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View Full Version : Is What.CD stable yet?

11-18-2007, 05:08 PM
I deleted my account there because every time I uploaded something, the tracker was down, the site had no seeds, and site speeds were god awful. Right before I deleted my account, the SQL injection thing happened, and now I don't know the conditions of What.CD. While I think Waffles is a superior to What.CD in terms of music, What.CD has an application section which I desperately need. So is What.CD stable enough now where I can upload something and have it actually seed?


11-18-2007, 05:38 PM
The upload seems to be working now. You can pm me an email address if you need an invite.
(that was directed at Kyl3KK only, anyone else should NOT pm me.)

11-18-2007, 05:40 PM
Everything seems fine now.

11-18-2007, 05:58 PM
They were stable the last few days, but the site is very new, so you don't know if or when the next problems will occur.

11-18-2007, 06:04 PM
PM'd. Thanks!

11-18-2007, 06:07 PM
Yeah, there have been a couple minor performance issues (like an unavailable tracker/website for 5 minutes) during the free leech time but basically, everything is running stable with more than 150k peers now.

11-18-2007, 06:07 PM
Have fun.. ;)

11-18-2007, 07:14 PM
lol what question is that if its stable??? but since you deleted your acc there why back??

11-18-2007, 07:53 PM
it is great now

go and upload some apps please, make it more acitve.

11-18-2007, 08:07 PM
Because I didn't feel safe on that site, but now that it's better I wanted an account. Simple.

11-18-2007, 08:36 PM
Because I didn't feel safe on that site, but now that it's better I wanted an account. Simple.

and what make u sure that is now better(safe) than last time when u was there,the true is that site is now more secure than before but since u run away like chicken im not sure is what.cd right place for u:shutup:???

11-18-2007, 09:03 PM
Because I didn't feel safe on that site, but now that it's better I wanted an account. Simple.

and what make u sure that is now better(safe) than last time when u was there,the true is that site is now more secure than before but since u run away like chicken im not sure is what.cd right place for u:shutup:???

well as long as he delets his account himself he can rejoin the site as often as he likes to, don't you think so?

11-18-2007, 09:53 PM
due to the security scare at the beginning i am pretty sure none of the staff have a problem with somewhat that left for that reason comes back. Accounts deleted from here on in though may not have the same allowance. Either you want to be a member or you don't :)

11-18-2007, 10:05 PM
and what make u sure that is now better(safe) than last time when u was there,the true is that site is now more secure than before but since u run away like chicken im not sure is what.cd right place for u:shutup:???

well as long as he delets his account himself he can rejoin the site as often as he likes to, don't you think so?

that was not what i meant..i mean why he runaway in the first place,because of hack?because he think that was the real latter from RIAA?the child could see that RIAA never send something like that or hack site in anyway as far i know,dont care if he get acc as many he like,and now he ask if site is stable??it was stable before hack and after they move on new server..so u just dont understand part*stable*

11-18-2007, 10:15 PM
well as long as he delets his account himself he can rejoin the site as often as he likes to, don't you think so?

that was not what i meant..i mean why he runaway in the first place,because of hack?because he think that was the real latter from RIAA?the child could see that RIAA never send something like that or hack site in anyway as far i know,dont care if he get acc as many he like,and now he ask if site is stable??it was stable before hack and after they move on new server..so u just dont understand part*stable*

correcto mundo

11-18-2007, 10:33 PM
that was not what i meant..i mean why he runaway in the first place,because of hack?because he think that was the real latter from RIAA?the child could see that RIAA never send something like that or hack site in anyway as far i know,dont care if he get acc as many he like,and now he ask if site is stable??it was stable before hack and after they move on new server..so u just dont understand part*stable*
Forumas, let's just say that the site had some major security issues at the time, and Kyl3KK had a very good reasons to be worried at the time. And by the way, the site was unresponsive at the beginning for long periods of time. Now it is all better though, and hopefully it will stay that way.

Don't judge other people for being careful. I totally understand Kyl3KK, and I have to admit I was 2 seconds from deleting my account myself at the time.

11-18-2007, 10:44 PM
Don't judge other people for being careful. I totally understand Kyl3KK, and I have to admit I was 2 seconds from deleting my account myself at the time.

Same :whistling

11-19-2007, 12:43 AM
FWIW, I knew those RIAA mails were BS, but if one user could send those, think of what the RIAA could do had it really been them.

11-19-2007, 06:14 AM
it never even occurred to me to delete my account at what, it was obvious the letters from the RIAA were fake. but i did immediately change my password and later my passkey.

11-19-2007, 06:42 AM
FWIW, I knew those RIAA mails were BS, but if one user could send those, think of what the RIAA could do had it really been them.

They wouldn't be able to get that many people. They just want the ones who upload the scene releases and such. Otherwise, you're fine.

Do you seriously think they'd spend the money, time and effort for all those individuals? It's not feasible.

11-19-2007, 11:59 AM
Me not that scary type. Fuck RIAA/MPAA. Long live filesharing! Never ever occured to me to delete my acc. I support strongly the what.cd Community (just like Waffles).
The letter was a crap. I was laughin' my ass out...:)

Although this one looks real bad...:(

Another EliteTorrents Uploader Facing 10 Years in Prison (http://**********.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=621#p2343)

The fallout from the FBI raid on EliteTorrents in 2005 continues, with a seventh defendant associated with the uploading of Star Wars Episode III facing the prospect of 10 years in prison coupled with a $500,000 fine.

Every few months it seems the FBI manages to come up with yet more people to charge in connection with Operation D-Elite - the joint ICE and FBI raids against the US-based BitTorrent tracker, EliteTorrents, in 2005.

Everyone charged so far has been accused of being involved in the uploading of Star Wars Episode III which, at the time, was a pre-release movie, carrying criminal implications for the uploaders under the Family Entertainment Copyright Act.

According to an announcement by Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher of the Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Patrick L. Meehan for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a seventh defendant has pleaded guilty.

An Duc Do, aged 25, of Orlando, Florida, has pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Legrome D. Davis of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on a two-count felony. He’s charged with conspiracy to commit criminal copyright infringement and criminal copyright infringement.

Do is the latest in a line of people pleading guilty in this operation against EliteTorrents. Previous guilty pleas and convictions include those of Scott McCausland, Grant Stanley, Sam Kuonen and Scott D. Harvanek.

In this copyright case tried in the criminal (rather than civil) legal domain, potential punishments are harsh. Do is facing up to 10 years in prison coupled with a fine of $500,000.

He will be sentenced on February 27th, 2008.

11-19-2007, 12:17 PM
Me not that scary type. Fuck RIAA/MPAA. Long live filesharing! Never ever occured to me to delete my acc. I support strongly the what.cd Community (just like Waffles).
The letter was a crap. I was laughin' my ass out...:)

Although this one looks real bad...:(

Another EliteTorrents Uploader Facing 10 Years in Prison (http://**********.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=621#p2343)

The fallout from the FBI raid on EliteTorrents in 2005 continues, with a seventh defendant associated with the uploading of Star Wars Episode III facing the prospect of 10 years in prison coupled with a $500,000 fine.

Every few months it seems the FBI manages to come up with yet more people to charge in connection with Operation D-Elite - the joint ICE and FBI raids against the US-based BitTorrent tracker, EliteTorrents, in 2005.

Everyone charged so far has been accused of being involved in the uploading of Star Wars Episode III which, at the time, was a pre-release movie, carrying criminal implications for the uploaders under the Family Entertainment Copyright Act.

According to an announcement by Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher of the Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Patrick L. Meehan for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a seventh defendant has pleaded guilty.

An Duc Do, aged 25, of Orlando, Florida, has pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Legrome D. Davis of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on a two-count felony. He’s charged with conspiracy to commit criminal copyright infringement and criminal copyright infringement.

Do is the latest in a line of people pleading guilty in this operation against EliteTorrents. Previous guilty pleas and convictions include those of Scott McCausland, Grant Stanley, Sam Kuonen and Scott D. Harvanek.

In this copyright case tried in the criminal (rather than civil) legal domain, potential punishments are harsh. Do is facing up to 10 years in prison coupled with a fine of $500,000.

He will be sentenced on February 27th, 2008.

George Lucas started as a small independent film maker a long time ago.

nowadays he made a fortune with his movies.

why doesn't he have the dignity to stand up for those guys?

they may end up in prison just because they shared one of his movies with others.

the movie made $380,262,555 dollars only in the us (other countries not included)

how the hell did those guys influence anyones business.

it's a shame for george lucas, the producers and the whole movie industry

11-19-2007, 02:21 PM
I wouldn't know I don't have an account there.:(

11-19-2007, 02:34 PM
George Lucas started as a small independent film maker a long time ago.

nowadays he made a fortune with his movies.

why doesn't he have the dignity to stand up for those guys?

they may end up in prison just because they shared one of his movies with others.

the movie made $380,262,555 dollars only in the us (other countries not included)

how the hell did those guys influence anyones business.

it's a shame for george lucas, the producers and the whole movie industry
Absolutely, Buddy, it's a shame.