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View Full Version : Request: SWEDVDR

11-23-2007, 05:07 PM
I request this site, because I need a site dedicated to DVDR img of movies rather than DVDRIPS, I'm sick of DVDRIPS!!!:angry:
I found this movie on CZONE I was looking for for 3 years in DVD format and I couldn't find it on any other tracker!!! That's why I'm looking for a dedicated site for DVDR's because they have a wider variety of movies in DVDr format
If someone has an invite it'd be appreciated. I don't think there any staff from the site here, that I know of that I can prove to be a good member to.

Anyway I'd prefer that you suggest another dedicated DVD ISO,IMG site for movies rather then yapping about the non-SWE IP CRAP!!! I asked a few members from there and they don't mention anything about that in the forums.

Ratio Proofs:
I can pm you on the site ur in and you can see my ratio there rather that print screening ratio proofs that aren't reliable anyways.

If anyone is willing to invite I'll pm speedtests, If they're not good enough I can always buy upload credit, it's no problem.


11-23-2007, 05:12 PM
where do you live? :)

11-23-2007, 05:21 PM
good luck m8. I'm looking axx to this great site too, but i don't have nordic IP:(

11-23-2007, 05:22 PM
You need not have nordic IP definitely not!!!

11-23-2007, 05:40 PM
I REALLY need a DVDr site!!! I'd buy so much up credit you won't need to worry about my ratio ever!! (as long as it's not 1gb per 1euro) I just need a site dedicated to DVDr movies, and since this is the best one I am willing to invest on it.

11-23-2007, 05:41 PM
I REALLY need a DVDr site!!! I'd buy so much up credit you won't need to worry about my ratio ever!! (as long as it's not 1gb per 1euro) I just need a site dedicated to DVDr movies, and since this is the best one I am willing to invest on it.

Your country? :blink:

11-23-2007, 05:48 PM
You need not have nordic IP definitely not!!!

Eastern USA. ^Yet, that gives me a little hope.^

And before you mention the SWE-IP thing PLZ suggest another dedicated site about DVDrs that's worth my time to invest on.

11-23-2007, 05:56 PM
Get yourself Swebits.

11-23-2007, 06:04 PM
I REALLY need a DVDr site!!! I'd buy so much up credit you won't need to worry about my ratio ever!! (as long as it's not 1gb per 1euro) I just need a site dedicated to DVDr movies, and since this is the best one I am willing to invest on it.

You can't "buy" upload credits at swedvdr, only thing you can get by donationg is a star.
You need bonus, and with your bonus you can get -10GB for 40 points, and 40 Points you get by uploading 40GB.
So only way to make it there is to have a decent connection :)

Get yourself Swebits.
Yeah, Swebits have even more Dvdr's that swedvdr, and same good speeds, the community on the other hand sucks big time, but as you said, swebits is a really good choice, and it open for signups as well ;)

11-23-2007, 06:09 PM
Swebits is good only for new movies. For old i recommend you TTi

11-23-2007, 06:12 PM
TTi is really gr8 for dvds

11-23-2007, 06:17 PM
I can give you free TDC invite if you want it and promise to use it, but swebits is a very good site for dvd-r's also, just browse their dvd section, I heard its as good as swedvdr

11-23-2007, 06:32 PM
It is as good as swedvdr, if not better, for older movies as well!
and TTi sucks big time compared to swedvdr or swebits..

11-23-2007, 07:05 PM
Thanks Guys, I wasn't really looking for the level, so I'll definitely be taking a look at TDC, TTi, and Swebits, (together from what it sounds) I will find what I'm looking for w/o the hassles of risking any inviter with my IP address.!!!

BTW does anyone have an invite to swebits or tti.nu?

tdc is not my thing since you start as a peasant with only 1 torrent limit and then in that app you have to put the other sites ur in etc. it's not cool.