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11-21-2007, 08:09 PM
Hi lads,

I've hear from friends that hosting-ie do not locks servers for overuse or if they catch for some content :) like other providers does.
and they just ask to clean the Server or format it, so I wouldn't lost setup fee,

Is that correct? does some one has experience with?

Just ordered the dedi box and verifying all info I have :)

thanks in advanced

11-21-2007, 10:53 PM

Not the best, not the fastest, but I get way more than 2TB upped in any month, and god knows how much down, so it works out very well for me considering the best seedboxes have a 2TB limit for a lotta money! :D

No point paying the setup fee if you only need one for 1 month, but 3 months or longer and you won't regret it.

Some hassles with support, but they are overcome if you can be patient.

11-21-2007, 11:26 PM
I agree with the sgt, the bandwidth is unmetered and the speeds are good (not great) but there is no worry about conserving bandwidth and the speeds off ftp are great too,
had a hosting-ie dedicated server for the last 3 months, and
the support isnt that bad I have had a hardware issue which
was resolved within 24hrs last week so they are getting better.

11-22-2007, 01:00 AM
Thanks lads for answer.

Does some one knows how long the setup takes?

I paid for 3 months and Setup was just 30 euro :)
Purchased an KVN switch as well so will be able to repair, reboot, and even to install my own Os on it :))

Chears all

11-22-2007, 02:52 AM
ummmm, I hate to break this to you but the servers are located in a datacenter in Mainz Germany, so that KVM is going to have some wickedly long cables on it:blink: You access the server remotely using the remote desktop protocol. Thus you are using a server on a 100mbit link you just need to download and configure the apps you need to run the server as a seedbox remotely.

11-22-2007, 05:36 AM
just finished my 3-month stint with them, and was not happy. the rebooted my server every other day for the entire 3 months. Was a vps not a dedi. Still, expect some irritations.

11-22-2007, 01:06 PM
I have vps raptor 5 and It works ok for me speeds are max 7 megs down, up speed is slower now.
I use server-U and get max speed to my computer.( 2.2 meg) I have fios.
I have had it for 4 months now.
I just pick up a dedicated sever today from them.

11-22-2007, 01:11 PM
ummmm, I hate to break this to you but the servers are located in a datacenter in Mainz Germany, so that KVM is going to have some wickedly long cables on it:blink: You access the server remotely using the remote desktop protocol. Thus you are using a server on a 100mbit link you just need to download and configure the apps you need to run the server as a seedbox remotely.

try kvm over ip (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KVM_switch#KVM_over_IP) :P never tried re-installing an os over it, myself

11-23-2007, 03:58 PM
I had VPS with them for 3 months and found that performance was lacking.. the server would get so bogged down the network speeds were bad, and yes, they rebooted often on me, or i would lose my connection and have to get it rebooted. I've had friends though that have had no problems, so its hit and miss.

I have a dedicated server from them now., setup took forever (i think 25 days).. but it has been much more stable than the VPS. I have let had to ask for a reboot and its been 3 months. With lots of peers, i can hit over 11MB/s (yes.. over, and its a 100MB connection). Single peer speeds aren't great if seeding to North America, but they aren't bad when seeding in Europe. I've had 2 MB/s single peer speeds, but typically 1 MB/s
Support is very frustrating to get them started on your ticket, but typically once they start actioning it, and you reply to the email they used to contact you they are pretty good with responding.
Setup fee is a killer, but its nice having unlimited. 2 TB is easy to do if you are using a site with lots of peers and you are active. I only have 512 MB memory with this server, and i think you really need 1 GB else after you add 3 or 4 torrents the server bogs down and the total speeds slow. Another 512 MB of ram is 8 $ / month more though

If you get a server, disable their user ids on the box though right away, i had one of them logged in the day after i got the server with my Filezilla FTP interface open as if they were monitoring my FTP traffic. I also use TrueCrypt on the box just incase as I've heard bad things about Keyweb and their need to search your box occassionally, which Hosting-IE is a reseller of... but i haven't experienced that yet.

11-24-2007, 03:12 AM
I think Hosting-IE are good value for money. Don't expect 100mbit for the price but you can certainly push 20-40mbit 24/7.

11-25-2007, 10:35 PM
I've Got it :))

It looks KVM has an web interface and gives an full access to the Server, full management, i feel like server is under my bed here :)))) it look s that Hosting-IE has not bad support as well.
Speed is grate I've got 8mb download and about 3-4 mb up speed which is quit good i believe.