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View Full Version : Need a new Full-HD TV

11-25-2007, 12:01 AM
Hi all!

I have decided to buy a new TV for my ps3. I thought of a Full-HD, 46 inch lcd TV for around 40.000 dollars. I have a sony-TV right now and I'm quiet of happy with it but I want full hd and bigger screen. I looked on Sharp LC-46XD1E before because someone said that it was the best right now but that was some time ago and the price sank alot recently in sweden. There are comming so many new models all the time so I'm not so sure which is the best:/ Are those new TV: s for like 70.000 dollars much better than the older ones or are they expensive cause they are new? Please help me out here:)


silent h3ro
11-25-2007, 12:39 AM
You say you own a PS3? Sorry can't help you. :P

But seriously, 'Full HD' is 1080p. Also, what currency does Sweden use? I could help better if I knew how much it was in US$.

11-25-2007, 12:58 AM
"I have decided to buy a new TV for my ps3" You should understand that I own a ps3.

I wrote in usdollar before if you wonder. 1 us dollar is 6 swedish kroner (kr) so 40.000 usd is like 25.000 kr

11-25-2007, 05:53 AM
I dont get it, you want to spend $40..or $40,000?

11-25-2007, 01:02 PM
You'll get a hell of a tv for 40 grand! :lol:

11-25-2007, 01:59 PM
ops:/ my bad:D 4000 dollars is what i meant:P How can I be so stupid:/ Probably just tired. Well i can say that Sony KDL-46W3000 costs around 4000 dollars in sweden so something in that price would be nice:)

11-25-2007, 02:18 PM
Why some people in Europe insist on quoting US prices astounds me, look around European sites and you will find deals that are just as good, and with far better chance of shipping to your country.

The first site on google found me that model (the Sharp one) for just under 950 UKP before tax, just over 12,200 SEK, though I doubt that particular site would ship to Sweden. You would have to add Swedish taxes too, but even then 15,250 SEK looks a lot better than what you were quoting.

11-26-2007, 02:39 AM
Look at the samsungs, you dont need to spend 4k on a tv to get a good picture. I was in the bestbuy today and they looks really nice.

You can get a good 46 inch tv for under 2k.

11-26-2007, 10:06 AM
Look at the samsungs, you dont need to spend 4k on a tv to get a good picture. I was in the bestbuy today and they looks really nice.

You can get a good 46 inch tv for under 2k.
N. American Samsungs don't work in Europe, I don't think they have bestbuy in Sweden, and none of us use dollars.

11-26-2007, 03:24 PM
Ok, thought us was the main country here:/ But I'm looking for a good 46 inch full-hdtv Can someone recommend some good? Don't think about prices now, I just want a good TV for my ps3.

11-28-2007, 08:29 PM
If your looking for a decent tv for hd above 37inches then forget lcd. Once you hit that size it becomes pixelled beyond belief.

If your aiming for a large screen (especially with hd) then you need to look at either plasmas or cathodes.

11-29-2007, 02:40 AM
If your looking for a decent tv for hd above 37inches then forget lcd. Once you hit that size it becomes pixelled beyond belief.

If your aiming for a large screen (especially with hd) then you need to look at either plasmas or cathodes.
Total bullsh*t

11-29-2007, 03:58 AM
make sure u get one with a built in hd tuner. I get fox, abc, nbc, cbs, pbs in hd with my hd tuner. for free.

Not Complete
11-29-2007, 11:06 PM
for 40 grand