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View Full Version : Msn8 Problem

07-16-2003, 01:23 AM
Hey I got msn8 and bout week ago it stop signing in, it say's that it couldnt verifiy my msn account any help before it tell the people at msn

07-16-2003, 01:54 AM
ok, ive had msn before, so ill try to provide what help i can....

first off, can you be a bit more specific??? you can't sign in to what?? MSN Messenger?? MSN groups??? and what is the excact error message you get???

are you sure your username (your email) and password are correct??? do u have a .NET passport?? have u ever signed in to an MSN service, ex. Messenger, Groups, Chat.....

also, MSN occaisonally experiences a few problems, just like any other company would....try and give them a day or two to fix it, and if it doesnt work...then u should call and ask if their .NET service is down......

07-16-2003, 02:10 AM
well i am just trying to get the internet. first i try to click on the butterfly and then i click on the button that says sign in. once it dail-up I says siging in and then after that is says ( were sorry we can not verifify you msn acount. Pleases try again later)

07-16-2003, 02:35 AM
are you sure you signed up for an account??? have they given you your account (email) and password??? it sounds like the software is woring fine, if u can connect, but it seems like they either haent authorized your account or your username/pasword is invalid....

07-16-2003, 02:42 AM
:( :( :( :(

yep i go an account i will talk with the msn people thanks anyway