View Full Version : OiNK Domains Now Point To The Pirate Bay DNS

10-27-2007, 11:13 PM
http://torrentfreak.com//images/waffles.jpg"It has been a controversial week with all the dramatic news surrounding OiNK. The tracker was effectively shut down in a joint effort by Dutch and British law enforcement. However, it now seems that the domain has been reclaimed by The Pirate Bay."

"Earlier this week we posted an article about the hijack of the OiNK domain by the police. To make things even worse, they did not just hijack it, but also replaced it by a page insinuating guilt on the part of the site owner, without allowing him a fair trial.

Quite a few people asked the question: “Why Are The IFPI and BPI Allowed To Hijack OiNK” No answer has been given to this question yet, but it seems to be less relevant now.

It now seems that the OiNK.cd domain no longer points to the IFPI and BPI propaganda messages, instead it now shows a waffles site, which is hosted in The Pirate Bay servers.

Yesterday The Pirate Bay announced that it will launch an OiNK replacement named BOiNK. However, this has nothing to do with OiNK.cd and OiNK.me.uk. These domains will be used for something totally different and there are no plans to relaunch OiNK.

Both OiNK.cd and OiNK.me.uk (the old domain) now use The Pirate Bay’s nameservers. At this point it is still unsure what the plans are for the OiNK domain. It is not likely that the tracker will return in its original form, right now it is “the number 1 site in the world for waffle recipes,” an inside joke.

There will be an official announcement of what will happen to the OiNK domains soon, stay tuned!"

:source: Source: TorrentFreak (http://torrentfreak.com/oink-domains-pirate-bay-dns-071027/)
:view: Related: OiNK Makes a Statement Which Seems to Support the BitTorrent Hydra (http://torrentfreak.com/oink-supports-the-hydra-071027/)

:view: View: What Waffles? The Hydra Lives On (http://torrentfreak.com/what-waffles-hydra-071030/) - October 20, 2007

10-27-2007, 11:20 PM
I love the Pirate Bay and I love Waffles!

10-27-2007, 11:25 PM
Will "Boink" offer the same Torrents as Oink did ?

10-28-2007, 01:42 AM
OiNK is simply using tbp's name server, the domain has nothing to do with them, and is still in OiNKs ownership

10-28-2007, 07:41 AM
he will back some day ?

10-28-2007, 10:27 AM
Besides making a statement, the revived OiNK website is also supporting “the hydra“. The problem the BitTorrent community has currently, is that a few big sites carry the majority of the weight. Resources need to be spread around in a manner which ensures that a few ‘big bombs’ are unable to dismantle major parts of the infrastructure, and by supporting smaller trackers to grow, the hydra will become even more invincible.

Great idea, "the hydra" concept. It leaves the Police with one option - go for the people who are actually uploading and downloading. Prosecute them and create an environment of fear. If they cannot stop it by attacking the people who are facilitating the filesharing (and making loads of money at the same time) then they also have to attack the filesharers themselves.

10-28-2007, 12:48 PM
They've already done that anyways.

Mr JP Fugley
10-28-2007, 01:55 PM
Not in any particularly large or organised manner. The difficulty they currently have is that it's effectively a civil matter and as such certin powers cannot realy be used.

However laws can be changed.

10-31-2007, 03:20 AM
I think all the cases were from the fast-track network anyways^

What Waffles? The Hydra Lives On

Just added the link. They really like this Hydra stuff :smilie4: