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07-15-2003, 11:35 AM
How come i read about people downloading cames in bin and cue format and setting up virtual drives to run um?

if i download a game in bin and cue and its in a compressed file like .rar or zip. i extract it to a folder on my desktop using win rar then use win iso to extract the bin and cue files to another folder on my desktop, if its two disks i extract them both to the same folder then click the setup programto install the game. because both disks are in the same location it doesnt ask me to find disk 2 for it, after its installed to the HD i delete the bin and cues and the set up folder. and then simply find a nodisk crack, its that easy and takes 5 mins tops.

does any1 else do it like that or is it better to go down the virtual drive route? ;)

tHe LiNk
07-15-2003, 11:42 AM
If i had a choice i&#39;d use the virtual drives, its easy to access the bins whenever you want, so you don&#39;t need them extracted all the time if you need to access files on them, its simple either way though <_<

07-15-2003, 12:33 PM
i use alcohol120% for bin&cue files
its da bomb :D

07-15-2003, 07:30 PM
Extracting takes to damn long + some games even with the no cd require the cd&#39;s to run (gta 3). Tha way works and it is a good starting place, bette than posting how do i do this. But virtual drive then burn is the best way to go. Ofcourse if ya need help check the link in my signature.

07-15-2003, 08:38 PM
I can&#39;t believe no one else called you on this but if you&#39;re just dl&#39;ing, installing, and then deleting it then you sir are the definition of a leech. No one should help you. :angry:

07-15-2003, 08:55 PM

i didnt explain wher i got my files tho did i?
i only use bittorrent an packetseek to download my games. kazaa is used for music and movies. and excuse me mate but im sharing 1.5 gig of mp3 files, 30 dvd quality movies and the entire blackadder, 24, CSI and red dwarf series plus numerous cracks and patches&#33; sorry for not doin enough

and by the way i wasnt asking for help i just wanted to know how other people carried out ther extractions.