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View Full Version : How to make a Mirc script

11-06-2007, 09:36 PM
Hi, I need help with irc.

If I want to join to some channel, I must write:

/msg invite iNTERNAL .....


How can I make a script for automatic invite and automatic connect to channels? Thanks for answers

11-07-2007, 07:55 AM
for example add following alias to your remote section

alias inviteme {
msg invite iNTERNAL .....

then you join just by typing inviteme
for automated access add something like

on *:connect: { if (*nameoftheserver* iswm $server) inviteme }
where nameoftheserver is the name or part of the name of irc server you connect to (for example p2p-network.net)

11-07-2007, 12:43 PM
Thanks, but I want automatic join... I dont want write for example /inviteme


If i start mirc, i can be automatic joined on channels

11-07-2007, 02:55 PM
on *:connect: {
if (*nameoftheserver* iswm $server)
msg invite iNTERNAL .....
on *:invite:#nameofchannel:join #nameofchannel

11-08-2007, 04:32 PM

11-09-2007, 06:53 AM
Optimus could you write me a code up for..

/nick (My nick)
/msg nickserv identify (my password)
/msg bot invite (my password)
/join #(channel)


/msg nickserv identify (my pass)
/join (Channel)

Thanks :P

11-09-2007, 01:57 PM
well you can use the same ON CONNECT code.

on *:connect: {
if (*server1* iswm $server) {
nick (My nick)
msg nickserv identify (my password)
msg bot invite (my password)
if (*server2* iswm $server) {
msg nickserv identify (my pass)
on *:invite:#nameofchannel1,#nameofchannel2:join $chan

one thing tho, it is better to code identification as a response to bot instead of blind sending messages on connect, you gain more flexibility, and you can change nicks while connected without nagging. like this:

on 1:notice:*type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password*:*: {
if (($network == yournetwork) && ($nick == nickserv)) {
if ($me == yournick1) msg nickserv identify yourpassword1
if ($me == yournick2) msg nickserv identify yourpassword2

for simple stuff, under tools/options/connect/options there is a "perform" button where you can add commands to be performed when connecting for each network separately.

11-11-2007, 06:45 AM

04-24-2010, 06:43 PM
/id msg nickserv identify pass

thats the identifier to use type /id

/ghost msg nickserv ghost nick pass
this the nick ghost killer to use type /ghost
note go to allias in mIRC script editor to use