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View Full Version : Those That Choose To Leave

07-15-2003, 04:30 AM
Hey whats going on anymore?
I see people leaving every other day now.
This is a great forum......You have your certain asses,but where on the
internet dont you ;)

At the same time this is a small part of the world
and those that take it so serriously need to lighten up :P
I am here to share files and enjoy conversation and
learn a few things,teach a few things.

I could give a shit about post count or how many files u have.
I dont care if your a noob or a veteran.
There is always someone with a higher post count or more files
than you anyway........ :P :P :P

I will like you for who you are.
If your an ass you'll show it,if your cool ditto.......

I dont post alot.......but I am on this forum everyday and in the KLF on
SoulSeek to.
I have made some good friends and enjoy reading others post,without feeling
the need to comment on every subject.
To each there own.

I have been on the web since 95......alot of you were still breast feeding then ;)
I have noticed that over the years the respect and sense of community
that I so enjoyed when I first started is disapearing today.

I guess it was bound to happen.....with so many people online now
your bound to have at least a couple true asses in every forum.

It doesnt have to be this way.......Try to listen and help out a noob,and dont just post a link every time.
somethings are easier to learn explained in laymans terms.

Say Hi to each other and dont leave when the times get tough.
This is a good place to be enjoy it!

I welcome all those back who left and say come back home
we would love to give you shit again,and at the same time
I can take a joke too ;)

Peace brotherdoobie B)

07-15-2003, 05:07 AM
Well said brotherdoobie.

I would only add this: Those who cannot handle whatever it is that pushes them over the edge really make me sick. To one day be a vital member of our community here and the next day explode and call all of us foul names and pollute the forum with the *hit that then pours out from their mouths - who needs that?

I said it before and I say it again - they should pack their bags quietly and walk out the back door.....good riddens.

C'mon, as brotherdoobie said, "this is the internet", it's not real life. If you get this screwed up at an on-line forum, your day to day life must be really suck. Please, stay away from joining any on-line forums until you get your *hit together on the outside.

If these people who keep leaving in such a huff, and we all know who they are, decide to come back, I only hope they got some therapy before returning.

Enough said.


07-15-2003, 05:34 AM
If you're going to leave, then leave. We don't need a repeat of the FC incident. If you're going to stay, then contribute, if your not, then go fuck yourself. :huh:

07-15-2003, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by Jibbler@15 July 2003 - 00:34
If you're going to leave, then leave. We don't need a repeat of the FC incident. If you're going to stay, then contribute, if your not, then go fuck yourself. :huh:
@Jibbler........... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

A man of few words.....Well put my friend ;)

Peace brotherdoobie B)

07-15-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by CrumbCat@15 July 2003 - 06:07
Well said brotherdoobie.

I would only add this: Those who cannot handle whatever it is that pushes them over the edge really make me sick. To one day be a vital member of our community here and the next day explode and call all of us foul names and pollute the forum with the *hit that then pours out from their mouths - who needs that?

I said it before and I say it again - they should pack their bags quietly and walk out the back door.....good riddens.

C'mon, as brotherdoobie said, "this is the internet", it's not real life. If you get this screwed up at an on-line forum, your day to day life must be really suck. Please, stay away from joining any on-line forums until you get your *hit together on the outside.

If these people who keep leaving in such a huff, and we all know who they are, decide to come back, I only hope they got some therapy before returning.

Enough said.

Very well put for such an infested one as you. :D

Leave or stay who gives a fuck.