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View Full Version : I Had The Coolest Dream Last Night!

07-14-2003, 02:17 AM
Okay, this is how it went..

A couple of friends and I were standing outside of some flats where I used to live a few years ago... It was sometime in the evening and it was a warm, clear night.

The stars were really bright and it was so clear that up in the heavens you could also see this truly massive brown dust-cloud that seemed to be a bit further out than the moon.

The cloud was roiling and churning like it was being wind-blown from all directions, and you could see enormous sparks spitting from it and flames curling about as it billowed.

The sparks and flames got bigger and bigger and the billowing increased. Suddenly a large planet that looked similar to the earth emerged from the upper part of the cloud, which was moving about quickly.

The planet moved away from the cloud and settled into a steady orbit around the sun. By this time the light from the sky was really bright and beautiful. The cloud continued sparking, flaming and billowing and more smaller planets were emerging from it, and the turbulence it was producing was spreading out.

Suddenly we could see what looked like 2 very small white holes that had been produced by the cloud's spasms that were heading straight toward us.
You could hear the rushing sound as they spun around each other in the same manner as binary stars on a vertical plane.. damn, it looked cool!

The white holes kept coming at us and the noise was really intense. They entered the atmosphere but kept right on coming. We ducked as they roared over head and you could feel them pass.. it was like when you stand too near the edge of a railway platform as an express train goes past.

Me and my mates looked at each other in awe, then looked behind us. Not 30 feet back, the grass was scorched and burning where the thing had hit the ground, and I guess it had just dissipated on impact.

All we could do was say WHOOOOAAAAHHH!!!

We looked up again, and the sky was full of planets .

Then I woke up.

07-14-2003, 02:34 AM
The cloud was roiling and churning like it was being wind-blown from all directions, and you could see enormous sparks spitting from it and flames curling about as it billowed.

The cloud represents turbulance(trouble,suffering) that is yet to occur in the world.

Suddenly a large planet that looked similar to the earth emerged from the upper part of the cloud, which was moving about quickly.

The planets that emerge from the turbulance symbolize the next "world" that will emerge from the present one after the turbulance is over.

Suddenly we could see what looked like 2 very small white holes that had been produced by the cloud's spasms that were heading straight toward us.

The two breaches in the turbulance could be 2 people.

Not 30 feet back, the grass was scorched and burning where the thing had hit the ground
The 2 people will have an impact on society.

07-14-2003, 02:38 AM
It's the end of the world........Dag nab it I havent finished dl 28 Days yet! :(

Peace brotherdoobie B)

07-14-2003, 02:49 AM
Sounds like either you or the missus is thinking about having kids!

07-14-2003, 02:51 AM
Wow.. thanks for the interpretation MediaSlayer.. although I wasn't expecting anything quite so unsettling.

I have to say that I've never had such a vivid dream before... not even the nightmares I've had from eating toasted cheese before bed were that intense.

It's the end of the world........Dag nab it I havent finished dl 28 Days yet! :(

lol... maybe not the end of the world.. the sky was full of planets at the end of the dream, so maybe that means mankind will go on to explore the universe?

That should give you plenty of time to finish your dl ;)

Sounds like either you or the missus is thinking about having kids!


07-14-2003, 04:29 AM
:rolleyes: Let me guess...

You ate pizza with extra hot peppers and then fell asleep watching 2001 - A Space Odyssey - RIGHT?

The dream means nothing other than the fact that you have an interesting imagination.

My advice would be to lay off the spicy food at bedtime!!! :P

07-15-2003, 01:47 AM
usually friends represent different personalities of yourself, but if these where like all your friends together (recognising them all by name and face) it's more about your social position.
To me it more looks like you'll have to get thru some difficult times (on an unconcious level). You'll open this new world that before was hidden by clouds. These 2 lights is what will go on inside of you ... the light (~nearly death experience?) maybe preventing you from seeing the real subject. Our unconcious mind protects us when necessary. Maybe in a next dream someone is going to get hit by these things. (?) But you will not remember cause you will sleep too tight.
By opening this new world you will open a lot of others.
It's not looking into the future, it's looking inside of yourself, now.

BUT ! I could be wrong ! You should explain as much as possible, especialy about what you felt during all this, beside the oooooh.
Sure somebody could give a better version.

a nice subject for a new topic : tell your weirdest dream
and our dream-mods will explain them all. :P

07-15-2003, 03:00 AM
Interesting observations djflypson... thanks for the input. :)

As for the friends that were there... well, it was 2 of the oldest friends I have and one's brother was there too. We've known each other since our early school days.

I am facing some changes very soon, you got that right... I've recently applied for a new course thats started up at my local college which includes possible job placement in the print/graphic arts industry... exciting stuff for me... but also pretty uncertain at this stage.

As for explaining how I felt... well... awestruck... and I suppose there must have been some fear in there too, as it was a pretty catastrophic situation...

But a near death experience? hell, I hope not... already had a few too many of those already... don't know if I want to push my luck again.

07-15-2003, 03:22 AM
thx guy ;)

i just wanted to refer to this death experience for the bright white light ... as it is the opposite of black-empty-nothing, this white light can mean everything-all-one.

fire = love, passion
This planet goes circling around the sun. I think this is just an indication on how it should be.

what do you think Mediaslayer?

bill oddie
12-26-2007, 08:16 PM
I dreamed of little fish hoilding hands with garry glitter and singing opera. Do I have issues? :huh: