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11-11-2007, 11:52 AM
welcome mates :)

our talk today is about " what movies makes you cry ?? "

or les't say " Cry Hard :naughty: " , make a pool of tears:cry: .

couse I love this kind of movies :shifty:.

I don't need a move or two , I need a big list of movies names :01:.

11-13-2007, 01:32 PM
titanic :)

11-13-2007, 02:00 PM
I don't really cry hard, but I've been known to get a bit misty ;) I'm gonna go ahead and throw Braveheart into this. The ending always gets to me.

11-13-2007, 03:52 PM
Usually it's movies where animals get hurt e.g. "Mighty Joe Young" although Titanic and Braveheart got me as well.

11-13-2007, 10:19 PM
titanic :)

yea what a dram

11-13-2007, 11:08 PM
ET gets me every time.

That film should have a warning on it "will make grown men cry".

11-14-2007, 08:39 AM
ET gets me every time.

That film should have a warning on it "will make grown men cry".

it always is ET !!! :cry1::cry1::cry1:

11-16-2007, 11:02 AM
Star Wars ep1. When the boy anakin has to leave his mother. :(

11-16-2007, 11:15 AM
http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_denirocries.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif
25 Moving Movie Moments for Men

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_butchandsundance.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif
Butch & Sundance go out in a blaze of glory

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:17 PM ET
The moment
Trapped in a bunker in Bolivia, the brothers in arms decide it's time to go out together in a blaze of Glory.
Why we get choked
They've been through thick and thin as bandits extraordinaire, so when they decide they want to die together, is there anything nobler than that? Pass the hanky.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_rudy.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Rudy is carted off the field in 'Rudy'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:07 PM ET
The moment
Rudy takes the field after all the teammates have one by one relinquished their jerseys to get him a spot on the field.
Why we get choked
Rudy proves that with enough heart and determination, size doesn't matter. When he takes the field for those eight seconds and they raise him upon their shoulders, I'll defy anyone who says they don't get a little steamy around the eyes. It doesn't hurt that it is a true story from the '70s.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_godfatherii.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Michael gives Fredo the kiss of death

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:07 PM ET
The moment
On the dance floor of the a crowded Havana nightclub in 1959 as Castro's forces approach, Michael Corleone, who has just learned of his older brother's betrayal, confronts him with a tight embrace and says in his New York Italian accent, "I know it was you Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart." He follows it with a kiss that all but seals his unfortunate sibling's fate.
Why we get choked
Fredo is the inept unfortunate victim of the family. Unable to keep up with his older brother's machismo or his younger's cunning; Fredo hatches a plan that eventually backfires. When Michael figures it all out, we know it's just a matter of time and we feel bad because we know that he's a victim of middle child malaise.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_deadpoets.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

The boys of the Dead Poet's Society seize the day

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:07 PM ET
The Moment
As Mr. Keating is dismissed by the headmaster, one by one the boys of the Dead Poet's Society slowly yet defiantly take to his desk to ruefully salute the man who had inspired their passion to reject conformity and think independently. As each climbs he proclaims "Oh Captain, my captain" and conjures Walt Whitman's tribute to Abraham Lincoln.
Why we get choked
As the boys seize the day and honour their inspirational leader, they gain a voice of their own and demonstrate they've heeded his teachings. As Mr Keating looks back fondly and simply says "Thank you, boys. Thank you" before departing, it's a moment of undeniable weepiness.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_topgun.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Maverick says farewell to Goose in 'Top Gun'

Updated Thu. Nov. 15 2007 10:18 AM ET
The moment
Goose (Anthony Edwards) hits his head on the roof the F14 during an emergency release and dies in partner Maverick's (Tom Cruise) arms.
Why we get choked
It's not so much when Goose gets it (albeit in a less than heroic way) that brings the weepies, but when Maverick finally relinquishes personal guilt and tosses his best friend's tags to the ocean. Cue the hum of that riveting score.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_braveheart.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

William Wallace demands his FREEEDOM!

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:05 PM ET
The Moment
William Wallace tells his gather clan of blue-faced warriors "Aye, you may die, run, and you'll live...at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take...our freedom.
Why we get choked
It's the most definitive repudiation of tyranny ever cast onto the silver screen. Raise a fist to the man!

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_deehunter2.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Michael plays Russian Roulette with Ricky

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:08 PM ET
The moment
Michael (Robert De Niro) cradles his dying friend Nick's (Christopher Walken) bloodied head after one last fateful game of Russian roulette.
Why we get choked
Friends in life and war, the two share an inseparable bond that was broken by the ravages of a useless war. We know what the one has done to try and save the other (and his earlier promise to never leave him), so when Michael fails to help Nick, the pain cuts even deeper.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_et.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

E.T. reminds Eliot 'he'll be right here'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:05 PM ET
The moment
Shrouded by the darkness of the giant sequoias of a California forest at night, the mystical extraterrestrial reaches out his gentle, magical finger and points so delicately to Eliot's head and reminds him that forever he'll "be right here" before slowly marching up the gangplank of his spacecraft and making his final, tear-inducing farewell.
Why we get choked
This ascension scene inescapably whisks us back to time in our lives when we all possessed an unwavering faith in the notion that the future would always be full of mystery, wonder and aspiration as long as we believed.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_elephantman.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

The Elephant Man proclaims he is 'not an ANIMAL'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:04 PM ET
The moment
Chased into a train station bathroom the hideously-deformed John Merrick (John Hurt) cries out to an angry mob: "I am not an animal! I...am...a human being! I am a man."
Why we get choked
He's the unfortunate victim of birth, yet he survives. This David Lynch classic makes us feel a pang of guilt any time we've made fun of someone for something beyond their control.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070924/465_privateryan.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Captain Miller gives Private Ryan his final orders in 'Saving Private Ryan'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:07 PM ET
The moment
A dying Captain Miller, slumped on a decimated bridge, leans painfully into Private Ryan, the man for whom he would soon sacrifice his own life and earlier those of his team whispers tersely: "James, earn this. Earn it." Fifty years later at Miller's grave the older, teary-eyed Ryan asks his wife one question. "Am I a good man? Tell me that I have been a good man."
Why we get choked
It's more the follow-up that tugs so tautly, for in these finals words three generations take a breath to momentarily consider the sacrifice that this generation made for our liberty.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_fieldofdreams2.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Ray plays catch with his old man in 'Field of Dreams'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 1:57 PM ET
The moment
Ray (Kevin Costner) reconciles and reunites with his dead father at sunset on the field he was "inspired to build."
Why we get choked
Watching a middle-aged son have a last opportunity to reconcile with his dead father is hard not to take to heart.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_rocky.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif
USA 1, Soviet Union nil in 'Rocky IV'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:03 PM ET
The moment
Rocky beats the Russian Übermensch Ivan Drago to a blistery pulp in a 15-round death match presided over closely by Soviet bureaucrats and American politicians. Circa 1985, it's superpower domination cloaked as buddy revenge.
Why we get choked
It's the most ostentatious of the "Rocky" flicks, coming at the height of Glasnost and perestroika that had begun to illustrate the cracks in the socialist regime. This brilliant display of that classical dialectic of the natural male versus the cyborg human gets us going every time.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_goodwillinghunting.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Chuckie tells Will where it's at in 'Good Will Hunting'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:06 PM ET
The moment
Best friend Chuckie Sullivan has finally had enough of Will Hunting's self pit, and erupts in a moment of passion and wisdom: "No, no, no, no. F--k you, you don't owe it to yourself, you owe it to me, cause tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50, and I'll still be doin' this s--t. And that's all right. That's fine. I mean, you're sittin' on a winnin' lottery ticket. You're too much of a pussy to cash it in, and that's bulls--t. Cause I'd do f--kin' anything to have what you got. So would any of these f--kin' guys. It'd be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years. Hangin' around here is a f--kin' waste of your time."
Why we get choked
Despite sharing so many of our best times together, male bonding never usually scratches that emotional surface and sees one friend tell the other why they may respect or admire them. It's often a tacit understanding. When we see and hear this happen on screen it's a cathartic experience.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_mrsmith.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Mr. Smith collapses in 'Mr Smith goes to Washington'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:06 PM ET
The moment
Smith's collapses after delivering a 24-hour filibuster that gets Senator Paine to finally admit his dishonesty.
Why we get choked
While this Capra film is quaint by today's standards, there's something so very good and sincere at its core that we can't help but get swallowed up by its genuineness. Its impact resides in the fact that as viewers we know that its earnestness was more than just a ploy to sell tickets but a deep belief held by the creator.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_platton.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif
Elias raises his hands to god in 'Platoon'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:08 PM ET
The moment
Sgt. Elias staggers out of the jungle after being shot by sociopathic Sgt. Barnes and left for dead in the Vietnamese jungle - his arms outstretched upwards in slow-motion in a sacrificial, crucifixion pose (while Samuel Barber's Adagio For Strings is played) as he is repeatedly shot by VC enemy forces - viewed from a chopper overhead
Why we get choked
If Elias represents that humanist archetype that is the one source of sanity in a world of insanity, his demise in "Platoon" is a haunting metaphor for the death of reason. Just as we've come to love Elias as the sole voice of justice in a quagmire of lunacy he's carried away.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_rainman.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif
The silent understanding of brothers in 'Rain Man'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:05 PM ET
The moment
Before the brothers bid each other an emotional farewell at the Amtrak train station and they say their final, albeit temporary goodbyes, they share a rar emoment of understanding as tehy sit along in the lawyers office. Autistic and isolated Ray slowly touches his head with his brother Charlie's in a rare moment of emotional connection.

Why we get choked
This subtle moment indelibly captures the inimitable bond that is now shared between these brothers, despite their communicative distance. It's a soft yet not overwrought semiotic, which, in a short moment, defines that unspoken dependence shared by virtually all brothers.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_starwars.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

The lone hero returns in 'Star Wars'

Updated Thu. Nov. 15 2007 10:21 AM ET
The moment
Alone in his X-Wing fighter approaching his last opportunity to destroy the Death Star, Luke Skywalker is caught in the gun sights of the evil Darth Vader. As Vader methodically proclaims "I have you now," an unexpected laser blast followed by an unmistakable "Yoo-hoo" sends Vader and his Tie Fighter into space. Han Solo has returned at the 11th hour to save the day.
Why we get choked
It's a classic moment of inimitable self-sacrifice that get's us all shivery every time. Pure cliché, pure pulp. pure joy.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_shawshank.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Absolution meets innocence at the end of 'The Shawshank Redemption'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:06 PM ET
The moment
After a now-free Red briefly contemplates suicide the scene slowly cuts to him boarding a bus, breaking his parole agreement to head to an unknown destination.
We hope patiently that we know where he is going. On a secluded beachfront we see a peaceful Andy Dufresne crafting his boat as Red slowly walks to meet him.
Why we get choked
As Andy recognizes the approaching figure he stands to meet his longtime friend, yet no words are exchanged. Their knowing smiles speak volumes about the power of hope, friendship and redemption. You either get busy livin,' or get busy dyin'. Enough said.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_waterfront.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif
The dead birds in 'On the Waterfront'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 1:57 PM ET
The moment
Terry picks up one of his beloved dead pigeons on the roof of his apartment, after a bloody fight with corrupt union boss Johnny Friendly.
Why we get choked
Terry was a prize fighter who "coulda been somebody" but instead he took a fall, and the only things he now has left to love in the empty world is his coop of flying friends. As he laments their assassination, Brando makes us sympathize with this bruised giant. It's far more powerful than the celebrated "contenda" scene.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_cuckcoosnest.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

The mercy killing of McMurphy in 'One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:08 PM ET
The moment
Chief Bromden's suffocation/mercy killing of his lobotomized friend and his escape from the mental institution by throwing an immovable sink through a window.
Why we get choked
McMurphy (Jack Nicolson) is the lone voice of the patients in this sterile environment of rigid authority. Where drugs, treatment and therapy have failed, McMurphy's death at the hands of his friend suggests the notion that perhaps the only path to true freedom for the souls in the institution is transference to the afterlife.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_midnightcowboy.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif
Joe Buck cradles a dying Ratso in 'Midnight Cowboy'

Updated Wed. Nov. 14 2007 2:48 PM ET
The moment
Their poignant Florida-bound bus trip when Ratso expires in Joe's arms in the back of the bus.
Why we get choked
These two hapless drifters have no one but each other and their own naive and impractical dreams - right to the very end. But, nonetheless, they have dreams and what's more American that that?

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_littleceaser.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

The death of the big man in 'Little Caesar'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 1:57 PM ET
The moment
Rico is shot down behind a roadside billboard, and his final cry: "Mother of Mercy! Is this the end of Rico?"
Why we get choked
Similar to the ending of "The Public Enemy," where Cagney is delivered dead and enshrouded at his mother's door, the ending of this early talkie still makes us feel for this distraught hero who had mother issues.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_gangs.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif
'Gangs of New York' ends with a modern message

Updated Wed. Sep. 26 2007 3:06 PM ET
The moment
The final hand-locked scene with a dying Leonardo and Daniel Day Lewis overlooking the pre-9/11 NYC.
Why we get choked
The lasting final image defines an irascible city of inhabitants that was borne from struggle and strife and that will continue to evolve through more of the same.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_boyz.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Doughboy takes his half-brother home in 'Boyz 'N the Hood'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 2:05 PM ET
The moment
Right after getting into a fistfight with his half-brother Ricky (Morris Chestnut), Darin 'Doughboy' Baker (rap star Ice Cube) must take his sibling's bullet-riddled dead body home to their mother.

Why we get choked
We've followed these boys from adolescence to their premature adulthood in this hell town known as South Central in 1991. Just as Ricky is about to turn his life to something positive, he's the victim of a drive-by of which Doughboy was the intended target. After Doughboy and his crew achieve retribution, it's an ironic justice that lingers with him - and us.

http://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20070925/465_majorleague.jpg http://www.ctv.ca/mar/images/p.gif

Dorn takes on the Wild Thing in 'Major League'

Updated Thu. Nov. 8 2007 1:57 PM ET
The Moment
Dorn (Corbin Bernsen) methodically marches to the mound to confront hot shot pitcher Ricky in the climactic game of "Major League," and we're anticipating a knockout punch, as the latter had slept with the former's wife. What ensues, however, is an unexpected pause before he proclaims... "I've only got one thing to say to you, Vaughn. Strike this m-f***er out."
Why we choke up
If sports are a modern day metaphor for combat, brothers on the front line come above all else. Before it happens we kind of know what's to come, but the satisfaction is undeniable in watching Ricky smile and prepare to "give 'em the heater."

11-17-2007, 12:37 PM
Requiem for a dream

11-17-2007, 01:51 PM
ET too

11-17-2007, 02:08 PM
Have you seen " I am SAM " ?
It's a fantastic drama .

11-17-2007, 02:10 PM
Big boys don't cry, baby

11-22-2007, 07:05 AM
Requiem for a dream

Exactly what I was going to say.
It's incredibly, intensely depressing.

12-06-2007, 05:24 AM
Requiem for a dream

Exactly what I was going to say.
It's incredibly, intensely depressing.

one mentioned there but also The Crying Game :dabs:

12-06-2007, 10:17 PM
Big boys don't cry, baby


~~ ReBeL ~~
12-07-2007, 01:46 AM

12-07-2007, 05:42 AM
Oh man, Requiem for a Dream was fantastic. I didn't make me cry but it certainly made me think. I cried during Pride and Prejudice. So sad in the scene during the rain.

12-12-2007, 09:17 AM
I am sam, that movie really makes me cry.

12-12-2007, 12:28 PM
Generally i am tuff guy ,i don't cry but some movies and news makes my eyes cry.....

And i began to question myself "M i crying for that scene"
especially Heavy Drama scene .

12-13-2007, 08:01 PM
Big boys don't cry, baby

12-14-2007, 10:00 AM
Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers

12-14-2007, 01:32 PM
Just watched The Lookout, cried one time.

12-16-2007, 03:33 PM
I don't ever cry but, Menace II Scoiety, Jasons Lyric, and Boyz In The Hood, are some movies that stand out to me.