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View Full Version : MS to DROP 'Kill switch' dropped from Vista

12-05-2007, 10:45 AM
http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42508000/jpg/_42508761_vistadesktop203.jpgVista was launched at the start of the year

Microsoft is to withdraw an anti-piracy tool from Windows Vista, which disables the operating system when invoked, following customer complaints. The so-called "kill switch" is designed to prevent users with illegal copies of Vista from using certain features. But the tool has suffered from glitches since it was introduced with many Windows users claiming that legal copies of Vista had been disabled.

Microsoft says its efforts have seen a drop in piracy of its software.
In a statement released by the company, Microsoft corporate vice president Mike Sievert, said: "Users whose systems are identified as counterfeit will be presented with clear and recurring notices about the status of their system and how to get genuine copies."

good news for those using Vista

full news can be read at
:source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7126902.stm

12-05-2007, 01:09 PM
its all bullshit, MS wants to gain back lost Share of "Most used OS" by letting more illegal users in since Vista yet has to pick up with those slow sells.
this is a fact that a big percentage of Windows users are using a pirated copies and that itself is a massive boost in windows popularity.
more people use Vista = More people will know about it, by disabling its main features they will gain nothing but another XP.
in XP's early days MS used to put it on Kazaa's network, not activated but atleast people could have thought of that.

12-05-2007, 04:41 PM
Microsoft says its efforts have seen a drop in piracy of its software.

In other news: Vista's too shit to bother copying.

12-05-2007, 07:36 PM
So Microsoft disabled the feature instead of just correcting the bugs because they realized that piracy actually encourages more sales by contributing to the software's popularity. It has been long stated that most of those who pirate software would not even bother buying it anyway, should the pirated software become unavailable. Piracy has a negligible effect of discouraging consumers from buying a product, since most of the pirates of software don't even have the potential to be truly characterized as a consumer of that which they pirate. Pirates do, however, have a positive effect on the sales because in using a pirated software, they are adding to the popularity of it.

Be mindful that my entire argument rests on the premise that piracy is amoral and that the majority of users (>50%) of a particular copyrighted software would not even consider pirating software. This is especially applied to Windows XP/Vista, since the general population reasons with this psychological axiom in mind: the degree of the amorality of pirating software directly correlates with the product's price.

12-06-2007, 01:49 AM
This is especially applied to Windows XP/Vista, since the general population reasons with this psychological axiom in mind: the degree of the amorality of pirating software directly correlates with the product's price.

That is very true. I thought the price was redicouls.

peat moss
12-06-2007, 02:43 AM
Microsoft says its efforts have seen a drop in piracy of its software.

In other news: Vista's too shit to bother copying.

My thoughts exactly . :D

12-06-2007, 11:50 AM
In other news: Vista's too shit to bother copying.In similar news: You're an ignorant troll.

Just to prove why I'm not, I'm actually going to back up my PoV about Vista.
Network Diagnostics
Unlike XP, Vista's network diagnostics tool does not hang at "Renewing IP Address" if it cannot renew your IP for whatever reason.
Windows Update
It is now pried out of IE, and about time too.
Task Preview
I find myself taking advantage of this feature quite often, as I browse forums while WoW is loading.
Favourite Folders
This feature on a daily basis helps me cut down on number of mouse clicks I have to do to get to commonly used folders.
Low-end Performance
On my laptop (1.7 GHz Pentium M, 1 GB RAM, 128 MB Intel Integrated gfx), Vista x86 gives 20 more FPS than Vista, with Aero Basic enabled.
Less Reboots
Windows Update requires less reboots than it did on XP.
Just what I can come up with off the top of my head.

All those graphs that paint the difference between Vista and XP fail to take into account that Vista is an OS designed for the future and takes advantage of high-end hardware.
If you were to run a realistic test, you would use hardware from when XP was 1 year old against current hardware, which no tests have done thus far (that I can see).

It's like running Win2000 against XP on year 2003-level hardware and claim Win2k is better than XP.

12-12-2007, 01:46 PM
Microsoft says its efforts have seen a drop in piracy of its software.

In other news: Vista's too shit to bother copying.

True for now:)

12-18-2007, 05:31 AM
Vista has also really improved with SP1 from my initial testing. Reboot times are much quicker, folder page loads take less time and overall the system just seems snappier...

12-18-2007, 11:53 AM
Yep, that happenned to me with my new laptop, OEM Vista and this kill switch thing came on and screwed me, I rang microsoft and got the run around. Makes me want to rip them off by pirating their software.