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View Full Version : Is It Fair To Advertise In Shared Files ?

07-13-2003, 09:52 AM
Hey PPL im here to ask if PPL hav say doc ument with information they share FREELY do you feel its ok for them to ad Affiliate Programs to thos documents???

Is this annoying or tolaradable becoz they share the files Freely

Let me Know what you think of PPL sharing files with adverts

07-13-2003, 09:58 AM
I guess if you have created the file yourself then you could ad a text link at the bottom with an e:mail adress and website url. But if you are just adding them to documents you think people will download then no. A banner may be acceptable but it should be labled clearly that the end user will profit from it. No adware or Spyware or tricking users into anything. Remember any information in such documents could be used to trace you - by companies like the RIAA.

Evil Zak
07-13-2003, 10:08 AM
If you mean something that's one-time like a link or a banner, it's annoying but definitely tolerable, IMO. Especially when it's "If you like this, try that" ads, because they *usually* yield interesting stuff (sometimes just porn or other crap that has nothing to do with the file downloaded)

If it's AdWare, fuck no.