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10-04-2007, 01:04 AM
pay to leech?

what does that mean

10-04-2007, 01:07 AM
Where you donate in exchange for invites or upload credit.

10-04-2007, 01:08 AM
Generally it's paying for upload credit... ie. $20 for 20GB upload credit. But there are other 'roundabout' ways for P2L, like TL's system where you pay to be a VIP and ratio doesn't count (I think that's how it works :unsure:)

The main point remains, never pay for filesharing!

EDIT: @ Kyl3KK: Paying for invites isn't P2L, it's P4I (pay for invites)

10-04-2007, 01:10 AM
like TL's system where you pay to be a VIP and ratio doesn't count (I think that's how it works :unsure:)

EDIT: @ Kyl3KK: Paying for invites isn't P2L, it's P4I (pay for invites)I think that's how it works, and I thought they were the same and interchangeable whether one meant invites or credits.

10-04-2007, 01:38 AM
pay to leech basically means what it says. you pay (tracker prefer the expression "donate") for certain privileges that allow you to download more in result.

so with paying a certain ammount of money you will get a very high tracker status in a very short time. at least compared to non paying user who just upload/download

in other words: you can indirectly buy download.

some tracker also sell invites or other privileges (custom title e.g.)

but i guess selling invites or merchandising can't be described as p2l

on the other side there are tracker who accept real donations. you will mostly get a small star for recognition purposes, but that's about it.

the money both system make is usually used for server and other costs (seedboxes, uploader etc) - so basically for the benefit of the community.

hope this brief description helped.

i tried to describe this very neutral without my personal opinion involved.

10-04-2007, 02:37 AM
you should just buy shit at stores if you p2l

10-04-2007, 03:05 AM
pay to leech basically means what it says. you pay (tracker prefer the expression "donate") for certain privileges that allow you to download more in result.

so with paying a certain ammount of money you will get a very high tracker status in a very short time. at least compared to non paying user who just upload/download

in other words: you can indirectly buy download.

some tracker also sell invites or other privileges (custom title e.g.)

but i guess selling invites or merchandising can't be described as p2l

on the other side there are tracker who accept real donations. you will mostly get a small star for recognition purposes, but that's about it.

the money both system make is usually used for server and other costs (seedboxes, uploader etc) - so basically for the benefit of the community.

hope this brief description helped.

i tried to describe this very neutral without my personal opinion involved.

ok now lets have ur personal opinion

10-04-2007, 03:14 AM
if I am paying a site it's going to be by donation only. meaning I think the site is worth donating to!
some sites make a killing off of P2L but thats a whole different can of worms!

Something Else
10-04-2007, 03:20 AM
There is a large amount of trackers which offer you VIP and upload GB's as a 'reward' for donating...if you haven't seen a PM to that effect ever, you will soon....

10-04-2007, 05:16 AM
remember, you dont have to donate, just seed well

and the trackers need money to run the site because their paying for it, so you would be helping them out if you donated.