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View Full Version : little translation help

11-30-2007, 09:40 AM
Can someone translate this ... its from ethor

* 2007-11-18 -

Suite à certains évenements ayant eu lieu dans l'univers du partage au Québec ainsi que de façon préventive, nous avons jugé prudent pour la communauté du site de fermer complètement les inscriptions pour un certain temps. Ceci ne veut pas dire que vous perdez vos invitations, mais seulement qu'ils sont désactivées.

Ce changement prend effet immédiatement et pour une période indéterminée.

Merci de votre compréhension.

Alors cessez d'envoyer un pm aux membres du staff pour leur dire, j'ai des invitations mais je suis pas capable de les utiliser, que faire?????

Cher que faire, visitez la page d'accueil de temps a autre.


11-30-2007, 10:30 AM
I used Babelfish, it's sucky, but it makes you understand the main point at least ^^

Following some évenements having taken place in the universe of the division in Quebec as well as in a preventive way, we considered it careful for the community of the site to completely close the inscriptions for a certain time. This does not want to say that you lose your invitations, but only which they are decontaminated. This change immediately takes effect and for one undetermined period. Thank you for your comprehension. Then cease sending a pm to the members staff to say to them, I have invitations but I am not able to use them, that to make????? Expensive that to make, visit the banner page of time has other

So.. I guess singup is closed for now, until further notice, but you're keeping your invites.

Hope that's good enuf ;)

Cheers <3

11-30-2007, 10:46 AM
I used Babelfish, it's sucky, but it makes you understand the main point at least ^^

Following some évenements having taken place in the universe of the division in Quebec as well as in a preventive way, we considered it careful for the community of the site to completely close the inscriptions for a certain time. This does not want to say that you lose your invitations, but only which they are decontaminated. This change immediately takes effect and for one undetermined period. Thank you for your comprehension. Then cease sending a pm to the members staff to say to them, I have invitations but I am not able to use them, that to make????? Expensive that to make, visit the banner page of time has otherSo.. I guess singup is closed for now, until further notice, but you're keeping your invites.

Hope that's good enuf ;)

Cheers <3
