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View Full Version : Foxserv And Phbb2

07-20-2003, 10:26 PM
ok, i m trying to set up a forum from my pc, not a web host with foxserv and phBB2 forum board. i would ask on the phBB2 forum but most of it is german and only a small % english so i though if anyone on here could help me.

and i have been up for 36 hours+ so if this doesnt make much sense sorry, i will come back and edit it tommorrow.

ok as far as i can tell (total Noob at this BTW) foxserv comes with perl, mysql, apache and python and i have set this up to run as an windows service so i can run my website from my pc not a webhost. i also wanted a forum so downloaded phBB2 got it installed correctly and messed about with it for awhile to see how i set up foums, i could view them and so could my friend from another pc, so far so good.

but i want to know how i can set up the auto email bit so when someone registers for a new account it will send them the registration info, and the confirm link.

if this is already set up as i havnt tested it yet (i know i shouldnt be posting here until i do but i have just thought about testing it now DOH!!, so i will post this anyway and see what replies i get for when i wake up.

again sorry if this is such a noob question, but lack of sleep make ppl pretty dumb lol

07-20-2003, 10:41 PM
Do you mean phpBB? If you do, their forum (http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/) is all English, so I don't know where you're getting the idea that's it's mostly German.

As for FoxServ (http://www.foxserv.net/portal.php):

FoxServ is an Apache / mySQL / PHP installer package for Windows.

The email settings for phpBB can be found in the Administrative Panel -> General Admin -> Configuration. You'll probably need to set it up to use your ISP outgoing mail server.

07-20-2003, 11:08 PM
Ok my bad, but i am a noob at this remember :D .

so basically if my isp was BT (which it isnt thank god) it would be something like [email protected] that would be getting sent to everyone. But i want to keep this one strictly private, is there anyway i can set it up so the return address would be [email protected] as that it the name of my site?

cheers for any asistance in this matter.


07-21-2003, 12:47 AM
You can send email without having to use, or originate from, your ISP's SMTP or POP server. You won't be able to recieve without a domain or dynamic dns redirect though. All the Windows NT/XP systems can use the SMTP server that installs with ISS and the "email sent from" name could be the system name it originates from plus maybe a prefix added by your ISP.
Mine would look like @TEDDZ.PROD.SHAW.CA

The PROD is added by the ISP and TEDDZ is the machine name I created to host the service from. With dynamic domain hosting services, all that's required is the domain name you chose at registration. All Enquiries and return mail is redirected to your dynamic IP by these servers.
I never had much luck with their services but your ISP may not make it as difficult to use.

07-26-2003, 04:54 AM
well my ip is static, but how do i find out what my @ address is if i want the email to originate from my pc and not from an isp account, also will i need to set up outlook express to do this as well.

Ive been looking on and off for an answer or just a simple explanation in plain english, but everything i have read has just confused me even more.

basically all i want is to have a forum, where a user will register but instead of the email coming from my ISP email address, or even using my isp at all, it will come from my PC with a return address such as [email protected]. if this is even possible.

I am a complete noob at everything to do with html/the web and everything else that goes with it. so if anyone can explain this in english that even i can understand, it will be greatly appreciated.



07-26-2003, 05:08 AM
Originally posted by stoi@25 July 2003 - 22:54
well my ip is static, but how do i find out what my @ address is if i want the email to originate from my pc and not from an isp account, also will i need to set up outlook express to do this as well.

Ive been looking on and off for an answer or just a simple explanation in plain english, but everything i have read has just confused me even more.

basically all i want is to have a forum, where a user will register but instead of the email coming from my ISP email address, or even using my isp at all,  it will come from my PC with a return address such as [email protected]. if this is even possible.

I am a complete noob at everything to do with html/the web and everything else that goes with it. so if anyone can explain this in english that even i can understand, it will be greatly appreciated.


Your best bet is to get a doamin name. So it can be @yourdomain.com. It cant be @yourip it has to be a fully qualified domain name for email. I use to run foxserv a while ago and its a pretty good alternative for apache on windows plus the mysql and php all bundled. Although Im a linux person myself. :D

Domain names are cheap to register and a lot more convinient in regard to running a web site.

07-26-2003, 05:12 AM
shit, well it doesnt matter if they were 1p to register i dont have a credit/debit card so im screwed by the looks of it. unless i can find a free one but thats highly unlikely.

thanx for the help though, i will get searching.


07-26-2003, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by stoi@25 July 2003 - 23:12
shit, well it doesnt matter if they were 1p to register i dont have a credit/debit card so im screwed by the looks of it. unless i can find a free one but thats highly unlikely.

thanx for the help though, i will get searching.

Yeah that seems to be a problem for a lot of people. They generally only except credit or debit cards. Dont feel bad though, I hate I ever got involved with credit cards. As soon as I became I college student a couple of years ago theyve been throwing cards at me every since, and its very easy to get in debt with them. :(

What you might be able to do is find a domain registar that will take check or money orders and just ask for an order form or something and send them 10 or 20 bucks for a 1 or 2 year registration.

07-26-2003, 05:24 AM
ok thanx for the help. but live in the uk, so will need to find a site that does them from over this side of the pond

and thats why i dont have a card anymore either, far to easy to spend on it, and a lot harder to pay it back lol.

08-02-2003, 03:14 AM
what up bud? put me up on your server man. peace. nice website stoi.