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09-22-2007, 08:38 PM

does anyone use tor? if so is it needed or does it not help with anonymity?

09-23-2007, 04:54 AM
haha click on my sig. after you read the docs and install tor 'n' stuff then ask us a more specific question.

that doesn't mean i won't dismiss your question! Tor is very effective at hiding your ip address as well as encrypting your traffic. the catch is you need a internet app that is able to configure proxy settings (firefox, pidgin, thunderbird to name a few - no games as far as i know).

you will have better anonymity if you set up a tor server, since people who are watching you send tor traffic won't know whether the information they are sniffing is relayed traffic or your own traffic.

people have been able to crack tor, but only on closed networks involving few tor servers...

there is a current problem with tor, which is very minor... some can people send bad (false) information while hosting a server, but that really never happens. the creators of tor just posit that as a possibility.

and don't even think about using tor for p2p filesharing, as you will get 6 kBps max. unless you have a phone line, that speed really sucks. plus it puts an unnecessary strain on the to network, since for each two or three peers you connect to, you need to use a different tor server. you aren't that selfish, are you? :rolleyes:

tor is slow imo, and only should be used when you really want anonymity (which for me is like never) :/ i can't stand the speed for casual web surfing. though it is exceptional for getting past most http firewalls at school and work.

09-23-2007, 05:50 AM
Now there is a paid service too, torrify (http://xerobank.com/services.html) with very nice speeds, starting @ $8 per month