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View Full Version : Qua's f*n req (sorry)

12-08-2007, 06:27 PM
Hi people;) I'm Qua and I hope that someone will invite me to F*N. Why shoud you that? I don't have 8547 posts here and my internet speed is not fastest out there.
But let me tell you little about me. I'm 23y/o and this year I returned to college. I love cars and everything about them,really don't know why,it's just that feeling when you are on the road,alone and you know that you can go where ever you want.
Okay that kick in the back when I press pedal to the floor is also great. And that part of a second just before you take that curve,reving of the engine,bit of a tyre spin...i really feel peacefull. :yup: I used to drive Kawasaki ninja....but crashed one time really bad,and even i've been lucky to get away only with few broken ribs and some roadrash I told my selfe that i'll never drive a bike again.
Other thing important to me is music. There is always something playing,and i know that ppl tease me 'coz i like strange mixes but i'm okay with that. I like trance, trip hop, rap, but i'll pretty much play anything i can get my hands on:)
Movies:) Hmm top three wode have to be; Scarface, Ronnin, and Vanilla sky. As you can see my diversity is showing here too.
Politics,well i'm not member of any party,but i feel strongly about people's freedom. All people have right to make their own choices,and do things they want as long as that doesn't interfear with other ppl's fredom.
There are so many things we can learn from other cultures,so i try to explore them aa much a possible. My dream is to travel across Europe when i finnish my college. Two cityes i'd like to get to know better are London and Geneva. I love their architecture, way people behave there,and how multicultural they are.

I hope that by now you have general idea about what kind a person am I.
Why I want to get in? I know that they have great packs wich is nice. And that lots of user want it just becouse they are high on that list,or 'coz they think that there is no ratio and freeleech is 365 days in the year. I know that ratio i still there and that is important to seed back as much as possible. And I'm not rarity wh*re,three sites that are now most important to me are; TT(where else coud I get info about new trance singles,and from time to time check that TT girls section :)), TL wich is great when i wanna dl something and not to worry about my ratio(there are always users there that will help me eed back to 1:1) and one site wich name I won't mention( they have really nice forum and ppl are great there).
So why do I want F*N when I'm happy with those three? Well I want that sence of belonging, chance to get in place where I can write more personal things about me,where people will help each other,place where I'll make new friends,and share a few laughs with them,and ask them for advice when i get confussed. All of that while dl some nice file...all that are reasons I ask for invite.
I know it's much to ask from you,but I don't think that's wrong to ask for something if you feel that your reasons are honest,and that not only you but also the site will benefit from that request.

Sorry for my spelling mistakes,and thank you for taking time to read this.
I hope that all of you will have great hollidays and lot's of fun.
And coud you please keep un necesery coments and spamm to a minimum? This means much to me. Tnx


12-08-2007, 06:29 PM
i hope u get it Qua (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/qua-146324) u relly good pearson

12-08-2007, 06:31 PM
i wish you good luck dude. i tried but i'm still waiting. Good luck again dude

12-08-2007, 06:32 PM
One word: wow :blink:

12-08-2007, 06:33 PM
no offense, but is it reaaaly worth it? so many ppl trying to get in, ppl writing pages of essays why should they be invited, is there really anything that you couldnt find elsewhere? im just curious

12-08-2007, 06:40 PM
Thank you guys:)
@magushun well if you want something then it shoudn't be a problem to put some work and time into it.
It toke me some time to write this,but I like writting,it's great way to figure things out.
Well the problem was that my s key is gone locco and sometime dont work:D
I said why i'd like to get invite in first post,and if you read it again you'll see my reasons.

12-08-2007, 07:16 PM
brandon , you wont be dissapointed inviting this guy . :)

he deserves it !

Peter North
12-08-2007, 07:23 PM
Thats what i call a BIG FTN REQUEST....
Dam you probably spend 30 min doing that thread, i imagine if there was 5 trackers like FTN...luckly "it can be only one..."

12-08-2007, 07:26 PM
how do you know ? Lol, writing an essay doesn't prove anything. I have nothing against this guy, he is probably good man but how the hell can you judge someone accoriding to one post ?

You people are crazy or just foolish, no offense but no other words can express that.
You have no idea how people manipulate and how all those requests are full of bullshit and sweet words.

You can be a good man, and im sure you are, but there are a lot of people who can write a good essay and I think it has nothing to do with it.
Don;t you really have no life experience ? Never been screwed up ? ripped off ? You read one post and you are swearing on your life that this guy is really a best possible choice to invite, just because he wrote his "essay" in a good manner.

Well, I've seen a lot and I know one thing, I would never judge somebody like you do after reading their one post.

Anyway I didnt mean to offense anybody and I wish everybody good luck, but someone has to admit that people out here are naive.

12-08-2007, 07:28 PM
Qua so you know on ftn there is a ratio just you can't see it and no other normal users can. However, if you go into your profile there is a spot that shows long such en such torrent has been seeded and each individual ratio of each torrent, so realistically there is ratios on ftn just not obvious and you can't get banned for having a bad ratio.

i'm just saying this so you know: the no ratio thing should not be a reason to want to join, even if it is nice.

that and personally I think you do deserve an invite. this is probably the first time I've ever say that on fst. unfortunately, it isn't enough for me to go out of my way and give you an invite. i can tell you that you are heading in the right direction though. ;)

12-08-2007, 07:33 PM
Nietzsche (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/nietzsche-184266) you are right.But i think that by looking into someone posts and reputation you can make a decent ideea about him...
But this is just my opinion...

12-08-2007, 07:34 PM
@DanielleD87 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/members/danielled87-175825)

actually i think that one of the best thing at F*N is no ratio cos there is some trackers gives you a period of time to increase your ratio or you will be banned , so now where is the comparision if im seeding with no seedbox ( just seeding is good enough)

12-08-2007, 07:38 PM
@DanielleD87 I thought i wrote that i know there is ratio,and that i know that seeding back is required,perhaps didn't phrase that well:)
@Nietzsche This essay is here so ppl can learn something about me, I didn't wanna just post invite me.
As for it beeing full of sh*t,it aint. Every single thing is true. C'mon i just posted few things about me. There is nothing special in it,music and movies I like, my passion for cars and speed,and my political believes.

12-08-2007, 07:44 PM
F*N is great community and also best of luck... Secondly I am not able to find if you have invited to any other sites before you request for the top torrents...

12-08-2007, 07:45 PM
Secondly I am not able to find if you have invited to any other sites before you request for the top torrents...

wtf ? :lol:

12-08-2007, 07:48 PM
Well that's becouse i don't like userbars and think that ppl shoudn't be judged by teh trackers they have.
But to answer you,yes I am a member on few other sites:)
I guess you refferd to rarity of the trackers,when you said top trackers? Well I have TT and other level 7.

12-08-2007, 08:06 PM
sorry about that qua. i guess i read it wrong :/

@DanielleD87 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/members/danielled87-175825)

actually i think that one of the best thing at F*N is no ratio cos there is some trackers gives you a period of time to increase your ratio or you will be banned , so now where is the comparision if im seeding with no seedbox ( just seeding is good enough)
every single bt site i've ever been on I've been able to get a ratio over 1 easily with my measly comcrap upload rate and bt throttling (I use a proxy). if someone is worried about ratio issues imho it lowers their chance of being a positive factor in a bt community.

12-08-2007, 08:16 PM
Qua : you seem like a good dude and certainly seems you deserve an invite (even the angel bunny said so :D )
and ratio is certainly the last thing you need to worry about if you seed back everything you download long enough. that just depends on your upstream. i probably have the slowest connection on all of FST and still manage to have well over 1:1 ratios on every site

12-08-2007, 08:25 PM
AngelBunny is great:) No ratio is not a issue,that was failiure in comunication between bunny and me:) On every site I'm on i have positive ratio. And it's easy to maintain that. I dont dl crap just so i can seed it,i grab what i want and enjoy in that.
What i wanted to say there was; I know that there is ratio,and i don't ask for invite so I can leech and not seed. Even if there was none still you shoud seed back so that other's can grab it,fast as you did. If not then whole concept of BT woud fail.

12-08-2007, 08:26 PM
well said Qua :)

12-08-2007, 08:41 PM
sorry about that qua. i guess i read it wrong :/

@DanielleD87 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/members/danielled87-175825)

actually i think that one of the best thing at F*N is no ratio cos there is some trackers gives you a period of time to increase your ratio or you will be banned , so now where is the comparision if im seeding with no seedbox ( just seeding is good enough)
every single bt site i've ever been on I've been able to get a ratio over 1 easily with my measly comcrap upload rate and bt throttling (I use a proxy). if someone is worried about ratio issues imho it lowers their chance of being a positive factor in a bt community.

sorry man but still im sure that there is some trackers as i heared from friends like for example S*T most of users have seedbox
so if you download with your normal connection and then try to seed its impossible to make good upload , but at F*N ( also as i hear) that just seeding is enough ( just seed for weeks ) so here is the difference im talking about:)

12-08-2007, 08:58 PM
my ratio on sct averages over 10.. phhh weak!

12-08-2007, 09:03 PM
now why am i not surprised?

12-08-2007, 09:05 PM

You realy know what you want. :)

All best.

12-08-2007, 09:12 PM
my pm box is open.

12-08-2007, 09:13 PM
my pm box is open.


12-08-2007, 09:15 PM
santas here! yay

12-08-2007, 09:21 PM
u r lucky man ... i think all ppl here get invite in F** except me , although i'll leave this Forum forever in coming 2 days :) Enjoy mate .

12-08-2007, 09:25 PM
Thank you Brandon. This is really a great thing. And thanks to all users who posted in this thread. Since english is not my nativ language i know that that request had it's flaws,and I'm glad you all posted questions wich i forgot to answer in the first place.