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View Full Version : Follow up to my other post about cheap torrentflux plans

11-16-2007, 01:09 AM
Ok guys i went out and bought the plan from http://www.br-hosting.com/en/torrentflux.php i bought packed 5 which included the following:
Price per month: $45.00
Disk space: 70GB
Bandwidth: 15TB
FTP Accounts: 1
Active Torrents: 8
Support centre access: Yes
Setup Fee: Free

Well what can i say it is not worth it at all there were 10+ on my server and the total traffic for the week was 200Gig so how would they expect the package five users to use there 15TB. the clients on the account are all banned or out of date at all the private sites i used so i will put up the email corrispondance and then you guys can make up your own minds about the service....

Email from me: ok i go to the website you gave me and i log on now what do i do next as i have tried all sorts of things. no it wont do any thing do i need other programs for it to work or what please any help to start downloading or uploading would make me very gratefull

Reply: Hello ,

How are you today??

We are very sorry about our delay.

Actually TorrentFlux is very easy to handle with it. There are two ways for you to download/upload a file. Firstly you can download a .torrent file to your computer and then upload to our server through that Upload button. Then you will just choose your BitTorrent client, please make sure to select between Transmission or Tornado. After that you just have to setup your download and upload speed.
The other way for you to download/upload a file it's using URL for the Torrent File. Using that method you will just have to get a URL containing the entire path to a torrent file, for example http://www.torrentleech.org/download.php/69471/Need.For.Speed.Pro.Street-RELOADED.torrent (http://www.torrentleech.org/download.php/69471/Need.For.Speed.Pro.Street-RELOADED.torrent), paste it on that field and hit on GO button.
There are two ways for you to download your downloaded files from the server to your computer. You can click on Incoming and you will be redirected directly to your folder. A Download as a zip button will show up and you'll be able to download. Also you can download through FTP using a FTP client, we can recommend FlashFXP, http://www.flashfxp.com (http://www.flashfxp.com/). All that you need is to use your information like username and password and our server hostname, like earth.thetorrentfile.org (http://earth.thetorrentfile.org/)and you will be also redirected to your folder.

Please let us know if you have any more doubts or concerns!!!

My best regards.

Email from me: well all i am getting is benned clients so how can i download if the downloading clients are out of date............ screens attached

Reply: Hello there ,

Thank you so much for your patience.

I would like to ask you to change to Tornado Client, from your screenshots I can see that you are trying to use Transmission. Try to use Tornado instead. Otherwise we won't be much helpful because TorrentFlux only accepts four clients, which we would able to install those two, Transmission and Tornado.

Please let me know if you have any more doubts and we will be glad to answer them.

Looking for hearing from you.

Our best regards.

Email from me: this whole platform is buggy and it wont let me change clients
i got 15TB that im not going to even use a quarter of that considering the server i have been given has all banned and out of date clients. i have screens as proof of these banned and out of date clients also. so please do not bill me again as i am very unhappy with this service. The account is under and i will be keeping all screen shots of the banned clients and out of date clients and all the leeters to and from you and if i am billed for any more money for this poor quility service i will seek legal advice. I hope something can be done to fix these problems as i have not even been on for 24 hours and have not had any success with this server and i all ready given you a letter saying i want my account terminated at the end of the first 30 days thank you

Reply: Hello ,

Since we don't want no trouble with our customers, we have decided to refund you totally. Your account will be terminated as you have other customers to have a place on our servers.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Our best regards!

Email from me: ok thank you so when will i see the money returned not trying to be pushy or anything just wondering on a timeframe thanks

Reply: Hello there Bill,

Well, I have been checking on my PayPal account and your money will be refunded as long as we have it received in our account, as you can see:

Payment Type:
The eCheck payment you have received will show an Uncleared status until the funds have cleared from the buyer's account - usually three to four business days. Please do not ship any merchandise to the buyer until this payment clears.
Basically you will have to wait for that eCheck to be credited on my PayPal Account, so your money will be refunded. There is no need for you to worry about it. Your account was already terminated.

Please let us know if you have any more questions.

Our best regards.
And final outcome is the money is back into my bank. And i have now come to find out that Br-hosting = Brazil housting

Hope this helps some people avoid all the trouble i went through JAK

11-16-2007, 01:27 AM
This looks like a decent review who the fuck needs 15tb. As long as its not slow I have no problem but they are using a banned client though.

11-16-2007, 01:56 AM
The speeds were very slow the 10+ on my server didnt even have 200+ gig for a week and thats all together. the fastest speed i got was 12kB/s

11-18-2007, 12:23 AM
LOL. Did you really think you would get 15TB of traffic for 45.00$?

Honestly, most, if not all of these TorrentFlux plans are utter bullshit. Stick to VPS & Dedicated from known reputable suppliers.

Bad Blue Boy
11-18-2007, 12:49 AM
yeah but you are getting your money back thats the main thing!!!

11-18-2007, 12:54 AM
b4rt is the modded version of TorrentFlux and not the original client. b4rt has Transmission and Tornado as the BT clients, whereas TorrentFlux only has Tornado although both versions should be the latest.
