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View Full Version : Obama pledges Net neutrality laws if elected president

10-29-2007, 10:48 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v383/Hairbautt/News%20Images/untitled.jpg"If elected president, Barack Obama plans to prioritize, well, barring broadband providers like AT&T and Comcast from prioritizing Internet content."

"Affixing his signature to federal Net neutrality rules would be high on the list during his first year in the Oval Office, the junior senator from Illinois said during an interactive forum Monday afternoon with the popular contender put on by MTV and MySpace at Coe College in Iowa.

Net neutrality, of course, is the idea that broadband operators shouldn't be allowed to block or degrade Internet content and services--or charge content providers an extra fee for speedier delivery or more favorable placement."

For full details, visit the source link.

:source: Source: C|Net NewsBlog (http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9806707-7.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5)

10-30-2007, 02:47 AM
he already had my vote, but now i like him even more

10-30-2007, 02:55 AM
he already had my vote, but now i like him even more
same here :)

10-30-2007, 09:09 AM
He's the man ;) and if he wins he would be the first black to be president :D !!!

10-30-2007, 01:06 PM
Obama for President

10-31-2007, 10:07 PM
He's the man ;) and if he wins he would be the first black to be president :D !!!
he may be black, but is he black enough (http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1584736,00.html)? :lol: politics......

10-31-2007, 10:15 PM
Well that just stole my vote.

11-01-2007, 01:01 AM
too bad hillary is the next president. i'd vote 4 obama tho if i could vote