View Full Version : Kazza?

07-21-2003, 10:05 AM
;) hmmmmmm
i wanna kno how kazza was made, and how i can make one............. how does it all save all that space?

:angry: i kno its a newbie question, butcha gotta learn it from somewhere.......
i think its using the space on other peoples computeres... but how do you make it do that.. what was used to create kazaa?

TELL ME! :blink:

your bud.... (not pot) ...jake. :unsure:

07-21-2003, 10:16 AM
how does it all save all that space


07-21-2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by jakekji@21 July 2003 - 11:05
i think its using the space on other peoples computeres... but how do you make it do that.. what was used to create kazaa?

TELL ME!  :blink:

your bud.... (not pot) ...jake. :unsure:
hi there !
basically youv'e hit it on the head already. KazAa uses your hard drive
namely My Shared Folder for ''space''. the software allows YOU the user to share anything on your hd that you think is worthwhile for p2p. KazAa is like any other software prog that gives you OPTIONS. millions of users all across the web make up KazAa unlike Napster that operated as a Central Server to it's clients(which made it easy to shut down via legal system)
hoping this helps
m8t :blink:

07-21-2003, 05:47 PM
:blink: oooohhhhh, what kind of program would you need to use to make on of these? Like C++ maybe?

:rolleyes: i'm jus full of questions

jAke :blink:

07-21-2003, 08:59 PM
I believe it is written in c++ amongst other scripts (head over to the Developers corner for more) - c++ is a computer language as opposed to a program. K-lite is an addon and is made by programmers from this forum to make Kazaa (made by the Austrailian company "Sharman") to make it more user friendly (and remove adware and spyware which Kazaa has in abundance <_< )