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11-05-2007, 08:17 PM
let me ask, Who the feck watches all of these talk shows TV crap on American tv network?

for god sake enough is enough, shows like Opera sickens me, they simply cant get enough of it, show is running for 21 years with same scenarios over and over again, opera showing off how she helps some Africans by making them a church who's priest turns out to be a child molester.
on another hand dr. phil is fixing some costume made fake family's relations.

if some1 wants to help its not necessary to publicize it. lady "O" spends some thousands and shows off how she helped but she makes double of what she spent to the level shes now the richest women.
some times they make me bang my TV remote if i pass through the channels. every time i watch them they have some guy sitting there either crying or laughing while telling their tragedy or fortune and them Showing fake emotions with their ugly botoxed faces.
these shows are like religion channels always having a guest whos goal is to make life more miserable .
another examples is Tyra banks show, she freakin hated Naomi Campbell and couldn't stand her being more liked so she quit and started the BS "i like to help ugly look better".
IMHO they all are playing with general publics emotion to make money, atleast if they do; let them do in more exciting and new ways not with their typical boring same-o-same routine.

But i like late night talk shows, they bring news although its kinda routine but its new stuff, new faces and some gags.

11-05-2007, 08:33 PM
It is the same in the UK. Worst time is in the morning. They bring on guests to sort out their domestic issues. The guests look like they are extras from Deliverance.
When the guest reach the fighting stage they are egged on by audience response. A bit like ancient roman games.:lol:

11-05-2007, 10:18 PM
tell me about it !!

11-05-2007, 10:26 PM
Get used to it. The Writers' Guild Of America is currently on strike.

Chances are that the 4th season of LOST will be delayed even though I and about 6000,000 other peeps have been biting our collective nails for 6 months already.

Get the fuck ready for shows who don't need writers as per OTS.

11-05-2007, 11:10 PM
yea, they said there is going to be host of new ---reality shows coming

Something Else
11-05-2007, 11:37 PM
Well the US shows that have writers are fucking shite too IMO....apart from 3 or 4 exceptions.

Mr. Mulder
11-05-2007, 11:40 PM
needs more bauer.

11-05-2007, 11:43 PM
One thing I've noticed is that if you're an American and meet either of the following requirements, you get to be on TV and they pay you out of pity.

1. Overly obese
2. Have 19 kids

I was channel flipping a few weeks ago and on the news was this family of 19. Mom, dad, and SEVENTEEN f*cking children! WHO in their right mind would have 17 kids?! Seriously, none were adopted, is that even possible? Lol. Anyways they get all this money from people who think they need it so they can support their family. It's all a load of crap because they have this HUGE house and their food pantry (they showed it on TV) is the size of a damn supermarket. Neither parent ever stated what they did for a living. Probably nothing seeing as how cash is thrown at them around every corner. >.<

Something Else
11-05-2007, 11:45 PM
needs more bauer.


The only US talkshow I can tolerate is The Larry Sanders Show. It's orsum.

11-05-2007, 11:56 PM
The Jerry Springer show

You have to be fat and stupid as a pre-requisite - preferably with some sort of compulsion to flash your boobs. I quite like Springer as he is intelligent and funny but he clearly thinks the people on the show are loons and yet still they come.

I have never watched Oompah's show but I guess it is similar but more "serious". (May the Heavens preserve me!)

Cheap TV for people who have nothing better to do.

11-06-2007, 05:47 AM
WHO in their right mind would have 17 kids
ohh boy, here in my country people are going for record high, 17 is normal number some have 30. there is a 70 year old man who has 85 children's from 7 wifes and his kinda disabled from his leg. he says his target is atleast 114 children's. since legal number of wifes here is four he divorces one before going to another but he keeps the divorced.
point is older generation people do these crazy things on other hand they had the resources on their own time, money, government support and similar but today everything is limited.
i myself we are 7 children family.