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View Full Version : I'm going to see a psychic/medium tonight...

10-13-2007, 01:45 PM
I'm actually a bit nervous..i really want to get through to someone "on the other side "but how do i know if the psychic's going to be a big fraud, cold-reading me and can tell I'm vulnerable so will just bullshit me?

10-13-2007, 01:48 PM
Begone stalker/spammer person!!

10-13-2007, 01:50 PM
If you had to make an appointment then he is a fraud.


10-13-2007, 01:52 PM
If you had to make an appointment then he is a fraud.


Hiya :)

Me and a friend (who also recently lost someone close) have had this wummin booked for a month, Boab. Should i just let her tell me stuff or ask specific questions about what i want to know?

10-13-2007, 01:59 PM
If you had to make an appointment then he is a fraud.


Hiya :)

Me and a friend (who also recently lost someone close) have had this wummin booked for a month, Boab. Should i just let her tell me stuff or ask specific questions about what i want to know?

If you ask questions you are actually giving them information. My sisters go to a 'wummin' in Cumnock occasionally. They only hear what they want to hear.

In saying that, if she reassures you in any way, I hope she does, then she is doing a service. Good luck.:)

Sorry, off to the fitba.

10-13-2007, 02:01 PM
Give no information at all..see if they can tune in themselves...and pay no money...

10-13-2007, 03:37 PM

10-13-2007, 03:45 PM
Believe it or not...

My psychic's just cancelled due to her husband has to work late and can't drive her into Glasgow.

Surely she should have seen this coming??

Something Else
10-13-2007, 04:10 PM
:lol: you would have thought so....I agree with what boab said, the service is the reassurance, if she's good, you'll leave feeling better, and that's the point after all I guess???

10-13-2007, 04:30 PM
:lol: you would have thought so....I agree with what boab said, the service is the reassurance, if she's good, you'll leave feeling better, and that's the point after all I guess???

Well it doesn't reassure me that she didn't fecking forsee that she wouldn't be able to make it!!!

Now i feel sad i won't get to talk to my mum :(

peat moss
10-13-2007, 04:52 PM
I don't believe in that shit but respect's that others do . Nice to see you on here again tho Mouse . My wife and I have a friend we nick named Mouse woman, after all these years I can't remember why .

My wife went to a card reader once and I asked her to ask when I'd get laid again or better yet when her headaches would stop . :dabs:

10-13-2007, 04:58 PM
why not see a doctor about it?

10-13-2007, 05:01 PM
I don't believe in that shit but respect's that others do . Nice to see you on here again tho Mouse . My wife and I have a friend we nick named Mouse woman, after all these years I can't remember why .

My wife went to a card reader once and I asked her to ask when I'd get laid again or better yet when her headaches would stop . :dabs:

Bet she said she's a psychic, not a miracle worker...

10-13-2007, 05:18 PM
you should see this guy .. he is an awesome psycho


10-13-2007, 05:24 PM
you should see this guy .. he is an awesome psycho


Eh? You confused me. please 'splain.

peat moss
10-13-2007, 05:25 PM
I don't believe in that shit but respect's that others do . Nice to see you on here again tho Mouse . My wife and I have a friend we nick named Mouse woman, after all these years I can't remember why .

My wife went to a card reader once and I asked her to ask when I'd get laid again or better yet when her headaches would stop . :dabs:

Bet she said she's a psychic, not a miracle worker...

Ouch good point . :D

10-13-2007, 05:36 PM
I'm actually a bit nervous..i really want to get through to someone "on the other side "but how do i know if the psychic's going to be a big fraud, cold-reading me and can tell I'm vulnerable so will just bullshit me?

Don't go man, that's just evil, i mean look they are really crooks...Nobody can help you with that...
Only GOD can help you my friend.
And the other side you are talkin' about ????
What is that, have you watched too many movies and believe in that.... :wacko:

Damnn man get real... and pray to GOD to answer you, and he will but he will show you in real life
not by human words and lies:rolleyes:, But only by truth.:)

10-13-2007, 05:37 PM
you should see this guy .. he is an awesome psycho

:huh: John Lithgoe?

10-13-2007, 05:40 PM
you should see this guy .. he is an awesome psycho

:huh: John Lithgoe?

no.. he is claire's physic in LOST :naughty:

Something Else
10-13-2007, 05:52 PM
Don't go man, that's just evil, i mean look they are really crooks...Nobody can help you with that...
Only GOD can help you my friend.
And the other side you are talkin' about ????
What is that, have you watched too many movies and believe in that.... :wacko:

Damnn man get real... and pray to GOD to answer you, and he will but he will show you in real life
not by human words and lies:rolleyes:, But only by truth.:)

:whistling Jehova's witness WARNING!

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/1712/n5540477081697131874xq5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

10-13-2007, 06:12 PM
Don't go man, that's just evil, i mean look they are really crooks...Nobody can help you with that...
Only GOD can help you my friend.
And the other side you are talkin' about ????
What is that, have you watched too many movies and believe in that.... :wacko:

Damnn man get real... and pray to GOD to answer you, and he will but he will show you in real life
not by human words and lies:rolleyes:, But only by truth.:)

Hmm. God can help me? God isn't fair. He took my mum away a month ago, aged 48 with no prior warning. I don't think i'll be looking from truths from him cos he can't justify to me what he's done...do you know what it's like aged 21, having to explain to your two 7 year old nephews that they can't see Grannie again?

God is so not in my good books just now.

However, if a person can prove to me that they can connect to my mum's spirit and tell me she's fine now, and that comforts me, i don't think that's evil really.

10-13-2007, 06:31 PM
You should be getting ready to go out now.:ph34r:
Have a wee drink on me on the way home.:)

10-13-2007, 06:33 PM
You should be getting ready to go out now.:ph34r:
Have a wee drink on me on the way home.:)

my psychic cancelled!!

Theres absolut vodka somewhere...

10-13-2007, 06:36 PM
You should be getting ready to go out now.:ph34r:
Have a wee drink on me on the way home.:)

my psychic cancelled!!

Theres absolut vodka somewhere...

That will learn me to read the rest of the thread before commenting.:lol:

peat moss
10-13-2007, 06:37 PM
Ah I feel for you hon , I still miss my Grandma. Why not just try to remember the good times and time is a great healer . I tried the ouija board but found old pics of her gave me satisfaction , I laffed , I cried at the same time . Talk to good friend that will understand how you feel . Good luck bud . If there was a kiss icon I'd give you one for the heart . :)

10-13-2007, 06:48 PM
:lol: you would have thought so....I agree with what boab said, the service is the reassurance, if she's good, you'll leave feeling better, and that's the point after all I guess???

Well it doesn't reassure me that she didn't fecking forsee that she wouldn't be able to make it!!!

Now i feel sad i won't get to talk to my mum :(

You can always talk to your Mum Wee Mouse you don't need a psychic for that. Faithful memories and fond heart are all that is needed.

10-13-2007, 06:49 PM
I've got a brother, two sisters and a dad and my boyfriend, so i talk to plenty of people to talk to about it all. It does help, especially looking at photos of the early 90s when we were all wee and had backwards baseball caps and mum had a mega perm!

But about a year ago she done something very very hurtful and i wasn't prepared to forgive her yet. I was literaly about to send her an e-mail message in work when my sister phoned me to tell me mum had a stroke and died.

Hence why i would like a psychic person to connect with my mum and tell her that we forgive her and love her and hopes she forgives us.

In the meantime hoewver, i'm watching CSI boxsets and drinking gallons of irn-bru while snuggled under my new stripy duveteating a crispy pancake i stole from my dad's plate. (having a father in a wheelchair has it's uses!


10-13-2007, 09:10 PM
WeeMouse....if it helps you, go do it.

10-14-2007, 12:26 PM
I've got a brother, two sisters and a dad and my boyfriend, so i talk to plenty of people to talk to about it all. It does help, especially looking at photos of the early 90s when we were all wee and had backwards baseball caps and mum had a mega perm!

But about a year ago she done something very very hurtful and i wasn't prepared to forgive her yet. I was literaly about to send her an e-mail message in work when my sister phoned me to tell me mum had a stroke and died.

Hence why i would like a psychic person to connect with my mum and tell her that we forgive her and love her and hopes she forgives us.

In the meantime hoewver, i'm watching CSI boxsets and drinking gallons of irn-bru while snuggled under my new stripy duveteating a crispy pancake i stole from my dad's plate. (having a father in a wheelchair has it's uses!


My dad died of a heart attack when I was 14. The day before he died, I stormed out of the house telling him I hated him. When I came back home, he was in the hospital and I refused to go and see him.
He died that night.

My point is, you didn't know this was going to happen to your mum.
Yes, it's a shame you never got to make up, but I'm sure she never stopped loving you. I'm also pretty sure she understands.

Don't regret what you can't change Weemouse. Accept it, remember the good times and remember to treasure every moment you get in this life.

As for the psychic...
I think anyone who can give you some sense of direction and maybe help you feel better about things, is worth a visit.

peat moss
10-14-2007, 01:33 PM
You know it might sound silly but it's " you " that has to forgive , yourself I mean . Write a letter to your mom ,it will be tear stained and thats the whole point . Put it in a drawer and move on . When you look in the mirror ever morning just think I'm a good person and thats all that matters .

10-14-2007, 05:29 PM
The fact she did something hurtful, possibly totally of charachter could indicate she was already sick. Do you know that song "The Living Years" by Mike and The Mechanics.. Life is extremely short and it's a shame wasting ones's time arguing for too long. I don't know, I suppose we should just treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated. Easy said I suppose. Many of us have been through this already in one form or another WeeMouse. So try to, especially regarding your own blood, never ever sleep on an argument...

Your mother will be content now she realises you want to make things better. That's all she ever wanted WeeMouse, because she loves you; you are her beloved child, after all...