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View Full Version : another jackass looking for u no

12-03-2007, 10:53 PM
got my 3rd seedbox which means nothing if i cant put it to good work and although i think im ready for a f*n,or f**r invite its not up to me its up to you good or bad people (i didnt want to leave anyone out) christ no's im letting people use my seedbox now i see f*n, f**r< and some sites ive never heard of and i dont want to ask caus im afraid they will think im letting them use to box so's i could get one (maybe i am) id like to think im above or below that:) well i dont have a great story to tell or ask anyone to believe i am (although i no i am)but that means a hill of beans im just looking for a little trust which is so hard to get and prove i have great ratios on every site im on i dont cheat or trade well ive poured my heart out cmon all make fun of me i can take it ,and lets here hes another jackass who's asking for the u no what tracker so have fun at my expense thx for looking if you cant help me give me a bump or something thx much weenden

12-03-2007, 10:56 PM
Clear up your post a bit. Also ask a littel nicer and someone on this forum may throw you an invite. Well not to those sites but maybe others. Good Luck!

12-03-2007, 10:58 PM
nice hope u get it man :D if i had it i wudn't give too you because its supposed too be great :D haha hope u get it though

12-03-2007, 11:53 PM
thx grimms i mean it to be real and a little comedy too figuring maybe can make some laugh at it(caus i have a great sense of humor)as there reading im not afraid of critics hell every comedian deals with critics and besides my gramar and typing is so bad its comical but i meant all the serious stuff ....... and thx birney29 thx

12-04-2007, 12:00 AM
to be honest & if my input means anything, If I had invites to give from those trackers, I wouldnt give you one, as you seem to be sarcastic and not coming across as that you have a need but a "want" just because theyre rare and maybe looking for a status of "look @ what I got" Just my opinion but if you are truly deserving, I hope you get what you are looking for.

12-04-2007, 12:05 AM
Clear up your post a bit. Also ask a littel nicer and someone on this forum may throw you an invite. Well not to those sites but maybe others. Good Luck!

Seriously though. I stopped halfway through that post. Punctuation is awesome!!

not being mean just a tip :)

12-04-2007, 12:22 AM
being rare has nothing to do with it maybe i am synacal hope i spelled that right and my punctaution sucks too lol maybe i was to sarcastic lol had to read it again lol im such a jackass i wouldnt give based on my sarcasm and it being rare is what it is im allways trying to prove myself from the first tracker i was on to new ones im just asking if i dont get one maybe another time as i need to mellow and work on my writing skills new i should not have cut class doooh!