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View Full Version : Anti-Piracy Company Wants to Sell Patents to Protect P2P

09-27-2007, 10:57 PM
http://torrentfreak.com//images/viralg.jpg"Recently we reported that anti-piracy company Viralg is selling the patents to its technology on eBay for $1,000,000. Most people didn’t think it was value for money but Viralg have been in touch and they have a new idea - selling the patents to P2P’ers to help prevent some future anti-P2P technology.

When we reported on the sale of Viralg’s anti-p2p patents, not many people got excited by the offer.

However, after we published the article, Viralg responded to an email we sent earlier. It appears that they believe that the value of the sale doesn’t necessarily lie in the technology."

:source: Source: TorrentFreak (http://torrentfreak.com/anti-piracy-company-wants-to-sell-patents-to-protect-p2p-070927/)

09-28-2007, 01:39 AM
It appears that they believe that the value of the sale doesn’t necessarily lie in the technology.
So then the value is in the moral boost p2pers will get from attaining secret anti-p2p intelligence? Or did I miss the point entirely?