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12-04-2007, 02:06 AM
I need invite o account for BitHumen

12-04-2007, 02:07 AM
doesnt sound like a giveaway to me.

12-04-2007, 02:07 AM
Vey Confusing, when I saw the Topic Tile, I thought U were "Giving" away Bithumen. I see U are Requesting for 1......LOL. Change your Tile.

12-04-2007, 02:14 AM
good one :D:D
best way to get people to read your request

12-04-2007, 02:34 AM
but not a good way to get into peoples good books :)

12-04-2007, 02:44 AM
so they read your request (as they read 1000 a day) but then they will obviously see
that its no giveaway and then u probably lose any super slight chances that you HAD of getting your request filled
think about, say u saw a title stating:
"uk-t giveaway to the 1st reply" u get so excited that you shit your heart right out of your pants and inside it says "im hungry for some waffles, please help". for arguments sake you have a waffles invite which you dont mind giving away, now what are then chances that hes getting it?... exactly!

12-04-2007, 02:50 AM
i thought the same too .. until i hovered over the title and saw the preview lol

12-04-2007, 02:54 AM
I said this to him in his last thread thebox messi only does it to get a quick response lable as give away :(

12-04-2007, 03:08 AM
After clicking on this thread I'm starting to think there should be a negative rep button. I know you can add rep, but you can't take it away?

12-04-2007, 03:27 AM
ya but then whats to stop idiots from taking reps away from everyone?

12-04-2007, 07:38 AM
ya but then whats to stop idiots from taking reps away from everyone?

Yeah I guess it could easily be open for abuse. But then again plenty of other forums have negative & positive rep buttons.

12-04-2007, 07:58 AM
ya but then whats to stop idiots from taking reps away from everyone?

Yeah I guess it could easily be open for abuse. But then again plenty of other forums have negative & positive rep buttons.

And most of the old members on these forum can give a newbie large amounts of neg rep these people don't like to be dissagreed because they are allways right it's not newbies abuseing the system it's the people who are old member's that is why i left those forums after being a member for six months me and a very old member there debateing something and he did not like being proved wrong so he hammerd my rep to make me look a total asshole that is why i came here to avoid those kind of idiots the system is not worth the trouble

12-04-2007, 08:18 AM
i agree with sleepyy. neg rep points have too many cons. the max they can do is give admins/mods the rights to give negative reps.
i think the current rep system here is the best ive seen. only slight modification i would suggest is that giveaway of higher level trackers should add more rep points. just dosent make sense if someone who gives away lvl 8 gets the same rep as someone giving away a lvl 2 or 3 invite. its very easy to get invites on lower level trackers and dosent seem fair if someone accumulates rep points by giving away just those. it could be like :
level 2-4 : 1 rep
5-7 : 2 reps
8-10 : 3 reps
but thats just my opinion. will probably take an entire dedicated thread if its gonna have even a remote chance of implementation