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07-14-2003, 04:34 AM
Ok so i finally found a game that i hve been loking for alot (area 51) and after do some research I have found that is a prgram for mame. Found that sire, d-load and everything nw from what i can tell this is a command line program, I am sure easy enough to use, and i will figure it out in the morning, but wanted to ask anythin a little more user freindly?

07-14-2003, 05:14 AM
You can try Mame32,this is win based and it boots right up w/out having to screw around with command lines.

07-14-2003, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by toddiscool@14 July 2003 - 06:34
Ok so i finally found a game that i hve been loking for alot (area 51) and after do some research I have found that is a prgram for mame. Found that sire, d-load and everything nw from what i can tell this is a command line program, I am sure easy enough to use, and i will figure it out in the morning, but wanted to ask anythin a little more user freindly?
I downloaded Mame too and itīs not userfriendly,you have to type in the folder where your Mame folder is first,example if you install Mame to "C:/Program/Mame" then download you roms to a folder inside Mame which is then located at "C:/Program/Mame/roms" (You do not need to uncompress the ZIP files).

After that you have to write a command in the coomand promt to open that folder by typing:
"cd Program\Mame" (without quotes)

Let say you download a game called "Gangwars",then write this command after the one above:
"mame Gangwars"

Also read the FAQ to know which button is what and how to change them here.
Mame FAQ (http://www.mame.net/mamefaq.html#s05)

07-14-2003, 05:25 AM

get the newest mame32 then type in the game you want and download the rom.

07-14-2003, 11:56 AM
Get a version of Mame32 for windows and there are no command lines,just click on the name of the game you want to play.Unfortunatley you've picked a tricky one there in Area51 as it requires several files to play.Pacman etc are just tiny programs,small pieces of code but Area51 and a few others require .chd files to work - these are compressed hard disk files that can be over a gigabyte in size.I have Mame v.63 and around 2900 games and Area51 isnt one of them as its a pain to install.Go to www.mame.dk for more advice