View Full Version : I know this is probably a stupid question.

11-03-2007, 03:41 AM
I dl "In the Shadow of the Moon" it's a .rar file with and needs a pw to open. The readme.txt file says the following:

File passworded to avoid anti piracy guys (have a nice day if you are one of them)



Anyone know if this is legit?

11-03-2007, 03:52 AM
spam - forget about it.

11-03-2007, 03:59 AM
yep, stay away from password protected rars. Could be filled with trojans

11-03-2007, 07:06 AM
use private trackers, private trackers mostly don't allow passworded rars... if you don't have any private tracker.. use at least half private-like >demonoid< users usually comment on the files if they have viruses, so you will be warned by the comments :)

11-03-2007, 07:32 AM
There is a reason why hardly anyone who has tasted the forbidden fruit of private trackers will venture into public ones ever again - and you've just experienced another one ;) There are of course a few public ventures that are legit while they still allow or suggest the use of passwords but those are in the minority. As soon as you need to sign up for something you open yourself up to - at least - a world of spam and who knows what else?

11-03-2007, 08:00 AM
It's BS. They will ask you to signup for a bunch of junk and then once you've jumped through enough hoops, they will give you the PW.

Don't fall for the okey doke.