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View Full Version : Ask The White House

07-11-2003, 10:54 AM
I saw this on MSN and I thought, considering that the US administration is the most talked about (to put it mildly) item in this forum, that it'd be interesting to put it here.

Source - MSN bCentral (http://www.bcentral.com/articles/isyn/default.asp?newsid=200362315)

I can see a few problems with it (including the selection of questions <_<), but on a whole I am genuinely impressed that such an administration is even considering to learn about & step into such territory. It&#39;s more than what the RIAA are willing to do :D

If only the British government even thought of this - But considering that Tony Blair doesn&#39;t even make his own email address public, I can&#39;t see it until the next PM at the earliest; IMO when it comes to such technology, the British government seem to prefer the Ostrich philosophy (i.e. head in sand)


07-11-2003, 10:58 AM
IMO when it comes to such technology, the British government seem to prefer the Ostrich philosophy (i.e. head in sand)

that&#39;s the philosophy it has on most things......... <_<

It would be great if we could have an online Question time, but somehow I don&#39;t think the government would agree to it - we voters seem to ask too many aukward questions and expect the truth about it&#33;&#33;&#33;

I feel very anti-politics this morning....must be the fact that I&#39;m almost voting age now&#33; :P

07-11-2003, 12:35 PM
In an interview with Edward Heath aseveral years ago.
He talked about his time in No. 10 Downing St but it was firmly aimed at thatcher and future P.M.&#39;s
He described a "Bunker mentallity" in downing street.
"When the doors are closed it&#39;s like the world outside doesn&#39;t exist.
you start to believe you a god and you have all the power
you get so wrapped up in what you believe is right you start to ignore the outside world and slowly lose touch with reality.
your get so convinced your right and what&#39;s realy happening doesn&#39;t matter."

Not an exact quote but that was the gist

doesn&#39;t bode too well for "open Government" here in the uk.

Ill read the link and get back to you on the American position


07-11-2003, 06:39 PM
Who would we get to talk to in the chat room?

07-11-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by mogadishu@11 July 2003 - 19:39
Who would we get to talk to in the chat room?

It&#39;ll be some carefully selected spin doctors and not much else.

Bush won&#39;t dare go on and so, is it worth bothering if you can&#39;t speak to the horses arse, only his mouthpiece.


07-12-2003, 11:10 PM
Do you think that Ridge was sitting around in his underwear, eating Cheetos and drinking Jolt Cola?

07-12-2003, 11:25 PM
You could ask?
do you think he would
if you told him you were a voter
