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11-27-2007, 01:26 AM
Fascination with F*N /S*T/F*C/U**/F*** ?

Can people tell me why they are so keen to get into these sites ?
Im on them all, and without sounding like i hate them (which i dont, since most of the staff on all of them are friends/co-workers of mine).

People go to extreme lengths to get any of these but its pure madness IMO.

Dont people realise this is the internet, there are plenty of sites that have exactly the same content/speeds etc.

If people didnt rate them so high etc & the number of cheaters wasnt so great, Trades were none existant. You realise you'd have no trouble getting them right?

Answer my question with your view/etc etc dont spam it & ruin plz.


11-27-2007, 01:28 AM
its because people are exposed to the tracker level listings, and see that their favourite tracker, which they'd thought was the best, is only a low level and believe that the higher levels are the only way to go, thats just my 2 cents :whistling

11-27-2007, 01:28 AM
What about having to donate to get invites? That sure raises the value of an invitation.

11-27-2007, 01:29 AM
the only reasone why they want that sites is most for that highlevel list..nothing more, if that list isnt been create im sure noone will ask for F*N or F*C-F***..

11-27-2007, 01:39 AM
i don't know. i'm on most everything but people always pm me and offer invites all the time. i only once asked for an invite (actually multiple times to one person) because mainly he kept telling me about it. If someone comes up to me and says, 'blank is cool because they have no ratio' I'm going to say, 'neat! can i get on it?'.

Other then that I haven't asked to get on anything. Maybe it is justified because rarely the people that invite me I help them get on certain top sites. *shrugs*

And back on subject: People who see the stupid 'level' for a tracker instantly want on the higher numbered sites. Not only do those sites stand out but a higher number makes people think it is better. What people don't realize is there are many good if not better sites than the S*T, F*N, ... that are not on that stupid tread (waiw or whatever it is called) or are on a lower level.

but obviously you know all of that and are probably bored like me so you figured you would make this thread, right?

11-27-2007, 01:42 AM
People want the rare trackers simply because they think the grass is greener on the other side. Also, with the WIAW thread, people love to brag when they do get their top trackers (check out the userbars many here sport).

11-27-2007, 01:43 AM
but obviously you know all of that and are probably bored like me so you figured you would make this thread, right?

Well not quite, :lol: i created the thread to find out why people must have the top level.

Personally id rather have millions of £'s and dignity than beg for invites to sites with warez lol

11-27-2007, 01:44 AM
for me, it feels safer to be in a closed/rare community. But honestly, before I found this place, I was happy where I was on sites like TL. The hype drove me to decide that I would be (feel) safer in the higher levels...

11-27-2007, 01:45 AM
all the credit goes to http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-invites-90/t-what-trackers-worth-with-reviews-and-ratings-142446

11-27-2007, 01:47 AM
People who are members of the top sites are typically talking up those trackers.
When you're in a forum where people talk about how great FTN, ScT, FSC are, it's hard not to be interested.

In my experience FTN and ScT are worth trying to get.
I do believe they have edge over other 0-day trackers. They're all around great in all aspects.
I don't know about the other sites... as I'm not a member.

I'd assume that Rabbit and **-* are really not for just anyone. Chances are if you belong there someone would invite you without you having to ask, and that's probably the only way you'd enjoy it. I have no idea why people bother trying to get into them.

And FSC is going to appeal to someone interested in the forums there. And I'm sure it's fantastic for that. However, I don't know why people try to get it if they don't like forums.

I don't think the WTAR is the only thing to blame, although it's very easy to see when that's all that matters to someone.

11-27-2007, 01:47 AM
all blames goes to that thread! nearly 500,000 views

11-27-2007, 01:49 AM
I came here to see if there was any way I could get invited to TT (for obvious reasons), the other ones just kinda happened. But yeah seeing those sites at the top of the list, makes you wonder what's inside.

11-27-2007, 01:50 AM
all blames goes to that thread! nearly 500,000 views

The thread also has reviews, I think there would be just as many views if there were no levels.

11-27-2007, 01:52 AM
the more exclusive something is the more people are gonna want it whatever it is but especially on a p2p site where privacy is important to people. i personally wouldnt go after high level foreign trackers or sites like FTWR where i don't know anyone and it isn't a specialised or 0 day tracker. SCT and FTN i can understand why people want but some here go to such extreme's like spending fortunes monthly on seedbox's and trading all there buffered accounts becuase these sites are so hyped up and turned into currency due to FST mainly it has to be said.

11-27-2007, 01:53 AM
it shows sneak peeks as to what those high level tracker look like, and for me the first time i saw him, i was in awe. like the pringles slogan goes "once you pop, you cant stop" so i guess i went popped, no pun intended :whistlin

11-27-2007, 01:55 AM
Personally id rather have millions of £'s and dignity than beg for invites to sites with warez lol

word. :D

the reason i was obsessed with getting into FTN for example, was that back when I first started to realize that public trackers sucked and were "unsafeish", it was the first site I actually heard about, and only later did I learn that it was rare, etc...

i guess for me, it's about community, and for only being a member for a weekish, i really really like the community on FTN. ehh, the speeds and content are so-so... :P only kidding.


11-27-2007, 01:56 AM
I don't necessarily see S*T, but for FTN is makes sense because of the ratio system which you can't really find on any other site with similar 0-day/pretime stats.

11-27-2007, 01:59 AM
They are? I only like the first 2 you mention, why? well one of them because someone invited me & tell me it's a good site, so I actually have no idea about this one at that time, the other one.. I heard it somewhere, people say it's one of the best, fast, etc, so I want it, eventually got one, then enjoy it (I don't really use both till some time though), I understand if people want this two, both are nice, people just say what they want to say, do you expect people say something like the speed/content/pre times/whatever on those two are suck? Do you expect people will rate them low?

I'm not really agree with speed/content are the same, similar yes, but you can't find everything on one tracker

About the last three you mention, well, even after people talking about how nice they are, I don't really care, maybe because I'm just another guy who don't care about that level thread?

11-27-2007, 02:01 AM
Honestly the only reason I wanted the rabbit was because of its cool name... I had no idea it was rare until later when I found FST.

11-27-2007, 02:02 AM
but obviously you know all of that and are probably bored like me so you figured you would make this thread, right?

Well not quite, :lol: i created the thread to find out why people must have the top level.
phhh don't be so modest.

Personally id rather have millions of £'s and dignity than beg for invites to sites with warez lol
i'd have neither honestly. i don't like the idea of being a snob with everything, and i think i have enough dignity. heck, when people from affil groups message me asking for advice on how to encode such en such in such en such way to improve their speeds. now when you can say something like that and know it is true then you have dignity, or at least with warez.

People who are members of the top sites are typically talking up those trackers.
huuuuu? lol, no not really. most scene people i know on bt sites are around just to try to find the leak and patch it. lol, not many succeed. if i didn't think 90% of the people in the scene are ass hats then shit would have already happened. :whistling: :shutup:

11-27-2007, 02:02 AM
People want what they can't have. It's human nature. We strive to better our situation in every aspect of life. Bittorrent levels are another small example of the human condition.

11-27-2007, 02:04 AM
The WTAW was originally created since n00b traders on the site. They would post threads offering trades for common sites for those that are more closed sites. Those threads were quickly jumped on by regulars suggesting how bad an offer it was. the n00b might have been called a couple names along the way also. The regulars found these threads annoying so the concept of a rating came about.

We chose to have another pin thread to offset issues as mentioned the WTAW might create. That thread is posted in the main BT section on the site. Now n00bs would likely read this before reading the WIAW thread since you have to be a member a month before having access to it. So at this point those joining should have a balance. So its doubtfully that the thread in itself creates the want for those sites as some suggest. Possibly these sites are glorified by their members and those boasting how special it is theyve got in. The sites that are the most chased are those likely the most posted about...

11-27-2007, 02:06 AM
Well its nice to get honest answers from most/all of you, and for an FST staffer to post.
Im interested how many more opinions i will get on this.

See civil threads can happen here :D

11-27-2007, 02:07 AM
All that rating is what drives most i would think. Basically someone tells them sct or ftn is good, so they want it. Also there seem alot who are just out and out collecters. You find a lot of threads for invites to sites like fsc, where they don't even know much about the site and just want it because everyone else wants it. The only site i really think most ppl have a reason to want is ftn, and thats because of all the no ratio thing.

Before i found out about other sites, i was quite happy with revott, but i will admit there was a time when i was driven to join a lot of sites just for status and boasting rights. But now i have figured it really means little what site your on, and you really only need one 0day account :/

11-27-2007, 02:08 AM
See civil threads can happen here :D
lol, not when I'm around to tell people how stupid they are. *grins*

11-27-2007, 02:22 AM
the thing that annoys me most about the effects of high level trackers is so many bittorrent users getting seedbox's, i appreciate the speed an all but how is your average joe with a shitty home connection gonna keep up with ratio's. usenet is a hell of a lot cheaper and totally anonymus yet so many people choose seedbox's becuase they think a high level 0-tracker is a better solution. if your gonna pay for file sharing why you spend a lot more than you have to? leave bt for us poor folk.

11-27-2007, 02:27 AM
Yea I never got paying $100 a month for a seed box when you can get usenet for a fraction of that cost. However it is easy for me to say with my 20/20 home connection :-P

11-27-2007, 02:29 AM
the thing that annoys me most about the effects of high level trackers is so many bittorrent users getting seedbox's, i appreciate the speed an all but how is your average joe with a shitty home connection gonna keep up with ratio's. usenet is a hell of a lot cheaper and totally anonymus yet so many people choose seedbox's becuase they think a high level 0-tracker is a better solution. if your gonna pay for file sharing why you spend a lot more than you have to? leave bt for us poor folk.

:yup: You have a pretty interesting point there.

I must admit though, I too have spent money on seedboxes but i did it for the whole joy of supplying sites with quality rls's not for glory :)

11-27-2007, 02:41 AM
the thing that annoys me most about the effects of high level trackers is so many bittorrent users getting seedbox's, i appreciate the speed an all but how is your average joe with a shitty home connection gonna keep up with ratio's. usenet is a hell of a lot cheaper and totally anonymus yet so many people choose seedbox's becuase they think a high level 0-tracker is a better solution. if your gonna pay for file sharing why you spend a lot more than you have to? leave bt for us poor folk.

Very true. Personally, I think the whole idea of seedboxes and high level trackers are interrelated. People want to make their lives better and easier. Having a seedbox + high level tracker means you get all the 0-day stuff and you let the seedbox take care of sharing back. I really agree with what Kinky said about usenet, if your gonna pay for warez, might as well pay for usenet because it gets pretty much everything :dabs:. (Of course, there were sites like Oink with user contributions that couldn't be replaced by Usenet alone.)

11-27-2007, 02:55 AM
You know, not only do I not have a seedbox, but I have a really crappy speed, probably significantly worse than a lot of people, but I don't really have problems.

FTN isn't hard to seed at all. I think there's one thing that didn't seed over 1. It seeded to only .8 or something, but it's not a popular show among the users there.

On ScT, Some things seed to one, some don't, some seed well over one, even up to 3. It all evens out, though.

The only site that I'd say is hard to seed is SCC. I can barely get over .7 on torrents there.

11-27-2007, 05:47 AM
SCC and FTN are quite hard to seed too, if you grab a torrent a few hours after its uploaded. However even on my shitty line, i am still getting uploading on movies, so its not too bad. I have thought about getting seedboxes just too build up a buffer so i am able to leech a little more freely, and too get enough rank to get invites for friends. [other sites, obviously not ftn :P]

11-27-2007, 05:54 AM
Something is wrong with the bittorrent world when people need seedboxes to maintain their ratio.

11-27-2007, 06:01 AM
may be the excitement of unknown and being it high level and definitely status, for some guys its just for status they don't care about content .They think if they have all high level trackers they look cool.

11-27-2007, 06:04 AM
Something is wrong with the bittorrent world when people need seedboxes to maintain their ratio.

You really don't... I think people freak out if they can't excessively seed on every torrent. Seeding to 1:1 isn't that hard...

And that's coming from someone who has a
1309 kb/s down &
325 kb/s up speed

Not to mention, I have to share that crap connection with my mother and her torrents. :rolleyes: :angry:

11-27-2007, 06:11 AM
is that the reason , i am struggling to get a bitmetv invite here? damn burn! burn!

11-27-2007, 06:20 AM
Fascination with F*N /S*T/F*C/U**/F*** ?

Can people tell me why they are so keen to get into these sites ?
Im on them all, and without sounding like i hate them (which i dont, since most of the staff on all of them are friends/co-workers of mine).

People go to extreme lengths to get any of these but its pure madness IMO.

Dont people realise this is the internet, there are plenty of sites that have exactly the same content/speeds etc.

If people didnt rate them so high etc & the number of cheaters wasnt so great, Trades were none existant. You realise you'd have no trouble getting them right?

Answer my question with your view/etc etc dont spam it & ruin plz.

add E**** :P

11-27-2007, 06:20 AM
the only reason i would want to get into ftn and only ftn is...
because its free leech and i need not worry about how much i upload ..most of the time i upload for 3 days and more ... for a file of 2 gb i would have uplaoded 1gb at the max..and i really still make an effort to maintain good ratio...but its soo hard with my speed..
i actually seed a lot...but because of my speed i dont get much of uplaod credit..because it takes me a lot of time to download sumthing let alone upload.. and by the time i finish uploading there would be hardly any or no uploaders at all
i have presentable ratios in demonoid,iptorrents,tt,nordic-t,super torrents,waffles,pt

i know this sounds more like a request to get into ftn...but its not i am waiting for me to be old enough to post it in trading forums..

i just said the whole sad story because i didnt want any one u who would read this^ think i am one of those guys who would hit and run

11-27-2007, 07:01 AM
If you have a hard time seeding, then download new releases via usenet, then seed them on your torrent sites until you have a big enough buffer for it not to be an issue.

There's no need for a seedbox if you have access to usenet. Eeven without usenet, most things are posted to btjunkie or other popular public sites. Grab it from there and seed it on your private trackers.

11-27-2007, 07:05 AM
I think part of the problem is needing to jump on the torrents as fast as you possibly can before they become inundated with seeders. I realize that while your ideas are veritable and honestly might work better than a seedbox, it really would be better for it to just not matter.

11-27-2007, 07:14 AM
one reason is the reviews in wiaw thread make ppl think about getting in to these sites...
those reviews commenting about packs , pre-times ,speed & exclusive content tempt users most of the times..

ofcourse some ppl r passionate to get into elite trackers ..

11-27-2007, 07:17 AM
one reason is the reviews in wiaw thread make ppl think about getting in to these sites...
those reviews commenting about packs , pre-times ,speed & exclusive content tempt users most of the times..

ofcourse some ppl r passionate to get into elite trackers ..

It's true about reviews, I mean honestly, most reviews are made by people who really like the tracker. It's like an advertisement.
Asking why people want the sites is kinda like asking why someone wants a new phone after watching the commercial for it. :lol:

11-27-2007, 07:20 AM
more high lvl trackers=longer e-penis (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ePenis)

11-27-2007, 07:57 AM
Its all about the size of your E-penis.

But it kinda depends on what you usually download.
If you only download the hottest series and the latest Bockbuster movies you have no need for high level tracker. But then again the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Thats until you stand in it.

But with all the anti p2p organizations trying to shut down everything now, it might be smart not having all your eggs in one basket.
But i totally agree with you celtic, The lengths some people go to acquire the invites are absurd.

One should also consider that this might be a hobby for several people, and trying to reach the highest level is just a "game" to them.

11-27-2007, 08:08 AM
Only one thats worth considering is sct imo.

11-27-2007, 08:08 AM
curiosity to explore the unexplorable .

WIAW has played a major role in that i guess

Only one thats worth considering is sct imo.

what does sct have that TL doesnt have ??

11-27-2007, 08:13 AM
the 10 second faster pre-times :)

11-27-2007, 08:30 AM
what does sct have that TL doesnt have ??

11-27-2007, 08:54 AM
what does sct have that TL doesnt have ??

i have never downloaded a complete pack from SCT . if its a movie pack i only download the selected 1 or 2 movie from the pack , because most of the movies i would have already downloaded . so i dont really care about the packs

11-27-2007, 09:01 AM

i have never downloaded a complete pack from SCT . if its a movie pack i only download the selected 1 or 2 movie from the pack , because most of the movies i would have already downloaded . so i dont really care about the packs
So why did you ask?:huh:

11-27-2007, 09:10 AM
For me it was never about the level (honestly). If it was I would still be pursuing a couple of lvl 10's etc. It has always been about content, community, speed and generally what a tracker has to offer. The most important aspect to me is security (being that I live in the states), this is why I prefer a small userbase. I like being able to download without having to think twice about it. That is why I was so interested in F*N , S*T, F*C, and F***.

Receiving a letter from my isp also helped me move away from the larger sites (not going to say which site). It was the second time I ever received such a letter and the first with my current isp. I have since stopped using that tracker.

I also to say, with all that has been going on with LW I might have to start to gravitate away from some of the larger sites that are hosted there. :(

11-27-2007, 09:31 AM
i ma only looking for Friends and Communities :D

11-27-2007, 09:42 AM
Levels are not important for me... the only site i was desperately to get in was OINK because it was a large music tracker and i really like music... 0days trackers... how many we have?? Sure S*T is great but with Tl, Rvtt, etc you can do the same...

community i have found here... FST!:)

11-27-2007, 11:03 AM
The WIAW thread is a lot to blame imo, but I can understand why it was created from what RealitY (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/members/reality-15441) said, the thread is utter nonsence though.

IMO each and every tracker has a different level to each different user, what I mean is each tracker has a different level depending on the users individual needs, not about how rare it is. I rate some of my 'lower' level trackers alot higher than my 'higher' level trackers, so the level of a tracker means nothing to me, when looking for a tracker, I go for ones that I feel I need or could benefit from using.

Because of that thread people try to trade to get to the top or feel the need to collect all the top trackers, maybe to feel 'elite', maybe they think the high level ones are better, some do it just as a hobby, the more your can't get something the more you want it I guess.

Invites are much easier to come by if you need a certain tracker for the right reasons.

11-27-2007, 11:43 AM
ppl wanna collect all of them..especially the higher lvl's.it's like a hobby.

11-27-2007, 11:50 AM
To get back to the original question posed by Celtic, it is an unusual question coming from a staff member of a highly rated tracker (one that is listed highly on the WIAW). It is the very fact that ftn is listed so highly which combined with the relatively small user base makes it so attractive. And many here wear high level trackers like a badge of honour (some of the signatures here are hilarious ). If the sysops of the tracker truly objected to the fame attached by being listed highly on the WIAW thread they could apply to have the tracker removed as Melvinmeow has done, since many haven't heard of THS there is far less trading of this tracker.
I think the staff member that said it the most clearly was Retro when he said that being listed high on the thread people tended to take care of their a/c's better, where as they so often move on from ones that are seen as lower level and then trade or give away the a/c to have the next big one. In essence the trackers have an inate value attached to them by the WIAW thread, because of the limited supply (of places) in these trackers it is perceived as being better to be in this tracker rather than that, you already know or have thought of this, and the question of why they would do what they do to get into x-tracker is because of this perceived value, based on the rarity of the tracker, and the l33tness felt by joining which ever one is currently the rarest & therefore coolest.
The other part of the reason is a purely social one, most of the user base in bit torrent sites is made up of teenagers, by and large a competitive bunch anyway, they are busily trying to define who they are by what clothes they wear, what music they listen to, and as in this case what groups they belong to. So there is a massively peaked competition to be the coolest, most elite etc by being a member of 'the' trackers. The bit torrent community is a small microcosm of society in general, and people do insane things in all walks of life to be seen as 'elite', bit torrenting is no different and in fact because of the two factors I have mentioned regarding the rarity and gneeral age make up of the userbase, the competition is very much heightened, leaving you confused as to why people do what they do to join what ever tracker it is...........
But then surely you already knew all this ?

11-27-2007, 12:02 PM
As a n00b with only a few sites to choose from, I'm desperate to get some new trackers which can fill the gaps in my requirements as I work my way up the ladder.

That being said, if you have somewhere that fills all your needs in one with quick downloads then that must be the aim & I guess that's why they have a higher rating.......

11-27-2007, 06:26 PM
i think its a prestige issue. its like "my site gets me the stuff 1 sec faster than yours". if people only stuck to what they need then there wouldnt be so much craze. i believe that a good assortment of trackers can more than make up for all of these high level trackers..in fact it blows them to bits :) all in all if u need something u can easily find it w/o these trackers. another point - the more elusive and mysterious a site is, the more people wanna get into it. its just human nature (try keeping a peanut in one hand cover it with the other and go around. everyone will wanna know whats in it ;) ) dont try this at home lol

the only reason i would want to get into ftn and only ftn is...
because its free leech and i need not worry about how much i upload ..most of the time i upload for 3 days and more ... for a file of 2 gb i would have uplaoded 1gb at the max..and i really still make an effort to maintain good ratio...but its soo hard with my speed..
i actually seed a lot...but because of my speed i dont get much of uplaod credit..because it takes me a lot of time to download sumthing let alone upload.. and by the time i finish uploading there would be hardly any or no uploaders at all
i have presentable ratios in demonoid,iptorrents,tt,nordic-t,super torrents,waffles,pt

i know this sounds more like a request to get into ftn...but its not i am waiting for me to be old enough to post it in trading forums..

i just said the whole sad story because i didnt want any one u who would read this^ think i am one of those guys who would hit and run

you have my sympathies my friend. internet connections in our country are pure crap

11-27-2007, 06:36 PM
Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.

11-27-2007, 07:31 PM
Fascination with F*N /S*T/F*C/U**/F*** ?
Can people tell me why they are so keen to get into these sites ?
That's a very good question. I actually thought about it several times and came to the conclusion that there are multiple reasons for this:

1) Curiosity. People want to find out what's so special about the trackers which are up there on the list.
2) Bragging rights a.k.a "I have a larger e-penis than you".
3) Security. The higher leveled trackers are usually smaller, more secure sites. Since the userbase is smaller and it is extremely hard to get in, these sites are believed (well, at least by some, including myself) less likely to be targeted by anti pirating authorities.
4) Community. Since getting into these sites is rather difficult, people who are already there tend to appreciate their memberships and stay active for long periods of time. This creates groups of users which are spending a lot of time together, getting to know each other and finally forming virtual friendships (in case they're bothered to try). Some people treasure these communities above all.

I admit being "guilty" of reasons 3 & 4 regarding two of the sites you've mentioned. I used to be "guilty" of 1 as well but got over it rather early.

11-27-2007, 07:52 PM
People want what they can't have. Whether it be greed or curiosity, it's as simple as that. Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile. (I.E. give someone ScT and they'll still want FTN)

You're right, it makes absolutely no sense. But I guess not everyone can be pleased or content all the time.

11-27-2007, 08:04 PM
2) Bragging rights a.k.a "I have a larger e-penis than you".

what do ladies brag about ? bigger e-boobs ? :shifty:

11-27-2007, 08:08 PM
2) Bragging rights a.k.a "I have a larger e-penis than you".

what do ladies brag about ? bigger e-boobs ? :shifty:

Nah. We ladies don't really brag. Women are just always right! :lol:;)

11-27-2007, 08:09 PM
i wouldnt do anything to get those but at the same time its nice to be on smaller sites that are more community based so thats why im trying to be on all of those although i think im done since i only need uk-t and ftwr and im not gonna ever get in those. imo its pointless to go after those unless you actually do like reading and posting in forums since thats mainly what they have going for them over other trackers.

11-27-2007, 08:49 PM
what do ladies brag about ? bigger e-boobs ? :shifty:

Nah. We ladies don't really brag. Women are just always right! :lol:;)

i brag about my e-penis. it is THIS BIG!! heheheheh.

just like one day i'm going to wear a strap on under my pants and go walking around down town san fran whacking anything in the way. hehehehehehe :devil:

and yes I am female (just saying for any of the dumb asses who can't comprehend it)

11-27-2007, 09:32 PM
If you look on the bright side of this, at least the ratings causes the users of those sites to be somewhat more thankful for what they have and it usually reflects accordingly on forums, irc, and seeding. Most of the time anyways.

11-27-2007, 09:43 PM
2) Bragging rights a.k.a "I have a larger e-penis than you".

what do ladies brag about ? bigger e-boobs ? :shifty:

I'm guessing tighter e-pussy

11-28-2007, 02:52 AM
From the perspective of a site administrator, I see the whole picture when looking at a highly placed tracker.

The whole irony of the situation is that there are those who desperately try to acquire their favourite tracker, yet once they claim that reward, browse once or twice, never to return.

There are some members here who have acquired one of the high level trackers, only for their account to stagnate.

On saying that, there are three distinct levels of membership at any tracker.

1) Lurker or Inactive. Members who may browse from time to time, download the odd torrent or make the odd post. They never inhabit IRC, and may actually allow their account to decay.

2) Active Lurker. These people tend to make an initial welcome post, but their main interest is the browse page, where they download torrents, sometimes leaving comments for the uploader.

3) Community Member. As well as browsing the torrent page, they are active either in the forums or IRC (or both). These members actively contribute to the community spirit of the site, and may end up being nominated for staff positions because of their commitment to the forums and IRC.

The majority of members of most communities fall into the second category. The next majority falls into the first category, while a minority of members falls into the last category. Of 3,000 members, if 100 are active forum whores, then we are talking of less than 10% active members.

Of course, we must remember that a tracker is primarily a file sharing site, so we expect the majority to be in the second category, in this is where we get our peer base from.

With that in mind, I am sure that other admin/sysops of the top trackers will confirm that my findings are correct, and that even though a tracker is rare, it's active members (Community Members) are a small percentage of the overall membership, with the majority of members being active lurkers.

Ironic then that so many people desire these top trackers, yet when they finally get them, they treat them like every other tracker they have. It is only when they lose one of these trackers that they realise what they have lost.

Complacency is such a lovely thing, isn't it...

11-28-2007, 03:00 AM
Well stated and a good analysis of the general tracker user distribution. It seems like there must always be a healthy balance between groups 2 and 3, as too many users in a forum will dilute quality of posts while too many active lurkers will completely eradicate any sense of community. While I suppose there are people who wouldn't mind the latter, I think it's wise to treat your core forum base with great respect even if they don't necessarily have the same stats as the torrent lurker base.

11-28-2007, 03:04 AM
much or less, i agree with TheFoX (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/thefox-151468) on this one.

especially, with second last para.

11-28-2007, 03:08 AM
you missed one, ***** :music: (Superb)

11-28-2007, 03:09 AM
1) Lurker or Inactive. Members who may browse from time to time, download the odd torrent or make the odd post. They never inhabit IRC, and may actually allow their account to decay.

2) Active Lurker. These people tend to make an initial welcome post, but their main interest is the browse page, where they download torrents, sometimes leaving comments for the uploader.

3) Community Member. As well as browsing the torrent page, they are active either in the forums or IRC (or both). These members actively contribute to the community spirit of the site, and may end up being nominated for staff positions because of their commitment to the forums and IRC.

i disagree that most community members are either something or something else. i see your point but it sounds as if you're putting people into either a special box or a looser box.

11-28-2007, 03:13 AM
.........i only need uk-t and ftwr and im not gonna ever get in those. imo its pointless to go after those unless you actually do like reading and posting in forums since thats mainly what they have going for them over other trackers.

You're so wrong .
Anyway isn't posting what you do on Revolt ?

11-28-2007, 03:14 AM
While there are certainly gradations between all three stereotypes, they do in fact comprise the major groupings in a given tracker. That there are those who you might have difficulty classifying does not mean the three groups do not exist, merely that a small minority borders inbetween the groups :).

11-28-2007, 03:19 AM
so what you're saying is that im in the category that doesn't even exist, therefore im irrelevant? :emo:

11-28-2007, 03:20 AM

In your specific case, if think one thing would give a boost right away, and that's an upload button that you don't have to apply for. I have on several occasions looked through the requests section and thought "Nah.. why bother". It would at least make the club I'm most interested in more active I feel. Also it would prevent +90% of all torrents coming from the scene.

11-28-2007, 03:28 AM
i disagree that most community members are either something or something else. i see your point but it sounds as if you're putting people into either a special box or a looser box.

I could have created 10 gradients or 100 gradients or 1,000 gradients or 1,000,0000 gradients.

I created the three main categories of members. It is obvious that some members will slot in between categories, or be closer to one category than another.

As for putting anyone in a box, that is something I would never do, nor would I need to do, since people are more than capable of putting themselves into boxes.

For example, while the majority of people are honest sharers, we all have our fair share of cheaters. These people, when caught, will blithely refute that they cheated the tracker. Now when the cheat is borderline, we may have to swallow our pride and rescind any action taken, yet when the cheat stands out (like the 10 M/bit upload to no leechers), we do the necessary. It's ironic that those caught cheating in a big way actually believe that they are innocent of any transgression.

But, cheating is cheating. If someone wants to cheat, and they get caught, they put themselves in to the category of cheater, not the admin.

The police do not label someone as a murderer because they murdered. The person guilty of the murder labels them self as a murderer simply because of the act of committing the crime.

If I speed in my car, I am a speeder, whether I am caught by the police or not. If I cheat a torrent site, I am a cheater whether the admin catch me or not. If I am a lurker, that is by my own actions. If I am an Active community member, it is not because the admin/staff want me to be, but because I want to be.

You say that I am placing people in boxes, but they do that themselves. By naming the boxes, I am only highlighting the existence of those boxes. If I didn't highlight those boxes, they would still exist regardless.

11-28-2007, 03:29 AM
.........i only need uk-t and ftwr and im not gonna ever get in those. imo its pointless to go after those unless you actually do like reading and posting in forums since thats mainly what they have going for them over other trackers.

You're so wrong .

Nope, he is absolutely right. Nobody cares about FTWR, UK-T and REVOLT torrents. People just want to join those sites to belong a restrict community where everything is discussed.

If you have no time to participate in forums those sites are useless. :)

11-28-2007, 03:40 AM
so what you're saying is that im in the category that doesn't even exist, therefore im irrelevant? :emo:

I think you also overlooked the point that I, at no point, said that those categories were exclusive. I just listed the three that I feel best describe most members.

We all know that there will be special categories for special individuals.

I could have listed the first category as two categories.

1) Heterosexual Lurker or Inactive. Heterosexual Members who may browse from time to time, download the odd torrent or make the odd post. They never inhabit IRC, and may actually allow their account to decay.

2) Homosexual Lurker or Inactive. Homosexual Members who may browse from time to time, download the odd torrent or make the odd post. They never inhabit IRC, and may actually allow their account to decay.

Then, of course, I might offend members who want me to differentiate between the sexes...

1) Heterosexual Male Lurker or Inactive. Heterosexual Male Members who may browse from time to time, download the odd torrent or make the odd post. They never inhabit IRC, and may actually allow their account to decay.

2) Homosexual Male Lurker or Inactive. Homosexual Male Members who may browse from time to time, download the odd torrent or make the odd post. They never inhabit IRC, and may actually allow their account to decay.

3) Heterosexual Female Lurker or Inactive. Heterosexual Femaile Members who may browse from time to time, download the odd torrent or make the odd post. They never inhabit IRC, and may actually allow their account to decay.

4) Homosexual Female Lurker or Inactive. Homosexual Female Members who may browse from time to time, download the odd torrent or make the odd post. They never inhabit IRC, and may actually allow their account to decay.

If we were to analyse the human race, we could actually have numerous inputs just for one category. We could end up with millions of possibilities, let alone when we start to apply browsing habits as well.

4,145,472) Active Homosexual Male Lurker (age 26-31). These people tend to make an initial welcome post, but their main interest is the homosexual pr0n section of the browse page, where they download pr0n torrents, sometimes leaving lurid comments for the uploader.

11-28-2007, 03:43 AM
You're so wrong .

Nope, he is absolutely right. Nobody cares about FTWR, UK-T and REVOLT torrents. People just want to join those sites to belong a restrict community where everything is discussed.

If you have no time to participate in forums those sites are useless. :)
So why not remove the torrents from those sites ? Yah sure since almost people is posting and none using their torrents.
(of course Revolt is a little different, but it's suppose to be).
But i think this isn't the right place to have this conversation.

11-28-2007, 03:47 AM
(Exclusivity) Some people feel the need to be apart of something which is not necessarily good it's a closed door everybody want's some it's human nature (Curiosity).

(Ranking) Some people just want to climb the ranking ladder and they feel more important behind the highest of walls then later they can brag once they are at the top.

(Traders) This could last forever so just one example of my opinion. People are just searching for a home where they may find the best possible site to suit their needs once this has happend they stay some just want it all and hope later they can get to the top again.

Why they go to such extream lengths? that's in the first two.

Me i have tryed twice in a giveaway my luck was pulled and i gave up i'm quite happy where i am untill i move along that's not to say i would turn down anything just to see what the hype is about i have been on many different sites over in the past year or so half of them i have left as i found something i was more happy with now i have stuck you could find many sites that people would say it's better because it's high in the ranks i would disagree and vote some of the lower ranked sites due to personal preferance as i said it's all about a home for most of us

11-28-2007, 03:49 AM
i understand now, the users who are most valuable to you are in category's 1 and 2.

11-28-2007, 03:54 AM
(Exclusivity) Some people feel the need to be apart of something which is not necessarily good it's a closed door everybody want's some it's human nature (Curiosity).

(Ranking) Some people just want to climb the ranking ladder and they feel more important then later they can brag once they are at the top of the shit heep.

(Traders) This could last forever so just one example of my opinion. People are just searching for a home where they may find the best possible site to suit their needs once this has happend they stay.

You forgot (Safety) these places being more restricted on who joins, make them more safe

(Low usercount) Gives them more community feel

And then they have their little special thing

11-28-2007, 04:03 AM
(Exclusivity) Some people feel the need to be apart of something which is not necessarily good it's a closed door everybody want's some it's human nature (Curiosity).

(Ranking) Some people just want to climb the ranking ladder and they feel more important then later they can brag once they are at the top of the shit heep.

(Traders) This could last forever so just one example of my opinion. People are just searching for a home where they may find the best possible site to suit their needs once this has happend they stay.

You forgot (Safety) these places being more restricted on who joins, make them more safe

(Low usercount) Gives them more community feel

And then they have their little special thing

I mensioned safety that comes Under home you are not at home if you don't feel safe once you feel at home you then establish yourself into the community. safety in low numbers is a somebody elses personal preferance i don't agree with as i have stated below

Low user count means nothing in safety there are plenty of sites around which have 6000/10000 torrents they are fast and have had open doors for over two year's why are they still open??? but the torrent sites which are Exclusive shut down and they are slow don't hold some many torrents bla bla why? i don't know ask the anti piracy people.

The term personal computer was abolished and current laws prove that. since when has a computer been personal?

11-28-2007, 04:17 AM
Often it's because of attention coupled which authorities that Anti-piracy agency's can push around as they please.

Also which exclusive torrentsites got shut down?

Oink with it's 180.000 users or Demonoid with their 3.000.000 users?

11-28-2007, 04:33 AM
Often it's because of attention coupled which authorities that Anti-piracy agency's can push around as they please.

Also which exclusive torrentsites got shut down?

Oink with it's 180.000 users or Demonoid with their 3.000.000 users?

I suppose i should choose my words more carefully. i guess i was thinking of that short article on here which has talks of what.cd and waffles amongst other sites they are only new and have enough attention it may contain some bad news written in there but i can't confirm it it's here some place but i'm to lazy to search it.s fairly recent i'm sure it has some funny news in there. personaly i think you can't hide it unless people are completely silent but that would mean only natter between friends.

I still don't understand why torrent sites which have 30000/40000 members and the doors are wide open with lots of copy written material are not targeted this is how i drew my conclusion that exclusive really means nothing for safety.

Yes only the two you mention i know of attention is brought by sites such as FST and ranking systems it's quite obvious and the odd crack how else would these people get member's besides the personal gossip between friends to atract member's

11-28-2007, 04:55 AM
...a couple reasons, not all of which are as rueful as you may be led to believe:
1) community (rational)
2) the rare files (rational)
4) e-penis elongation (insecure irrationality)
3) curiosity (respectable, but not really rational)
5) sense of achievement (again, respectable)

all in all, an account on a tracker is a means, not an end. keep that in mind at all times, thank you.

11-28-2007, 05:13 AM
i understand now, the users who are most valuable to you are in category's 1 and 2.

Let it never be said that observer bias isn't an innate feature to some people.

11-28-2007, 07:01 AM
You're so wrong .

Nope, he is absolutely right. Nobody cares about FTWR, UK-T and REVOLT torrents. People just want to join those sites to belong a restrict community where everything is discussed.

If you have no time to participate in forums those sites are useless. :)


said what i would have nicer then i could have from someone being wrong telling me im wrong, thats always annoying.

what do durex condoms do again......? oh thats right, they get penises stuck in them. ur name makes sense now. ;)

11-28-2007, 07:08 AM
oh no you didnt asyomc! :whistling

11-28-2007, 07:32 AM
Fascination with F*N /S*T/F*C/U**/F*** ?

Can people tell me why they are so keen to get into these sites ?
Im on them all, and without sounding like i hate them (which i dont, since most of the staff on all of them are friends/co-workers of mine).

People go to extreme lengths to get any of these but its pure madness IMO.

Dont people realise this is the internet, there are plenty of sites that have exactly the same content/speeds etc.

If people didnt rate them so high etc & the number of cheaters wasnt so great, Trades were none existant. You realise you'd have no trouble getting them right?

Answer my question with your view/etc etc dont spam it & ruin plz.


i agree

11-28-2007, 08:21 AM
oh no you didnt asyomc! :whistling

oh i did, it'll be nice to see if he comes back and reads it. these forums are unlike any other ones i use, i could make that comment elsewhere and the person would laugh or give me shit back for fun but here im guessing if he sees it he'll just get very angry and try to start attacking me. the only people i have problems with here are the ones on my ignore list and durex isnt on there so if you read this durex, i still love you babycakes...

now get back on my cock.

11-28-2007, 09:03 AM
i think wiaw post is one of the factor but there are other factors

such as
1- (member age )which i think is the effective factor
2- type of education
3- tracker history and facilities

11-28-2007, 11:16 AM
oh no you didnt asyomc! :whistling

oh i did, it'll be nice to see if he comes back and reads it. these forums are unlike any other ones i use, i could make that comment elsewhere and the person would laugh or give me shit back for fun but here im guessing if he sees it he'll just get very angry and try to start attacking me. the only people i have problems with here are the ones on my ignore list and durex isnt on there so if you read this durex, i still love you babycakes...

now get back on my cock.

Well i was expecting something better from you than an easy joke about a (metaphor) nickname, but i suppose is always the easier way when we are out of ideas.
Nevermind ... i also still love you .


11-28-2007, 09:29 PM
Fascination with F*N /S*T/F*C/U**/F*** ?

Can people tell me why they are so keen to get into these sites ?
Im on them all, and without sounding like i hate them (which i dont, since most of the staff on all of them are friends/co-workers of mine).

People go to extreme lengths to get any of these but its pure madness IMO.

Dont people realise this is the internet, there are plenty of sites that have exactly the same content/speeds etc.

If people didnt rate them so high etc & the number of cheaters wasnt so great, Trades were none existant. You realise you'd have no trouble getting them right?

Answer my question with your view/etc etc dont spam it & ruin plz.


why do people "go to extreme lengths" or pay a "high price" for those sites?

i could write an essay about this, celtic, but i'm too lazy.

here are a few catchwords for you. if you are really interested in the question you asked, do some research on them and you will find answers:

-demand for rare/luxury commodities
-snob effect
-network effect
-bandwagon effect
-positive feedback loop
-giffen good
-veblen good
-scarcity value

11-28-2007, 10:08 PM
Actually the snob effect isn't relevant here. It implies that people want to be different. Many people misconstrue what being a snob really means in business.

The bandwagon effect and the positive feedback loop on the other hand are two things that make them more wanted.

BTW thanks for actually making me learn something today. I had no idea what giffen good was until looking it up. For the traders here that is quite relevant as well.

11-28-2007, 10:21 PM
Actually the snob effect isn't relevant here.

are you sure?

the snob effect refers to the desire to own exclusive or unique goods. These goods usually have a high economic value, but low practical value. The less of an item available, the higher its snob value.
Collectors within a specific field can suffer from snob effect, searching for the rarest and often most expensive collectables.

replace "most expensive" with "most begged/posted/traded for" and you have an almost perfect match of the snob effect on rare trackers.

11-28-2007, 10:47 PM
The snob effect doesn't have to be expensive or well known. People influenced by the snob effect want to be different. This can range from making our own clothes to buying unique goods. Prize can be, but is hardly ever a factor. The architect that makes $500.000 a year but still buys out of date clothes from a second hand store, coupled with some of his own homemade pieces is a snob.

I am taking my A-Levels in sales and see that common mistake often. It's so common that even wikipedia, which in most cases has correct, though lacking info, is wrong.

What you are insinuating is the veblen effect


11-28-2007, 11:16 PM
The snob effect doesn't have to be expensive or well known. People influenced by the snob effect want to be different. This can range from making our own clothes to buying unique goods. Prize can be, but is hardly ever a factor. The architect that makes $500.000 a year but still buys out of date clothes from a second hand store, coupled with some of his own homemade pieces is a snob.

I am taking my A-Levels in sales and see that common mistake often. It's so common that even wikipedia, which in most cases has correct, though lacking info, is wrong.

What you are insinuating is the veblen effect


read "Bandwagon, Snob, and Veblen Effects in the Theory of Consumers' Demand"
H. Leibenstein

published in 1950.

i have a phd in economics and political science but i'm lazy and i'm here to talk about bittorrent.

11-28-2007, 11:29 PM
personally i think the "what invites are worth" thread was about the worst idea ever. it was basically an invite traders guide for torrent sites.

rating a site by rarity, and then trying ur best to join it is retarded. im on quite a few sites, but only regularly use 2 of them, oink was a 3rd till it got took down.

i've delacct.php on sites that i dont use, that allow u to delete ur account. including on ftwr. being rare means nothing. any site could close its doors and delete all invites and suddenly become rarer, doesnt make it better though. i like sites for their community, forums and for nice packs.

11-28-2007, 11:51 PM
The snob effect doesn't have to be expensive or well known. People influenced by the snob effect want to be different. This can range from making our own clothes to buying unique goods. Prize can be, but is hardly ever a factor. The architect that makes $500.000 a year but still buys out of date clothes from a second hand store, coupled with some of his own homemade pieces is a snob.

I am taking my A-Levels in sales and see that common mistake often. It's so common that even wikipedia, which in most cases has correct, though lacking info, is wrong.

What you are insinuating is the veblen effect


read "Bandwagon, Snob, and Veblen Effects in the Theory of Consumers' Demand"
H. Leibenstein

published in 1950.

i have a phd in economics and political science but i'm lazy and i'm here to talk about bittorrent.

Then it's pretty strange mixing up the Veblen and the Snob effect. Try reading something published after year 2000. business analysis and consumer habits have actually evolved since the 50's.

These theory's have been further analyzed and been built on. One of these things is further splitting up the snob and veblen effect to not be the exact same thing.

The Veblen effect is the show off effect, while the Snob effect is wanting to be different.

Also there is a 4th social motive used now, also a further development from that theory, called the Thrifty effect or the counter-veblen effect. This because of the great deal of people that didn't fit into any of those 3 mentioned earlier.

A theory is only a theory. It can be disputed or be further improved along the way, which has happened to this one.

11-28-2007, 11:57 PM
read "Bandwagon, Snob, and Veblen Effects in the Theory of Consumers' Demand"
H. Leibenstein

published in 1950.

i have a phd in economics and political science but i'm lazy and i'm here to talk about bittorrent.

Then it's pretty strange mixing up the Veblen and the Snob effect. Try reading something published after year 2000. business analysis and consumer habits have actually evolved since the 50's.

These theory's have been further analyzed and been built on. One of these things is further splitting up the snob and veblen effect to not be the exact same thing.

The Veblen effect is the show off effect, while the Snob effect is wanting to be different.

11-29-2007, 12:16 AM
Yeah I agree. While the concept of business economics and consumer habits might be appealing to some, I have the feeling most people lose interest.

So why is it then? :P

11-29-2007, 02:17 AM
People want what they cant have, That human nature

11-29-2007, 02:59 AM
Much of it is determined by what the seeker wants from the acquirement. A genuine member will want the rare trackers to sample their wares, with the bare minimum of being able to say that they have had the membership. This is like the person who visits a different location for each holiday/lvacation, so that they can say they have sampled cultures from around the world.

The second type of acquirement are those who want a tracker to add to their collection. Their only goal is to be able to fulfil a desire to be able to say that they have had every rare, and not so rare, tracker, just for the sake of bragging. They are probably not even aware of the real contents of each of their trackers. For them, it is the ownership, and not the participation, that counts.

This is very much like the car trader who has a forecourt of cars, yet none of them are his for personal use. His sole interest is the trade value each will fetch. On the other hand, there will be those who frequent a car trader to sample the different wares, simply so that they can say that they have owned many different variants and makes.

Why is it that some people will stick with the same car manufacturer, regardless, yet others will test drive numerous different models from different manufacturers, irrespective of what make and model they are currently driving?

Torrent communities are no different to cars. Today, XYZ may be your favourite community, but tomorrow ABC may be your favourite. For some, though, they will remain loyal to XYZ regardless of what competition is out there.

You cannot quantify why people do this or that. I have known people who move on because of one simple disagreement with a staff member, even though it can easily be resolved, yet another member will stay through thick or thin, even while sporting a warning triangle.

How do we quantify every member?

11-29-2007, 04:14 AM
honestly I think it is better with the traditional style of no one knows about any of the sites unless they get invited.

i don't think I've ever once known the name of a top site before that I wasn't invited on. It is pointless to know what you lack because it just means you want it.

The best things in life come unexpectedly imho especially when it comes to warez.

11-29-2007, 04:33 AM
TL is a great example, what's in ScT that isn't in TL? ..

Everything is everywhere.

11-29-2007, 07:06 AM
TL is a great example, what's in ScT that isn't in TL? ..

Everything is everywhere.

I'm not sure what sct has that tl doesn't have, but i know a few things tl has that sct doesnlt. pay2leech subsciription fees and has you pay $36 to register.

edit: yeah i had to go there :)
*high five* to DanielleD87 for scl :P they have some awesome packs.

11-29-2007, 07:59 AM
you can pay for upload credits are SCT aswell, donations are voluntary and for those you receive free gifts, also the vip registrations have been dsiabled

11-29-2007, 09:13 PM
I consider a difference between buying upload and buying a three month period where you can hit&run every single torrent you download and only upload enough so that other clients will connect with you.