View Full Version : What do you think of blackcats-games

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09-14-2008, 08:12 PM
well i have not seen altinertia for 2 weeks now, and he has not been on the site, so the referal system was supposed to be put on tomorrow, but without him as he has all the code....

and its down on purpose, we are not taken any new members atm, actually we are getting rid of a few.

and we have very few PS3 games, just for the simple reason, you cannot play them yet, so not many download them when they do get uploaded.

09-14-2008, 08:21 PM
Thats a pitty for altinertia...I hope its just middle age's crises :) , and that he will be back soon.

Thx on reply btw. Cheers.

09-14-2008, 08:44 PM
well like i said in another thread.

we take the sp off altogether, but still have the hit and run rules, and you have to seed back to actual leechers, you could be on the torrent for weeks/months.

and its not 72 hours constant, it just 72 hours active, and yes even i have to abide by the same rule, and i have to turn my PC off on a night, so 72 hours takes me a week, and i agree it is bloody annoying, but better than sitting on it for months, hoping a leecher comes along imo.
The Seed Points system is the most useful feature for a private tracker. Its a mystery to me why other trackers don't have the exact same system as you guys do.

The only thing I don't like is the design. Its awful. If you guys had a sleek design with a nice logo. The tracker would be perfect.

09-14-2008, 09:59 PM
The Seed Points system is the most useful feature for a private tracker. Its a mystery to me why other trackers don't have the exact same system as you guys do.

I think some bitch about the SP system hurting the speeds of the torrents(although I have never had problems with the speeds of the downloads there, new or old), so maybe that's why other trackers don't use it. I don't know, it's a mystery to me too. I would like to see every tracker using this system.

09-14-2008, 10:13 PM
Must admit i have never heard that argument, or experienced it myself, even with 5 seeds on a 18 month old torrent, i still maxed my 20meg connection on it. (and the game was crap as well, not like a blockbuster where you might expect that).

I just think its the fact that you cannot buffer on one torrent, and use that buffer to hit and run on others, but on the other side of the coin for that, if you just seed it, and even if no leechers ever show up again on it, you will get your 1 ratio so it will not be a hit and run anyway.

some of the arguments I hear, just does not make sense, and I hear a hell of a lot of arguments, a lot even say they look all over first before they download from us, and that includes Limewire, kazaa, Emule, and i just shake my head in disbelief lol

09-14-2008, 10:28 PM
Yeah, I've read those comments(about the speed) on certain torrent comments at BC. And also on other tracker forums, when the staff would make a thread like "how can we improve". And somebody will bring up your SP system.

I think it's a very lame argument. It's just weird that your tracker is the only one with this system. You would think that some tracker would have implemented this already, since trackers "borrow" ideas from each other all the time(freeleech/no ratio, bonus systems, etc.)

09-14-2008, 10:38 PM
lol well i am not a member of anywhere else, so i only get to hear about the crap people say about it, never the good.

and obviously I am not naive to think that every torrent can go at 20MB/s that we have on the tracker but the SP system does work on the faster you get rid of the leecher/s by seeding to them, the less time you have to seed for in the long run. The 20:1 the SP to cost etc etc

I dont know, im a bit sick of explaining it over and over again lol and we still get members that joined Dec 2006 asking questions about it, and others that didnt even know it existed, scary.

09-15-2008, 07:31 PM
SP system whats that......mind explaining it stoi.....kidding :P, I think it's the best game tracker out there. There are lots of multipurpose trackers and some ones that specialize in just movies or xbox related materials, but the seeds we have are a lot and you can almost always find a seed on games uploaded long before, and reseed requests are built-in on the info page for each torrent. I don't know any other trackers that do that. And I gotta praise the uploaders and members who bring us great content. Gotta thank Grizzly and Bambacha for their awesome uploads, and Harcroft for his awesome commitment to making good xbox content.

Bad things about blackcats
-I hate the forums style now, it looked better before(it's not like the stats page which I was able to get accustomed too, the art in the backround makes it hard to quickly scroll and see what I want)
-I don't like the whole lottery idea
-I want to see the top 10 list again. I think it is only for mod eyes only now.
-Paws feature doesn't seem to have any benifits yet like promised, but I think that's cause Alt hasn't showed up yet....

So I hope he comes back and is alright... $$$ I want my bonus o.O

09-15-2008, 07:38 PM
1: you can change the skin you know, bottom left of the forums, drop down box next to the languages drop down box. (how come a BCG thread always goes to the forums on here lol)

2: Lottery, as in the main page lottery, thats been on forever and a day, i think that was on even before the SP system was, if thats the lottery your on about.

3: We believe that was killing the server, so its took off for now.

4: well the paws feature is the only thing that works 100% its the other crap we have that use that, that do not work, so its on the back burner atm.

09-15-2008, 09:04 PM
lol well i am not a member of anywhere else

Umm... Why not?

You're the one of the best sysops I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on (no homo) and I'm sure ANY other tracker would love to have you as a mod/admin. I'm sure a game tracker doesn't satisfy ALL your pirating needs...

09-15-2008, 09:09 PM
This site has some wierd rules and unforgiving staff. I got an account banned from there because it had only numbers as the name:-/

09-15-2008, 09:12 PM
It's kinda random only having numbers SGA but i'm sure they said something before completely banning you.

09-15-2008, 09:15 PM
No it doesnt, but if truth be known, other sources does.

Last torrent site i was a member off, i got accused of stealing one of their uploaders, and some of the staff from there, came to BCG and spammed the hell out of everywhere telling everyone what i had allegedally done.

Well i cleared it with the owner first who was a good friend of mine and was X-Staff on the 1st public BCG, he said go for it, i went for it, and got a load of shit for it.

but that site now has 12 torrents on or it did the last I heard, so not sure what happened to it, and i am not going to join again to see.

so ever since then (about 3-4 years ago now) i have never joined another site (well i did join one, was not for me, so deleted my account after 2 weeks, I am far to outspoken sometimes for my own good lol). (and that was a lvl 9 tracker, just goes to show, lvls mean nothing.)

and numbers in your name, thats going back a bit, i believe we did send out a mass announcement, that if you had all numbers, to contact the staff box and we would change your name to what you wanted. if you did not contact us, then your account would be deleted.

09-18-2008, 07:47 AM
Outside of music trackers (my other love) BCG was hands down my favourite tracker. The content was simply the best I knew of and the community awesome. Whenever a new game was released I didn't bother checking reviews to see if it was worth a punt, I would just check BCG.

Shame my account was disabled/deleted due in to inactivity when I stupidly forgot to park my account when I went on holiday. Damn I miss it. I can just about find the torrents elsewhere, but not the community.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to get back in!

Keep up the good work.

09-18-2008, 11:33 AM
I think that the seedpoints system requires one to seed for too long to avoid a H&R. 72 hours before you even start accruing points is way too high. The highest I've seen to avoid a H&R on any other tracker is 72 hours total.

09-18-2008, 11:35 AM
Great initiative! :)

I agree to all that have been said about the aesthetics of the site, i just checked all themes and could not find an appealing one, though, the ICG is probably the best out of them all...
I personally do think that aesthetics especially considering the fact that the site is near perfect in terms of content and good in terms of security.
I think its time you guys redeem our sore eyes... ;)

On another note, i do not know if it was formerly discussed since i did not read all 11 pages of this thread, so please excuse me if i am repeating something that has already been said.
I do believe that since BCG is (the leading) a site that focuses on games and therefore its users are (mostly) games addicts, the site should provide some (or the best) online gaming content that will allow users in the community to participate and challenge each other... I'm not talking about setting up an unreal server or that sort of things. I'm talking about pimping up some arcade games (like Pacman) and providing some unique enterntaining content that can be created relatively easily.

Again, if i missed the link on the site just point me to the correct direction... :D

09-18-2008, 01:39 PM
I think that the seedpoints system requires one to seed for too long to avoid a H&R. 72 hours before you even start accruing points is way too high. The highest I've seen to avoid a H&R on any other tracker is 72 hours total.

So, 72 hours is just to avoid H&R, then afterwards, you get rewarded. That makes sense and is totally fair.

09-18-2008, 01:46 PM
Srry I didn read the 27 Pages

So i dun know if these points Was Discussed b4 or not...

BCG is the best Tracker for Games Out there

the 1st thing I complain about is Getting bad Speeds For OLD Content
in that i suggest that Part of donations goes to buy a number of Severs that r used to Store Oldy non-Seeded Torrents

the 2nd thg is the style
i think many users dun like it if compared to P** and F** or even S**
As a Good Photoshop designer i can state that this style fits a 1998 website

that Was All

09-18-2008, 01:48 PM
72hrs is not high at all..

09-18-2008, 04:05 PM
The highest I've seen to avoid a H&R on any other tracker is 72 hours total.

nope ScT has a 120 hour rule on packs... 5 days ! ! ! !

09-18-2008, 05:19 PM
So, 72 hours is just to avoid H&R, then afterwards, you get rewarded. That makes sense and is totally fair.

No, 72 hours before you can start getting the points which count towards stopping it being a H&R.

Many PC games are ~7GB now, so to stop one of those being a H&R it would be 72 hours + 70 hours to get the points to stop it being a H&R = 142 hours.

The points you get aren't a 'reward', they are to prevent you falling into bad standing. There is no positive effect of getting them; only prevention of a negative one.

As for ScT - I'm not a member there, and you mention PACKS being 120 hours, well how large are packs normally? I got one from SCC, a couple of series of a show - it weighed in at 22GB. Since you were comparing packs to Blackcats releases in terms of seeding time requirements, by the Blackcats rules you'd have to seed that for 292 hours. 120 hours isn't so much given the size.

09-18-2008, 07:42 PM
Is best tracker of game, I think its best wourld game tracker...... :*:)

09-18-2008, 08:22 PM
So, 72 hours is just to avoid H&R, then afterwards, you get rewarded. That makes sense and is totally fair.

No, 72 hours before you can start getting the points which count towards stopping it being a H&R.

Many PC games are ~7GB now, so to stop one of those being a H&R it would be 72 hours + 70 hours to get the points to stop it being a H&R = 142 hours.

The points you get aren't a 'reward', they are to prevent you falling into bad standing. There is no positive effect of getting them; only prevention of a negative one.

As for ScT - I'm not a member there, and you mention PACKS being 120 hours, well how large are packs normally? I got one from SCC, a couple of series of a show - it weighed in at 22GB. Since you were comparing packs to Blackcats releases in terms of seeding time requirements, by the Blackcats rules you'd have to seed that for 292 hours. 120 hours isn't so much given the size.

The points are a reward because you do not need to get anything and they are positives that pull you out of a negative situation.

Packs on SCT are 75-150GBs unless its just some little season pack or a trilogy or something like most sites have anyway.

09-19-2008, 01:36 AM
Blackcats has a lot of high quality content, but the user ranking is a little strict.

I have a 1.6+ ratio and I'm being marked as kitty litter. I normally download psp content and the dls are generally small and don't generate mant leechers.

Now I can't even download one thing and I have to seed torrents that never get leechers.

Its a little frustrating being stuck at that level for awhile...

09-19-2008, 01:42 AM
Blackcats has a lot of high quality content, but the user ranking is a little strict.

I have a 1.6+ ratio and I'm being marked as kitty litter. I normally download psp content and the dls are generally small and don't generate mant leechers.

Now I can't even download one thing and I have to seed torrents that never get leechers.

Its a little frustrating being stuck at that level for awhile...

It's amazing how many people ignore Seed Points, such a great innovation.

http://www.blackcats-games.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=59&st=0&start=0 - Try reading this.

09-19-2008, 03:14 AM
I know how seed points work, thanks -_-.

I have less than 5 torrents that can be seeded back and at that my computer can't be on all the time.

But my point was that the restrictions are a little harsh don't you think? Kitty litter with a 1.6 ratio? I don't see how that makes sense.

09-20-2008, 10:25 AM
For some reason I just tried to login to Blackcats and it says my account has been disabled. I have a good ratio and only logged in last a week ago...!

Can anyone shed any light on this?

09-20-2008, 10:46 AM
Info from http://melonarcade.com/disabled.php
Your probably here because you were banned from Blackcats, and don't know why, don't worry, your not the only one!
Anyone who didn't generate a keyword was disabled, and everyone got a 1 month notice, and there was an announcement sent to everyone, a news post, IRC spamming etc. all pointing to a gigantic forum thread explaining everything! So we did warn everyone about it. And yes, this is official, not some random message.
This was the August 22 announcement:

Show/Hide Aug-22-08 - Important!!
All members must read and take the required action. You must visit the generate my keyword link in your userdetails page before we hide the site away. if you dont have the key word you need to gain access, then you dont gain access (in fact there will be no account to gain access to).
If you are looking at your userdetails page and you see *********** next to key word, you have selected your account to be deleted. If you think that this is a mistake, send a msg to the staffbox or direct to me and we can sort it out.

Okay... so WTF happened here?
Well, on August 22, an announcement was sent to everyone, I don't see how anyone can miss it, and eveyrone had to generate a keyword for when the site goes hiding or else they get disabled on September 1, which was delayed to the 15th and again to the 19th/20th, which linked to a forum thread: http://www.blackcats-games.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=22086
Since you cannot view it, this is what was written:

How to Find your Userdetails Page:

Click on your name in the top status bar, it is on every page of the tracker, this will take you to your userdetails page.

A link will appear shortly in your userdetails page, its bright red and you cant miss it. Clicking on this will bring you to an up-to-date (ish) user agreement (its mostly the same agreement as before but with added triple boston-arm-lock move (ok just the confidentiality bit at the top). It basically means, you allow us to keep records of you on our files (usernames, ips etc ) for use with account history, bans etc.
Agreeing to this will also generate a new 'key-word', for use with the fake index page the site will display to non members (as opposed to the blackcats logo etc.)

once in place, if you are logged out you will see this page. there is a search box on the page which you need to enter your key-word (you will need to type it in, not cut and paste). You do not need to hit submit or press enter. If the keyword is valid, it will generate the usual username/password feilds for logging in at the very bottom of the screen. EDIT HERE!! The mechanism that brings up the input boxes is written in AJAX. I used firefox with no script throughout writing and testing this(i hate IE) and i had to allow script to run from BC for it to work. FINISH EDIT!!! enter your username and password as normal and you will then enter the site proper.

Generated key words are just snippets of words generated from a dictionary and are completely random. Some of them are readable (therefore easy to remember), others are not. key words cannot be re-generated.

They are also specific to your account so someone else cannot use your word to gain access to their account. So do not give out your keyword to anyone, even though its useless without the username and pass associated with it. Only you can see your own key-word, so staff will not be able to help you remember it. staff cannot reset the key-word either, its just like another password basically.

If you need to recover your password for some reason (or your keyword), type 'recover' in the search box. This will bring up the usual email text box (again at the foot of the page). enter the email address of the account you wish to recover and submit as normal.

The referal system is in place and will also make use of the fake index pages searchbox. Full details of this will be posted in good time.

This link will be visible for about a week so make sure you generate your key word and make a note of it. after the link has gone;

If you took no action or didnt visit the page, your account will be deleted.

If you selected 'I DISAGREE', your account will be deleted.

If you select ' I AGREE', its all gravy.

Any questions and I hope i can answer them.
Okay, so how do I get my account back?
Well, just do as the #waitingroom topic says!
Here is what it says:

Did you generate your passkey??? If you have been disabled for not generating your keyword, you cannot be reenabled at this time. NEVER. Any questions in #help regarding this will result in a kick from the channel. Write a mail to [email protected] concerning your account....and we will look into

Thanks you for understainding! And yes, this is official.

09-20-2008, 10:57 AM
Great. I don't remember seeing that announcement, so I guess i'm screwed...

How do I get back in? Do I have to try and get an invite and start all over again....? :pinch:

09-20-2008, 01:48 PM
Yup, ur gonna have to start all over, BCG doesnt give a shit about its members

09-20-2008, 01:55 PM
Yea, I'm sticking with underground-gamer.com and bitgamer.com

09-20-2008, 02:16 PM
Yup, ur gonna have to start all over, BCG doesnt give a shit about its members
Ok stop with that crap,you know thats not true...

09-20-2008, 03:20 PM
BCG is a wonderful site and up until this morning I was a proud member but for reasons unknown I was disabled so now I have to work on getting IRC working (new linux user) so that I can try to remedy the situation but all in all the best tracker for for games.

09-20-2008, 03:46 PM
BCG is a wonderful site and up until this morning I was a proud member but for reasons unknown I was disabled so now I have to work on getting IRC working (new linux user) so that I can try to remedy the situation but all in all the best tracker for for games.

stoi, if you can assist with this, my username is bcgjunkie

hey seanbee,
please read the second from last sentence in [/URL][URL="http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-what-do-you-think-blackcats-games-post2975303/postcount278"]here (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-what-do-you-think-blackcats-games-post2975303/postcount278%5C)

hopefully that help, cheers

09-20-2008, 04:05 PM
BCG is a wonderful site and up until this morning I was a proud member but for reasons unknown I was disabled so now I have to work on getting IRC working (new linux user) so that I can try to remedy the situation but all in all the best tracker for for games.

stoi, if you can assist with this, my username is bcgjunkie

hey seanbee,
please read the second from last sentence in here (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-what-do-you-think-blackcats-games-post2975303/postcount278)

hopefully that help, cheers


09-20-2008, 04:15 PM
Does BCG use invites?

09-20-2008, 05:03 PM
Nope, the invite system was closed down a long time ago, but it was supposed to be online by now as the referal system, but there's been problems...

09-20-2008, 07:28 PM
hey seanbee,
please read the second from last sentence in here (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-what-do-you-think-blackcats-games-post2975303/postcount278)

hopefully that help, cheers



is there any diff between invite and referral system, still new with the term :cry:

09-20-2008, 08:50 PM
The referal system is like invites but with benefits to both, the inviter and invited ;)
Like if you invite someone, and he gets promoted to Power User, you get upload credit and that sort of stuff...

09-20-2008, 09:02 PM
The referal system is like invites but with benefits to both, the inviter and invited ;)
Like if you invite someone, and he gets promoted to Power User, you get upload credit and that sort of stuff...

that sounds like an awesome idea

09-20-2008, 09:18 PM
thanks for the explanation mate, so in short this means, one goes up, the other too and vice versa, nice system

09-21-2008, 02:49 AM
bcg is the heaven of games

09-24-2008, 09:56 AM
It's simply the best game tracker there is, and I'm very proud/lucky to be a member there.

09-25-2008, 07:24 PM
Yea, I'm sticking with underground-gamer.com and bitgamer.com

well if you are the same XxRavenxX that I remember, then they can keep you.

and we dont care about the members, ffs.

you have had over 1 month to generate your keyword, there have been announcements, forum posts, news items, about it, and people still complain.

09-25-2008, 07:31 PM
and we dont care about the members, ffs.


09-25-2008, 07:37 PM
Yup, ur gonna have to start all over, BCG doesnt give a shit about its members
Ok stop with that crap,you know thats not true...

it was from that quote, sorry i forgot to quote it in my previous reply lol

09-25-2008, 07:56 PM
I like it. I like the informative posts by the staff too :p. I get rare and hard to find games(Shenmue 2 for the win) off it and use the Seeding points system to seed back. Thus, maintaining a good ratio is not a problem at all. I'm a PU at the site and registered using the signup page too :D

@Stoi: You have taken a great initiative by making this thread. So i had to post a feedback :)
And all the shit you are getting about banning users for not generating a keyword is unwarranted if you ask me. I generated it the very first time i got a system pm with the link on how to generate it. I promptly followed the instructions and saved the keyword on my hdd in a safe place for future reference. It took me like 5 mins to do it...

So i ask this... Is it really that hard to follow a simple instruction. No it is not. End of discussion!

09-25-2008, 10:35 PM
So, 72 hours is just to avoid H&R, then afterwards, you get rewarded. That makes sense and is totally fair.

No, 72 hours before you can start getting the points which count towards stopping it being a H&R.

Many PC games are ~7GB now, so to stop one of those being a H&R it would be 72 hours + 70 hours to get the points to stop it being a H&R = 142 hours.

The points you get aren't a 'reward', they are to prevent you falling into bad standing. There is no positive effect of getting them; only prevention of a negative one.

As for ScT - I'm not a member there, and you mention PACKS being 120 hours, well how large are packs normally? I got one from SCC, a couple of series of a show - it weighed in at 22GB. Since you were comparing packs to Blackcats releases in terms of seeding time requirements, by the Blackcats rules you'd have to seed that for 292 hours. 120 hours isn't so much given the size.

so surely, stopping a negative effect, which is basically banning your ass, is a positive effect in the long run.

and the reason its set up the way it is, is pretty easy to understand but a pain to write down lol but i will try my best.

lets take a 7 gig PC game. lets say its not new, but 6 months old, there is 5 seeders on it and 0 leechers.

a leecher jumps on, so you do not get SP after your 72 hours of seeding, as its under the 20:1 ratio. so if those 5 seeders are limiting their BW to 1KBs each, giving the leecher 5 KBs its going to take him a week to finish it, and the seeders will have to keep seeding it.

if on the other hand, all those seeders are giving it their all, and each upload 2 gig (I know that doesnt fit a 7 gig game but lets not nit pick).

the cost would be

72 hours + 70 hours - 20 hours (your 2 gig upload) = 122 hours

and that 2 gig upload you could do in a couple of hours of seeding.

and if you do get your SP to get you to a 1 ratio, anything you upload on top of that to leechers, is a bonus.

honestly i see people downloading old games, uploading 0 through lack of leechers, getting SP to stop the hit and run and getting the 1 ratio on it, keeping the files, as soon as a leech jumps on, getting back on it and uploading to the leech, that way you only really need to upload .5 of the size of the torrent to get PU, or 1,05 to get SPU and that to me is a community member, not someone that downloads something, seeds for 24-72 hours, gives up, deletes files and forgets all about that torrent.

so basically anyone on the site can get to SPU, it just takes patience and being a good member to do so, which is basically what we want after all, not a bunch of hit and runners, and members that seed 1000 torrents or limit their upload to 1KBs.

so after all that, the faster you upload to any leechers that are on your torrents, the better it is for both parties, and if there are no leechers at all, you still get rewarded for seeding them.

I just cant see how that is unfair or negative in any way shape or form, and on other trackers, that have got a 72hr waiting rule, I dont think you get the difference added to your upload stat for that torent, you just do not get flaged with a hit and run, at least on BCG you get a bonus to your ratio as well.

Something Else
09-25-2008, 11:07 PM
Black Cats have some very sexy staffers. I get a semi just reading some of stoi's posts.

09-26-2008, 04:48 AM
i stick to tti

09-26-2008, 05:18 AM
i stick to tti

OK curiosity killed the cat time here.


have you ever been a member, if so why do you prefer somewhere else, if not then why even post.

09-26-2008, 06:03 AM
i stick to tti

I'm a member at TTi. And I think it's a great tracker all around tracker with a lot of positive things going for it. But do you honestly think it's better for games than BCG?

09-28-2008, 01:05 AM
I just got into BCG and I must say I really love it. I started looking for some games to download and compared what I found to other trackers and they don't even come close selection wise or seeder wise. It's awesome. I really like the ICG Station Stylesheet as well, I think it's nicer than the default and I'm glad you guys included it.

09-28-2008, 01:08 AM
NP mate

that skin is the default though for this tracker software we are using, just not a lot of the well known trackers use it.

09-28-2008, 01:21 AM
Blackcats is just great I have to say!

The main reason I think it's great is I have the ps2 and the wii chipped for the kids and I'm in the process of grabbin a card for the NDS and the content on BCG is just far superior to ANYWHERE else and that's a fact.
The seed point bonus is another great feature, though having said that I could survive without it no problem and I'd expect most other dedicated torrenter's to do the same, though it's very generous of the staff to have it so hat's off to them.
Also like many other trackers they have some down to earth decent staff.

^^ Not talkin about you stoi, you up your own arse :D j/k

09-28-2008, 07:14 PM
bcg is one of the best tracker for games...maybe the best one...
got acc there ..use it quite often for ps2,and pc...
they got very big(huge) game collection !!!that gives them number 1 ... and the speeds aren't so bad...

09-28-2008, 09:50 PM
I think someone in here said we should have an arcade.

well we have and its working

but its only got the default games atm, i have got 700+ on my PC but i am getting capped atm so cant upload them, i will later on and try to get them installed.

the arcade is on the forum btw not the tracker.

09-28-2008, 09:51 PM
I think someone in here said we should have an arcade.

well we have and its working

but its only got the default games atm, i have got 700+ on my PC but i am getting capped atm so cant upload them, i will later on and try to get them installed.

the arcade is on the forum btw not the tracker.
do you guys have cod4 servers? =)

09-28-2008, 10:00 PM

I meant a forum arcade with Flash games that get entered into the db and keep track of scores.

We do not have anything like what your asking.

09-28-2008, 10:06 PM

I meant a forum arcade with Flash games that get entered into the db and keep track of scores.

We do not have anything like what your asking.
well i don't have bcg so i wouldn't know

09-29-2008, 01:16 AM
Heya Stoi it's me Abudman from Omaha, I've been trying for quite a while to re-register. Black-Cats is aces.

09-29-2008, 06:03 AM
i think that the site owner oozes truckloads of sex

take me now stoi...before my period strikes


ps...bring a muffin

09-29-2008, 09:21 AM
Hey guys,

First post here, glad to have finally met the real people behind blackcats! Seriously, the site has a godly reputation in my friends circle (figures, none of us are in!) but it was nice to see that it is after all run by humans, with feelings and sound rationale, and not a dictatorship, which is a truly viable option, given the site's incredible status and content.

The thread topic says it all...the admins at blackcats really do go out of their way to help their members, so it is reasonable to expect at least complete compliance with their rules in return, which I believe are extremely fair, especially the seed points system. That really is an idea ahead of its time. Others need to catch up!

I have a question though regarding the hit-and-run system. Say I download a 360 game and after its finished, I need to close everything down on my computer (, utorrent, firewall, antivirus, every funny thing in task manager) to burn it without hiccups. As soon as the burn is complete, I start seeding. I guess people with 2 or more PCs won't face this problem, but my actions would still count as hit-and-run. Perhaps a small 'grace' period of say an hour or so might be given to people to start seeding after finishing the download? Or am I missing something blatantly obvious? I am not a member so I can't say for sure!

Keep up the great work Stoi. Hoping to become a member soon... but I am basically a foot-soldier in the torrent ranks, blackcats seems way out of reach as of now, but dreams don't hurt anyone as long as you can keep your perspective and wits about yourself ;)

09-29-2008, 09:30 AM
Funny thing is, i do not think we are anything special, we have oepened up that often in the past im surprised there are still people out there that have never been a member.

And have you not heard, PCs can multitask you know, ok still not as good as the Amiga back in the day, but you dont have to stop seeding or any of that other stuff to burn, christ i have run Folding at home with 100% CPU going while i was burning with no problems.

But if you have to stop seeding, then yes its a hit and run, but start it again, and its not a hit and run anymore, and we have 2 types of hit and run.

Seeding hit and run, this just basically tells you if you stop the torrent (has to be under a .8 ratio) then it will be flagged as a hit and run.

Hit and Run, which is when you stop the torrent when it is under a .8 ratio.

but we dont ban on 1 or 2 hit and runs, or demote for that matter, you have to do a few hit and runs before there is any repurcussions to your account.

09-29-2008, 09:56 AM
Hey Stoi,

Glad to have finally met you! Thanks for the response. And trust me, there's a whole new generation of (relatively!) young torrenters like me who have grown up on the plentiful myths and legends on blackcats! I guess we were a bit too young/ignorant and so missed the early days of open signups.

You'll be surprised if you dig a little on Google, blackcats has a near-cult status, no exaggerations. So, forgive my fawning when I first stumbled upon this forum and saw this thread...as if God was asking the people if He is doing okay?! I just thought, wow, that's a level of concern I had never expected nor experienced anywhere else.

I guess its time for me to get a new computer then, this current rig can't even handle open Word documents as it shamelessly starts kicking the buffer-underrun bucket...and the cost of beautiful Verbatim dl coasters...its not a rosy picture.

But yes, I completely agree with your hit-and-run policy in that case, it could not be any fairer.

And this world is a big place, and I understand that blackcats will never have enough spots for every deserving person. Hey, that's life, we need to make the most of whatever we get :) and stop complaining for a change!

Good luck for everything,

10-01-2008, 08:32 AM

10-01-2008, 08:54 AM
BCG is a great site, everything is good except design - it should be changed to more awesome!
that's all man, that's all. good luck with that and thanks for really good site.

10-01-2008, 09:22 AM
Hey Stoi,

Glad to have finally met you! Thanks for the response. And trust me, there's a whole new generation of (relatively!) young torrenters like me who have grown up on the plentiful myths and legends on blackcats! I guess we were a bit too young/ignorant and so missed the early days of open signups.

You'll be surprised if you dig a little on Google, blackcats has a near-cult status, no exaggerations. So, forgive my fawning when I first stumbled upon this forum and saw this thread...as if God was asking the people if He is doing okay?! I just thought, wow, that's a level of concern I had never expected nor experienced anywhere else.

I guess its time for me to get a new computer then, this current rig can't even handle open Word documents as it shamelessly starts kicking the buffer-underrun bucket...and the cost of beautiful Verbatim dl coasters...its not a rosy picture.

But yes, I completely agree with your hit-and-run policy in that case, it could not be any fairer.

And this world is a big place, and I understand that blackcats will never have enough spots for every deserving person. Hey, that's life, we need to make the most of whatever we get :) and stop complaining for a change!

Good luck for everything,

you best back up off my man

fucking homewrecker

10-01-2008, 10:29 AM
my name is mano and I'm a heavy pc gamer.
I never been a member in BCG .
when I started with torrents I registerd to TL and TD ( two years ago ) and I got them till today.
Last mount I bought a PS2 for my son and I didnt find good games with seeds in my private sites.
and in all the big forum's they send me to BCG but it is allways closed for registrations.
last week i enter your IRC chanel and talk about a way to be a member, but i BEEN nicely Ignored after I get an answer that you are closed.

why cant you give chance for news member ?


10-01-2008, 12:07 PM
last week i enter your IRC chanel and talk about a way to be a member, but i BEEN nicely Ignored after I get an answer that you are closed.

So you had your answer but kept pestering?

10-01-2008, 01:35 PM
//solved, had trouble loggin before.

10-01-2008, 03:23 PM
last week i enter your IRC chanel and talk about a way to be a member, but i BEEN nicely Ignored after I get an answer that you are closed.

So you had your answer but kept pestering?

Sory but I understand that you are litle boy that can't read,
pleas read my reply again and only after you understand all the sentence you may reply.
In the end, I just asked why new members can't have a chance ?


10-01-2008, 03:37 PM
because they closed their registration since ages, u cannot force a tracker to open for new member because u wanted too, that`s way you will never join bcg mate, simple as it is.......

10-01-2008, 07:38 PM
I know that,
and I know that there is lot of other trackers that do it also.
I just have now a chance to hear and get an answer directly from the owner of that kind of sites.
why they closed their registrations without even give a chance for new member to ask an invite from them ? like an test period for new members that we will prove our will.


10-01-2008, 07:43 PM
We open up, we get 10,000 new members a week, problem is, thats a lot of dupe accounts and cheaters that get in. so a hell of a lot of work for the staff, and only admin and above can disable, mods cant, so thats what 4 staff to go through all of those dimwits.

Our referal system should be on soon though, so you may very well get a chance to get in.

10-01-2008, 07:59 PM
No comment.

I logged in last week, grabbed two torrents the week before, been seeding four torrents, one since April, another since June ... and today I find I've been locked out.

I don't get it. Is that any way to treat people?

10-01-2008, 08:01 PM
well it is if you do not read announcements and forum threads and everything else we have done to tell you what was going to happen.

10-01-2008, 08:30 PM
It's your site, you can do what you want, no question, no arguments, but you've got to wonder why 9000 people didn't take the hint. I've been logging in regularly and it wasn't obvious to me.

Worst case scenario, last two torrents I grabbed was 10th September, verifiable, were the big red letters up then? Did I miss it on 10th September?

The rules were you had to log in at least every sixty days so were the big red letters up for sixty days?

I mean, it's only fair that everyone should abide by the rules.

I really don't get how I missed the announcement, but I did, I've been away for much of the last two months so not paying much attention to this place or (any) forum ... maybe that's it?

Anyway, looks like I'll have to get my FIFA09 off tl. :(

10-01-2008, 08:35 PM
2 announcements have been sent, if you did not generate your keyword you would have acctually been disabled on the 15th of September but we let everyone back for another chance. and 2 mass pms to those that didnt every day till we disabled everyone.

about 4 forum threads in Global Announcements about it, 2-3 news items on the home page.

its basically been all over the bloody site for the best part of 2 months.

if we keep taking it off and letting members have a chance, we might as well scrap the idea entirely, everyone got told, everyone had the chance to read the news items and the forum posts, mass Pms, and the announcements, if you did not, then sorry, thats not really our fault is it.

if you did generate your keyword, then jjust input recover in the fake page, if you did not then your account is history im afraid, its not even disabled its deleted.

but our referal system will be on soon, next couple of days i hope, so you may get lucky and get back in.

10-01-2008, 08:47 PM
Oh, I'm deleted then. Too bad. No, I won't get back in, I don't know anyone and yes you are right, I AM really stupid.

I wasn't a big user but I always made sure I kept a good ratio and I never hit and ran ...

I'm history then. All the best, it's a great site but it's back to TPB for me. :(

10-02-2008, 08:38 AM
its my favourite torrent site for games:beer:, but "some" users seem to have no time for reading (...uhhh...what is sp?, how do i log in on the new fake?, are there invites, etc...) and thats a shame, coz i dont think they download games and dont have the time playing them...:whistling

...not my problem one might think, but at the moment i just cant get any sp on a torrent because one of these stressed users didnt download the full torrent, and seems to be seeding 24/7, but with a partial download only as a leecher...:slap:

...to solve this, uploaders should have the option to, in very special cases (rompacks, accidentally uploaded unnessesary files in the torrent or something:wacko:), write a hint for downloaders that pops up when they want to leech

just a suggestion - any other ideas solving the "no time for reading" problem would be nice:w00t:

10-02-2008, 08:39 AM
try ur luck with the referal system...till then yes it is TPB for u

and don't bother trying to get in thru stoi as it won't help (which i bet u already figured by now)

10-02-2008, 09:21 AM
terrible move to ban so many good members . :sick::sick::sick:

Maybe ex-staff can start another better Games tracker ?

10-02-2008, 09:45 AM
If you were a good member you would have noticed all the warnings about this.

if your disabled then you obviously are not a good member.


and hmm no staff have left, because hmm, they can actually fucking read.

and if you want to go to a site thats run by X-BCG staff, then here you go


if any staff from there do not want this link, just PM me and i will remove.

10-02-2008, 10:05 AM
and if you want to go to a site thats run by X-BCG staff, then here you go

i see they took design layout when they left :whistling

10-02-2008, 10:08 AM
not a clue im not a member.

10-02-2008, 11:59 AM
just another shit site.

10-02-2008, 12:05 PM
terrible move to ban so many good members . :sick::sick::sick:

Maybe ex-staff can start another better Games tracker ?

Good members banned = probably 0
Bad members banned = the rest

So not really a loss on BCG's side.

10-02-2008, 12:09 PM
@ webber

you said you wanted a site started by X BCG staff so i gave you one.

there is

torrent-lab as well

and probably a couple more out there that i do not know about lol

@ danio

cheers, i didnt take your thread as sarcasm at first, but get it now (well i got it yesterday but it took awhile lol)

10-02-2008, 12:15 PM
I cannot get to the new site at all. generated my keyword as told but i just get a hostname not found. Please someone, what is the url now?

10-02-2008, 01:54 PM
URL has never changed, well not yet anyway, to much to take in for most members lol

10-02-2008, 04:19 PM
URL has never changed, well not yet anyway, to much to take in for most members lol

Bugger I think my ISPs damn dns server is screwing me over then. Since the change simply get hostname not found even from the tracker and irc server.

10-02-2008, 06:17 PM
what i think of blackcats??? well when i was member there before they deleted my acc for nothing i respected and loved that site.I did activated the key too btw and they deleted my acc the same way.I always behaved well and kept a good ratio too.

You may think i didnt asked for help on irc? your wrong i did that and they sad that my email didnt exist neighter my ip neighter my nick...i even did a screenshot of my email and showed them a msg from the admin (blackcats) in my email acc..well still now dont know what the hell happened to my acc....

10-02-2008, 08:06 PM
A if you did not activate your key you then your deleted.
B If you got banned just before the mass prune for the keyword, then your gone as well
C If you did do your keyword, and you did not get banned, your account will still be there just like the other 29,000 members that hmm did not get deleted for nothing.

10-02-2008, 10:10 PM
In regards to content, I think it's in a league of its own. Particularly, in fact, when it comes to how quickly games become available, the sheer breadth of content, and how the community can deliver on the most particular of demands. It was when I was downloading a certain dual-layer Wii game that had been streamlined to be burnt on a single-layer burner that I realised how comprehensive the system is.

In terms of looks, I'm actually happy with the functional design. It will be a sad day when you go in only to see a smut of flash videos that would be completely unnecessary and ultimately slow the site down. BC is not a superstore, it's a library, and doesn't need flashy panels at the front door to lure people in.

My only concern would be the extent to which the site restrains its members. For legal reasons, I understand why certain things can't happen; but I think the onus is on the user to *commit* to the site, despite the fact that the need to visit it may not be so frequent as requested.

And the system can be quite ruthless. I had recently been burgled and had to move out of my home to elsewhere. Now I can't access the site at all, which is a real shame, obviously, as I love it so much!

10-02-2008, 10:17 PM
A if you did not activate your key you then your deleted.
B If you got banned just before the mass prune for the keyword, then your gone as well
C If you did do your keyword, and you did not get banned, your account will still be there just like the other 29,000 members that hmm did not get deleted for nothing.

Man I'm sure that i activated the key..but still on #help they told me that my nick is nowhere and not even my email. I really think its unfair for people like me taht really behaved well in there. At least im pretend to be invited again. :huh:

10-02-2008, 10:21 PM
Well we are getting further with the referral system (btw thats how you spell referral not referal like i keep doing doh).

Only staff have them atm, for testing purposes but you only get 1 hour from generating it to your referee activating it.

but we are getting there.

10-02-2008, 10:39 PM
Awsome tracker about to get even better! :)

I love BCG... it was the first private tracker I joined. I have joined a fair few since, and I am yet to come across one as unique (ok... what.cd comes pretty close!). I think it's great that the staff are constantly coming up with new ideas and improvements.

If I have to be really picky... the site is a bit slow at times. And the pre times could be better (not the staffs fault I know), but tbh they are probably the two things that matter least with a tracker.

10-02-2008, 10:48 PM
Well the slowness of the site is pissing me off a lot, but we have a new server coming, so 'hopefully' that will improve things.

as for pre times, we have never really been big on getting something first, leave that to those that are good at it, we prefer to be a library where you can get virtually anything you want, with hopefully pretty fast speeds on most things, does not matter how old they are on the site.

and hopefully we are going someway to getting that goal.

but like you said, not a lot we as staff can do about the pre-times, but uploaders usually get them faster then me now so that has to be a good thing lol

10-02-2008, 10:56 PM
C If you did do your keyword, and you did not get banned, your account will still be there just like the other 29,000 members that hmm did not get deleted for nothing.

Oh, I still have my keyword, and haven't been banned.

How can I resolve the situation because all I can see right now is the 'Your Company Name' website.

10-02-2008, 10:57 PM
Yeah actually, thinking about it, I MUCH prefer content to speed. There's been a number of times when I've downloaded older games from the tracker, that are like 10+ years old. Trackers that concentrate on speed tend to lose torrents after about a month, because seeds just drop off them. So yeah... I think you do a good job in that sense.

Gaming wouldn't be the same without you guys around, that's for sure. :)

10-02-2008, 11:07 PM
C If you did do your keyword, and you did not get banned, your account will still be there just like the other 29,000 members that hmm did not get deleted for nothing.

Oh, I still have my keyword, and haven't been banned.

How can I resolve the situation because all I can see right now is the 'Your Company Name' website.

type (not copy and paste) your key into the searchbox. do not press enter or submit, user login boxes should pop up at the bottom of the page, input your user and pass and login, pretty easy actually.

10-02-2008, 11:16 PM
Cheers Stoi!

Oh, God, I'm back!

Thanks again!

10-03-2008, 12:00 AM
I got ignored in the other thread and then it got closed...

I like BCG a lot. The amount of content is huge and things tend to stay seeded forever. I almost never have to go anywhere else to find any kind of game.

Unfortunately, I can no longer access the site due to a 403 error that I have no clue as to why I'm receiving it. I generated my keyword a long time ago and was prepared for the new site fake page. I moved from Japan about a month ago to Virginia, then again to Texas (I'm military), and suddenly the site has me forbidden. I can't connect to the IRC either. So what's the deal? I'm in a hotel right now since I haven't been assigned barracks yet, is it just this hotel that's banned or my whole IP range (I think it's roadrunner broadband) or what? If I could get some kind of help that would be great.

10-03-2008, 12:03 AM
the 403 error is max login attempts, you get 6 then you IP gets banned.

is your name on BCG the same as here, i can look into it for you, but i may need the IP your on as well, so if you could PM me it on here, i will look into it.

but just if i do not do it straight away, its 1am here and bed soon, so if your not quick, it wont get done till tomorrow now.

10-03-2008, 12:42 AM
Thanks a lot, I sent you a PM (I think, the only contact info I could find was 'send email, so I used that) with my IP and BCG login information. I'm not in any rush, I just wondered why I was getting the error. That's strange though, I haven't attempted any logins at all since moving.

Thanks again.

10-03-2008, 12:47 AM
K its not us, its the PG blocklist we have on the site

PeerGuardian: Road Runner-Commercial

so its PG that is blocking that IP not us im afraid.

10-03-2008, 01:09 AM
Stoi is it possible I have been banned for some crazy reason? I still cannot see the new site. I am getting address not found error all the time. Never been in trouble on the site and actually won the lottery a while ago :D.
This is definately my nick on the site.

10-03-2008, 01:09 AM
D: So does that mean that as long as I'm using RR I'm gonna be unable to access the site? Crap. ;_; RR is the only provider around here. Maybe it's because it's the commercial and not residential or whatever they give to normal customers. Is there any way I can get my account parked so I don't have to worry about an inactivity deletion until I can figure this out?

10-03-2008, 01:13 AM
@ pitzbul

your account is fine mate, it has to be your end. :(

@ rakichaneru

you get 2 months of not login in before your account get pruned. but you will need another IP im afraid.

10-03-2008, 02:02 AM
Thankyou very much Stoi. Love the site. I am back. It was definately my ISPs DNS servers. Changed to opendns and im BAAACCCKKKKKKKK.:D:01::w00t::noes::fst:. Found a thread on a common broadband site with many people mentioning issues reaching blackcats.

10-03-2008, 03:21 AM
Blargh. Well, thank you for the help stoi.

10-03-2008, 04:24 AM
stoi you couldn't even give me a mention in the most recent announcement ?? like "thanks raban" or something at the end... i mean... i am the one who came up with the idea and motivated you to implement it ... i at least take about 99.9% credit for it ...

gotta say i'm let down...

10-03-2008, 06:58 AM
stoi you couldn't even give me a mention in the most recent announcement ?? like "thanks raban" or something at the end... i mean... i am the one who came up with the idea and motivated you to implement it ... i at least take about 99.9% credit for it ...

gotta say i'm let down...

so it was you who thought up this apeshit system and stoi who executed the apeshitness

you guys are both apeshit

ps...why would you want to take credit for such pure, unadultered, chaotic, not sensible, steaming, and apeshittish apeshit?

you are both fucking crazy

10-03-2008, 07:15 AM
ps...why would you want to take credit for such pure, unadultered, chaotic, not sensible, steaming, and apeshittish apeshit?

lol !! i was referring to this most recent announcement::


not the fake login page stuff...

10-03-2008, 10:03 AM
I had a BCG account, but I think I got banned for some reason but don't know why? Can somebody help me to know why?
ps: sorry for my english, I'm from belgium

10-03-2008, 10:23 AM
I had a BCG account, but I think I got banned for some reason but don't know why? Can somebody help me to know why?
ps: sorry for my english, I'm from belgium
Well couldn't find any account called sasho4all so if it was deleted, there's 3 reasons:
1. You didn't generate a keyword
2. Inactive account
3. Broke the rules and were disabled.

10-03-2008, 10:36 AM
I have a little problem , i didnt remember my password correctly and got banned ip . Is there a way to get back online in blackcats

10-03-2008, 10:39 AM
ok, find out why, I didn't generate a keyword... can i get may account back or its too late?

10-03-2008, 12:52 PM
I have a little problem , i didnt remember my password correctly and got banned ip . Is there a way to get back online in blackcats
Join #help on irc.blackcats-games.net you should be able to resolve your problem there ;)

ok, find out why, I didn't generate a keyword... can i get may account back or its too late?
Too late buddy :(

10-03-2008, 01:00 PM
will the registrations open some day? because I like BGC very much, was a PU. I was verry busy with my master thesis son I did't check de website and didn't resieve any email about a keyword...

10-03-2008, 01:12 PM
Well, AFAIK open signups aren't happening for a while, since the referal system will be going online very soon.

10-03-2008, 01:13 PM
i have an account there, but i cant remember the url.. i thought it was the one with dot net.. but it appear another site.. can someone pm me the url with te login page pleasE?

10-03-2008, 01:27 PM
The idiocy in the is thread rivals the Vice Presidential debate.

10-03-2008, 01:46 PM
The idiocy in the is thread rivals the Vice Presidential debate.


10-03-2008, 03:29 PM
i have an account there, but i cant remember the url.. i thought it was the one with dot net.. but it appear another site.. can someone pm me the url with te login page pleasE?Try this Blackcats-games (http://justfuckinggoogleit.com/)

10-03-2008, 03:35 PM
i have an account there, but i cant remember the url.. i thought it was the one with dot net.. but it appear another site.. can someone pm me the url with te login page pleasE?Try this Blackcats-games (http://justfuckinggoogleit.com/)


10-03-2008, 04:07 PM
i have an account there, but i cant remember the url.. i thought it was the one with dot net.. but it appear another site.. can someone pm me the url with te login page pleasE?

I guarantee if you've been away from the site long enough to forget the URL, you no longer have an account there. :D Good luck collecting another one.

10-04-2008, 12:12 AM
i have an account there, but i cant remember the url.. i thought it was the one with dot net.. but it appear another site.. can someone pm me the url with te login page pleasE?

I guarantee if you've been away from the site long enough to forget the URL, you no longer have an account there. :D Good luck collecting another one.

Actually, I the site seems to be.... gone..... I know the URL just fine and have it bookmarked several times over. It has been gone for about three days (at least that is when I noticed it). Anyone know a way to find out where it has gone, and if it is coming back?

10-04-2008, 12:16 AM
I guarantee if you've been away from the site long enough to forget the URL, you no longer have an account there. :D Good luck collecting another one.

Actually, I the site seems to be.... gone..... I know the URL just fine and have it bookmarked several times over. It has been gone for about three days (at least that is when I noticed it). Anyone know a way to find out where it has gone, and if it is coming back?

What do you mean by gone? The site is there, but not there at the same time :)

10-04-2008, 12:42 AM
Perhaps they forgot to pay their bill. Try reading what they have posted on the website that shows up. I believe it is Swedish or something like that. (I translated it a few days ago)

10-04-2008, 12:51 AM
Perhaps they forgot to pay their bill. Try reading what they have posted on the website that shows up. I believe it is Swedish or something like that. (I translated it a few days ago)

if i say "keyword" to you.. have you any idea what i'm talking about?

i know for sure i don't have a clue what you're talking about when you saay that they've posted something in Swedish on the site lately

10-04-2008, 12:54 AM
Perhaps they forgot to pay their bill. Try reading what they have posted on the website that shows up. I believe it is Swedish or something like that. (I translated it a few days ago)

if i say "keyword" to you.. have you any idea what i'm talking about?

i know for sure i don't have a clue what you're talking about when you saay that they've posted something in Swedish on the site lately

.................... http://www.blackcats-games.net/index.php go there.... and tell me what that says. It is in some non-English language. I am just wondering what happened to blackcats.

10-04-2008, 01:00 AM
BCG should have a stoi's game picks section.

10-04-2008, 01:08 AM
if i say "keyword" to you.. have you any idea what i'm talking about?

i know for sure i don't have a clue what you're talking about when you saay that they've posted something in Swedish on the site lately

.................... http://www.blackcats-games.net/index.php go there.... and tell me what that says. It is in some non-English language. I am just wondering what happened to blackcats.

i get to the usual site... but that's because i'm logged in, with my keyword and account details :happy:

i think you should read up on what's been going on on bcg.. because it seems like it was 2 months since you last logged in (or read announcements/news/pm's

10-04-2008, 03:06 AM
.................... http://www.blackcats-games.net/index.php go there.... and tell me what that says. It is in some non-English language. I am just wondering what happened to blackcats.

i get to the usual site... but that's because i'm logged in, with my keyword and account details :happy:

i think you should read up on what's been going on on bcg.. because it seems like it was 2 months since you last logged in (or read announcements/news/pm's

I was logged in about 4 days ago, I HAVE my keyword (I could even name what it is). When I go to the website this weird website logs up and it has the following written in 4 diff places on it and thats all "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadi pscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat."

I have been plenty active I am not banned and it shows up no matter what computer I look from. What is this insanity?

10-04-2008, 10:40 AM
type in your keyword in the search box, but do not hit enter

take a look at the bottom of the page.

10-04-2008, 02:19 PM
hi i generated my keywordand stored it i a word file file on my laptop so i didnt forget it lol. But my laptop was stolen any way i can get back online love this site

10-04-2008, 02:43 PM
Will registration ever open again? Since I don't know anyone with an account invites are out of question. :(

10-04-2008, 03:01 PM
hi i generated my keywordand stored it i a word file file on my laptop so i didnt forget it lol. But my laptop was stolen any way i can get back online love this site

Type recover into the search box

Opening up:

If referrals are a great success, never opening again, if they are a complete failiure, then maybe sooner that anyone thinks

10-05-2008, 12:36 AM
I was a user back in 2004. Is there any way to resurrect such an old account? :D

10-05-2008, 12:38 AM
Nope Sorry.

10-05-2008, 01:23 AM
Best game tracker out there. I heard that they have change the sp rules to 999 torrents from one of my friends.

10-05-2008, 01:27 AM
yes we have, but im still not 100% sure i like it or not.

thing is seeders are exactly the same as they were before, so not many are taking us up on the offer.

10-05-2008, 05:49 AM
Opening up:

If referrals are a great success, never opening again, if they are a complete failiure, then maybe sooner that anyone thinks

Open now? Just PM me when it gets open :mellow:

10-05-2008, 06:03 AM
Hello fellow Blackcats members, I lost my account during the change over, my computer had been out of service for several weeks, so I didn't have a chance to generate a keyword. I had a good ratio and have plenty to share. I'm asking if someone on the inside could please send me an re invite, my email is [email protected]; if that's not possible, can someone let me know what IRC channel I can join to find my fellow members, please help, thanks in advance.:)

UPDATE: After doing some searching I figured I wasn't gonna get much without something to offer in return, I have a XBOX-Sky account and a Chronic Tracker account invite, I'm also willing to pay via PayPal for an invite. Below are my SpeedTest results for show you how much I can upload. I was a very reliable member and did not leech. http://www.speedtest.net/result/334060005.png (http://www.speedtest.net)

10-05-2008, 06:10 AM
You're going to have to wait until the referral system gets up.

10-05-2008, 03:15 PM
Thanks for responding Funkin' and good to meet you. Do you know when the new referral system will be going up?? I've only been able to find info on the change over, I assumed the new referral system would be going up at the same time. Thanks again, any update is greatly appreciated.

10-05-2008, 03:21 PM
Not a clue, its in testing stages atm, so hopefully not long, but i cant give you a definative timeline for it, it may be tonight, it may be a week.

10-05-2008, 03:25 PM
i signed up twice when it was open , but never recieved the email . first signed up when it was really open with no isp email shit and all , then signed up again when a user was required to signup with an ISP email

10-05-2008, 03:26 PM
Holy shit, pedobear is everywhere

10-05-2008, 03:57 PM
so whats going on with the site? its not there anymore????

10-05-2008, 04:16 PM
so whats going on with the site? its not there anymore????

they use fake page

u live in the same world :cry::cry::cry::cry:

10-05-2008, 05:43 PM
Must be the world of the w*nker :ghey:

10-05-2008, 07:16 PM
so r u having trouble getting on? everytime I do firefox isn't letting me in?

10-05-2008, 09:52 PM
Thanks for your response to stoi, I look forward to hearing when the referral system is up and running. Please keep me updated, I'm very disappointed that my account got deleted. I blame myself though, I basically downloaded and maintained my torrents to seed without checking the PMs as often as I should have, I hope a member still on the inside will be willing to give me a second chance for readmittance, if anyone here is at or near the administrative level within BCG, my account username was nero84 in case it happens to be dormant somewhere. Thanks again and I will check back frequently to get any updates.:)

10-05-2008, 09:57 PM
nero84 is completely gone mate, sorry about that.

and the system may still be a few days away yet, alt has been working on hiding the whole site from googles prying eyes, so he has got a bit sidetracked with it, but it will get done.

10-05-2008, 10:47 PM
so the site is down right now and thats why I can't login?

10-06-2008, 01:42 AM
I appreciate all your help stoi, I don't want to sound like I'm begging, but I really would like an opportunity to be allowed back into your community once everything has been perfected. I have some material from both your site and others that I'd like to continue sharing. Your all working very hard and I commend you for your efforts, please keep me posted.:)

Thank you,
[email protected]

10-06-2008, 04:27 AM
Well, I generated my passkey, but didn't copy it down. Even though the fake login page was up, I never had to actually put in the key, until today.

I downgraded my laptop to XP (Because Vista should die anyway), and of course the cookies were lost. I forgot to copy my key, so now I'm sort of trapped.

Is there another way to recover account details? I have and know my login and password for BCG, but I don't remember the e-mail I used for it; thus, making the recover portion useless for me.

Thanks in advance!

10-06-2008, 04:30 AM
Ditto here (though I still have my email addy, of course). stoi, could you please check if acc. kaoblanco got wiped or if I properly gen'd my key (I think I did, but a move from Tokyo to back home in August had me swamped.. :(). Thanks, mate.

10-06-2008, 12:53 PM
I'm either getting nothing or "403 Forbidden unauthorized IP". I was fine saturday and then now I can't get on. I did my passkey right when they requested this, am always logged in to the site and have a good ratio. Can someone help with this?

10-06-2008, 01:14 PM
I cant access BCG too.
I always get "address not found". I thought it was down but it worked for others.
maybe it is my connection. not sure why

10-06-2008, 01:15 PM
kaoblanco = gone :(

weasrock = try now, its the 6 logins and your blocked, but i have just unbanned you, so you should be able to get in now, unless of course you fail another 6 times, then your banned again.

10-06-2008, 01:28 PM
Strange...I did generate a passkey back on the old site, but when I put it in the box and press enter nothing happens.

10-06-2008, 01:31 PM
do not press enter or submit, just type it.

10-06-2008, 01:40 PM
As Stoi say's, just enter your keyword into the "search Box", do not hit enter or submit, but once you type your keyword into the box, scroll down the page and you will see boxes to enter your normal login details.

10-06-2008, 02:32 PM
Hey, I also didn't see the message to make a keyword. Can anyone help me? User: jeffsteez


10-06-2008, 03:10 PM
So even though i know my account name (jusin) and password, but I can't remember the e-mail I used to register, does that mean I'm screwed?

10-06-2008, 03:21 PM
well looking at your account, it is still there, i have no idea how the hell you can forget your email.

if that is not a big clue i have no idea what is lol

@ jeffsteez your account is completely gone im afraid.

10-06-2008, 03:50 PM
Hello there i'm new on this site can someone help me......
I have an account on BCG but the e-mail whit explications to make some (password) arrive on my e-mail spam box and i dont see it!

The result is i lost my account and dont now how can i recover it or create a new! :frusty:

BCG is the best site i found this 4 last years !

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for my english i speak normaly french :whistling

Question for Stoi..... do you speak french?
And can you help a little swiss??:D

10-06-2008, 04:16 PM
Hah, thanks for checking stoi. Is there a way you can give me the @ address? Is it gmail, yahoo, mail, etc? I have so many variations of my nickname, and multiple email accounts.

If I have the @XXXXX, at least I can check all of them, to see which one is actually registered to BCG

10-06-2008, 04:18 PM
@ unikdc no i do not speak french sorry

@ jmkoala Gmail and its like you are twins.

10-06-2008, 05:32 PM
kaoblanco = gone :(

Well, prunes. Thanks for checking, though.

Would you check your PMs here also? Disregard my earlier one, please. Thanks.

10-06-2008, 05:45 PM
Wheel only use BCG to download some old games for PC.. And to seed back is a little hard but is no fix with the SP bonus.. Anyway i don't download the new coming games from BCG i prefer use another 0day tracker and help seeding on BCG.. For those who like to play old games is the best.

10-06-2008, 09:51 PM
To Funkin, how you doing?? Yes, you can email me at that address, I tried responding, but your account doesn't allow emails to be sent to you. Keep me updated, thanks.

10-06-2008, 10:11 PM
Hey Stoi, I'm assuming my account is gone too?

Same user name as here...

10-06-2008, 11:05 PM
Hey stoi, why can't I read the fake page or the forums with my firefox? do I have to have a plug in or ad on for this? BTW, thanks for helping me get back in..wasn't putting the right caps in the password..duh

10-07-2008, 12:32 AM
<awkward>Stoi, I love you.


Hah, thanks for helping me out, and putting effort to care for people whom you don't know.

10-07-2008, 07:56 AM
Hi Stoi i'm getting the "your company name" thing too. Can you tell me why? I know i generated my keyword. I did sign on at work from time to time. It stopped working at work about a week ago and it just now stopped working at home. I figured my company just blocked it, but it should still work at my home. Please help.

--my user name is x502xdowney

10-07-2008, 08:09 AM
Hi Stoi i'm getting the "your company name" thing too. Can you tell me why? I know i generated my keyword. I did sign on at work from time to time. It stopped working at work about a week ago and it just now stopped working at home. I figured my company just blocked it, but it should still work at my home. Please help.

--my user name is x502xdowney

type in your keyword in the search box on the page, do not press enter.. look at the bottom of the page :P.

10-07-2008, 09:42 AM
I never had a chance with getting keyword so Im assuming that my user name has been deleted (masteremp) even though I done a lot of seeding. Just wondering what steps 2 take to get back on the site

10-07-2008, 09:50 AM
I never had a chance with getting keyword so Im assuming that my user name has been deleted (masteremp) even though I done a lot of seeding. Just wondering what steps 2 take to get back on the site

Get a referral from another user.

10-07-2008, 12:10 PM
hi stoi,

is killer1 still there i have tried three different email addresses to recover and they don't work any clues??? or it might be my works address which i have left there now??...does the email domain begin with an i? oh and i did generate my keywoard also...but i sold my laptop that had it!!!

10-07-2008, 12:33 PM
your acc is still there, and yes the email domain begins with an I

10-07-2008, 01:07 PM
hi stoi,

Can i pm my full email address as i no longer work there, as it was my works address!! and get it changed sorry to be a pain

oops it doesn't appear that i can PM you?!?!

don't worry i tapped into my old address!!!

thanks stoi your a legend

hi Stoi,

As an added not how do i change my email address under my profile?


10-07-2008, 02:07 PM
I was just wondering about the referral system of BCG. I need a referral as I dont know how 2 get one. I was a member who followed the site rules and have been a member since it had a black background. It sucks not being able 2 be on the best gamer site :( so I was just wondering if anyone could help me out.

10-07-2008, 03:33 PM
Hello i ask again if someone can help me to have new account on BCG please!

I keep all the time good ratio up to 1.4 !

Please respond me!

10-07-2008, 03:39 PM
to masteremp and unikdc:

this is not the invite section, and the referral system isn't open yet so noone can get you in atm.

10-07-2008, 04:02 PM
to stoi:

I can't access the site since last week. Was not able to renew my keyword because of pc problems and work. My member name is dhfree86. I'm still seeding my games and want to know how to get back in. Need help please? I really like blackcats and most of my game libraries are from the site. Thanks.

10-07-2008, 04:22 PM
To Stoi:

I did generate a keyword a while back and do have it. However when I type the word into the search menu, I don't get the login prompt? Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to disable anything in the preference?

10-07-2008, 04:48 PM
to stoi and danio

Didn't check the top post. Was able to login now. Thought got booted out. Thanks.
To the other members having the same problem about the COMPANY NAME website. Just follow the post of danio.

Type keyword at the search field and there will be a surprise at the bottom.

Don't know why they started this but cool way to hide something eventhough I was swearing at first hehehe^_^'''

10-07-2008, 05:25 PM
To Stoi:

I did generate a keyword a while back and do have it. However when I type the word into the search menu, I don't get the login prompt? Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to disable anything in the preference?

Also, can you check to see if the ID rocket34psp still exist? Maybe it got deleted? From my utorrent, I am still showing that I am seeding my files.

10-07-2008, 05:37 PM
If your seeding, then your account is fine. Probably mis-typing the pass, or wrote it down wrong

10-07-2008, 05:38 PM
Hi..can anyone help me out?

I have my passkey but when i put it in the search box i don't get anything appearing at the bottom as some posts have said.

My username is silentbob69

10-07-2008, 06:31 PM
Hi Stoi, i didnt have the internet for a while and now i cannot get onto the site, or even get my generated key to put into the new site, my username was joshyb, or joshyb7, cnt remember if i had a 7 on there or not. can you please pm me a number to get back on at all please, i will be forever in your debt. as blackcats games is my most treasured internet site, and i am lost without it. thanks a lot. josh.

10-07-2008, 08:10 PM
stoi!!!! Thank god, a familiar face. Please help me, I also created a keyword, have it written down in front of me and find this new page. What can i do to re-enter the original site?? I have everything current on my account, so i am not sure why this happened.

any help is appreciated


i just got in, you have to type the keyword in the search field, it is kinda hard to see. Then, you will see a login appear at the bottom of the screen.

10-07-2008, 11:36 PM
stoi!!!! Thank god, a familiar face. Please help me, I also created a keyword, have it written down in front of me and find this new page. What can i do to re-enter the original site?? I have everything current on my account, so i am not sure why this happened.

any help is appreciated


i just got in, you have to type the keyword in the search field, it is kinda hard to see. Then, you will see a login appear at the bottom of the screen.

You should really learn to read

Hi..can anyone help me out?

I have my passkey but when i put it in the search box i don't get anything appearing at the bottom as some posts have said.

My username is silentbob69

passkey? you mean your generated keyword right? and make sure to type it in and not copy&pase because some people have problems with that.

10-08-2008, 01:16 AM
hey stoi,

I have a small issue, my username on BCG is Umair. And 1 month ago i went on vacation, however, i left my computer on and until about 1 hour ago i was seeding apprx. 8-9 games (i let them seed for the entirety of the month).

When i came back and tried logging into the site, i was like OH NO! its gone.. and i googled and googled untill i found these forms.. thank God

The issue is i did not know about the generating a keyword or anything :S, since i was not close to any internet, is there a possibility i can have my access back?

I have been a member for almost 2 years i think (not sure but pretty sure its over a year), and my ratio is good too

It would be amazing to be a part of this amazing site, thanks to you hardwork!

EDIT: thought i also may add, i think the email addy on my account was [email protected] or [email protected]... i am not too sure... also when i was away i did ask my br to make sure i was seeding games

10-08-2008, 01:22 AM
If you did not generate a keyword, your account is gone (deleted permanently).

10-08-2008, 01:29 AM
Hi..can anyone help me out?

I have my passkey but when i put it in the search box i don't get anything appearing at the bottom as some posts have said.

My username is silentbob69

passkey? you mean your generated keyword right? and make sure to type it in and not copy&pase because some people have problems with that.[/quote]

I am having the same issue as I stated above. I do have my keyword and have typed it in the search box numerous times and sat there and waited for the login at the bottom to show, but nothing happens. I tried IE, Firefox and on three different computers in my room. I am still seeding my torrents successfully, and someone posted that means I still have my userID on the site. My problem now is how do I get the login prompt to show? I can share my keyword with you if that will help.

10-08-2008, 01:32 AM
I was not even here, i have been seeding, so that means my account is not deleted... sigh.. who knew going away on a vacation for 1 month could do so much... I just came back 2 days ago, and today to restart my computer, i just closed the 8-9 seeds...

Stoi, is my account still there? And is there anything i could do?

10-08-2008, 02:28 AM
How sad. I have tried everything everyone else has posted.. no box pops up for me at all. I am still seeding like crazy, but can't get on the site. *sighs*


Nevermind case sensitive good lord.

10-08-2008, 04:18 AM
I'm confused how to get my keyword back...I did everything and generated my keyword a long time ago when they first asked me to do it and I had my keyword saved on a notepad on my computer and I can only remember the first four letters....my computer crashed and I reformatted my computer a few days later since I had to get a disc and when I got my computer up and running I went to blackcat games as usual and seen some weird swedish or something stuff...I thought the site was down the whole time until today when I came across this thread and ppl was saying you need your keyword....but I only know the first four letters @_@ .... is there an admin from blackcatgames that can help me? I have a good ratio on the site too ...my blackcatgames username is the same as my username here...

10-08-2008, 04:40 AM
to silentbob69:

After typing your keyword DO NOT PRESS ENTER. Just press the TAB button and a few seconds there will be a scroll bar on the side. That in dicates you did it correctly and the USERNAME AND PASSWORD fields will be at the bottom.

10-08-2008, 05:29 AM
Hi Stoi,

Can you please see if my account is still there? Username: caveman415

If so, can you send the keyword to my email address? Thanks!

10-08-2008, 05:51 AM
If so, can you send the keyword to my email address? Thanks!

lol ... you want him to come to your place and give you a handy too ?

10-08-2008, 07:19 AM
Ill take a handy.

10-08-2008, 08:19 AM
Hi..can anyone help me out?

I have my passkey but when i put it in the search box i don't get anything appearing at the bottom as some posts have said.

My username is silentbob69

Try IE or other browser, same thing happened to me (in recover stuff:() using FF

However, switching to IE was helpful
I guess it's something in ur browser settings

10-08-2008, 08:36 AM
I am in the same boar as Umair, I was offline for a time only to return to a deleted account.

10-08-2008, 08:46 AM
Nevermind posted on forums.

10-08-2008, 10:56 AM
I have enjoyed the sight for quite some time now. I like the variety offered and the always quick responses from the admins when I posed a question. The recent change to add an additional layer of sign in security is causing me some issue though. I followed all the instructions the very first time it was mandated that we generate keywords. I did mine on 23 August. I recently tried to access the new page but nothing happens when I enter the keyword. I used the "recover" and that too did not yield any results. I know I may be asking a lot but is there some forum where users, not banned users, have difficulty making the new procedures work?
Does the "recover" create a new keyword or just report the one that is listed in our account? If we have forgotten which e-mail account was used when we signed up is there some way to get that information from you?
Regardless I still think the site was very user friendly and customizable for individual taste. Keep up the great work. I,for one appreciate it.


10-08-2008, 11:26 AM
Hmm, I'm guessing my account on blackcats is deleted, since I didn't have chance to generate a keyword. But, I am able to login to blackcats forum, which redirects me to the cover page.

10-08-2008, 01:47 PM
to silentbob69:

After typing your keyword DO NOT PRESS ENTER. Just press the TAB button and a few seconds there will be a scroll bar on the side. That in dicates you did it correctly and the USERNAME AND PASSWORD fields will be at the bottom.

I tried this in IE and FF ... nothing happens for me. I have my keyword .. is there something blocking it from showing the login after you put your keyword in?

Any help would be great. I miss getting on the site.

SWEEEET .. back in...my problem is resolved .... I found that if you type in "recover" in the search box, and your ID was not deleted, meaning you did generate a keyword, then you can just recover a new keyword and password and login again. This is for all the folks that know their ID was not deleted and for whatever reason the keyword you have is not prompting the login at the bottom of the page.

10-08-2008, 05:52 PM
to silentbob69:

After typing your keyword DO NOT PRESS ENTER. Just press the TAB button and a few seconds there will be a scroll bar on the side. That in dicates you did it correctly and the USERNAME AND PASSWORD fields will be at the bottom.

this^^ works in IE but didnt work in FF...thank you :)

10-08-2008, 06:46 PM
It is ridiculous that BCG could delete thousands of active accounts, those were real people behind those accounts that cared about their membership. The admins dont care why you didnt submit your keyword, they just assume they gave ample warning and of course all members who made it back in will echo the same thing because they have nothing to worry about. This is a very bad attitude to have toward people who enjoyed being a part of this tracker and were in excellent standing.

10-08-2008, 07:33 PM
I agree with bboyxxx
Give me my account back

10-08-2008, 08:00 PM
Blackcats-games is the best torrent site I have ever been a member of. It sucks that they could easily delete thousands of active accounts, those were real people behind those accounts that actually loved this site. The admins dont care why you didnt submit your keyword, they just assume they gave enough warning and of course all members who made it back in will echo the same thing because they have nothing to worry about. This is a very bad attitude to have toward people who loved being a part of this tracker and were in excellent standing. I doubt I will ever feel the way I did about this site even if I do get back in which by the way will be practically impossible now. I lost two years and hundreds of GB's of upload to this community which I guess is somehow my fault?! Regardless of losing my SPU account I still think this is the best gaming tracker ever. Who knows maybe Stoi will give those of us who still cherish the site another chance at redemption? Probaly not but it was worth a shot.

Well if you were really a part of it, you would have noticed all the warnings and created a keyword.. people that didn't wasn't active on the site and didn't pay attention to what was going on. Just face it, you have only yourself to blame and to write letters to the staff is just pointless.

10-08-2008, 08:01 PM
We gave everyone 2 months to click 1 lousy link in your profile and agree to it.

thats all you had to do.

we then extended that by 2 weeks, we disabled those that had not and that was 22,000 members, so we reinstated all, and gave everyone another chance.

that lasted a week.

once the week was up, we decided to do it again, but delete accounts this time, and we lost 9,000 members.

I am very sorry, but we done everything in our power to tell yous it was happening, and every oportunity to click that 1 lousy link to keep your account.

If you did not do that, why did you not do it, and tbh X-Staff got pruned through this, and X bloody good staff i may add, but even they are not going to get a 3rd chance.

it was easy, click 1 link in your profile, click agree, write down keyword, sorted.

10-08-2008, 08:47 PM
I agree, it was a very simple-single-click-process and ample time was given. However we would not be voicing any concern if we did not enjoy this tracker. Besides how can your tracker ever be where you want it to be if you continue to kill off respectable members. No website or society for that matter has ever experienced longevity of prestige that has no regard for its people. History has taught us that every leader who killed off their people was eventually brought down themself. If this trend of unmerciless pruning continues then I really doubt if blackcats will ever be GREAT.

10-08-2008, 08:58 PM
No regard?

the way i look at it is.

over 29,000 good members clicked the link and generated their keyword.


we lost 9,000 good members by doing this.

if you did not do your keyword then you must just come to the browse page, no where else, and you must not click off old announcements (or just not read new ones).

It was all over the site for the best part of 3 months, home page, announcements, Mass PMs about it (2 a day for the last week), 3 Global forum posts.

So if you did not do it, its your own damn fault, and maybe we can become a better site for it, because all you were interested in was your bloody e-penis. (ratio)

10-08-2008, 09:07 PM
It's still a great tracker but I'm waiting for invites to open. I have a good friend in real life who just modded his xbox 360 and he is an experienced seeder and leaves utorrent open all the time.

However, no invites at bcg at the moment.

10-08-2008, 09:18 PM
Who knows maybe Stoi will give those of us who still cherish the site another chance at redemption?

one more chance... then the people that miss that chance will all be screaming for one more chance ... rinse repeat it could go on forever.

10-08-2008, 09:32 PM
I often wondered why some admins on your site have an arrogant attitude, it comes from the way you operate things and your aggressive stance toward your members. You like doing things your way so why initiate a thread like this as I doubt anything constructive will come from these posts. Honestly I could care less about my ratio, it was just a sign that I was a member in goodstanding and was helping out the community. Besides what good did all that uploading do for me at the end of the day, nothing. It is possible that you will become a better site, but I doubt it by the way the show is run.

10-08-2008, 09:37 PM
I like the way that in your first post we are a good site, in your last one that staff are arrogant and we are shite lol

Honestly mate, it was your fault, get over yourself and just admit it.

you may have been a good member, but you took no fucking notice of anything we said on the site about this, so not our loss.

and if you did not read this thread properly.

We DELETED accounts, we did not just disable, so your account is gone, nothing i can do about it.

10-08-2008, 09:58 PM
Dont get me wrong the site is gamers paradise, the downloads are plentiful and the seeders were abundant and awesome. I was referring to the way the site is managed is a cause of concern and some of the Admins are well you said it.

10-08-2008, 10:39 PM
... Besides how will your tracker ever be where you want it to be if you continue to kill off respectable members...

It's more like you commited suicide than were "killed off by the staff". Stop complaining and accept the fact that it's 100% your own fault.

Dont get me wrong the site is gamers paradise, the downloads are plentiful and the seeders were abundant and awesome. I was only referring to the way the site is managed might be a cause of concern. I know I was deleted by my misfortunes but if you wanted you could invite people back in with the click of a few buttons, which obviously will never happen.

Why would he want to re-invite all that useless weight to the tracker again now when he finally got rid of it? I wouldn't ask my doctor to put back a tumour cut out of me.

10-09-2008, 12:42 AM
useless weight? yer full of it if you believe that.. people that left their seed boxes on and left it running to do other stuff ? huh? not everyone reads every msg, couldnt be coincidence that all 26000 accts are all dead weight. NO your ASSSUUUMING they are... but I bet there were alot of good users in there that made a simple mistake of not reading the msgs... if its such a high number of users that got the axe you would think that the msg wasnt made clear enough - that would be the intelligent thing... not to ASSUME 26000 people are retards that are dead weight... threads here left and right complaining about how they are part of this self created holocaust are absurd... its almost plausible that this is a stunt to get attention for the site.

10-09-2008, 12:55 AM
It's widely understood that they were dead weight. To be honest I don't even visit BCG all that frequently, as I do not have any consoles modded, so I don't download so many games. But even I knew about this entire thing _months_ ago. There's no way around it: those people who were disabled the first week, deserved it. The people who were deleted now, they deserve it even more. They ignored the blatant messages, and have rightfully been purged from the site. They no longer deserve to be there. Besides, all those users that you mentioned, people who just basically used their seedbox on the site and nothing else, are finally gone; should help the deserving members maintain a good ratio.

10-09-2008, 01:10 AM
well that may be, all im sayin is maybe the message wasnt CLEAR enough for others.. IF I did read it, I didnt get it and no IM not the smartest person around.. so I could be at some fault... but 26000 people joined me on this one ...

maybe we should start are own site... pwgafbcg (people who got axed from black cats games)

10-09-2008, 01:53 AM
couldnt be coincidence that all 26000 accts are all dead weight.

see this might be the problem.... stoi says 9,000 accts were deleted and this guy reads it as 26000

so really no matter what message stoi put up on BCG this guy was doomed cause he can't even read what's on the screen....

10-09-2008, 02:13 AM

Can you please check my username; cjtech

10-09-2008, 02:15 AM
ya ya ya... stoi also says there nothing he can do about it..

I saw 26000 somewhere... so if it was 9 this is the FIRST time I have read that... I didnt say I was perfect ... you might be in all your craptalking.. but heck even if it was 9000 people... thats still hard to ignore.. you can try to ignore it but thats alot of people that missed the message "your account is going to be deleted".

10-09-2008, 07:55 AM
9,000 is not a lot to get deleted, tbh, i would have left the 22,000 to rot but I was not online at the time, and it was all sorted when i came back online.

Bottom line is, we done everything humanely possible to inform the members, we gave you 2 nearly 3 months to click 1 link in your profile, it was not hard, it was not a trick question, over 29,000 members done it properly.

We could not wait any longer, saying as though it was nearly a month overdue from when we first said it was going to get done, so we done it, 9,000 members (some good, some bad) got the chop.

We had to draw the line somewhere, and we cant just keep giving everyone that did not click it 3rd, 4th, 5th chances to click it.

and actually the truth of the matter probably is, that even if we did bring everyone back and give everyone yet another week, then i bet those complaining in here, still wouldnt have seen it, or done it.

Its done, I cant change it back (even if i wanted to, which i dont, but I cant) because all those 9,000 are deleted from the database.

So there is absolutely no point whinging about it, or getting upset about it, or saying we will never be a great site for loosing 9,000 members (not sure how you work that one out though, saying as though we have been to 100,000 before, and when you got pruned we were at 44,000, and to me we were not a great site then, so how loosing 9,000 members will never make us a great site, when we actually had them we were not, i will never understand).

I done everything in my power to tell the members, we gave you plenty of time/chances, and there is nothing i can do about it now. (but yet its still our fault, not yours)

10-09-2008, 08:50 AM
Im sure I lost account now:cry:, but I not going to moan about loosing my long standing account as it get annoying:angry:. I do wish to know when you may start doing referrals again as I dont really like the prospect of getting public torrents although I may have 2. If you do start referrals will it be b4 christmas period? I still got loads of the torrents ready 2 seed, but I gonna have 2 delete them 4 space if I cannot get back 2 BCG.

10-09-2008, 09:30 AM
Hi, i recently found out about the change to the site, i created my keyword before they changed the log in method so my account is still active, the problem is that whenever i try to log in nothing happens, the adress just changes from http://www.blackcats-games.net/ to http://www.blackcats-games.net/takelogin.php but the "your company name" site appears again, i used both IE and FF but neither worked, how do i make it work?, my account is edd382.

10-09-2008, 11:31 AM

I did follow all the steps by creating key and i agreed. Just can't find my key anywhere wrote it down on a note .. but where did i leave it.. . Is there anyway i can recover or key my key again.
username thagoose

10-09-2008, 11:44 AM
Stoi, most importantly its your site to do with as you planned. That was the bottom line that I came to when I was trying to think of a reason today why someone would cut their leg off coz I just have a hard time believing those 9000 were as useless as many here have said.. there must be benefits to the security implemented that IM not seeing now.. believe me I can see your side too. You had the plan to move forward and your timeline forced this .. you still have a helluva lot of members right now... and in the big picture those that want to get back will get back when the invite system is working.. so all in all things will return to normal.

come se dici ? que sera sera

10-09-2008, 12:10 PM
there is plenty of good game sites out there.. this one is abit slow but isnt toooo bad

10-09-2008, 04:49 PM
please i need the correct URL to login
coz when enter company name page
i can't know where can i enter my username and password although i open it with IE. plz help

10-09-2008, 04:58 PM
please i need the correct URL to login
coz when enter company name page
i can't know where can i enter my username and password although i open it with IE. plz help

still the same old url m8, they are using fake page, and if u didn`t generate a keyword 2 or 3 months ago, that`s mean ur account got deleted, sorry

10-09-2008, 06:20 PM
Stoi, can you give me a pointer as to what Email address I registered with as I have tried the ones I thought I used but they arent working, my username on the site was Plushchris, I think the last torrent I downloaded was Super hind for PSP.

I have been offline for a while due to my ISP being rubbish, I generated a passkey but forgot to make a note of it.


10-09-2008, 06:42 PM
you can also go to irc 24/7 and chat w the ops there for this info

10-09-2008, 07:26 PM
you can also go to irc 24/7 and chat w the ops there for this info

Yeah I know but I wouldnt have a clue where to start as I've never used IRC before as I've never really had the need or inclination to

10-09-2008, 08:17 PM

I've failed my login attempts six times, and now my IP is banned! I only use four different types of password for everything, so I've no idea why I couldn't get in!

Is there any chance you could lift the ban on my IP? But what can I do about the password?


10-09-2008, 08:31 PM

all you have to do is download mirc (which is free 1.5mb), enter your name, and a handle , and then click on the options button (the one with a hammer) click the servers.. add a new server ... enter the blackats server into the server field and then hit connect and it throws you into their waiting room... you can then type /j #help to talk to an op live. Its really pretty easy... easier than setting up a torrent client - no ports to know or forwarding...

The blackcats server is www.blackcats-games.net (http://www.blackcats-games.net)

It can be done in a matter of minutes depending on your dl speed of 1.5mb



10-09-2008, 08:51 PM
stoi mate i think ive banned my self after 6 tries can you sort it out for me please

thanks if you did anything well just thanks anyway for bcg cause ive logged in

10-09-2008, 09:08 PM
Why can't I login?I generated my keyword.When I type the keyword in the search box,my username and password below it brings me back to fake login page.Why?

10-09-2008, 09:11 PM
I like the way that in your first post we are a good site, in your last one that staff are arrogant and we are shite lol

Honestly mate, it was your fault, get over yourself and just admit it.

you may have been a good member, but you took no fucking notice of anything we said on the site about this, so not our loss.

and if you did not read this thread properly.

We DELETED accounts, we did not just disable, so your account is gone, nothing i can do about it.

stoi i generated my key but i dont remember it what can i do?

10-10-2008, 12:50 AM
BCG is a very cool games tracker and the current security measures are even better.

Some of the forum mods are way anal though . . . which is why I stick to the tracker and stay away from the forums.