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View Full Version : Disabling Cd Auto Play

07-12-2003, 01:42 PM
Ive tried tweak xp, and regscrub xp and a manual reg edit to change the string to 0, but my dvd drive is still auto detecting cd's, this feature has worked for me before, i dont know whats causing it not to work for me now....any ideas

Fixed turns out that the reg key was being conflicted by these two programs, so i enabled cd auto play feature in both proggies, rebooted, then changed it in tweak xp (couldnt be bothered doing it manually) then rebooted and its working fine

07-12-2003, 09:16 PM
Thanx for finding the answer yourself
i scratched my head for a sec but was relieved to find out i did not have to
do a major research on my past tweaks just for you.