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07-11-2003, 12:19 PM
Windows 2000 > Tech Enthusiasts > Tricks

Opening a Command Prompt from Windows Explorer

Posted: February 24, 2000

Submitted by Dan Green
Sydney, Australia

With previous versions of Microsoft Windows NT, to open a command prompt, the Cmd.exe command was always associated with Windows Explorer folders. The old technique was to go to the Windows NT Explorer Options/File Types and associate the File Folder item with Cmd.exe. With Windows 2000, you can use the Registry to activate this feature.

To enable the command prompt feature:
1 - Create a new text file and call it "command.reg" (select any appropriate name for the .reg file).
2 - Right-click the file and select Edit.
3 - Copy and paste the following code into the file.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Command &Prompt"
@="cmd.exe \\\"%1\\\""

4 - Save and close the file.
5 - To merge the file into the registry, right-click the file and select Merge.
5 - When prompted to confirm your intended actions, click Yes.
7 - When informed that your actions were successful, click OK.

To confirm your actions:
1 - Right-click on a folder.
2 - Confirm that an item labelled Command displays.
3 - Select that item which will open a command prompt in that particular directory.

07-12-2003, 12:59 AM
nice.. old skool cracks can be used this way.. gatta all go into dos and apply them.