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07-12-2003, 05:15 PM
i wanna ask is that if i get a virus can system restore really fix it if i try to restore the system to a time before i had the virus.

07-12-2003, 05:43 PM
i would think it would as long as the virus has not yet infected those very system files that are used by system restore itself but better to let some more advanced users chime in and give a different perspective.........oh and system restore sucks anyway it's unstable. I hear Norton Ghost is a good imager.

07-12-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Jay@12 July 2003 - 11:15
i wanna ask is that if i get a virus can system restore really fix it if i try to restore the system to a time before i had the virus.
What does System Restore do?

System Restore takes snapshots of your system status and archives them for retrieval, so if your PC crashes, you can restore your system files. Your system files are critical to the smooth operation of your OS.

What doesn't System Restore do?

It won't restore Word documents, pictures, data folders, email, and so on.
It is not a backup utility.

If your PC gets infected with a virus, you may be able to restore your system to a previous time. But if the virus has infected an email or your documents, you're out of luck. Remember, System Restore can restore only system files.

07-12-2003, 07:51 PM
System restore is by far one of the best features implemented in xp.

Its always wise to set a restore point at periodic intervals throughout the day or right before you install a new program even if you dont think its a virus.

I got a small .exe restore icon on my desktop that I got from a tweak xp site you just click it and it sets the restore point in the background instead of having to open up the sysrestore gui all the time.

07-12-2003, 07:53 PM
yes the system restor is gr8 thing ... have used that bad boy feature on more than 1 occasion

07-12-2003, 08:26 PM
I use sys restore. But I realize it's limits. At least how it responds for me. Example on preparing to install a new program. I get everything cleared away using various diagnostic tools. Then I set a SRP (system restore point). Call it like Before Program X. Then I delete all other SRP's. SR works best for me when I have only 1 SRP. Then I install the new program. Play with a couple hours or days. If the new program messes up my system I choose SRP Before Program X. Rinse & repeat. Never fails unless I mess up the steps. :lol:

07-12-2003, 08:49 PM
SR works best for me when I have only 1 SRP.
Thanks for the tip I'll try it.
Here is what I have against system restore. It's unstable, not just on my computer, it is unstable period. Maybe not if you use the trick above, but I have been using it for a while and it is unpredictable with multiple restore points. For instance, I have had system restore tell me "system restore cannot help you, please reboot your system" because my system was so screwed it couldn't use the restore point. Maybe that was my fault, here is another problem with it shn. After a restore point is used, it screws up random preferences. It's almost as if it "mixes up" things that were pre- and post- restore. Not a crisis, but overall I give it a C-.

07-12-2003, 11:57 PM
The one time I really needed SysRestore it let me down.
Go here (http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/supertweaks.htm) and read what BlackViper says about it.
I think he's right, but there is enough information here to make your own decision.

07-13-2003, 01:25 AM
1 thing u do have 2 keep in mind though is that the point ur restoring from is virus free......... if ur anti-virus erases a virus from ur system, it it possible 2 "system restore" it back........ fun huh? :(

Rip The Jacker
07-13-2003, 05:11 AM
Use Roxio GoBack 3 Deluxe, better than any system restore.

07-14-2003, 01:10 PM
[QUOTE]SR works best for me when I have only 1 SRP-.
hi there !
hell i could be in big trouble then.
i've got 6 weeks of system restore points.
i've used it once successfully just last
week when i upgraded Nero INCD 4.
XP hated it and would not boot up properly.
m8t :blink:

07-14-2003, 03:20 PM
yea, i cant trust winxp sys restore.. Never workS!!
I have it turned on.. then i make a system restore point myself.. Later when i NEED it.. it's GONE! really annoying, i stoped useing that p.o.s