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View Full Version : I Have A Problem With Cpu Or Mother Board

07-23-2003, 04:58 PM
hi, this is my problem 3 weeks ago my computer was working fine but sometimes

the temperture of the cpu was kind of hot so i changed the cpu fan for one called

themaltake cool8 i think, but when i installed the cpu burned, well that's what a

friend told me so i brought a new cpu and i put it on and when i turned the

computer on the alarm sound. do u think that the mother board is burn? and also

my new cpu? i have amd 2700+ and mother board is abit nf7-s :(

what means when the alarm sounds?

07-23-2003, 05:35 PM
Perhaps the cpu isn't fully pushed in? Try removing hte cpu and putting it back in, making sure it goes all the way in. Also if u removed/replaced anything else eg ram, then maybe u should try reseating it.

07-23-2003, 05:39 PM
Also if u removed/replaced anything else eg ram, then maybe u should try reseating it.

sorry i didn't get that. :unsure: could u explain me please?

07-23-2003, 05:40 PM
sounds like u screwed with something u dont know what to do with.
does any errors come on the screen, if it diesnt even get to post screen try checking all components are in as ilw said

07-23-2003, 05:47 PM
it doesn't go to the screen and all the components are in place, i just added the cpu and the fan that's all.

07-23-2003, 07:38 PM
Also if u removed/replaced anything else eg ram, then maybe u should try reseating it.
I just meant that if u have recently installed any hardware, you should check that it is properly installed. in other words, just like with the processor u should try removing it and putting it back in.

I can't find the fan u mention but if its thermaltake its probably one of those ones with sensors and controllers.
Is your fan one of those that has a temperature sensor? And this temperature sensor is supposed to go under the processor? In my experience it is very hard to get those sensors under the processor AND get the processor in properly. If you are currently trying to use the temperature sensor, remove it and just use the manual speed controller. Also turn the speed controller up quite high, at low speeds sometimes the motherboard does not detect that the fan is moving.

If u really want the automatic thermal fan control u could try attaching it to the base of your heatsink, right next to where the cpu touches. I personally wouldn't really recommend this, but if u decide to try it, BE CAREFUL if the heatsink does not have a good thermal connection to the CPU die then u will burn another chip!!!!!!

07-23-2003, 07:43 PM
ABIT CPU H.T.P (Hardware Thermal Protection)
ABIT CPU H.T.P. uses pure hardware detection, which not like others use software detection to prevent CPU overheating. ABIT CPU H.T.P provides more reliable result for customers?investment.

how did u manage to burn ur other chip?

07-23-2003, 09:54 PM
the name of the fan is thermaltake volcano 8 cooler it has 3 functions, the sensor, automatic and controller. i put it in automatic one velocity.

i dont know how it is call, but when you install the fan you have to put like a cream and that was the problem the cream spread over the circuits of the cpu.

i think that was the reason of why the cup burned.