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View Full Version : Build your own or pre-made computers?

10-12-2007, 06:19 PM
I know people on this site build thier own computers as i did with my last one.

What i want to know is is it just as cheap to buy one of the website that you buy your computers bit's off like overclockers?

The reason i'm asking this is because it's time for a new computer as i need to get to grips with solidworks now, seen as my firms just put me through the course. I'm not really a gamer but don't like computers that rattle as well. I'd also like it to last a while without any upgrades for a while(if that's possible):rolleyes:

Just wanted a few idea's before i decide whether to build one or not :unsure:

Thanks in advance :D

10-13-2007, 12:54 AM
If you can specify all the bits and can't be bothered to build your own, there's no reason why you shouldn't get one built, but obviously you will be paying for the service. You obviously get compatibility checking, and possibly OS installation.

Otherwise I'd personally be wary about buying a pre-built system, there's almost certainly going to be something you don't like about it (low quality PSUs are common) unless you are prepared to pay quite large sums, and in that case you might as well go for the building service.

mr. nails
10-13-2007, 01:44 AM
i'm thinking if u have to ask the question whether or not u should build it or have someone else build it for u... u mite as well have someone else build it for u then. especially if ur not a gamer. u can get a pc built for u for under $750 and be happy with it for a long while.

10-13-2007, 07:05 AM
Building it is the way to go, cause you know what's in it. I'm never going back to pre-builts......even though it was a good amount of work and a pain in the arse getting it set up how I like it, it was totally worth it.

mr. nails
10-13-2007, 09:07 AM
Building it is the way to go, cause you know what's in it... it is totally worth it.

agreed. i always build my own.

10-13-2007, 03:26 PM
I just hate the shit PSU & mobo in prebuilts.

10-13-2007, 03:59 PM
I just hate the shit PSU & mobo in prebuilts.
I need a definition of "prebuilt".
Is a Dell a prebuilt or is it a "manufactured" PC?
Is a prebuilt a PC assembled by someone like TigerDirect from stuff they stock?