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View Full Version : HTML vs PHP

10-22-2007, 10:41 AM
Ok so I just go into coding web sites. I have a question that I just wanna make sure I know the answer to before I start explaining the difference to people.


-These are the assumptions that Ive made so far.

HTML - once the code is set , no changes can be made unless you actually change the code yourself.

PHP - using this and MySQL, a site can change dynamically through the use of Text boxes and more.

HTML - can be hosted on a regular hosting site most of the time can be found for free.

PHP - Hosted on a special site (server), which usually costs money.(Any Recommendations)

Again this is only the way that ive seen it, if i am wrong please feel free to correct me.

I know there is much more to it then this, so please, if there is anything major that Ive left out. POST.

10-22-2007, 11:09 AM
You cannot compare PHP and HTML, they do different things. PHP is for coding and HTML is for the layout of the website. It depends what your website needs to be able to do so you can decide which language to use, if it's something simple that rarely changes, static HTML would be fine. However if it needs to be a lot more dynamic (user database, news posts, image galleries, etc.) you will use PHP, but NOT PHP on its own, you use PHP to produce HTML, so it's not one language or another because they do different things, hence being unable to compare them.

About servers, you'll need one whether you just use HTML or whether you decide to use PHP with it. What you mean is that locally (on your own PC) you can view HTML pages in your browser, however with PHP you cannot run the pages, just view the code, they need to be on a PHP-enabled server to execute the code. By the way, it IS possible to get a PHP-enabled server for free, I can't think of too many off the top of my head and none that have no adverts unfortunately. You could try registering a free domain with clawz.com, good luck.

PS. If you want to make it sexual like a lady I recommend learning CSS to do most of the styling on the website.

10-22-2007, 12:11 PM
Thanx man, and i get what you mean. I wasnt really trying to compare them, as much as trying to figure out which one to use when.

That was the first point i was trying to get through. I just wanted to make sure that i did get the point of the whole PHP thing, but thanx for making it clearer.

As for hosting, then i guess the bottom line is to find one that has PHP Scripting enabled.Tthats what i understood anyways.

About claws.com, awesome just what i was looking for. I have a project to turn in this week and i think it would be a much better idea to run it off there, then on my computer using Wamp.

As far as CSS goes, i think to me it really is like a lady, I will never fully understand it. :)

Anyways if i do end up hosting the project on there, ill post a link for you to checkout, if you'd like.

thanx for the quick reply

10-22-2007, 12:15 PM
As far as CSS goes, i think to me it really is like a lady, I will never fully understand it. :)

Anyways if i do end up hosting the project on there, ill post a link for you to checkout, if you'd like.

Seriously though, it may look confusing, after a short read and a little figuring stuff out in your head it will become second nature to style things using CSS, it's very easy I assure you.

Sure, if you wanna send a link that's cool. :)

10-27-2007, 01:00 PM
And I hope you will use CSS, because it's the only standard that all browsers (should) support. There are too many custom HTML-Layout tags that do not work properly, because they just aren't standardized. And you will see that using classes is CSS is a high advantage when using a consistent layout.
Back2Topic: SaveFerris is right... you can't just compare these languages. HTML isn't a programming language at all, it's just descriptive. The main point is that when using PHP you always create HTML-code, the advantage of PHP is that this is dynamic. So if you are using a website without any Frames you really should use PHP and create the menu and the contents in seperate files and just include them in the main file. This gives you a good structure and you do not have to edit every file if there is a mistake somewhere (these are just examples, there are a lot more...).

11-24-2007, 07:39 AM

12-03-2007, 01:37 PM
As far as CSS goes, i think to me it really is like a lady, I will never fully understand it. :)

Haha, i agree so much with that, just try padding in both ie and firefox

SO ANNOYING having to resort to cheap dirty hacks to make it look pretty

12-06-2007, 01:50 AM
You indeed can't compare them, HTML, PHP and CSS are basically the basics of web design. If you need a cheap host go to dreamhosters.com they give you a year for 22bucks. >_>;