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View Full Version : whats with all the system ops that go missing?

11-09-2007, 09:01 PM
Should be getting up there in the worlds most dangerous jobs list. I read about vipmusic and rts2...sheesh. Are they being abducted by the cyber gods or what?

11-09-2007, 09:27 PM
nah, just kids that don't know how to inform others of what is happening. Guess thats what happens when your parents still decide your daily schedule...

11-09-2007, 09:34 PM
Cybergod... could be a cool nickname :).
Anyhow RTS sysop is abroad AFAIK.
I hope all is okey with the VIP sysop.
Remember for some people torrents is not the reason to live.
They have private matters to attend and not being able to inform you about it may be unintentional.

11-09-2007, 11:16 PM
Remember for some people torrents is not the reason to live.

People.... actually... have real lives? :unsure:

But seriously, some sysops just get sick of all the crap they deal with from day in and day out. It's like any other job. After a while, you just want to move onto something new.

Being a sysops is one tough position!

11-09-2007, 11:29 PM
lol. yup people get tried of all the bullshit everyday(traders, problems, lames)....in some communities is really a thankless job

11-09-2007, 11:37 PM
Well, we all appreciate the work you are doing DV8type.
thanks to you!

11-10-2007, 08:04 AM
lol. yup people get tried of all the bullshit everyday(traders, problems, lames)....in some communities is really a thankless job

Being admin on any community is a tough job. :shutup:

11-10-2007, 03:22 PM
lol. yup people get tried of all the bullshit everyday(traders, problems, lames)....in some communities is really a thankless job

Being admin on any community is a tough job. :shutup:

I agree. They should take steps to combat it though. For example, they could hide profile info from forum mods and cycle them on a regular basis. Or perhaps only allow them to view IP masks, so they could still help hunt for traders. Even the GMods don't need to know personal info in order to regulate torrent uploads and passkey resets, so they could be cycled as well. Or if nothing else, just take care to do what FSC does and choose really friendly people.

There's no excuse for the behavior of staff on some trackers.

11-10-2007, 04:24 PM
Believe it or not, most of these sites have staff around the ages of 15-18. No offense to anyone running a site that age, I just remember when I was that young I wasn't exactly the most mature and informative little rebel either.

PS: :wub: DV8type

11-10-2007, 06:22 PM
I pulled out from NB as an admin basically because of the ammount of work.

I was just one of 3 admins. Not sysop, admin.. I recieved on a daily basis ~30 PMs. My inbox was purged every 14th day, yet it never contained less then 600 PM's all-the-time. At really busy days I could wake up to 20-25 PM's, answer them, go to school, come home to 10-15, lots of'em with replies from the earlier PM's, and before I went to bed maybe 5-10.

And lets not forget the reports, with a average of ~9 reports a day to take care of.
.... and the uploader applications
.... and the torrent editing / deleting
.... and handeling all donations

So.. After some time, you don't really see all the fun in it. It IS fun, but it's also a lot, and I do mean a LOT of work.

As a sidenote, Norwegians aren't always the most polite ppl on teh internets. It was extremly rare that any of my PM's with questions started with a "sorry to disturb you", "good day!" or something, and ended with a "thank you".

It was more.. "My acc. is fucked, check it.", "Why did you delete my torrent?" and "Hi, how do I upload torrents?!". Sometimes the person sent another message 40 mins later with "Answer me! This sucks, bad service, you gotta tell me how to upload!!"

There are of course lots of phun things to do, but all in all.. It's like some of you've said; a thankless job, some times.

If it weren't for the superwub community, I would've bailed eariler :p

Cheers :wub:

11-10-2007, 06:35 PM
alien abduction is a problem

11-11-2007, 12:52 AM
PS: :wub: DV8type
Waaaait a minute arent you a spy. Are you trying to steal my interwebz?

I pulled out from NB as an admin basically because of the ammount of work.

Yeah i cant imagine being staff on a huge tracker....it must be crazy. I get 50-60 PMs a week at FSC then another 15-20 here and maybe 5-10 on other trackers (all weekly). Then side project, other duties, sorting thru traders/cheaters. I try to respond to all them (unless another staff member has contacted you already) AND its all for the spirit of sharing. Luckily, we have quite a few experienced staff members at FSC, who lighten the load. We also have GREAT users who value FSC very much and help out greatly. <3

....So remember boys and girls when you contact staff: Be courteous and understanding, realize they have lives too and torrents are just a hobby.

11-18-2007, 12:00 AM
Believe it or not, most of these sites have staff around the ages of 15-18. No offense to anyone running a site that age, I just remember when I was that young I wasn't exactly the most mature and informative little rebel either.

PS: :wub: DV8type
i know what you mean. i was a siteop at the age of 15 myself.

11-18-2007, 01:09 AM
Believe it or not, most of these sites have staff around the ages of 15-18. No offense to anyone running a site that age, I just remember when I was that young I wasn't exactly the most mature and informative little rebel either.

PS: :wub: DV8type
i know what you mean. i was a siteop at the age of 15 myself.

show-off :P

oh no - true :yup:

Bad Blue Boy
11-18-2007, 01:15 AM
yeah thats true but when you look up on it !!!!
users are mostly between 15 18 years!!!
its hard work i bet but if you want to be at top you need to work....thats the deal you need to know before you became one!!!