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View Full Version : 3:10 to Yuma (spoilers)

10-12-2007, 05:27 AM
do they really need to kill the movie at the end or what, it wasn't a brilliant movie but they had to give it a crappiest and disappointing ending of all time. guy kills his entire crew who are loyal to him just like that without any proper reason, it cant be crappiest then that. he could have said that he wants out, no he had to jump all over the roof and doge bullets to take a train before he can kill his own crew.

peat moss
10-12-2007, 05:37 AM
Ok thanks for that spoiler Bawa .:lol: I just burnt it but have yet to watch it , the r5 by pukka looks like a great upload . I love westerns all most as much as zombie movies . :)

10-12-2007, 05:41 AM
ahh i forgot that, i was so pissed at the ending.

10-12-2007, 05:59 AM
Thanks a very good way to say that a person have seen the movie is revealing the spoiler ! Imma go tell my friends too...thanks...

peat moss
10-12-2007, 06:06 AM
ahh i forgot that, i was so pissed at the ending.

No worrys bud if its a good movie I'll watch it twice anyway . :D Once the first time fall asleep, then watch again early on Saturday morn . :)

10-12-2007, 09:48 AM
Thanks a very good way to say that a person have seen the movie is revealing the spoiler ! Imma go tell my friends too...thanks...

thats why it says SPOILER, dont read it if you cant take it.

10-13-2007, 01:27 PM
seen it anyways - so thanks for the SPOILER !

mr. nails
10-14-2007, 11:11 AM
just finished watching this and i thought it was a pretty damn good film! i too have pukka's version and it's a TERRIFIC quality version.

i agree with the ending being off, but not crappy. sux that like u said his whole crew was loyal just to get shot down @ the end. @ least he escapes @ teh end! :)

great film. will watch again.

mr. nails
10-14-2007, 11:15 AM

10-14-2007, 01:21 PM
just finished watching this and i thought it was a pretty damn good film! i too have pukka's version and it's a TERRIFIC quality version.

i agree with the ending being off, but not crappy. sux that like u said his whole crew was loyal just to get shot down @ the end. @ least he escapes @ teh end! :)

great film. will watch again.

that wasn't escape dude, the whole point of my post was that part, that train is suppose to take him to yuma for execution. so he kills his entire crew just to get executed.
but overall i liked the white jacket guy more then any other character.

10-14-2007, 01:53 PM
do they really need to kill the movie at the end or what, it wasn't a brilliant movie but they had to give it a crappiest and disappointing ending of all time. guy kills his entire crew who are loyal to him just like that without any proper reason, it cant be crappiest then that. he could have said that he wants out, no he had to jump all over the roof and doge bullets to take a train before he can kill his own crew.

He killed his entire crew because unlike them, there was still an ounce of humanity left in him. Reason I say that is because I think he realized how good a man Christian Bale's character was (evidenced by his unyielding integrity and relationship with his son) and he felt sorry for him having to sacrifice himself just to clear his debts and take care of his family. This is further supported when Crowe went along with that bullet laden escape from the hotel to the train station

Also, he didnt board the train just to get executed. He boarded the train so that Bale's family will benefit from that deal he agreed with the bank guy about taking Crowe to the train. Crowe knew this so he purposely boarded the train knowing how easy it is for him to escape later anyway ( he said he escaped from Yuma 2x before). Plus why do you think he whistled for his horse to follow him at the end. So yes he did escape in the end.

I think this movie is right up at there at the top out of all the Western movies I've seen.

10-16-2007, 12:26 AM
havnt seen it yet. Watching it this weekend