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View Full Version : Revolt Request

12-04-2007, 11:38 PM
I've been on this forum for a little over a year now, and, admittedly, have made a lot of trades. I've also privately given away a few invites the way its supposed to be done and received some free invites from other members (thanks guys!) to very useful sites almost every time I have asked (provided the site was not incredibly rare), so I figured I'd ask for a Revolt invite and see what happens. I realize it's a long shot, but what's the worst that could happen? And before you guys criticize me for wanting such a "rare" site with very few torrents, I KNOW it has very few torrents - that's exactly why I want it. After all, why would I want another 0-day tracker with the exact same stuff as the others? I'm not a collector, I just want variety (ie a site that is more focused on community, but still has piracy at heart =P). I tried meeting people in their IRC but they asked me to leave because I wasn't a member of the site =/, which I did without complaint. I wouldn't want strangers coming in and begging for invites all day either. Either way, I wanted to say thanks to those who have helped me along the way and that I am no longer a trader (have not been for 6 or 7 months now). Thanks for reading guys

12-04-2007, 11:39 PM
i had revolt once great community but like the idiot i once was i try trading it and never traded since because my account was bloacked the end lol (sorry for the spam)

12-04-2007, 11:45 PM
Good luck mate, it is near impossible to get from my experience though.

12-04-2007, 11:47 PM
Yeah, trading any site is a bad idea unless you know the person you're trading with. Looking back, the whole trading thing was kind of foolish - it compromises the security of the site...but how else are people supposed to get in to great sites when the members are so stingy with invites? I guess it's much easier for those with good sites to look down upon traders...

12-04-2007, 11:52 PM
Your posting history here over the last 5 months has been minimal, and too little really for anyone to get to know the real you.

If you only want Revolt for the community it offers, then maybe you would do better getting to know the community here, then that way you would know what the requirements are for getting the invite to Revolt, and who has the invites even.

Not a criticism, just an observation, you might have to work a little harder for that invite rather than just turning up and asking for it :)

12-04-2007, 11:52 PM
Any "hint" with a trading history- U are automatically Disqualified - Hope U get it, The syscop will some out soon. Goodl Luck

Peter North
12-04-2007, 11:53 PM
I've been on this forum for a little over a year now, and, admittedly, have made a lot of trades. I've also privately given away a few invites the way its supposed to be done and received some free invites from other members (thanks guys!) to very useful sites almost every time I have asked (provided the site was not incredibly rare), so I figured I'd ask for a Revolt invite and see what happens. I realize it's a long shot, but what's the worst that could happen? And before you guys criticize me for wanting such a "rare" site with very few torrents, I KNOW it has very few torrents - that's exactly why I want it. After all, why would I want another 0-day tracker with the exact same stuff as the others? I'm not a collector, I just want variety (ie a site that is more focused on community, but still has piracy at heart =P). I tried meeting people in their IRC but they asked me to leave because I wasn't a member of the site =/, which I did without complaint. I wouldn't want strangers coming in and begging for invites all day either. Either way, I wanted to say thanks to those who have helped me along the way and that I am no longer a trader (have not been for 6 or 7 months now). Thanks for reading guys

Well brother, not going to happen, since you are a trader.


They dont want anything to do with traders, i know this because i had a acc there, but got disable because of my "past".

12-05-2007, 12:01 AM
Where is mr magoo? But yeah you clearly state your a trader so I think his first reaction is no.

12-05-2007, 12:12 AM
Where is mr magoo? But yeah you clearly state your a trader so I think his first reaction is no.

If U Invoke his name 3 times, I think he will appear....LOL

12-05-2007, 12:34 AM
* was a trader for all of you guys. =P I'm not going to deny it or create a new account and pretend I've never traded -that's not my style.

thanks for the advice Sgt, maybe I'll give it a go...

Peter North
12-05-2007, 12:44 AM
* was a trader for all of you guys. =P I'm not going to deny it or create a new account and pretend I've never traded -that's not my style.

thanks for the advice Sgt, maybe I'll give it a go...

Still "has" a trader, you got threads of yours with trades in open...

12-05-2007, 01:46 AM
it is near impossible to get from my experience though.

Ultimately, it's good posting, the people you know, and a little bit of luck. Master the formers, and you'll be invited.

For instance, I was on IRC talking to some members explaining how I was upset I missed the revolt signups, and I got a PM from a staff member asking why I wanted to join revolt. I replied with an interest of community answer, and after a check of my forum posts and my lack of hit-and-runs, I was invited.

Here's the kicker: I didn't know that staff member, let alone they were revolt staff. But I always had a good attitude, and was very active on that tracker, in the forums, and on IRC.

Get yourself involved with those around you, something good may come of it some day.

12-05-2007, 02:03 AM
it is near impossible to get from my experience though.

Ultimately, it's good posting, the people you know, and a little bit of luck. Master the formers, and you'll be invited.

For instance, I was on IRC talking to some members explaining how I was upset I missed the revolt signups, and I got a PM from a staff member asking why I wanted to join revolt. I replied with an interest of community answer, and after a check of my forum posts and my lack of hit-and-runs, I was invited.

Here's the kicker: I didn't know that staff member, let alone they were revolt staff. But I always had a good attitude, and was very active on that tracker, in the forums, and on IRC.

Get yourself involved with those around you, something good may come of it some day.

Thanks for the advice thor.

12-05-2007, 03:12 AM
hmm.. i have a couple of friends on revolt.

honestly, how rude would it be for me to ask them about it and ask to get invited? since I know little to nothing about revolt I'm not sure if only staff has that power or asking friends would be beneficial.

sorry to hijack this thread, but i'm really curious. that and I rarely to never ask for an invite to a site. I feel it is rude, but this might be one of those exceptions where it would be worth it.

What do you guys think?

12-05-2007, 03:16 AM
hmm.. i have a couple of friends on revolt.

honestly, how rude would it be for me to ask them about it and ask to get invited? since I know little to nothing about revolt I'm not sure if only staff has that power or asking friends would be beneficial.

sorry to hijack this thread, but i'm really curious. that and I rarely to never ask for an invite to a site. I feel it is rude, but this might be one of those exceptions where it would be worth it.

What do you guys think?

Im 99% sure only staff have invites mate.

12-05-2007, 03:31 AM
100% sure, only staff has invites , even if a user wants to requests an invite, he needs to submit the profile of his invitee to the staff for verification. My frnd applied for me but still no success, So i lost all hopes :(

12-05-2007, 03:33 AM
hmm.. i have a couple of friends on revolt.

honestly, how rude would it be for me to ask them about it and ask to get invited? since I know little to nothing about revolt I'm not sure if only staff has that power or asking friends would be beneficial.

sorry to hijack this thread, but i'm really curious. that and I rarely to never ask for an invite to a site. I feel it is rude, but this might be one of those exceptions where it would be worth it.

What do you guys think?

i think some users have invites too but if you have clean history [which i think you do], asking staff is more fruitful

and if you are intrested in what's there...pm me...i will give u a link to revolt review.

12-05-2007, 04:23 AM
hope you get it man
you seems a nice guy

12-05-2007, 04:28 AM
wow thanks for your quick replies.

i guess if revolt is right for me i will get offered it one day. until then it is better to relax and not worry about things. after all, the best communities are the ones who want you, not the other way around. :pimp:

12-05-2007, 04:28 AM
100% sure, only staff has invites , even if a user wants to requests an invite, he needs to submit the profile of his invitee to the staff for verification. My frnd applied for me but still no success, So i lost all hopes :(

Without wishing to be rude, you would enjoy FSC more than revolt, and actually you should post more in the tracker forums you have as well, then you would get known for more than what you do here.

wow thanks for your quick replies.

i guess if revolt is right for me i will get offered it one day. until then it is better to relax and not worry about things. after all, the best communities are the ones who want you, not the other way around. :pimp:

Exactly, and your participation level at FSC will work wonders, keep it up and it will happen.

12-05-2007, 04:39 AM
thx major :)

12-05-2007, 04:46 AM
Without wishing to be rude, you would enjoy FSC more than revolt, and actually you should post more in the tracker forums you have as well, then you would get known for more than what you do here.

wow thanks for your quick replies.

i guess if revolt is right for me i will get offered it one day. until then it is better to relax and not worry about things. after all, the best communities are the ones who want you, not the other way around. :pimp:

Exactly, and your participation level at FSC will work wonders, keep it up and it will happen.

Exactly,.....Just lately I have been promoted to Adv. Member in F*C of my forum participation:D

12-05-2007, 04:50 AM
Enlightened: oh snap they have stuff like that there? lol maybe i should read the forum rules first. Adv Memb? very cool! congrats! :D

SgtMajor: are you following me around!? hahahahaha. ya fsc is like the best thing ever. my only regret is not knowing about it. the last site i join so far is the best by far. :) to bad I haven't upped or downloaded 1kB yet.

12-05-2007, 06:19 AM
That is the beauty of FSC DanielleD87, it is a community so participating in the forums is as much apart of the site as the torrent tracker, but join some of the clubs and get to know people, it is a very special tracker, just like revolt is a special forum.

12-05-2007, 06:36 AM
i 'joined' the anime club.. well if joined is the right word. i just talk in there a lot. it is fun but to bad it is somewhat inactive since anime and private trackers don't completely 100% go together.

12-05-2007, 06:48 AM
<3 fight club, revolt and fsc are both great if you're a forum whore

Mister Moo
12-05-2007, 06:52 AM
unfortunately no past or present traders are suitable for revolt. I can guarantee you will be denied.

12-05-2007, 06:56 AM
what would you define as a clean history? I've had ppl leave me reps for trading even though it was from giveaways

12-05-2007, 06:56 AM
I never really expected to get it, but if a mod/admin over there is in the giving mood (Christmas is approaching, after all, and my birthday is only 2 days away, well...1 now since it is technically the 6th) then I'd be glad to join such a well-respected community.

12-05-2007, 07:30 AM
<3 fight club, revolt and fsc are both great if you're a forum whore
i am :)

that and i think i was somewhat of a troll on fight club or maybe that was on scl. one of the forums was a post about mma (is that right?) and i was like, 'why you guys like that fake wrestling? it looks so nasty i could probably smell those wrestlers a mile away. eww' or something like that lol. after that a forum member showed me the difference and i apologized. i still don't get fighting though.

that and honestly I was curious so i tried to find some mma torrents :blushing: but i couldn't find any on the trackers i looked. i didn't download any of it on fsc because i didn't want it to be logged. i'm all embarrassed. i don't know why i'm curious. i know i will not like it. i'm such a weirdo. :dry:

12-05-2007, 07:55 AM
<3 fight club, revolt and fsc are both great if you're a forum whore
i am :)

that and i think i was somewhat of a troll on fight club or maybe that was on scl. one of the forums was a post about mma (is that right?) and i was like, 'why you guys like that fake wrestling? it looks so nasty i could probably smell those wrestlers a mile away. eww' or something like that lol. after that a forum member showed me the difference and i apologized. i still don't get fighting though.

that and honestly I was curious so i tried to find some mma torrents :blushing: but i couldn't find any on the trackers i looked. i didn't download any of it on fsc because i didn't want it to be logged. i'm all embarrassed. i don't know why i'm curious. i know i will not like it. i'm such a weirdo. :dry:

MMA- ?? No offense, I was under the "impression" that U were the opposite Sex.:naughty::frusty:

12-05-2007, 08:00 AM
i like the freedom here .

FST ftw

i am :)

that and i think i was somewhat of a troll on fight club or maybe that was on scl. one of the forums was a post about mma (is that right?) and i was like, 'why you guys like that fake wrestling? it looks so nasty i could probably smell those wrestlers a mile away. eww' or something like that lol. after that a forum member showed me the difference and i apologized. i still don't get fighting though.

that and honestly I was curious so i tried to find some mma torrents :blushing: but i couldn't find any on the trackers i looked. i didn't download any of it on fsc because i didn't want it to be logged. i'm all embarrassed. i don't know why i'm curious. i know i will not like it. i'm such a weirdo. :dry:

MMA- ?? No offense, I was under the "impression" that U were the opposite Sex.:naughty::frusty:

hello , best trader ever :naughty:

i can always find you with your "way: of "typing " :lol:

12-05-2007, 08:12 AM
i am :)

that and i think i was somewhat of a troll on fight club or maybe that was on scl. one of the forums was a post about mma (is that right?) and i was like, 'why you guys like that fake wrestling? it looks so nasty i could probably smell those wrestlers a mile away. eww' or something like that lol. after that a forum member showed me the difference and i apologized. i still don't get fighting though.

that and honestly I was curious so i tried to find some mma torrents :blushing: but i couldn't find any on the trackers i looked. i didn't download any of it on fsc because i didn't want it to be logged. i'm all embarrassed. i don't know why i'm curious. i know i will not like it. i'm such a weirdo. :dry:

Why would you be embarrassed? Lots of women follow MMA but if you really do not want it to be logged I am sure some of us here wouldn't mind sending an event to you directly through DCC, Aim, MSN, whatever.....

12-05-2007, 07:44 PM
i guess i could just download something on fsc. lol i did just admit it here so what is the point now? hehehe

i'm always curious about stuff. i'm so bad it is like a crime some times. some how i doubt i would enjoy mma after a min or two of it. the only fighting movies i've enjoyed so far is snatch i think and umm.. i can't remember lol. i liked the dark humor. oh that and when i saw man on fire years back with my mother it was hilarious. she was like, 'cut his fingers off!' and then when he started doing it like 5 mins later in the movie we all became the cheering squad. it was hilarious! yep i'm kind of fucked up like that. lol

12-06-2007, 03:16 AM
* was a trader for all of you guys. =P I'm not going to deny it or create a new account and pretend I've never traded -that's not my style.

thanks for the advice Sgt, maybe I'll give it a go...

According to your post history here you used to have a revolt invite that you were willing to trade.

It would seem that your previous revolt account was disabled for this reason.

12-06-2007, 03:41 AM
My application to revolt was rejected yesterday , well, gud bye revolt :)

12-06-2007, 03:43 AM
My application to revolt was rejected yesterday , well, gud bye revolt :)

now you cant start trading for it :naughty:

12-06-2007, 03:46 AM
Even though your application was rejected does not mean you can never get it.
Like with a job, if you really want it you can apply again at a later point.

And you probobly have enough trackers to keep you ocupied for a wile anyway :p

12-06-2007, 03:47 AM
My application to revolt was rejected yesterday , well, gud bye revolt :)

now you cant start trading for it :naughty:

I don't mind if i don't get into revolt, and for u r kind info, i don' t trade and get scammed like u got once while trading u r TT;)

12-06-2007, 03:48 AM
now you cant start trading for it :naughty:

I don't mind if i don't get into revolt, and for u r kind info, i don' t trade ;) i beg

ok ;)

12-06-2007, 03:48 AM
now you cant start trading for it :naughty:

I don't mind if i don't get into revolt, and for u r kind info, i don' t trade ;)

How do people make an application if the site is closed?

12-06-2007, 03:50 AM

12-06-2007, 03:50 AM
A friend has to apply for you. (thats on the site)

12-06-2007, 03:56 AM
* was a trader for all of you guys. =P I'm not going to deny it or create a new account and pretend I've never traded -that's not my style.

thanks for the advice Sgt, maybe I'll give it a go...

According to your post history here you used to have a revolt invite that you were willing to trade.

It would seem that your previous revolt account was disabled for this reason.

Not disabled, it was traded. Though I wish I hadn't because it has an active community like no other. Sigh... =/

12-06-2007, 03:58 AM
How do people make an application if the site is closed?

i would like you to go through the whole thread once again

Never mind it's not important thanks for the info:dabs:

12-06-2007, 06:17 AM
So you traded a community forum to get another tracker and now you miss it ? This is exactly why the invite system is a closed one on Revolt to stop this, so the person who traded with you is now pretending to be you on a forum, how bizarre is that ?
The reason why some invite systems are closed is so that the members can be apart of a small community where membership isn't passed around to different people like baseball cards, the fact that there is such active trading of accounts is why some of the community based sites have closed the invite system to increase their own security, but trading a forum membership wtf ????????????? :frusty::frusty:

According to your post history here you used to have a revolt invite that you were willing to trade.

It would seem that your previous revolt account was disabled for this reason.

Not disabled, it was traded. Though I wish I hadn't because it has an active community like no other. Sigh... =/

12-06-2007, 06:54 PM
just to let you know its not impossible to get an invite, ask Dannielle. you could also look at her posts on FST and her lack of trading rep, that may give you an idea of the kind of person we are after. we are not elitist but we do value our privacy and security and if you have a history of being untrustworthy then Revolt is not for you

12-06-2007, 06:57 PM
Alrighty then, thread closed. =/