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View Full Version : What do you think of blackcats-games

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10-17-2007, 04:23 AM
I am probably setting myself up here for a great big fall, but i would like to get a general oppinion on what users realy think of us on another forum.

Dont worry i wont go scouring blackcats for your usernames, you are free to say what you like.

But please, make informative posts, either good or bad.

If we just get posts like,

Its great or its shit, it will just mean we cant improve at all.

so try to be as informative as you can, and if you have any suggestions to make us better, then im all ears.

PS: i will come in and defend us or the reason we have a mod on or something else, obviously, but i wont go banning accounts.

10-17-2007, 04:28 AM
bravo. i think this is a great opportunity you offer here. people will be much more open than on your board, believe me.

i can't tell you much about your tracker though, because frankly: i just don't need it. i'm not into games at all. :P

10-17-2007, 04:35 AM
It rocks. Content is fantastic.

I think the aesthetics are awful though. Things seem just a bit too spaced out and the white website is overly bright and has little or no character or originality. Same as WB.

I don't really care that much though as the content is exceptional. I'm not there to hang out; I just want the files, so I'm happy. :)

10-17-2007, 04:37 AM
bravo. i think this is a great opportunity you offer here. people will be much more open than on your board, believe me.

i can't tell you much about your tracker though, because frankly: i just don't need it. i'm not into games at all. :P
same here. Im not a hardcore gamer and pick up a mainstream game here and there but they are availible on non-specialty trackers like yours. you guys definitely made the right move closing signups -- you will get better users

10-17-2007, 04:37 AM
well we do have 3 themes to choose from.

the silvery white, which came with the tracker (hence why you have probably seen it elsewhere)

topaz, a black and yellow one. done by an ex staff member

alt, a black one but with drop down links at the top of the page, done by our coder, but i have to say when he done the theme, he was brand new at everything, even html and css.

10-17-2007, 04:44 AM
well we do have 3 themes to choose from.

the silvery white, which came with the tracker (hence why you have probably seen it elsewhere)

topaz, a black and yellow one. done by an ex staff member

alt, a black one but with drop down links at the top of the page, done by our coder, but i have to say when he done the theme, he was brand new at everything, even html and css.

Yeah, but I think the white is the lesser of the evils. :ermm:

10-17-2007, 04:49 AM
:lol: fair enough

tbh the workings of the tracker have taken priority over the look of the tracker, but once we get all that the way we want it, im sure a few more, better, themes will show up.

but like you mentioned, aesthetics is one thing, content is another.

10-17-2007, 05:05 AM
Content is amazing. The new forum is much better than the old one. I don't post a lot, but it's fun to read some of the threads there. (and there are some very nice guides)

My only critic would also be with the overall looks of the site (especially the forum banner and the default avatar shown in forums posts). But that's a minor issue really.

In short, the site is just great for my needs.

10-17-2007, 05:06 AM
its gr8 site no doubt about it but i think you think about ur ratio system .we all want to seed as much as possible but it is not always possible to seed 72 hrs

10-17-2007, 05:09 AM
well like i said in another thread.

we take the sp off altogether, but still have the hit and run rules, and you have to seed back to actual leechers, you could be on the torrent for weeks/months.

and its not 72 hours constant, it just 72 hours active, and yes even i have to abide by the same rule, and i have to turn my PC off on a night, so 72 hours takes me a week, and i agree it is bloody annoying, but better than sitting on it for months, hoping a leecher comes along imo.

10-17-2007, 05:25 AM
I would agree that the layouts (all 3 options) are butt-ugly, but that's just appearance. You could probably run a contest where the reward is just upload credit or something and get better layouts from your users. Content is very good (although I did sadly have to download Civ IV: Warlords from another tracker recently because BCG didn't have it) and speeds are very good. Single sign-on for the forums would be nice. Having certain torrents be free-leech once in a while is always fun, which I don't think I've ever seen at BCG.

10-17-2007, 05:29 AM
I would really like to see a good design for once ;) For the longest time I thought that there was no logo in your stylesheets until I visited the tracker with another browser once and noticed that you named the logos "banner.gif" and "blackcatsbannercopy.jpg". Pretty much every ad-blocker will disable those files outright and there are some important/useful links in the logos which shouldn't be missing.

The content is very good for all kinds of game consoles (and PC games) and it is easily the best collection of games on any tracker. What I'm missing a bit are games dox and trainers - there are quite a few scene releases from groups like PiZZADOX, BReWErS, JMP, etc. A not so professional gamer like me needs those sometimes if he doesn't want to kick and kill his PC in frustration :D

Your seed points: that's a unique system and you should hold onto it. Whether you should make some changes is another thing ;) In my opinion, the whole thing should require a much shorter FAQ than your corrent one and that tells me the seed point calculation is too complicated for the average user to understand it easily enough. On a torrent tracker that works as an archive of sorts it is a good thing to keep people seeding for some time, I don't even mind the 72+ hours.

10-17-2007, 05:29 AM
you sign in to the tracker and are auto signed into the forums, its the only way we could do it with the way the cookies are done on both tracker/forums.

sorry to dissapoint you but free leech will never be on BCG, i just dont agree with it at all, like i dont agree with wait times either, so neither of those you will ever see on BCG.

well we do have a game dox category, just no one either requests them, or no one uploads them. its usually game manuals that get put in there.

10-17-2007, 05:45 AM
Fantastic site, really fantastic, the content is fantastic.
1. There's a Mac games section and 3 Mac games??? BCG would be top-notch if it had a fantastic selection of mac games too. I know that Mac's aren't exactly the top choice for gaming, but there are more games than that! :lol:

2. (Just as other have been complaining about) I think it's desperate for a new design/design contest. It could use a new layout possibly, but it really would improve with just a new banner. I personally use custom ones with Greasemonkey because I can't even stand the default.
I understand plenty of other things go into a tracker other than looks and I <3 BCG, but I hope new themes/banners come soon. :D

10-17-2007, 05:47 AM
Weird...it didn't the last time I logged in but did this time...who knows...if you say it's supposed to work that way I'll take your word for it.

Your response about FL isn't a disappointment...I have plenty of buffer as it is. I just know on sites where I don't have a huge buffer it can be nice to see FL torrents once in a while to help out my ratio or just to check out something new without worrying how it'll affect my ratio.

10-17-2007, 05:53 AM
well there was an outcry for months about mac games, so i gave into it.

and like you said 3 mac games have been uploaded since, the demand just isnt there, especially not now with intel based macs with bootcamp or whatever its called, you can play windows games on a mac now.

as for the design and banners, that will come eventually. and i have had loads of contests in the past, no 1 person took us up on it, we even have our own designers forums now, and best thing thats come out of that so far, is an idea for a new favicon lol

but they are brand new forums, so maybe in time we will get a lot more posts and ideas in there.

10-17-2007, 06:01 AM
Awesome site, every gamers dream :) i mainly use it for my PSP games.

10-17-2007, 06:26 AM
1. There's a Mac games section and 3 Mac games???
No kidding? When was the third game released? I must have missed a meeting...

10-17-2007, 07:06 AM
bc-g rawk... usually download psp iso from there...

10-17-2007, 08:36 AM
i think the site is great , but it would help if u had a classic game section.

10-17-2007, 09:01 AM
nice to see you care for opinions stoi :)
+1 for better layout, otherwise it's a really cosy tracker. i keep loosing my accounts for inactivity tho, guess i'm not much of a gamer :)

10-17-2007, 11:28 AM
blackcats-games is a supberb site, one of my favourites, and i treasure my membership there.

the only "complaint" i would make, and its minor, is the interface, it looks dreary all in black. EDIT: just found the silvery white stylesheet - thats so much nicer, it should be the default. :D

the SP system is great, ignore the criticisms about that.

but the content and the long life of the torrents is exceptional and as im there mainly for the files, im a very satisfied user.

thanks for providing such a great site.

well done.

10-17-2007, 12:15 PM
Love this tracker. Can`t find a bigger collection of games anywhere else. I will be an active user for life..

10-17-2007, 12:32 PM
I think it's a great (if not the best site) for game..BUT i really don't like the closed invite system. I've had a couple of friends ask me to join (They keep good ratio) and cant unfortunately..perhaps make invites harder to acquire or somethiner?

10-17-2007, 12:36 PM
Great site, with great content and speeds!!!!

10-17-2007, 12:37 PM
The site is ugly as hell (needs a complete revamp), but the content is second to none. I don't think anyone has the variety of games that you guys have...

Something Else
10-17-2007, 12:37 PM
I love the content, thats all that matters to me. The design is ok, there is a lot of uglier ones around....:whistling

10-17-2007, 01:37 PM
site is awesome,they have new,old,very old game.Everything you need...only bad thing is that they will never have freeleech..new forum is ok,but IMO old one was better.

10-17-2007, 02:06 PM
well i suppose we cant realy do much else about content, if you request or the uploaders upload it, then thats all we can do.

and we have saturn/dreamcast/roms sections, so for old systems im not sure what else we can do.

and k i get the general idea, the layout is crap lol

10-17-2007, 02:12 PM
when I go to forums, I cant find a link back to the main interface of the tracker..
only that, and overall the site is really really nice! :)

10-17-2007, 02:15 PM

10-17-2007, 02:16 PM
if your using the inframe url we have, then the banner or links will be there, if you use the none inframe, then you have to have 2 tabs open.

this is still being worked on though, and im sure you will see a lot of new changes to the aesthetics of both forum and tracker in the coming weeks/months.

and if you just want brand new scene releases then in all honesty you can get them anywhere (and probably faster after pre then we get them tbh) but we pride ourselves on not just the new games, but the old games as well.

10-17-2007, 02:22 PM
I wouldn't know... my account got disabled for inactivity (I guess?).

Which kinda sucks. Oh well.

10-17-2007, 02:25 PM
well we do have a realy long pruning time.

60 days unparked
90 days parked

so if someone cant even login to the tracker once in 60 days, and no offence to you, but do we realy want them hanging around.

and im very surprised this has got so many replies, and not many negative ones, apart from the aesthetics which even we know are not up to scratch.

10-17-2007, 02:27 PM
Hmm.. well I don't remember going 60 days without logging in. Could you check into the reason my account was disabled then? Username is/was josh2.

10-17-2007, 02:32 PM
It's great site as for me huge content and speeds not bad i don't have problems with ratio esspecialy when there is seed points you doing great work GOOD LUCK

10-17-2007, 02:50 PM
Best games tracker, period.

Seed points rule!

10-17-2007, 02:54 PM
It's great place,I've got some ps2 stuff wich I coudn't find anywhere else. So as far as content i concerned BCG is the best. And after geting used to that seed points, ratio is easy to maintain.

10-17-2007, 02:58 PM
BCG is a tracker of a kind....specific for games of all sorts...even underground-gamer is not doing the same thing...they r only concentrating on retro. So the fact tat it is unique in wat it provides makes BCG a very good tracker. I personally like its content n speed but i don't like the interface:P anyways keep it up at BCG.:01:

10-17-2007, 03:31 PM
i love blackcats, that's the first tracker i joined and it's really the best gaming site!

i gotta admit that i'm happy that the seedpoint system is down, the 72-hours seeding time is fine
i may be lazy but i don't like to check all the time the amount of seed point i have on each torrents to know if i can stop it.

with the seed time rules, fast and easy to know when you pass the hit and run boundary

and btw, the topaz black stylesheet ain't that bad :) there are way some worse design around (cough...tvtorrents...cough...)

10-17-2007, 03:51 PM
It's a great site with good speeds and a really really lovely selection of content :D

However, their seeding rules are (at least for me) working the other way around. Cause of the seeding rules, I don't dare to download from'em. I've looked at soo much I've wanted, but I can't leech it, cause it will end up in a -week- of seeding. That's not so hard, I can seed for weeks, but if I leech more then 2 things within the same week (which I would probably have done), I'm stuck with another week of seeding., cause you'll only gain seed points on 2 of'em at a time.

Active time - 3 days
Me not being able to get connectable (due to my ISP) - gaining 0.25 seed points pr hour - meaning 40 hours seeding only to seed back for i.e. a NDS game.
I couldn't delete a JAP Wii-game from my drive that I leeched for a friend of mine, cause I had to seed it for first 3 days, and then 40 x 4.3 hours.

Funny thing was, I didn't get this system when I started using the site, so I seeded about 14 torrents for over -30 days-, but when I closed µTorrent, I got demoted due to hit n run.
Why? Because you can only seed 5 torrents at a time to gain seed points :]

I've started to use bitGamer for old games, and ofc general 0day-trackers for new games.

Oh well, if you put aside the seed rules thingy, the site is an excellent source for all kinda games, and a helpful community ;)


10-17-2007, 04:21 PM
We have already discussed this via PM but here goes again.

Unconnectable ppl slow things down considerably, so what we are trying to do is to get everyone to be connectable so everyone seeds a lot faster, this will probably never happen though as like you mentioned, some people just cant get connectable for love nor money.

but it is bad so we have to penalize them somehow, and its better than what it was before, unconnectable didnt get any seed points at all.

now there is away around that, and im not getting you to donate, but just the facts.

if you donate £10 for VIP you get 3SP per hour, 36 hours wait time, 20:1 seeder leecher ratio does not apply, Uncon does not apply, and you can seed 10 torrents at once, even though only 2 get sp on them.

we are looking at improving the SP system in the future, but atm its to stop people seeding a lot of torrents (as in 100+) and just getting SP on all of them at the same time, that doesnt help anyone, only the leecher. so we have set this limit to rectify that.

10-17-2007, 04:28 PM
Please, please post this as an announcement. It'll help most of the unconnectable users, and it's for the sake of the whole BT community.

10-17-2007, 05:14 PM
No stoi, please, do not take my post wrong, I love BC for its selection and speed, but I -personally- do not like the seed point system. If I was able to get connectable, I would've recieved more points, and wouldn't be so dependent on the points to actually download more releases.

Unconnectable users -do- slow sites down, that is 110% correct, but for ppl like me, not being able to get connectable no matter what, it's not working as good as one hope. I'm -not- blaming the site itself, there are no others then my ISP and myself to blame, so don't take it the wrong way, I already told you in the PM I sent =)

Hope you didn't take my post as whining, as you did last time.


10-17-2007, 05:16 PM
dont worry mate i wasnt, i was merley explaining why we do that, so other users in the same boat as you, have an explanation.

before i just explained it to you, now though everyone knows (well everyone that reads this anyway lol)

10-17-2007, 09:31 PM
content is great but you can improve the graphics

10-17-2007, 09:37 PM
if i had an invite, id make an account and give my two cents ;)

10-17-2007, 09:45 PM
well there was an outcry for months about mac games, so i gave into it.

and like you said 3 mac games have been uploaded since, the demand just isnt there, especially not now with intel based macs with bootcamp or whatever its called, you can play windows games on a mac now.

as for the design and banners, that will come eventually. and i have had loads of contests in the past, no 1 person took us up on it, we even have our own designers forums now, and best thing thats come out of that so far, is an idea for a new favicon lol

but they are brand new forums, so maybe in time we will get a lot more posts and ideas in there.

I use Blackcats for PS2 games and PC games, true, and I just use Demonoid for mac games, but all I say, is if they did get more mac games it would be a new resource for mac users since there isn't anything like it, and more mac users would come for it. (which isn't that great of an idea atm, lol) but I personally don't like having to bootcamp every time I want to play a game, so I do enjoy getting some mac games.

As for the new favicon, I was really happy to see that.

But yeah, I mainly use BCG for its PS2 games and it's fantastic for that. Just a fun idea, although seems kind of impossible to control (since it depends on the users and not the staff) but if games could be tested, for instance with a chip and with swap magic, and get a pass or fail that could be in the info. Or users could have separate ratings for how it works with with different mods. You can often find any problems in the comments but it sometimes takes a lot of searching for it and that would be convenient for people looking to download something. It's no a necessity but it could be a nice feature.

10-17-2007, 09:53 PM
well for old games, thats a possibilty, we did have another upload page on the tracker many moons ago that had specific spaces for that, but then we changed to a custom tracker, the coder left our staff and had to go back to torrentstrike/tbdev so its not on there anymore. but new scene releases its impossible for unless the group thats released it says it in their info.

but then again, i have a chipped PS2 that can play anything, i do not have hdd or swap magic, so even if i was to upload an old game, i couldnt tell you what it worked on and what it didnt work on.

10-18-2007, 01:22 AM
It is my nş1 source for pc and psp games...Great place to be...:)

10-18-2007, 02:17 AM
Great content, I love the site. I've been able to find both new and old games that weren't available on any other torrent site.

As a few have mentioned before me, the page layouts you can choose from aren't all that and a bag of chips. I find myself either searching all over the page for what I'm trying to find, or being blinded by the color schemes. :(

10-18-2007, 01:44 PM
the best game tracker , bc :wub:

10-18-2007, 02:10 PM
i think blackcats has the best content for games. only thing im concerned about is the look, thats all. the other stylesheets are ok, but maybe have like a contest for it or something. the colors just seem too dark than what i am used to. nonetheless, its the best for all gaming consoles. ratios, seedhours, and staff are great.

10-19-2007, 09:25 AM
Great gaming site, best in its class no doubt about it.

Only thing i'd change is disabling the need of javascript to access the different browsing menus.
It gets old really quick to always temporarily allow BCG in firefox's no-script plugin.

10-19-2007, 03:26 PM
Sorry if this was suggested already, but when it comes to uploading how about creating a common template regarding the torrent description.

It seems that there is no consistency from one torrent to the next. Some uploaders give you lots of great info about the torrent, for example: System requirements, whether it's retail, demo, cracked, already or comes with the patch, etc etc; and then other descriptions just tell you about the game and nothing about the technical side of running the game.

Just a thought....

10-20-2007, 05:10 AM
Im pleased someone had nice words to say about the staff, i was starting to get a bit worried :)

As for the java, thats the only way to have the drop down menus in alts skin. we do have 2 other skins without the drop down though.

I think you will usually find, if its a brand new scene release of any type of game, it will have very little info, as sometimes, there isnt any to be found on the net at all. and if its scene the uploaders dont have to check it first, they just get it and upload it.

If its an old scene release, or a home rip, descriptions are, and should be a lot more detailed, as there will be lots of info on the net regarding stuff like that.

10-20-2007, 06:04 AM
I hate. I have been banned twice even if I had good ratio and did a huge contribution to Blackcat v1. Always used personal original discs with special care to backup process ; 2x reading.. etc, Then, v2 arrived with upload locked until 10 Gib up?! To me, its like a no-sense. I did my best to down then upload popular stuff, get to the 10 gibs mark :noes: account deleted. Emuparadise (http://bt.emuparadise.org) all the way.

10-20-2007, 06:23 AM
upload locked till 10gig???

not sure what you mean mate lol

if you got banned because you had a low ratio, tough, you should get banned if you have a low ratio, especially with SP on the system.

06-10-2008, 06:35 PM
Sod it going to bump this, saying as though we have been open for a few months, others might want to put their 2 cents in.

Themes: we have got a competition atm, once we get the server running the way we want it, we will get those on the tracker, so at least the themes will be better.

Con/Uncon: we are talking about this, not sure on what the outcome will be though.

Just re-read a post above. you can seed 10 at a time, only get SP on 2 at a time, so i dont know why you would be scared to download anything.

but we are in discussions to even increase this somewhat.

06-10-2008, 07:18 PM
i was too going to say about new themes . New and Stylish Themes should be really cool . you probably know that so many ppl love to see their respective best sites to have a great design/Theme . Nowadays its almost become one of the most important factors along with Content and Quality .

06-10-2008, 07:21 PM
my gaming pc f***ed up, i gave away my gaming account to friends, and deleted BCG account....i am through gaming, for now at least.

During my stay, i enjoyed the site. The content is truly admirable, speed is good, and on top of that it's easy to seed as well (plus not to forget the SP system).

But then, i thought SP system was lil more complex. There were many (comparing it with other site's policy) different criteria and maybe some folks were scared to download lol.

Other than that, as everyone else said, working on neater style sheet would be nice.

and one more, although i don't recall exact details, but i thought some of the stuff were over worded and thus lil hard to understand. Again, i don't really recall where exactly it is....maybe in seeding history table....or maybe the description about SP.

Once again, the content is amazing and the forum seemed friendly as well...and that's all what matters :thumbsup:

Something Else
06-10-2008, 07:39 PM
The design is no worse than any other site particularly.
All torrent sites are horribly designed IMHO.

Functionally BCG is excellent. You have that area (games) pretty well covered and are miles ahead of anything else i've seen.

06-10-2008, 09:14 PM
I think its a great site.I like the site layout and I don't have a problem with keeping a good ratio and I enjoy the conversation in the forums.

06-10-2008, 09:17 PM
Well there is a reason for our SP system the way it is, and not based entirely on Seeding time for 36 or 72 hours.

lets take a basic 4 gig torrent.

you do not upload any of it at all, for whatever reason.

72 hours + 40 hours you have to seed for to get a 1 ratio on that torrent.

But if you upload 3 gig within 3 days.

72 hours + 10 hours to seed for, so imo, its well worth uploading as you will be seeding for a shorter time.

And yes i agree the SP FAQ is pretty hard to follow, but thats why we now have an easier to understand verion of it. SP FAQ for Newbies.

basically covers the same things, just a lot easier to take in.

And i believe themes should be last on your list of priorities, Security and getting the server to handle the load, should be your first, once you have all that the way you want it, then work on the aesthetics of the site.

also Tbdev based sites are pretty easy (not very easy) to change the stylesheet, torrentstrike which we have, is a lot harder and time consuming to do.

06-10-2008, 10:19 PM
I love my BCG acc, one of my most treasured accounts. The seed point system is awesome (there is no excuse to have a bad ratio) and speeds are great as well.

06-10-2008, 11:50 PM
It's a great tracker...altough...i cant help myself i think you guys shouldnt open sign ups...but it's your choice and i respect it.

I think the themes are pretty lame...sorry stoi i said it like that...when i registered i had the black one...God it's ugly...it was impossibl to read the FAQ! then i tried them all and i kept the white one...cause i like the banner and at least i can understand stuff...altough it's the same as WildBytes and some other trackers with that theme.
i think some new themes with some pics about games or something would be great!

and i think you could have way better pre-times....i dont care about them but maybe some other people does...and it's wierd cause maybe you have a pre time of seconds (today with th Hulk game) or sometimes a big game is uploaded hours after some 0 day trackers like ScT

The content is great...i'd like to see some more Ps1 games for my emulator :D


06-11-2008, 02:03 AM
Well, BCG is probably my most valued tracker, and the only big flaw I see with it that the open signup is the only way to get in. I understand stoi's desire to get free of all the '1337 high-level' bs that surrounds a lot of sites, and I think that's fine, but it seems to me that you could accomplish the same thing by giving out a lot of invites to PU/SPUs and allowing public giveaways. I guess BCG staff doesn't like invite systems because people will trade or sell invites, but removing invites just means people will trade or sell accounts instead. Meanwhile, if you are a PU and you have a friend you think will be a good member, you have no way to get them in.

06-11-2008, 02:12 AM
Well, BCG is probably my most valued tracker, and the only big flaw I see with it that the open signup is the only way to get in. I understand stoi's desire to get free of all the '1337 high-level' bs that surrounds a lot of sites, and I think that's fine, but it seems to me that you could accomplish the same thing by giving out a lot of invites to PU/SPUs and allowing public giveaways. I guess BCG staff doesn't like invite systems because people will trade or sell invites, but removing invites just means people will trade or sell accounts instead. Meanwhile, if you are a PU and you have a friend you think will be a good member, you have no way to get them in.

hmm, just tell them we are open lol (but we are not atm).

Invites can go wrong as well though, if we say you invite a cheat or whatever we will ban your account, no one uses them, if we say we wont, everyone gives them away and you still get trading/selling of invites/accounts.

The one big drawback of opening up is the amount of dupe accounts we get, sign up, download 2 games, hit and run, sign up again on a different IP. but we do catch most, its just hard to keep them out lol

one good thing about that i suppose is, it gives the members we have got, a better chance to get a good ratio, more leechers = better ratio for those that do care.

If users that got in played fair and only created 1 account, i would probably open full time, and get rid of this so many signups in 15 minutes, and the captcha thing, but 70%-80% do not play fair, so it has to be this way im afraid. (we did use to have 100,000 members, in 3 months that was down to 60,000 and 99% of those were dupes or cheaters :( )

as for the fast pre-times, we have never, and never will be a 0 day site, ok if we get fast pre`s, great, i wont complain, but its not what we are striving for with the site, and any other site we may work on in the future.

06-11-2008, 02:15 AM
BCG by far the best games tracker as i rely on it for all my games as you offer nice speeds. And the homerips are great as often it is hard to find old games.

06-11-2008, 02:29 AM
i manage once to get in. i've put my account on park cause i had to getaway for a fews days and i don't want to lose it, but when i came back my account was closed due to inactivity. i ask stoi (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/stoi-438) why, i learned the hard way that the only way a park account gets closed its when it has never been used. ok fine thats fair, so i manage to get in again, but never got the confirmation email(just my luck) cause they had trouble with the return system... and never heard from stoi (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/stoi-438) again like i had leprosy lol

i sure hope i will be more lucky next weekend and get the confirmation email this time

06-11-2008, 02:36 AM
Like i said in another post, when we have just been open this past week, it was just a test to see what was going on with the confirmation emails.

We now know a little bit more and are working to remedy the problems.

Those that did get in, great, your in. those that did not get the confirmation emails (there was a lot) just try again when we open again (once the bugs have been ironed out)

06-11-2008, 02:44 AM
I like BCG, though I haven't found I use it all that frequently. I only d/l pc games really, and a lot of them tend to be retro ones, for which I find another great site, UG, suits my needs a little better

The SP mod is excellent, possibly the best implementation of a bonus system I've seen, though it does take a little while to get your head round it properly when you first come across it. Its actually pretty simple, but it is also quite different from how most sites do it, which is why some initial confusion might come about with some people.

Content is obviously fantastic in its area, though I would like to see slightly better torrent descriptions on occasion. The site layout is fine, I'm much bigger on functionality than pure aesthetics, but as is mentioned above, a bit of work on some new stylesheets or whatever wouldn't hurt.

The registration policy is a plus afaic. As undoubtedly the foremost games tracker, an invite system would only lead to lots of trading and people getting accounts who have no intention of using them, or will not appreciate them. Although being open in some way does lead to its own problems, at least those who really want in and will use & respect an account can register, and it will not be used as currency by those only concerned with levels or their next trade. I think the policy of opening, but making registration a little tricky is a good one, though I would favour a signup process more like torrentbytes' than the one I've read BCG was using recently.

Overall I think you've done an ace job with your site Stoi, long may it continue :)

06-11-2008, 02:54 AM
i know stoi (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/stoi-438), i will try again next weekend, i was just pointing out my badluck, and my concerne about being almost treated like i had some kind of a desease, which leads to this question, why didn't you reply to my pm? i've only pm'd you once and i waited patiently(1 pm not 2, 3 or 10 for that matter)? i'm not agressive or annoying or anything like that, in fact i'd like to think of my self like a very comprehensive person, as long a we communicate ;)

about this bug(s), is it the fixed ? can i try my luck this weekend?

06-11-2008, 02:54 AM
I actually like the themes on BCG because of the "retro" look. So far I haven't really needed to fully understand the SP system because I usually just seed the games I download for a really long time and I eventually get a good ratio on them. One thing that troubles me is that for some reason I can't login to the forums anymore :/

06-11-2008, 03:07 AM
@ gennesuke sorry i did not reply, but we must have had 1500 people at least, coming into IRC and saying they did not get their email, i also got a lot of PMs on here about it, so it was not personal i ignored you.

@ tusks

Logout of the tracker, clear your BCG cookies, log back in to tracker, go to forums, you should be signed in.

06-11-2008, 03:16 AM
don't worry mate, i kinda deducted it was for that reason, although i have to admit not at first, cause obviously i didn't knew about the bugs and i didn't push it anyway.

now what i'd love to know is the bug(s) fixed? do you think i can try my luck this weekend?

06-11-2008, 03:21 AM
if its fixed and we are open, yes you can try again, if we are not open though, you cant.

06-11-2008, 03:39 AM
To be honest stoi, your site is one of a kind. I dont give a damn about the interface all i care about is the content. I only got in around one month ago when you opened signups and have been going there almost everyday since. I was happy to find that even some of my favorite older games were well seeded there which means whatever system you have in place (SP) for seeding,works.

What i would like to see on your tracker are game rips by people such as Skullptura and dopeman. I do not know if this is possible or is in conformance with BCG uploading rules.

Take a bow for creating the site :)

06-11-2008, 03:48 AM
Its a gr8 commmunity however last 2 years whenever you are upgrading/moving servers that time i lost my PU accounts:( from that onwards i am not intersted to join becoz i found games in TB, and in another general tracker. And also i lost the spirit of playin game:D.
However your community is a gr8 place for games:yup: but it shud be stable in future. :happy:

06-11-2008, 03:55 AM
its been stable since Dec 2006, we have lost no ones details in this new move we have just done.

You have to understand we changed tracker codes the last time, and it was nearly impossible to convert the old tracker db to the new tracker db and vice versa when we went back to TBdev/Torrentstrike, hence why you lost your PU status, but i lost about 600 gig uploaded as well.

so maybe if you did join again, you would be surprised, and we are not stuck at 11,000 peers now with server loads in the 13-15 bracket and slow site anymore, we have moved up in the world. 70,000 peers and tracker loads of under 1 now. (and has been like this for ages)

06-11-2008, 04:00 AM
its been stable since Dec 2006, we have lost no ones details in this new move we have just done.

You have to understand we changed tracker codes the last time, and it was nearly impossible to convert the old tracker db to the new tracker db and vice versa when we went back to TBdev/Torrentstrike, hence why you lost your PU status, but i lost about 600 gig uploaded as well.

so maybe if you did join again, you would be surprised, and we are not stuck at 11,000 peers now with server loads in the 13-15 bracket and slow site anymore, we have moved up in the world. 70,000 peers and tracker loads of under 1 now. (and has been like this for ages)

+1:) and also if possible make it a gr8 community like F** :yup:. You guys hv that potential.And please improve site's stylesheet.

06-11-2008, 04:17 AM
Like i said we have a competition for the stylesheet going on now, but with the server move we need to sort out the servers and get them how we want them, then we will put the entries on the tracker, and the members can vote for the best 3.

If we get permission, we will then keep them all on the tracker, and the top 3 will get some aort of prizes, we have not decided what yet though.

as for Community, i think we have an OK community. i am not a member of F** so i do not know if ours is, better, worse, or the same as them, but we are just a games tracker, they are a 0 day tracker that do everything and they have a fraction of the members that we have. (so probably a lot more close knit than us i would imagine)

06-11-2008, 04:29 AM
Stoi I truly wish I could give an opinion on the site but being that I'm sill looking to become a member it will have to wait.
great post... I will read it through:)

06-11-2008, 04:35 AM
Its a great site but I wish the style sheets were images of either members of NSNYC OR BACKSTREETBOYS

06-11-2008, 04:37 AM
I also would have loved to be able to give an opinion on content but I am still trying to join in and enjoy my cake...
I read on other forums that there are a few restrictions or blocks on BCG signups regarding specific countries or e-mail extensions. Tried more than once to join in and had signup problems.
No need to tell to which countries such restrictions apply and why, but I wander :
Is that true, Stoi ??
Tks a lot.

06-11-2008, 04:41 AM
we have not blocked any countries.

We have blocked 2 brazil ISPs though, and Email Providers because they were habitual cheaters, but we do not block the whole of Brazil.

06-11-2008, 04:50 AM
the content is superb. but sometime back there was some new HnR rules that was introduced. and for some reason i got disabled(prolly it was the new rules that affected my past!@$@???) :( i normally seed 24/7.. till i get a good ratio but something went wrong i guess.

and now i don't want to get in again. cause its a good thing i am not getting all those games! i can save a lot of time!. positive thinking one might say ;)

06-11-2008, 05:03 AM
and now i don't want to get in again. cause its a good thing i am not getting all those games! i can save a lot of time!. positive thinking one might say ;)

06-11-2008, 07:44 AM
My top sight for games over any other mostly in part for being easy to keep a good ratio.

06-11-2008, 07:55 AM
partially leeching not allowed,thtz very bad

06-11-2008, 08:34 AM
i never be there but i hear alot about that site
they said its the best site for games....i hope i can get it soon

06-11-2008, 11:50 AM
A great tracker.. It's a flawless site. My only suggestion is get more themes (like everyone said)..

Also more retro games would be nice. Also I wanted to ask a question.. Is there any chance the wii library will be uploaded in the scrubbed state. That would be cool because the size is so small and it would be easy to download them and seed them.. Right now I am only seeing a few games which are scrubbed.. I would be so happy if the entire wii library is scrubbed and uploaded to bcg.. :D

06-11-2008, 11:54 AM
best place for downland game ..................

06-11-2008, 12:43 PM
A great tracker.. It's a flawless site. My only suggestion is get more themes (like everyone said)..

Also more retro games would be nice. Also I wanted to ask a question.. Is there any chance the wii library will be uploaded in the scrubbed state. That would be cool because the size is so small and it would be easy to download them and seed them.. Right now I am only seeing a few games which are scrubbed.. I would be so happy if the entire wii library is scrubbed and uploaded to bcg.. :D

Just because i run a games tracker, does not mean i know everything there is to know about games.

But if the uploaders upload them or the scene release them then fine.

but i have heard that some games, when scrubbed, only loose a few meg of their total size, so its pointless having scrubbed versions of those, how many that is though i have no idea.

there is an unwritten rule in the uploaders forums, that if a scrubbed game is not at least 1 gig smaller than the unscrubbed version, then don`t bother to upload it, so this may be why some games are not scrubbed.

and why is no partial leeching bad? no need for a buffer on BCG, asnd everything is multi-rared together anyway so the only reason you would want to partial leech is to get a buffer, which you do not need.

06-11-2008, 01:16 PM
I really like the site.

A little slow on new releases though and the SP is still a mystery to me!

06-11-2008, 01:28 PM
I am member few weeks and i can tell BCG on first place and on secon place Underground Gamer because have a lot of old games :)

Something Else
06-11-2008, 01:43 PM
As for retro games, they are covered by UG.
BCG covers everything else. Seems a good balance to me.

06-11-2008, 02:51 PM
Just because i run a games tracker, does not mean i know everything there is to know about games.

But if the uploaders upload them or the scene release them then fine.

but i have heard that some games, when scrubbed, only loose a few meg of their total size, so its pointless having scrubbed versions of those, how many that is though i have no idea.

there is an unwritten rule in the uploaders forums, that if a scrubbed game is not at least 1 gig smaller than the unscrubbed version, then don`t bother to upload it, so this may be why some games are not scrubbed.

and why is no partial leeching bad? no need for a buffer on BCG, asnd everything is multi-rared together anyway so the only reason you would want to partial leech is to get a buffer, which you do not need.


It's just that the few games which I saw were about 500mb as opposed to the normal 7 gb!

Anywaz as I said it is flawless.. Thanks for opening the registrations recently... :)

As for retro games, they are covered by UG.
BCG covers everything else. Seems a good balance to me

I didn't know about ug.. checking it out now..

06-11-2008, 04:20 PM
thinks BCG is a very good tracker, but when they moved servers my account was deleted... but whateva. Just to register a new one :)

06-11-2008, 05:24 PM
best games tracker !

06-11-2008, 07:00 PM
the contents its perfect but little improvement in design wont harm

06-11-2008, 10:11 PM
the best game tracker....
thanks stoi, for your great work.

06-12-2008, 01:54 AM
Its an awesome tracker. Great content, great speeds, a lot of old/classic games to dl, the sp system... it's just great. The design is cool too, since it's not banner-polluted like other trackers out there.

On the other side, I think that opening the registrations was a cool move from the staff, but I believe that its time to close them for good. Mainly because every person that really wanted to get it probably already did.

06-12-2008, 02:18 AM
I know this has been addressed before but I really wish you'd open up the invites. I understand the issues you have with this because of traders and your hate of the whole Level thing. I despise Levels and traders to, it keeps quality members out of good trackers, but I think that you'd get better members out of an invite system than open sign ups. I have friends that have been trying to get in for a long time that I know would make good members Maybe you'd have less of a problem if you only gave them to SPU's.
I also have no idea why ppl have such a problem understanding the Sp mod. Its really not that complicated people!! Trying actually reading the Faq about it.
BCG is a excellent tracker Stoi, Keep up the great work.

06-13-2008, 03:50 PM
wow, BCG is THE games tracker, great variety and the seed points rlzzz!!

06-13-2008, 05:31 PM
It is a great place but I really like games too :lol:

06-13-2008, 06:08 PM
BCG takes 10 in content,but it has some drawbacks.Let me explain my self:

-slow dl speed in contrast with a 0-day tracker
-find it a bit hard to seedback if the game isn't one of the latest titles.
-has terrible black font,which is really-really bad for my eyes.

I use BCG for old 360 and pc titles mostly,as i said is the best in content,and is suitable if you are an active gamer.

06-13-2008, 06:46 PM
you don't have to worry about seeding back with the bonus system.

06-13-2008, 10:01 PM
I've been a member at BCG for over a year, and it is still my favorite site. I've been a huge gamer for over twenty five years now, and BCG site is the best gaming torrent site out there.

I just saw the latest poll, and the option I chose was the last, to see the results. I usually never pick that on polls, but there's really not much I'm wanting you guys to improve on. I guess more packs could be a plus for some, but for me, I usually don't download in packs.

I was thinking about the no ratio thing too, but that isn't needed either because of the great SP mod. Having that system is just the same as having your downloaded amount not counted. The themes I don't care about, since I'm a dark theme kind of person. And since there's already a dark theme for the site, so that doesn't need to be improved either.

Ah! Actually I have thought of one thing you can improve on. Switch back to the old forums. I freakin' hate these new ones. They have bugged me ever since the first day you switched to them. They look cheap(VBulletin or IPBoard or whatever that is is just ugly), and I just don't like visiting them now. The old forums looked more professional in my opinion, and would also have the same theme as you had set for the site. The old forums had the same unique look and feel to them as the site has. Ever since the switch, I barely ever participate in the forums now(which I posted in every day before).

But honestly, besides that, I"m happy with every part of the site. The pre's, the speeds, the content, the community, are all 10's in my opinion.

06-13-2008, 10:12 PM
lol im the other way around, i cant stand tracker forums as they are out of the box. hate hate hate them with a passion and i much prefer these forums we have now.

so in answer to your suggestion, no we will not be going back to them, unless something really drastic happens and we loose everything.

06-13-2008, 10:22 PM
Oh yeah, I wasn't expecting a change back to them. Just wanted to let you know that of all aspects of the site, something as trivial as the look of the forum is the only small gripe that I have. ;)

06-13-2008, 10:28 PM
well we cant really change the look of the forum, as thats what it is, there are different themes, but that wont change the look.

and if we get rid of the subforums (most users main gripe) then we may as well go back to the crappy tracker forum software.

The plan is, when we do eventually get other trackers going, they are all going to share the same forum (this one) and i hate a forum with an index page a mile long, which it will be when we add other tracker forums properly. tbh i dont even like the size of it now, so god knows what we are going to do if we ever get other trackers up lol

06-13-2008, 10:31 PM
this might be a stupid question but r the invites open??

06-13-2008, 10:36 PM
Hey stoi,
Have only recently joined, and without going through everything with a fine tooth comb, from what I have seen, it is the best games tracker, I have used.:):w00t:

06-13-2008, 10:58 PM
i can't log into my account :(

06-13-2008, 11:57 PM
I know, you were disabled, i have replied to your PM so i will not go into details here.

06-14-2008, 01:03 AM
I love you stoi

402.55 ratio ftw

06-14-2008, 01:15 AM
ya i don't understand the whole SP system and i'm too lazy to look into it at all... so i don't like it, basically cause i don't know what its about...

yet i was promoted to power user without any understanding of it so i'm like lulz w/e

the site would be worth more to me if i had some gaming console or PSP or something... all i have is put put PC

06-14-2008, 01:20 AM
hmm hold on,

Your to lazy to read up on the SP system we have, so you Do Not like it.

but how do you know you don`t like it, if you don`t even know what it is, thats crazy talk


there you go, the lamers/lazy farts/thick twats version of the SP FAQ (no offence just couldnt resist lol)

06-14-2008, 05:51 AM
are the bcg forums currently disabled? when will it be up?

06-14-2008, 07:21 AM
Content is great stoi.Keep it up man!

06-14-2008, 04:37 PM
why not allowed free mail reg
bad design

06-15-2008, 12:10 AM
good site, really bad design, and a bit slowly

06-15-2008, 12:26 AM
We have just moved servers, hence why its a bit slow atm, we are working on the problems, but you will just have to bare with it for awhile i`m afraid.

Bad design, again, we have a theme competition going, you can see some of the entries in the Tracker Design Forum.

Forums are up and running, if you cannot get in do this.

Logout of the tracker, Clear your BCG cookies, Login to the tracker, go to forums and you will be automatically logged in.

and we do not allow free emails, btw we have a list of over 4000 free email providers that will be going on the email ban list soon, to stop traders.

its easy to sign up for gmail or hotmail, create account and then trade both accounts. its a lot harder (and not sure if you would want to) create an ISP mail and then sign up and trade the account + mail

06-15-2008, 03:08 AM
Umm... does that mean I am going to get screwed anytime now coz I used a free email provider service..
If I am please don't coz I am not a trader and btw I will never trade for bcg for anything..

06-15-2008, 03:13 AM
No, if you already have a free one, then thats fine, its just for new members that are signing up.

06-15-2008, 03:15 AM
thanks for that info..
I was scared there for a moment..

06-15-2008, 01:15 PM
In my oppinion is the best games tracker that you can find it :) Congrats Stoi !

06-17-2008, 01:08 AM
Blackcats is great right now. I've never found a problem with the skins, and love the black theme despite it's dropdown menus. The SP system is great for old games but I'll generally seed them well over anyways, since I don't dl too many games as it is. It also helps out users with a bad internet connection. I've always searched and found every PC game I've wanted, and the few times there's 1 seeder that doesn't seed 24/7, a few people reseeded after a request. With it being open now, I can't see why anyone would want to use a different dedicated game tracker...

Area's of improvement would be faster pre's and a fresh theme, but personally I could care less

06-17-2008, 01:19 AM
i cant tell u till i get an invite :P

06-17-2008, 01:33 AM
i cant tell u till i get an invite :P
Signups are open :p

06-17-2008, 04:12 AM
Max users have been reached for the current time period. More spots will open very soon so keep trying. When you get in there will be a party and Cake!

06-17-2008, 09:54 AM
fantastic site i love it. the sp system is great, without it i would be affraid to download torrents with 0 leachers like on most music sites, but as i usually seed for a few weeks i know ill always keep a good ratio on your tracker.

keep up the good work

06-17-2008, 10:15 AM
great site i just be here

06-17-2008, 10:58 AM
I enjoy BCG for many reasons. They always have new game releases fairly quick, and there are enough seeders to maintain a good ratio easily.

My favorite part of the tracker is the Seed Point feature, which helps you to reduce your number of Hit 'n Runs. A feature like that shows that the staff truly wishes to embrace all of the user community and give them a fighting chance to maintain a good ratio.

It's already a good tracker, and I know with time it'll grow every stronger. :)

06-17-2008, 01:16 PM
in my opinion is a great tracker ...is the best tracker for games ....and a new design is a great ideea...:)
what will happening with the invite sistem?...because i see in my profile i dont have it any invite...i know is not working for sometime ....it is just a question :):)....sorry for my english

06-17-2008, 04:00 PM
Blackcats has loads of games. I love it. But it is a bit hard to seed over there.

06-17-2008, 04:45 PM
Max users have been reached for the current time period. More spots will open very soon so keep trying. When you get in there will be a party and Cake!

keep trying. the signup opens every 20~25min.:)

06-18-2008, 04:04 AM
was going to complain about the layout, but just changed it to Topaz Black; much better.

Loads of games, good speeds, great bonus system. Love it!

06-18-2008, 01:43 PM
they just have been disable many accounts recently without any reason

06-18-2008, 01:46 PM
have we?, thats news to me.

If your disabled, i can assure you, there was a reason.

06-18-2008, 02:35 PM
Stoi.. any idea when the new themes will be implemented. There are some really cool themes which have been there for months

Also, one of the reasons I dont use BCG much is because I am stuck with utorrent 1.8 beta as my isp throttles every other version and when I have utorrent and azureus running at the same time the PC becomes really slow. So if you guys will ever support ut1.8beta then it would be really cool

06-18-2008, 02:41 PM
Ok, i think the best way to improve a site is to look at the compition and see how they handle things.

For example : You want a really old file, and you want to get it sometime this millenia you go to BCG. i have to say stoi as far as content goes you have got this section wrapped up. BitGamer and ntorrents seem to struggle in this department.

If you want the content quickly, BCG can be a little bit hit and miss on Pre times, but tbh most users dont have a scooby whats happening with regards to pre chans and scene axx, so i cant see this as a problem. If you want your games quickly get axx or wait for a bit.

I dont know whether it should be mentioned but i keep getting weird glitches when using FF3 - but im guessing its the new FF borking tbh.

Personally i like the whole seeding structure and i find that 72 hours is more than reasonable. Especially for that hard to get game that would have taken yonks to aquire on another site. Also with large Swarms on new items the speeds you can generate are awesome. [maxxed my box out on more than one occasion - and on my old gbit i could get some awesome traffic too]

All in all BCG is a good site with everything a user could ask for - good content, excellent forum and really active staff members. Maybe just add a new theme in as the themes are - well crap tbh. The white one seems to be to "clean" if that makes sense.

All in all stoi you have a sweet site - and the fact you have been closed for so long has ensured that you have a very close knit gaming community and this is what i think most people are after when they join the site.

06-18-2008, 02:43 PM
themes will be done soon i think, how soon though i have no idea.

They probably wont just be download and ftp and drop them in the folder like TBdev themes would be.

They will probably need a little bit of fine tweaking to work properly, and other things are higher on the agenda atm.

as for Utorrent 1.8 beta, 2-3 weeks after that beta turns proper we will allow it, so whenever that will be only the utorrent devs know.

@ MB

Well i am not bothered about pre-times, obviously i would not complain if we got them fast lol but i hear a few users saying we could be better (i dont think our pre time on the tracker is working properly either atm)

So this is why the change in request rules was done.

PU and above can now request a game seconds after pre, and 1 of our 4000+ SPU can fill that request.

wether this will work as planned, only time will tell.

08-31-2008, 08:04 PM
stoi my account has been disabled, i know the reason, but can't fix my error. blackCats is definitely closed? :( or i have any chance to signup?


08-31-2008, 08:17 PM
could anyone give me an invite to blackcats as i am an uploader on iptorrrents and its my duty to upload re encodes and xbox 360 games as i need a good site



heres my email if you want to send me an invite to black cats and ill send you an invite to iptorrents.com [email protected]



08-31-2008, 08:21 PM
well we are closed, I know why you were disabled, i am going to have a word with the staffer that disabled you, see what i can do, but dont bank on getting your account back, it may/may not happen.


wrong place to be asking for an Invite, and we do not have any Invites either atm.

08-31-2008, 08:24 PM
oh ok stoi i didnt know because i am new here



08-31-2008, 08:32 PM
Ok as long as we can be open and honest I will tell you something that I don't like about BCG.

For earning SP's there is a maximum number of torrents you can be seeding. WHY ? i believe its 5 for regular users, 10 for power user and 15 for super power user.

IF you go above those numbers you automatically stop earning SP's on alllll your torrents.... that is about the stupidest idea i've ever heard of. Why would you want to have a rule that essentially DISCOURAGES seeding ?? ? ?

IMHO SP's should have absolutely nothing to do with the # of torrents i'm seeding. if i'm seeding 1,000 torrents then good for me i should still be able to earn SP's on the 2 that need it.

someone needs to address this IMMEDIATELY.

08-31-2008, 08:35 PM
Ok i just got your Email, usually i would just Ignore it but i am going to answer this one here.

the Invite section is here


i am not sure if you can see it yet though, i think you can.

and even if you were to become a member, you would have to become at least a PU in order to apply to be an Uploader, not everyone can upload on BCG.

But we are closed tight atm, our new referal system should be open on the 15th September though, so maybe you will have some luck then. we are just not taking any members before then.

no we dont and if your seeding over 50 torrents on BCG you will get your paskey reset, uploader or not.

Seeding to many torrents is bloody silly, i would rather the torrent went dead and got re-uploaded, than an emule user uploading 100 torrents at 1KBs each.

08-31-2008, 08:35 PM
oh! thanks stoi! if my account back I will be very very happy :D:D but if it cannot be, Only I can hope that the signups will be open again! Stoi Thanks for all! its a pleasure talk with you.

P.D. Sorry for my english (i'm spanish)


08-31-2008, 08:53 PM
i prefer a long linear menu rather than drop-down menus to find profile, torrents, and forums etc.
just my preference though. just a minor nitpick

08-31-2008, 08:56 PM
i prefer a long linear menu rather than drop-down menus to find profile, torrents, and forums etc.
just my preference though. just a minor nitpick

well that would be TBdev.

We do not use Tbdev.

The original source that we used was Torrentstrike, which is a derivitive of TBdev but one of the things they changed in it was the way the stylesheets were done, so a TBdev stylesheet wont work in a torrentstrike tracker.

And i have 28 links in the drop down menu`s, dont think all that will fit on a TBdev Stylesheet lol

08-31-2008, 09:13 PM
Content is fantastic No Coment

08-31-2008, 09:25 PM
btw @ Raban no need to shout, I heard your complaint without shouting.

We may be changing it slightly in the future, but we will always have some sort of seeding limit, we have 6500 torrents, a lot go fast even those that are from 18 months ago go at a fair pace, so it must be working, so why change a system that works.

and btw its

5 for KL
10 for User and PU
15 for SPU and above

even i just get 15 if i want SP, but as i have never had more than 8 torrents in my client in my life, the 15 is totally wasted on me, i just dont see the need to have that many seeding at all.

Only thing that benefits from that is your Global ratio, the leechers dont benefit from it. and there is no way on earth you can manage 1000 torrents properly, i struggle to manage 8 and feel guilty for seeding that many.

08-31-2008, 09:41 PM
thanks stoi and i am able to see it thank you



08-31-2008, 11:33 PM
Only thing that benefits from that is your Global ratio, the leechers dont benefit from it.

that's ridiculous. the leechers benefit from having extremely well seeded torrents cause they get what they want FAST.

and they lose nothing as a result because the SP system allows people to gain ratio even if there are no leechers.

BCG is one of the few sites i know of that PENALIZES people for seeding. 99% of other sites *REWARD* people for seeding. the more torrents the better.

what is the downside of having every torrent on BCG with 50 seeders ? THERE IS NONE. the SP system kicks in and gives new leechers the ability to get the torrent to 1.0 ratio no matter how many seeders there are.

08-31-2008, 11:35 PM
Yeah, most sites enjoy when users seed lots of torrents for a long time.

08-31-2008, 11:37 PM
what would you rather have 50 seeders giving 1KBs each, or 5 seeders giving 100KBs each.

I know which i would rather have.

just because a torrent has a lot of seeders, does not mean it will go fast, just look at public trackers for that, 3,000 seeders and 20KBs download.

It works, its worked for the past 2 years, we still have torrents on from 2 years ago that you can get 900KBs on easy, so why change it, not that we would anyway.

08-31-2008, 11:40 PM
BCG has a lot of seeders and speeds are great. So really like Stoi said. There is no point in having each user seed 50 or 100 torrents. The speeds would suck like that anyways.

Besides you get a hit if you hit and run so everyone must seed whatever they get untill 1:1 or untill the SP system gives you a ratio of 1. This tracker has the perfect system in place.

09-01-2008, 12:04 AM
Yeah, most sites enjoy when users seed lots of torrents for a long time.

Honestly when have we just followed what everyone else does.

Someone does something, most of the time the majority follow (freeleech, golden torrents, 2* upload, let you seed as many as you like, blah blah blah), we have never had any of these ever.

We tend to do the total opposite of the norm, even the bonus we are giving out tomorrow is not the "usual".

You get 20% of what you downloaded added to your actual upload. which in turn increases your Global.

Because lets face it, you can have all the seedboxes in the world, but if no one downloads, what good are they. and those with SB and 500 buffers and 10gig downloaded in 2 years, do not really need a bonus anyway.

The SP system was born from the Karma point mod, we put that on, it got abused, within 20 minutes it was taken off, 3 days later the SP mod was born.

Honestly, if another tracker has done it before, its not for us. (even if it works for them).

and our ideas are usually that insane, no one in their right mind would copy them lol

But they work, OK if torrents died out after a month on the tracker, or if the vast majority of the torrents over a month old went at 1KBs then I would agree something is wrong.

But even I have downloaded 16 month old torrents and got over 1MBs download on them, and yes even I was bloody amazed at that, now I am not that naive to think every torrent will be like that, but the vast majority are, it is very rare we hear of a slow download.

09-01-2008, 12:46 AM
what would you rather have 50 seeders giving 1KBs each, or 5 seeders giving 100KBs each.

I know which i would rather have.

just because a torrent has a lot of seeders, does not mean it will go fast, just look at public trackers for that, 3,000 seeders and 20KBs download.

It works, its worked for the past 2 years, we still have torrents on from 2 years ago that you can get 900KBs on easy, so why change it, not that we would anyway.

you see the same speeds on year old torrents on sites that keep track of users total seeding time aswell :)

09-01-2008, 12:48 AM
pleased for them.

Honestly i do not give a toss what other trackers do, we do it our way, if you dont like it, dont let the door hit your arse too hard on the way out, its that simple.

09-01-2008, 01:02 AM
strange how you go from being interested in getting feedback about the site to "hey if you don't like it don't let the door hit you in the ass"

next are you going to threaten to start disabling people for giving their opinion in the thread where you asked for it ?

09-01-2008, 01:06 AM
Well sorry but all i am hearing in this thread is, Other trackers do it this way so should you.

Well hmm no we shouldnt.

If you can come up with some unique things, great, but not just other trackers have this, why dont you, other trackers let you do this, why dont you, like i said, i dont give a toss what other trackers do, they do it their way, we do it ours.

Both may work, but the most important thing, ours works, if it did not work, i would be the first to change it, but it does work so why fix it.


if you are not aware writing in caps is SHOUTING, and i do not take kindly to anyone, TELLING ME WHAT TO DO.

09-01-2008, 01:15 AM
Stoi, run YOUR site the way YOU wish. I kind of like the fact that things are done differently there. Like you said it works and that is ALL that is important. My one comment I have (and it's a minor annoyance) is that when you go to leave a comment on a torrent that you are downloading, you really can't see the comment box. Did I miss a setting or is that way for a reason?

09-01-2008, 01:18 AM
If your using alts skin its probably that, probably just a css problem or something.

and btw i started this thread 11 months ago

17-10-07, 05:23 AM

so maybe i do not want any feedback now lol not my fault someone bumped it.

09-01-2008, 01:21 AM
i apologize for raising my voice i was simply adamant and wanted to make my point

09-01-2008, 01:27 AM
apology accepted.

I usually take criticism on the chin when its done the proper way, but your post just riled me up the wrong way lol

Like i said there are ideas abound to change the seeding limit slightly, whether any will see the light of day though is another matter.

There is even an idea or 2 to turn the entire ratio system on its head, but again, not sure if they will ever be put on the tracker.

There is one thing you can say about us, we are not scared to try something different, look at the SP mod and the referal system, if they do not work at first, we tweak them until they do, and if they never work we take them off, karma mod for example.

09-01-2008, 01:54 AM

good u have started this thread i always wanted an answer why my account was disabled in bcg, what is its inactivity period is it too less or 42 days.....if it is 42 days i think i shouldnt have been disabled........actually i love bcg and everything about it(dont take it in a sense i am requesting it again) ...........but the point of discussion is if the inactivity period is less than 42 days and the ratio counts after 1gb it is very harmful for new users.....
sorry i didnt read faq thoroughly in bcg assuming it will be same.....

09-01-2008, 01:55 AM
its 60 days unparked, and 90 days parked.

09-01-2008, 01:58 AM
i wonder then why u guys disable me......

09-01-2008, 01:59 AM
not a clue, but if you were disabled more than 60 days ago, your account is long gone.

09-01-2008, 02:01 AM
ya that is for sure i lost the account when u had open signups

09-01-2008, 02:03 AM
did you use it in your first week of joining.

If you never used it, it would have been pruned from the db after 7 days.

09-01-2008, 02:05 AM
maybe that might be the problem first 7 days yes i didnt use that i guess........

09-01-2008, 02:15 AM
maybe that might be the problem first 7 days yes i didnt use that i guess........

So can I ask whats the big deal about losing the account? If you didnt use it in 7 days, then you most likely dont want/need the account; and possibly was lining up a trade for the account.


Anyway.. I got BC-G first day of that weird on-off open sign up thing... Kept it for two weeks, but then got some financial problems and had to sell my 360. I deleted the account as I hoped someone else might get in through sign ups. Now I have it back and am looking to get in again once this refferel thing becomes active... :D

09-01-2008, 02:16 AM
my only complaint would be the overall look and feel of the site isnt very appealing. actually bcg is the only site i will use that is setup this way, i just find it ugly and navigation seems like a hassle. i had to recover my pw the other day because i had to login to the forums after i was already logged into the site(this is mainly my own fault for not knowing my own pw but it logs me in automatically so taking the time to even guess it would have taken much longer). forums built directly into the site are much nicer imo. i dont know if it can be done with stylesheets, i dont think it can so it probably wont happen, but a website setup more like the other better sites out there would be great imo.

im just a bitch when it comes to aesthetics but staff(you) work hard and are great, the content is great, and although i dont use the forums they do seem active. so the only changes i would want are visual changes and an invite system for PU's would be great, i have a friend who has wanted in for a long time but i cant really do anything to help him because it seems like its never open and i dont have any access to content to be an uploader, so i cant really get him in.

09-01-2008, 02:24 AM
ok, if you have a 0.7 actual ratio, member 6 months, badge of honour, you will get 5 referals when they get put on. (user and above)

As for the forums, i absolutely detest the TBdev default forums, i just cant stand them, and obviously IPB is not built with TBdev in mind, so it had to be hacked together.

You should never sign into the forums, always just sign into the tracker, and you will be auto logged into the forums, if you do not like the inframe version, then go to http://www.blackcats-games.net/forum/ as that is not inframe and is by itself.

We will never ever go back to TBdev default forums, just because i cant stand them im afraid.

09-01-2008, 02:29 AM
So can I ask whats the big deal about losing the account? If you didnt use it in 7 days, then you most likely dont want/need the account; and possibly was lining up a trade for the account.

Lol I have torrent accounts I have not used in six months. I only use torrents when I need to. For everything else there is usenet. I have had many accounts got disabled for inactivity. I just like to keep the ones I think are worth it though.

09-01-2008, 02:38 AM
any idea on when referrals will be in place? i didnt even know i had a hit and run but im taking care of it now so i meet all the requirements.

09-01-2008, 02:41 AM
any idea on when referrals will be in place? i didnt even know i had a hit and run but im taking care of it now so i meet all the requirements.

stoi's been saying september 15th, so probably february 2009.

09-01-2008, 02:41 AM
well hopefully when the fake page is on, so the 15th September, but they may go through some testing first, before we release them to the masses.

They are already on the tracker, i can generate one now, problem is, there is no where for my or your referee to input it to get into the site, its all on the fake page lol so without the fake page no referal system.

but then all of this is in the forum, honestly i have no idea how anyone can like the default TBdev forum, its the most ugly unprofessional piece of shit forum i have ever seen lol

09-01-2008, 02:46 AM
The one thing I don't like about the ratio system is that it's a zero-sum game. For every MB that someone uploads, someone has to download it. I just find that rather odd. I'd love to see someone modify the upload credit permanently so that uploading is a wealth-generating activity. Say a modifier of 1.1 or 1.2, so that uploading is slowly, constantly generating more MB to be available to download. My ratio is over 5, so it's not like my ratio is hurting or anything, but it's just something I'd love to see.

dr jones
09-01-2008, 02:46 AM
i think black cats games is the best tracker for games,keep up the good work that you do :)

to stoi

i say a redesign of the whole website would be good idea to add to your list of improvement :happy:

09-01-2008, 02:47 AM
i guess its just a matter of taste then, i prefer forums like ftn's. clean and simple

and overlord things like multipliers are presents that shouldnt be a constant thing. share 1:1 or go to usenets, and tomorrow stoi is giving everyone a present so take whatever you get from that and build on it. honestly i have never once felt sorry for someone who cant maintain a ratio because even with 30 kb/s upload i reached PU at bitmetv(known for being hard to upload at) with a 3:1 ratio.

09-01-2008, 02:49 AM
not sure what you mean. but we do have the SP mod, you could download a 60 gig pack, seed it for quite awhile obviouly to no leechers, and still get a 1:1 ratio on that torrent and the 60gig will be added to your global ratio.

honestly sometimes i think the SP is to easy, We never ban anyone, or if they do get banned, they bloody well deserved it, but because its so easy, not many donates lol cant win. damned if we do and damned if we dont.

well honestly the tbdev forums is 1 page of code, thats it, 1 bloody page, its horrible to the extreme, cant have subforums, modding it is a nightmare, searching it is a nightmare, everything in 1 forum so 30,000 threads in the one place, grr i bloody hate the thing lol

dr jones
09-01-2008, 02:49 AM
or you can have a couple of skin that people can choose

every body have different kind of taste

09-01-2008, 02:53 AM
on what the tracker or the forums?

Tracker go to your profile, 3 skins to choose from.

Forum bottom left of main page, drop down with the skins in, we have 5 skins for the forum.

we even have Russian language for the forum, and probably more to follow.
we have our own Wiki on the forum, everyone can update the game reviews and other stuff. only got put on yesterday though.
We have the member teams in the forum
We have the IPstore
we have the arcade, not working yet but will be
we have the army core system, again problems but we will get it to work.

and a lot of other crap im going to throw on lol

dr jones
09-01-2008, 02:59 AM
on what the tracker or the forums?

Tracker go to your profile, 3 skins to choose from.

Forum bottom left of main page, drop down with the skins in, we have 5 skins for the forum.

we even have Russian language for the forum, and probably more to follow.
we have our own Wiki on the forum, everyone can update the game reviews and other stuff. only got put on yesterday though.
We have the member teams in the forum
We have the IPstore
we have the arcade, not working yet but will be
we have the army core system, again problems but we will get it to work.

and a lot of other crap im going to throw on lol

as for the skins,on the tracker and forum would be great

more skin to choose from would be great,but you dont have to listen to me,iam only suggesting here

wow that alote great stuff,i say the arcade will be the main thing people would like to see

09-01-2008, 03:01 AM
well like i said on the tracker



Sub Black
IP.Board Pro
IP classic Blue

thats the skins, and our tracker skin competition finishes tomorrow, so expect some new skins on soon.

dr jones
09-01-2008, 03:03 AM
well like i said on the tracker



Sub Black
IP.Board Pro
IP classic Blue

thats the skins, and our tracker skin competition finishes tomorrow, so expect some new skins on soon.

iam only making a suggestion

that good news about getting more skins :happy:

09-01-2008, 03:05 AM
Yeah but we did have 13 on the forum, and anything we added, it took 13 edits of the skins so we got rid of 8 of them.

so we just cant have to many skins on either the tracker or the forum, because if we add something, editing the skins takes more time that putting the mod on in the first place lol

dr jones
09-01-2008, 03:07 AM
Yeah but we did have 13 on the forum, and anything we added, it took 13 edits of the skins so we got rid of 8 of them.

so we just cant have to many skins on either the tracker or the forum, because if we add something, editing the skins takes more time that putting the mod on in the first place lol

i understand ;)

keep up the good work you and the rest of the team are doing :happy:

09-01-2008, 03:20 AM
I think the main one reminds me of milk. Possibly leftover milk in a bowl of Frankenberry cereal. It's not bad, really.

09-01-2008, 04:25 AM
hardly anyone fiddles with skins, so you should just pick a good one for default

09-01-2008, 01:21 PM
content speed and the like are ok.

site rendering/page generation is really slow... graphic could be better too (personally I'm not a fan of trackers with 999 diff styles... a tracker is identified also by its own style :) )

09-01-2008, 01:31 PM
We believe its slow because these servers, we have only have 5200rpm hdds, i am getting new servers with 7200rpm hdds, so hopefully that will make it a bit faster, whether it will fix it completely is another matter though.

09-01-2008, 01:38 PM
can`t say a single bad thing about it but don`t brag about it just keep up the good work

09-01-2008, 01:51 PM
I don`t think i have ever bragged about us, I started this thread 11 months ago because i really did want to know what members thought of us away from on the site, then someone bumped it yesterday, then someone else ORDERED me to change something that will be a back step for us IMMEDIATELY.

I dont think I have ever said we are the best games tracker in the world or stuff like that, and even when slip wrote that for the uploaders on the news page i had a slight cringe but let it go.

So my view on that is, I do not Brag at all, I was just pointing out that what we do works, if it did not work, then i would change it, but it works so why change it.

But for the time and effort we have put into this, even if i did brag, i think I deserve to brag a litle bit, even though i dont, its just not in my nature, but I will defend us and what we do, and come up with counter arguments.

09-01-2008, 01:51 PM
Forum had a bad turn.

09-01-2008, 02:13 PM
I dont think I have ever said we are the best games tracker in the world or stuff like that

you don't say that, but I say this: :P TheBlackCats is the best games tracker, SP system is perfect, has great variety of games, even rare game editions. someday i will have an account again!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t: :P:P:P yeah!!!

09-01-2008, 02:18 PM
well chaka your re-enabled, not because of that post either lol i have had a word with cirno, he said if you had just PMed him when you receieved the warning, you could have worked out some arrangement. but he did say if you did not fix your torrents after a week you would be disabled, you did not fix them, you did not contact him, so he disabled you.

09-01-2008, 02:28 PM
woooooooooooooow! stoi thanks!!! but i can't fix that error :( i don't have the files to fix my fault :( what can i do now? Even if is necessary I would begin again with 0 ratio to avoid to be disabled again.

09-01-2008, 02:34 PM
well just redownload them i think its only 3 or 4 torrent and use SP to clear them of hit and runs.

its pretty easy to clear hit and runs or partially seeded torrents on BCG.

even i had to do that on 5 torrents my wife downloaded and deleted without seeding back.

09-01-2008, 02:34 PM
fuck sake another forum brain fart.

09-01-2008, 02:42 PM
yeah yeah! fixing runs partially ^^
P.D. Stoi Thanks for all! thanks thanks thanks thanks!!!! :D :D :D

09-01-2008, 04:06 PM
Well, I couldn't tell you how I feel cause i've never been a member. I've been visiting your home page for 6 months now clicking on the sign-ups and have never been able to join or find an invite. I'm a good seeder on several other private sites and would love a chance to prove that I can be a good member of BCG.

09-01-2008, 04:22 PM
I don't really have anything negative to say about the tracker. Content, pre's, speed, and the forums are all top notch. And the SP mod(along with the other things I mentioned) has made BCG the best game tracker on the net.

I think you're a little lenient on inactivity, which I've brought up before. But that really isn't a negative. So with my almost two years with the tracker, I really don't have any gripes.

09-01-2008, 04:29 PM
bcg is different from others trackers ...

it always comes with something new in the tracker .....

09-01-2008, 07:28 PM
We believe its slow because these servers, we have only have 5200rpm hdds, i am getting new servers with 7200rpm hdds, so hopefully that will make it a bit faster, whether it will fix it completely is another matter though.

nginx + phpfcgi + new server = sites flying :naughty:

09-01-2008, 11:00 PM
I have heard a lot of good news about Blackcats,about the the community,content etc.I'm not a member cos i'm not a game maniac but i think having a good community mean that staff is doing a good work,that mean not dickheads like a lot of all trackers.

I wish you the best and long life!

09-02-2008, 02:52 AM
Well, I couldn't tell you how I feel cause i've never been a member. I've been visiting your home page for 6 months now clicking on the sign-ups and have never been able to join or find an invite. I'm a good seeder on several other private sites and would love a chance to prove that I can be a good member of BCG.
thank you for sharing your feelings with us.

about BCG, it's genuinely the tracker that most cares about their users, and their ratios. Thereby, i think that not much else has to be added in behalf of them, this sentence says a lot.

09-02-2008, 07:13 AM
for me BCG is great, have leeched over 300 games from there and still managed to maintain a decent ratio. and it doesn't matter how old the torrent is, could be a year with just 1 seed and you will still get it in a timely fashion, must admit i was confused by the seed points thing to start with, then it all made sense and now don't think the site could do without it.

09-05-2008, 03:52 AM
BTW i just want to add something to this seeding limit argument.

You can seed as many as you like you know, you just

A: Will not get any SP, so you will have to upload to leechers on those that are under a 1 ratio

B: If you are seeding to many Hit and Runs (torrents under 0.8 ratio) and your PC crashes or you turn it off, you may find that you are in KL when you turn the PC back on.

So what you could do is, seed as many as you like, download whatever, wait 72 hours, if you have not made the 1 ratio with uploading, stop all the others, get SP on the 2 that you can get SP on, then start all the others up.

And with Utorrent and labels and CTL+click its a very easy job to stop and start numerous torrents that are on the go.

So as long as you know the consequences of your actions, you can seed as many as you like, I used to reset passkeys of members seeding over 50, but its never worked, so just get on with it now.

09-05-2008, 04:47 AM
what do you think of BCG? I f***ing love it. some of those torrents I can't find on any other tracker, and the people on the IRC are really helpful. I had a question about my psp and wii and they helped me out. Really quite a great place

09-05-2008, 05:16 AM
Actually, I wish you would allow Deluge 0.9.08. ;)

09-05-2008, 05:20 AM
well i dont use deluge but we allow

Deluge 0.5.9.X

so i have no idea if that one is allowed or not.

09-05-2008, 01:12 PM
will it open again???

we are waiting for this good site>>>

09-05-2008, 02:48 PM
15th of September the referal system is going to get put on, but i have not seen altinertia for over a week now, which is not like him at all, so i hope hes just having a break.

09-05-2008, 04:59 PM
Looking forward to it Stoi....

09-06-2008, 03:50 AM
well i dont use deluge but we allow

Deluge 0.5.9.X

so i have no idea if that one is allowed or not.

Well, every since switching to Linux Deluge has become my primarily client. And I tried grabbing a game but I get the message this client version is not allowed.

So I guess I'm going to have to have to clients to download from BCG. Which isn't a big deal, I would just rather have one.

09-06-2008, 10:59 AM
It sucks because I can't get into. :D
From what I heard you offer a lot of torrents and also the oldest ones are well seeded. I also visited your site few times and what I didn't like was design, because its default torrentstrike one.

09-08-2008, 04:19 AM
15th of September the referal system is going to get put on, but i have not seen altinertia for over a week now, which is not like him at all, so i hope hes just having a break.
i hope he's alright. i'm a member btw. he does great work

09-09-2008, 05:30 PM
Yeah he does and so do I, without him the frontpage wont get done or the referals, as they were all on his PC, so hopefully he does come back soon.

btw for all these that are still harping on about the seed limit on BCG, i have just nulled it completely.

I have just changed the Seeding Limit to 999 for all classes to get Seed Points.

This is just a "TEST" for a few days to see how it works, so if you want it to be kept like this, DO NOT abuse it.

Personally I do not think this will work very well at all, but I really hope the members we have got on here, prove me very wrong.

You do still just get SP on the 2 with the lowest ratios, but there is no seed limit associated with it, well unless you want to seed 1000 torrents on here there is, but no one should really get anywhere near that.

So get Downloading and Seeding and we will see what effect it has, Positive or Negative, but it is under review.

so lets see how it goes over the next week or so.

09-09-2008, 05:37 PM
stoi, i really dont understand that Seed Points limit, mind explaining it better? i mean what is this so called limit? was there a limit to seed? if i seeded 2:1 for example i couldnt seed anymore?

09-09-2008, 05:42 PM
No you can seed a torrent to 1000:1 if you like.

Its how many torrents you can seed at any one time on BCG to get SP on the 2 torrents with the lowest ratios.

it was.

KL = 5 torrents
User-Power User = 10 torrents
SPU and above 15 torrents (even i just got 15)

Now its 999 torrents for all classes.

09-09-2008, 05:56 PM
Interesting test, now if only you could get rid of the 'seeding hit and run' just from closing the client for a few hours...
Like thats a hit and run, pffft.

09-09-2008, 06:04 PM
well it is a hit and run, i cant tell the future and see if your coming back or not, at least this way when you do come back you can just seed them and get SP.

honestly the SP is to far fucking easy anyway, i change it so its even easier, and people still are not bleeding happy. who would run a torrent site.

09-09-2008, 06:04 PM
well it is a hit and run, i cant tell the future and see if your coming back or not, at least this way when you do come back you can just seed them and get SP.

honestly the SP is to far fucking easy anyway, i change it so its even easier, and people still are not bleeding happy. who would run a torrent site.

09-09-2008, 06:11 PM
I agree its very easy the way its set, I just dont see a few hour lapse as a hit and run. Guess its just different points of view. Most other trackers I use dont count it as a hit and run for at least 24 hours or more of no activity.

Your site is awsome, so is the way you run it. Its unique, and thats part of what makes it great. I was just commenting cause I saw a hit n run on my profile, not that it matters since I went right back to seeding though. But I always turn off my torrents to game online for a few hours a day. No torrents = no lag :D

09-09-2008, 06:14 PM
No you can seed a torrent to 1000:1 if you like.

Its how many torrents you can seed at any one time on BCG to get SP on the 2 torrents with the lowest ratios.

it was.

KL = 5 torrents
User-Power User = 10 torrents
SPU and above 15 torrents (even i just got 15)

Now its 999 torrents for all classes.

Thanks for the reply =] i personally think that it was already pretty good and the 999 torrents is kinda worse, the SP makes things a whole lot easier anyway I don't see why people even complain.

09-09-2008, 06:16 PM
Well yeah thats fine, i do not expect members to keep their torrents running 24/7 7 days a week.

the seeding hit and run is basically just to tell you that if you do turn off your PC its a hit and run.

and its not like 1 hit and run and you get banned or put into KL, it does take a few of them (but not to many so it can get abused) + its more coding on a server thats already struggling, hopefully that should be sorted soon though, this server move was good for us, but somethings it just does not like for some reason lol

09-09-2008, 06:20 PM
I fail to see what all the complaining is about. for some moral support: most of us are bleeding happy, just keep pruning em if necessary:)

09-09-2008, 06:52 PM
when this becomes permanent i expect to receive a formal apology from Stoi as well as public recognition on the site for coming up with the idea.


09-09-2008, 07:00 PM
Hmm nope, and with an attitude like that i may just revert it back now.

and you didnt come up with the idea, you were just 1 of many imbeciles that whinged about it, and im just fed up of fighting it, so thought i would give it a test.

So if you want me to make an announcement saying your a whinging C*&T who is never bloody happy then so be it.

09-09-2008, 07:01 PM
lighten up i was half joking ...

09-09-2008, 07:02 PM
so was i :wink:

09-14-2008, 03:32 PM
honestly the SP is to far fucking easy anyway, i change it so its even easier, and people still are not bleeding happy. who would run a torrent site.
sorry for a late reply (busy with classes) but the SP system is great. i think the only people who arent happy with it are the ones who dont understand it. it's extremely easy and it's a great way to prevent collecting hit n runs

09-14-2008, 03:33 PM
sorry double post

09-14-2008, 03:41 PM
Thats the problem, most members do not realise how great it is.

I am just having a discussion now on BCG, a member is saying other trackers that he is on dont ban until you get to a .5 ratio or lower, here is basically my reply.

but how on earth are those systems better, if you get banned with a .5 ratio

on here you could have a 1 Global Ratio (includes SP) and upload 0.00 Actual upload and still keep your account.

just a few of the top SP payout members.

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 1.50 TB Actual Uploaded: 95.77 GB SP Credited Upload: 1.41 TB
Downloaded 1.50 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 1.001 Actual Ratio: 0.062

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 1.98 TB Actual Uploaded: 650.63 GB SP Credited Upload: 1.35 TB
Downloaded 1.85 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 1.068 Actual Ratio: 0.342

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 2.37 TB Actual Uploaded: 1.07 TB SP Credited Upload: 1.30 TB
Downloaded 1.78 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 1.331 Actual Ratio: 0.601

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 2.74 TB Actual Uploaded: 1.49 TB SP Credited Upload: 1.25 TB
Downloaded 2.58 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 1.060 Actual Ratio: 0.576

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 1.65 TB Actual Uploaded: 464.03 GB SP Credited Upload: 1.20 TB
Downloaded 1.56 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 1.060 Actual Ratio: 0.290

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 1.25 TB Actual Uploaded: 133.35 GB SP Credited Upload: 1.12 TB
Downloaded 1.29 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 0.964 Actual Ratio: 0.100

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 1.66 TB Actual Uploaded: 556.94 GB SP Credited Upload: 1.12 TB
Downloaded 1.49 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 1.111 Actual Ratio: 0.364

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 1.93 TB Actual Uploaded: 850.62 GB SP Credited Upload: 1.09 TB
Downloaded 1.65 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 1.168 Actual Ratio: 0.504

Uploaded Total Uploaded: 1.81 TB Actual Uploaded: 750.74 GB SP Credited Upload: 1.08 TB
Downloaded 1.62 TB
Share Ratios Ratio: 1.116 Actual Ratio: 0.451

so 6 of those would have been banned elsewhere, but they can still keep their accounts here, and members still say its to hard here, it just boggles the mind.

If you download something, just seed the thing, if a leechers shows up, great upload to them, if not, its not the end of the world.

honestly it does just boggle the mind sometimes how members just do not get it at all.

and obviously if you want PU/SPU then bloody work at it a bit, we cant just hand you everything on a plate, you have to do something yourself.

09-14-2008, 03:52 PM
it is mind boggling. but i guess it's just one of those things some people will never get through their head (another example: rar vs unrar). i dont see the point of pulling out your hair over it. on bcg, it's hard just to seed to .5 sometimes, so even that isnt a good ratio/ban system.

09-14-2008, 04:04 PM
But its not hard to get a .5 actual ratio either, thats what is so confusing.

I downloaded all 3 xenosagas for the PS2, I have been seeding them for a month, not a month constant either, i do turn my PC off on a night, I also get capped for 10 hours of the day to 25KBs upload, 80KBs usually.

This is all actual upload btw from utorrent, not what the site says with any SP bonus i may have got. but if you do add SP bonus to the below, thats quite a nice ratio on each one.

Utorrent episode 1 is 8.76gig i have uploaded 21gig 2.5 ratio
Site Created: 31d 17:32:04 Timespent: 19d 16:19:48 Torrent Ratio: 2.572

Utorrent episode 2 is 6.79gig i have uploaded 9.05 gig 1.3 ratio
Site Created: 31d 17:31:02 Timespent: 17d 15:47:27 Torrent Ratio: 1.715

Utorrent episode 3 is 6.29gig i have uploaded 9.93gig 1.575 ratio
Site Created: 31d 17:26:59 Timespent: 17d 15:17:33 Torrent Ratio: 1.825

and 2 of the 3 still have leechers on them. and as you can see, SP has boosted those ratios up even higher.

and old games, not brand new scene releases, they were recycled actually just before i downloaded them, so had already been on the tracker for over 18 months, and not a SB in sight (from my end)

So all it takes is a bit of patience, and anyone on the site can get to PU/SPU.

09-14-2008, 04:11 PM
I really don't think members realise how much they do get out of the SP system and how this enables them to jump on older stuff that they couldn't on other sites.

What they also need to realise is that BCG is unique as a tracker and in the use of the SP system. If they don't like it they could always find another tracker which has the same content as BCG...oh but they can't because BCG is unique. It is because of this that they shouldn't be comparing it to any other trackers.

09-14-2008, 04:21 PM
well thats another thing, we just cant please everyone can we.

I'm not sure why you would think that making Blackcat's into a humongous garbage dump with over 6,000 torrents nobody wants to download, an actual goal to achieve.

Anyway, if you wish to waste your time, life, bandwidth, resources, electricity on idle torrents going nowhere to nobody, go ahead. I just prefer to put my energies into something more useful.

and you wonder why us tracker owners loose our temper sometimes.

09-14-2008, 06:38 PM
stoi, can u send me invite to black-cats??

09-14-2008, 06:50 PM
I like BCG but the admins seem to spend far too much time on worthless tinkering when the focus should be on getting more peers, and higher quality uploads (install instructions, patches, nocd's etc).

09-14-2008, 07:02 PM
worthless hmm OK.

we cant force members to download, and we have 70,000 seeders so thats not to bad.

and how hard is it to install a game, its like riding a bike, do it once, and you can do it 1000 times.

09-14-2008, 07:02 PM
worthless hmm OK.

we cant force members to download, and we have 70,000 seeders so thats not to bad.

and how hard is it to install a game, its like riding a bike, do it once, and you can do it 1000 times.

09-14-2008, 07:54 PM
Does black-cats has PS3 games?

And what is happening with register page, is it down by purpose, or admins are working something, i read here there will be new invite system?