's friend :D

09-23-2007, 11:46 AM
Here's the problem with the whole tree:

Kashman007 is a known stealth cheater who was caught red handed.
Kashman007 invites SAM aka theunholycleric.
theunholycleric has the same static IP as user kashman on bitme
kashman on bitme has the same email address as kashman on bmtv.
theunholycleric invites 21 people including cheats, traders and multi account holders to bitmetv.
The tree goes bye bye and you can all give thanks to SAM.

@SAM: we don't "awe" you anything. You owe most of your invite tree an apology though, as do those who were cheating, trading and holding multi accounts.

09-23-2007, 12:36 PM
Here's the problem with the whole tree:

Kashman007 is a known stealth cheater who was caught red handed.
Kashman007 invites SAM aka theunholycleric.
theunholycleric has the same static IP as user kashman on bitme
kashman on bitme has the same email address as kashman on bmtv.
theunholycleric invites 21 people including cheats, traders and multi account holders to bitmetv.
The tree goes bye bye and you can all give thanks to SAM.

@SAM: we don't "awe" you anything. You owe most of your invite tree an apology though, as do those who were cheating, trading and holding multi accounts.

well, i still have to show you that i am not who you think i am. So please don't just automatically ban them without waiting for me to explain :(

09-23-2007, 12:42 PM
this could have been avoided if scribble hadn't been so fast to jump the gun and demand an apology. There were discrepancies with his account that needed to be cleared i.e. who his invite was from considering he received 2 of them. His acct was enabled, among other things, to allow him better to communicate with staff (since some are banned here).
Anyway it seems like i was jus wasting my time trying to help out scribble and possibly his tree when this is what i get.

09-23-2007, 12:46 PM
mareko, i said i was in a bad mood. who wouldn't be if they were wrongfully accused?! Trust me, it's not fun :(

Mareko, i later apologized to tequilavip. please enable my account again. You can keep the download/upload/posting rights off.

09-23-2007, 01:33 PM
So unholycleric is also known as limpdickkid (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/-131822) here on FST?

09-23-2007, 01:40 PM
Here's the problem with the whole tree:

Kashman007 is a known stealth cheater who was caught red handed.
Kashman007 invites SAM aka theunholycleric.
theunholycleric has the same static IP as user kashman on bitme
kashman on bitme has the same email address as kashman on bmtv.
theunholycleric invites 21 people including cheats, traders and multi account holders to bitmetv.
The tree goes bye bye and you can all give thanks to SAM.

@SAM: we don't "awe" you anything. You owe most of your invite tree an apology though, as do those who were cheating, trading and holding multi accounts.

How do you know that SAM is theunholycleric at BitmeTV?

09-23-2007, 01:55 PM
Here's the problem with the whole tree:

Kashman007 is a known stealth cheater who was caught red handed.
Kashman007 invites SAM aka theunholycleric.
theunholycleric has the same static IP as user kashman on bitme
kashman on bitme has the same email address as kashman on bmtv.
theunholycleric invites 21 people including cheats, traders and multi account holders to bitmetv.
The tree goes bye bye and you can all give thanks to SAM.

@SAM: we don't "awe" you anything. You owe most of your invite tree an apology though, as do those who were cheating, trading and holding multi accounts.

eh? I'm not SAM. The following convo can prove that:

And kashman(on bitme) is my friend, not me. He invited me to bmtv. and he didnt stealth cheat, according to what he told me, his net connection was going nuts. I use his bitme account sometimes. And I dunno why you'd ban the bitme account, we never did anything wrong on that account.

I guess then rvt is TVip.

09-23-2007, 01:57 PM
Kashman007 invites SAM aka theunholycleric
what's this rubbish?
are you on drugs?
do you even believe your self when you wrote this.
yes and i also had three gangs and had 9 passports and go with 5 different names.
this just bull.
and you has no effidence
i had no history in trading
and i never tried to trade my bitmetv account nor try to cheat
so you awe me an aplology little monkey
cause i'm not what you think i'm

09-23-2007, 02:03 PM
he was just speculating.
I dunno why he would ban the whole invite tree. there were good members in it too. some members had donated quite a bit of money as well.

09-23-2007, 02:07 PM
Here's the problem with the whole tree:

Kashman007 is a known stealth cheater who was caught red handed.
Kashman007 invites SAM aka theunholycleric.
theunholycleric has the same static IP as user kashman on bitme
kashman on bitme has the same email address as kashman on bmtv.
theunholycleric invites 21 people including cheats, traders and multi account holders to bitmetv.
The tree goes bye bye and you can all give thanks to SAM.

@SAM: we don't "awe" you anything. You owe most of your invite tree an apology though, as do those who were cheating, trading and holding multi accounts.

How do you know that SAM is theunholycleric at BitmeTV?

He does not ;) He is just trying to find a reason! I told you! They do not mind banning you and tell you we banned you since you are SAM's friend!

09-23-2007, 02:15 PM
they don't ban for no reason, they just get their reasons wrong and mixed up sometimes... it's ok. :(
they're human afterall.

btw: what's SCT's help irc... i think i got banned there for what happened at BMTV

09-23-2007, 02:17 PM
they have no clue what they are talking about
1- i have a dynamic ip
2-my bitmetv is a never used account zero upload and zero ownload so how come i'm a cheater
3- my bitmetv was parked and i was out of town so how come i traded it
4- my name is sam and alwayes been sam and in most trackers i go with one name
and never been banned in any sites
you unban scribble but you call me a trader
yesterday you were called scribble an account seller
i think you need therapy

09-23-2007, 02:21 PM
There's no point crying over spilt milk.
They banned me for giving out invites here. Simple as that. I wont contest it because it says clearly somewhere on bitmetv, I cant remember where right now, that giving out invites on public forums will result in a ban. I may have thought I was helping people but I risked the trackers security in the process. They have every right to ban me, but I think banning the whole invite tree was a little unfair.
The only request I had of TVip was that he not ban the whole invite tree, just me and the baddies. But i guess he is as unreasonable as they say.

09-23-2007, 02:26 PM
SAM, calm down, they'll get this settled out eventually. I had 10gb upload, so i don't know how i could have even got invites to sell... (i think i forgot to mention that)

09-23-2007, 04:24 PM
Why is it that people from BMTV accuse others of being inpatient and quick to pull the trigger but yet they have exhibited behavior of shoot the member and his tree while never asking/answering questions till people come to them.

09-23-2007, 04:45 PM
I think you guys are missing the mark here. You've shot yourself in the foot making it public like this. If BitMeTV had made a mistake it could have been sorted out quietly with a minimum of fuss. But instead you come here moaning, how is that going to work.

I know who rvt is and it's not tequilavip, to be honest he's not someone who's known for making things up just to find an excuse. He's well respected in the torrent community and if he says it's true I'm inclined to believe it.

Oh and SAM funny how this keeps happening to you, isn't it?

09-23-2007, 04:54 PM
I think you guys are missing the mark here. You've shot yourself in the foot making it public like this. If BitMeTV had made a mistake it could have been sorted out quietly with a minimum of fuss. But instead you come here moaning, how is that going to work.

exactly what I said to scribble. via pm. and yes rvt is system, not TVip.

09-23-2007, 04:55 PM
funny you just stop seeing facts
and this is a different story

09-23-2007, 05:02 PM
funny you just stop seeing facts
and this is a different story

lol haven't seen any facts at all SAM. The pm screen shots prove nothing. However there is one fact, this issue just keeps coming up time and time again.

09-23-2007, 05:03 PM
not form my side sear
they banned us cause they mistaken scribble for someone else
and any way
what's your problem ?

09-23-2007, 05:05 PM
...how did u get banned on ScT?

09-23-2007, 05:08 PM
yes now let's hear the rummors :D
i never been in sct
thank you very much

09-23-2007, 05:08 PM
not form my side sear
they banned us cause they mistaken scribble for someone else
and any way
what's your problem ?

I think you know what my problem is :rolleyes: and yes it does keep coming up on your side.

and while I don't know 100 percent that this is true I'm inclined to believe it. If it's not true why does it keep happening to you?

09-23-2007, 05:09 PM
nope this all actually started because of snoopdo2g. Someone told me that the account snoopdo2g made, from my invite, had been traded, so I made TVip aware of that.
Thats how it all started.
And please lets just stop discussing this. There's no point.

09-23-2007, 05:15 PM
your problem is simple really :)
let's see
once upon a time
mr.sear offered me an oink invite i thanked him and tried to use it
every time i clicked on the invite link it kept telling me "unvalid invite"
i went to mr.sear who generously told me that i had an oink account and it had been banned
and oink staff told him that and gave him the ip.
i show mr.sear my ip and told him i never had an oink account but he told me he believed them and he won't trust me any more
two days later -just two days - i got another invite and i registered at oink
so where is the problem mr.sear
if they told you i had an account ;they lied
cause if so why it worked with my other invite then :)

09-23-2007, 05:18 PM
:lol: this is pointless, I know this has happened to other accounts of yours as well ;) now like I said this could all be a mistake but kind of odd don't you think...samour?

09-23-2007, 05:21 PM
u look for me like busted

09-23-2007, 05:21 PM
SAM not to bash you or anything like that. But you did mention that you had a dynamic ip somewhere. so it would be difficult to ip ban you.

Its flattering and all having a thread dedicated to me but can someone close this thread, its a pointless discussion. BMTV staff will never admit their mistakes, atleast thats what they're famous for.

09-23-2007, 05:22 PM
your problem is simple really :)
let's see
once upon a time
mr.sear offered me an oink invite i thanked him and tried to use it
every time i clicked on the invite link it kept telling me "unvalid invite"
i went to mr.sear who generously told me that i had an oink account and it had been banned
and oink staff told him that and gave him the ip.
i show mr.sear my ip and told him i never had an oink account but he told me he believed them and he won't trust me any more
two days later -just two days - i got another invite and i registered at oink
so where is the problem mr.sear
if they told you i had an account ;they lied
cause if so why it worked with my other invite then :)

well, if that be the case sam... you just might have busted yourself.. O.O....

but anyways this thread seems to be goin nowheres.... and should be closed... not that i'm taking any kind of side.. but it just seems point less to me.. :argue:

09-23-2007, 05:25 PM
You honestly think i would fucking sell a bitmetv account on ebay?
who the hell would do that?
1) I don't use ebay, and when i do, i just have my dad buy it.
2) I would never EVER profit from something that isn't rightfully mine
3) I have given you proof that it isn't me, what else do you want?
4) I don't even know how the linked me to the ebay seller...

09-23-2007, 05:26 PM
:lol: this is pointless, I know this has happened to other accounts of yours as well ;) now like I said this could all be a mistake but kind of odd don't you think...samour?

again you just don't get it do you?
i never been banned in any site :)
and you are not the only one who offered me invites
sgtmajor offered me 3 invites to 3 high level sites
what the conditions of those
they still alive mr.sear.
so stop these illusions :)
and who told you i used samour as a nickname
i have no accounts under this name as i told you before and don't go to this x264 crab cause i told you b4 i had an account there already and i gave it away earlier here .
you talking like i'm the only sam in the world :D

to end this debate
i know i'm no cheater no scammer and that's what i cared about
if anyone has any proof please feel free to offer it
but please offer a solid proof not just some nicknames and ips that doesn't belong to me

09-23-2007, 05:27 PM
And to think all of this could hve been avoided if accounts/invites hadn't been traded! Drama like this almost makes me want to have a change of heart on the whole torrent trading scenario. :(

On the other hand it makes for fabulous Sunday morning reading material while eating my cereal! Screw the newspaper...

But in all seriousness... I hope those that are innocent get their accounts back. I could never imagine losing one of mine, especially if I was never in the wrong. Just be patient and let the mods do their job. Making demands or acting like an asshat isn't going to help the situation any. So as I said before, best of luck. :)

09-23-2007, 05:32 PM
On the other hand it makes for fabulous Sunday morning reading material while eating my cereal! Screw the newspaper...

But in all seriousness... I hope those that are innocent get their accounts back.

:D You have me to thank.

I dont care for my account srsly. Although I had always been a good member at BMTV, but I was guilty of giving out invites on FST. I do care about the 12 people I had invited who werent guilty of anything and I knew from somewhere else, not FST.

09-23-2007, 05:34 PM
yeah i changed my mentality, the first hours that you get accused, you get really pissed. Trust me... You don't know what it feels like.

09-23-2007, 05:34 PM
who said it should be allowed
i urge every member in here to read my previous posts
i alwayes been a good member not just here every where
i truste sear he is a good guy but that's doesn't mean he is right
i told him many times the were mistaken me with someone else
but no good
the only thing they have is a nickname and ip
nickname i don't use and ip which i don't have
any way
i don't care for this account
as i alwayes have those who still believe in me and trust me
and for those i thank for standing beside me and support me
i have no other say in this matter
i wonder why some members alwayes believe the trackers' staff and support them even if they are wrong

09-23-2007, 05:37 PM
i'm wondering how anyone could accuse sam of doing anything wrong. the only thing i can think of is that he traded accounts a while back. :(

09-23-2007, 05:40 PM
when i traded accounts ? :D
can you show me this thread please :D

any way thanks scribble for your support
and sorry for this mess but it wasn't your fault nor mine

09-23-2007, 05:40 PM
Just for the record, the following are the people that TVip said were...well the wrongdoers:

1TopGun1 - traded his account within the first week.
scribble/givmetv - the account seller accusation, which I dont believe
xtremeuga/SAM - suspected in account trading, but I think it was more because he got a new job in a new country or something so cant believe it.
snoopdo2g/DavidMoore - the guy I reported to TVip and was proved to be an account trader.

and I think 1 or 2 more that I cant remember.

09-23-2007, 05:45 PM
Wow, if there weren't any account sellers in this world, this wouldn't have happened in the first place... Who the fuck would sell an account for real money...


09-23-2007, 06:02 PM
suspected in account trading cause i parked my account :D
they don't even have a proof against me
again this account was fresh never used and parked :)
any way who cares ? :D
very nice avatar :)

09-23-2007, 06:16 PM
...how did u get banned on ScT?


09-23-2007, 06:28 PM
:lol: this is pointless, I know this has happened to other accounts of yours as well ;) now like I said this could all be a mistake but kind of odd don't you think...samour?

again you just don't get it do you?
i never been banned in any site :)
and you are not the only one who offered me invites
sgtmajor offered me 3 invites to 3 high level sites
what the conditions of those
they still alive mr.sear.
so stop these illusions :)
and who told you i used samour as a nickname
i have no accounts under this name as i told you before and don't go to this x264 crab cause i told you b4 i had an account there already and i gave it away earlier here .
you talking like i'm the only sam in the world :D

to end this debate
i know i'm no cheater no scammer and that's what i cared about
if anyone has any proof please feel free to offer it
but please offer a solid proof not just some nicknames and ips that doesn't belong to me

Look SAM like I sad I don't have proof. However I was merely pointing out that this isn't the first time this has happened to you. Trusting you seems to be risky business. And the incident between us wasn't the first time either :noes:

For the record I thought you were a good guy and could be trusted which is why I offered the oink invite to you in private. I would never give an invite to someone that I didn't consider a friend. But when they told me you where previously banned under the user name samour I was like WTF, so I looked into it and it seems you've had problems with trackers before.

I don't know how oink came to their decision what I learned I found out from other sources. I don't have any hard evidence to back up my suspicions which is why I didn't take it further other than telling you you'd lost my trust. But when I read what system said I felt I should speak up and make it clear that you keep getting accused of wrong doing but manage to talk your way out of it each time.

I don't know if you are guilty but I do know that system isn't going to come on here and say that just to clear BitMeTV's name. All the haters are just going to disbelieve it anyway and they don't need a reason to ban you they can do whatever they like. system is a trustworthy guy and has to be taken seriously.

So SAM why does this keep happening to you? I'd say it's pretty good circumstantial evidence.

09-23-2007, 07:19 PM
again you just don't get it do you?
i never been banned in any site :)
and you are not the only one who offered me invites
sgtmajor offered me 3 invites to 3 high level sites
what the conditions of those
they still alive mr.sear.
so stop these illusions :)
and who told you i used samour as a nickname
i have no accounts under this name as i told you before and don't go to this x264 crab cause i told you b4 i had an account there already and i gave it away earlier here .
you talking like i'm the only sam in the world :D

to end this debate
i know i'm no cheater no scammer and that's what i cared about
if anyone has any proof please feel free to offer it
but please offer a solid proof not just some nicknames and ips that doesn't belong to me

Look SAM like I sad I don't have proof. However I was merely pointing out that this isn't the first time this has happened to you. Trusting you seems to be risky business. And the incident between us wasn't the first time either :noes:

For the record I thought you were a good guy and could be trusted which is why I offered the oink invite to you in private. I would never give an invite to someone that I didn't consider a friend. But when they told me you where previously banned under the user name samour I was like WTF, so I looked into it and it seems you've had problems with trackers before.

I don't know how oink came to their decision what I learned I found out from other sources. I don't have any hard evidence to back up my suspicions which is why I didn't take it further other than telling you you'd lost my trust. But when I read what system said I felt I should speak up and make it clear that you keep getting accused of wrong doing but manage to talk your way out of it each time.

I don't know if you are guilty but I do know that system isn't going to come on here and say that just to clear BitMeTV's name. All the haters are just going to disbelieve it anyway and they don't need a reason to ban you they can do whatever they like. system is a trustworthy guy and has to be taken seriously.

So SAM why does this keep happening to you? I'd say it's pretty good circumstantial evidence.

I have to agree with Sear 100%. If trouble/bad luck keeps following you, you must be doing something wrong. A change needs to be made.

Also, I don't see many users who diligently follow the trackers rules complaining about banned/disabled accounts.

09-23-2007, 07:23 PM
so since i got banned from DB and BMTV i did something wrong? you can just assume that right?

09-23-2007, 07:26 PM
Someone marked the account "theunholycleric" as being SAM, as well as limpdickkid. That info may have been wrong but the rest isn't.

Somebody at the top of that tree is an asshat, and many others lower down are just as bad.

@limpdickkid: a shitty net connection does not emulate stealth leeching. If the connection is good enough to connect to the seeders who caught "your friend", it's good enough to send an announce to the tracker.

@SAM: despite what you think in this and your other thread, we don't owe you an account. If a mod decides to kill all the accounts in the tree, that's up to them. A BMTV account is not a right.
Your account had zero ul/dl and was heading for pruning anyway.

To clear up 2 other points, no I'm not tvip, and the only person to accuse scrible in this thread of ebay selling is scribble. There is not a mention of ebay or selling in scribbles account notes.

09-23-2007, 07:26 PM
Sear for president!

09-23-2007, 07:32 PM
wanna bet rvt?


09-23-2007, 07:46 PM
and the only person to accuse scrible in this thread of ebay selling is scribble. There is not a mention of ebay or selling in scribbles account notes.

Guess what, posting a screenshot of some PM does not invalidate that point.

09-23-2007, 07:52 PM
so since i got banned from DB and BMTV i did something wrong? you can just assume that right?

yes, it would definitely make me think twice about trusting you. And if i made further inquiries into why I received a warning about you and found out this wasn't the first time questions had been raised about your character, well I'd be even more suspicious. And then if you were accused again I just might feel the need to make a public warning about you.

09-23-2007, 07:52 PM
i don't care if anyone accused me of selling an ebay account in this thread. Does it change the fact that i got banned for "selling on ebay?"
No it does not. your quote is just pointless. It doesn't matter at all if anyone accused me in this thread...

you say there is not a mention of ebay or selling in my account notes? I just proved you wrong...

so since i got banned from DB and BMTV i did something wrong? you can just assume that right?

yes, it would definitely make me think twice about trusting you. And if i made further inquiries into why I received a warning about you and found out this wasn't the first time questions had been raised about your character, well I'd be even more suspicious. And then if you were accused again I just might feel the need to make a public warning about you.

and then if everyone found out i didn't do anything wrong, you'd feel pretty foolish huh?

09-23-2007, 07:53 PM
Someone marked the account "theunholycleric" as being SAM, as well as limpdickkid. That info may have been wrong but the rest isn't.

@limpdickkid: a shitty net connection does not emulate stealth leeching. If the connection is good enough to connect to the seeders who caught "your friend", it's good enough to send an announce to the tracker.

I never he said he had a shitty net connection, I said his net connection was going nuts, as in it kept getting disconnected. Whatever...
And why was I marked as SAM. It doesnt even make sense.
And what do you have against him anyway.

09-23-2007, 07:56 PM
allegedly an account trader

09-23-2007, 07:56 PM
you say there is not a mention of ebay or selling in my account notes? I just proved you wrong...

I fail to see the screenshot of your bmtv account notes.
You didn't prove shit.

Unlike you, I am in a position to read those account notes and it says nothing about ebay.

09-23-2007, 07:58 PM
oh yeah... i though you meant that i didn't get banned for selling an account on ebay.

that's not what you meant right? :(

well, can you undisable me so i can talk to tequilavip? he said to talk to him, but someone disabled me.

09-23-2007, 08:00 PM
well, can you undisable me so i can talk to tequilavip? he said to talk to him, but someone disabled me.

Yeah, he did. If you want to talk to him, you'll have to go to IRC.

09-23-2007, 08:03 PM
he's never on IRC. an ircop told me.

09-23-2007, 08:11 PM
and then if everyone found out i didn't do anything wrong, you'd feel pretty foolish huh?

nope :rolleyes: if you choose to air your dirty laundry in public what do you expect. If I came to the conclusion that what I was saying wasn't true then I would have no problem making that clear. But I've seen nothing to convince me otherwise.

09-23-2007, 08:12 PM
ok. tell me why you think i'm an ebay seller.

09-23-2007, 08:14 PM
:lol: if you're talking to me well I never said that and have no opinion. I was talking about SAM

09-23-2007, 08:19 PM
oh.. well, he deserves a second chance. Jesus got a second chance, SAM should get one too.

09-23-2007, 08:22 PM
I'd say this was like his fourth chance, and btw I'm not religious but don't you think comparing him to jesus is a little offensive?

09-23-2007, 08:30 PM
no, i'm not comparing him to jesus. I'm comparing the number of chances they got.
Well, still, i shouldn't be banned at all...

09-23-2007, 08:34 PM
oh.. well, he deserves a second chance. Jesus got a second chance, SAM should get one too.

blasphemy :mellow:

09-23-2007, 08:38 PM
oh.. well, he deserves a second chance. Jesus got a second chance, SAM should get one too.

blasphemy :mellow:
betise :mellow:

09-23-2007, 09:46 PM
oh.. well, he deserves a second chance. Jesus got a second chance, SAM should get one too.

Wow. Jesus is a member of bitmetv! I had no idea.

09-23-2007, 09:48 PM
oh.. well, he deserves a second chance. Jesus got a second chance, SAM should get one too.


09-23-2007, 10:25 PM
i don't even care anymore

Green Goblin
09-23-2007, 10:50 PM
if you do not care anymore, close this pointless thread.

09-23-2007, 10:53 PM
k. close it.

Green Goblin
09-23-2007, 11:00 PM
top right ((thread tools) you can close it yourself.

09-23-2007, 11:03 PM
are you retarded?

09-23-2007, 11:08 PM
top right ((thread tools) you can close it yourself.

in this section, i don't think so... ;)

Green Goblin
09-23-2007, 11:09 PM
if YOU made this thread then YOU can close it i thought

09-23-2007, 11:13 PM
if YOU made this thread then YOU can close it i thought

nop... try it... ;) u have one thread here (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-43/t-deleting-finbytes-account-214045), try to close it... :D

09-23-2007, 11:17 PM
lol yup :)

Dr. Lecter
09-23-2007, 11:18 PM
U can only close threads in the invites section.
pm one of the staffers here to close the thread.

09-23-2007, 11:25 PM
oh.. well, he deserves a second chance. Jesus got a second chance, SAM should get one too.
:huh: Remind me, what did Jesus do to have to be given second chance?