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View Full Version : networkin transfer help needed

10-29-2007, 10:23 PM
Ok Just got a new main pc, i'm going to use the old one for other small stuff, but it does have a ton of things I want to transfer. I currently only have one monitor though, this leaves me either swapping cables over to see stuff or sticking on machine through the svideo out and into the tv.

Ideally I was hoping to just run a cable between the two machines so I can run one on the monitor and access the other like a removable hard drive?

Is any of this possible or do I need two monitors and full ethernet links?

10-30-2007, 06:49 PM
You can control one PC from the other with ultravnc (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ultravnc/UltraVNC-102-Setup.exe?download) (or other flavours of vnc if you prefer, I like this best) and also perform file transfers.

However, by far the quickest solution is to take the hdd out of the old machine and put it into the new one. Assuming that your new machine has a SATA drive and the old one has IDE you can probably simply unplug the cable from the CD/DVD drive and connect it to the hdd. Otherwise you may have to start messing with jumpers.

Even better if you've got an external drive case you can simply put the drive in there and connect via USB. That way you won't invalidate any warranty on the new system.

Either way it should appear as a new drive, and you can then simply copy things from the old drive to the new one.

When you've finished simply put it back into the old system.