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View Full Version : high level tracker requests

10-11-2007, 08:52 AM
As usual there is an abundance of these in the invite section. I'm starting to notice more and more that the posts requesting ftn sct or other high level trackers read alot more like personal ads than requests.

a request should look like this....im looking for bla bla tracker


the average request looks like this....im looking for bla bla tracker and i think i deserve it because i am loyal and honest and hardworking and i like long walks on the beach and flowers at work and louis vitton and large engagement rings and fast cars and ice cream and planter peanuts and cupcakes and midgets with long sleeves and sex on a countertop and breakfast in bed and no pickles on my hamburger and floppy shoes and and and and and like those chocolate donuts with like...you know those sprinkly things on them and and and and and and the friday edition of the fry's ad

get laid
get a life
and move on

i dont really give a shit if you've held a steady job for 27 years and having signed a release of information for me to check ur credit history

just my 99cents on the issue

10-11-2007, 06:06 PM

i refuse to let this thread go without response

post ur personal ads here and match.com will FIND YOUR MATCH