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View Full Version : vista/xp network sharing

12-09-2007, 12:17 AM
i just got a new hp laptop, and of course it has vista. i have a lan of two other computers, a server running freenas, and my modded xbox.

i'm trying to transfer things like my music and such from my desktop to the lappy now. as of right now i can see the laptop shared folders from my xp desktop and copy files from xp to vista no problem. however, when i try to access my desktop like \\lee in explorer i get an err message saying:
'You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is Denied.'
i can see all computers under Network on the laptop. when i access my freenas server from the laptop, no problems at all. just when trying to access the xp desktop i get the err.

i have all on the same workgroup. on the laptop i have the network set up as private. i have network discovery, file sharing, public folder sharing, and print sharing enabled. i have read/write permissions on the public share. i don't have password protection enabled. i also was googling earlier and found an xp patch that was supposed to help, but no change.

it's just a problem with vista accessing the xp computers. it works the other way just fine. i haven't changed any settings in xp because i really don't see any that would seem to help... any suggestions?

12-10-2007, 12:09 AM
-problem resolved-

i think i had it almost working right off the bat, but then i started troubleshooting for the wrong issue (aka not the specific 'access denied' msg). i've tried a few other tips since my last post, but it still never worked the way i had been trying. i would either browse to it thru the Network location, or type \\lee in explorer. well when i typed \\lee\music, as in the \\computername\sharedfolder, it magically decided to let me in!

not sure what if anything i changed helped or if i just had to specify the pathname no matter what. i found this topic on the cnet (http://forums.cnet.com/5208-12546_102-0.html?forumID=133&threadID=236402&start=15) forums very informative as well.

12-12-2007, 12:35 PM
I wonder if Simple File Sharing was the cause.